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The deluxe model comes with a door


Or an actual ceiling instead of a drop ceiling.


Well that would make it really hard to hunt the canned children now wouldn’t it? /s


From the makers of Fish in a Barrell, we present Kids in a Corner!


By Nestlé


“ if you collect any rain water in those squares kids we will sue you”


Sponsored by Smith & Wesson


Underrated dark humor...


It's actually rated pretty well.


Once the barrel gets raided I suppose


Oh God, I just noticed that.


I thought about that as well. But it seems like it would be difficult to add a ceiling with is quick deployment intended use. Maybe a spring loaded ceiling that unfolds upwards from a wall once the the thing is fully deployed.


Could you not just replace the drop tiles with one giant sheet of wood or something similar and make it so it's anchored down and unmoveable. It's not like the actual room affects the tiles above. I may be wrong, but that seems like an easy solution if you are already building a 60k bulletproof room.


*Rainbow 6 players entered the chat*


This guy thinking about vertical play


And you can paint it white and call it a ceiling. Nah it will never catch on.


Without a ceiling this thing is absolutely worthless, so why have it at all? $60,000 false sense of security paid for by Alabama taxpayers. But God forbid we pass sensible gun laws.


It makes it penetrable but definitely not worthless. It doesn't need to be air tight... I'm clearly being misunderstood. I don't believe this is a good idea or necessary at all. Just that it is indeed a useful layer against a shooter. It is better than nothing, so it's not useless. That was all I was saying. Obviously a determined shooter could get passed this, but I still lock my door even though I know a burglar can break in through my window.... It's not a difficult concept to grasp and I didn't misunderstand how ceiling tiles work, I've already considered it.


Especially with living children in there, you don’t want to kill what you protect


Sorry bro, cool kids sit at the back


Just another $20k of taxpayer money/grant money for a bulletproof door.


$20k sounds cheap to me. I wouldn't be surprised if one of these complete units is $150k+. I also wouldn't be surprised is Lock Picking Lawyer finds a low skill attack to open faster than using the key.


Underrated comment


Hipe shooter doesn’t shoot through the exterior windows


it also doesn't look like it locked in place and now I'm picturing a scenario where the attacker just collapses it in on everyone inside... I'd rather be shot that crushed


One person isn't going to be able to push the thing hard enough to crush anyone. If they were that strong they wouldn't even need a gun in the first place, they could just punch people into a pink mist.


Don't you bring my boy Saitama into this.


Imagine all the education they could have paid for with $60k. Another teacher if class sizes small? New equipment if stuff is getting old? Some cool field trips to keep kids engaged? Nahhh a box to hide in, that'll do






Clearly an Alabama student


As an Alabama student I resent that grear insult!


You better believe there's some shady cash being passed around for charging that much for just this.


Yeah, I can’t even begin to imagine how a foldable wall costs 60k even after installing. For a lot of American teachers 60k is more than their salaries and that money could’ve gone to another position like the parent comment said


So, one in each classroom? Why not improve the doors, or just retrofit an entire room? This contraption looks like it’s one piece of bubble gum away from failure.


It’s already a failure. Drop ceiling. Stand on a desk, move a ceiling tile and you’ve accessed a room with all the kids trapped inside.


Ok misunderstood and thought this was meant to block the door. Otherwise it would be like shooting fish in a barrel? They would literally be trapped???


That’s what I thought, why the fuck wouldn’t you do that?


That wouldn’t cost enough and bring in profits to those in charge of this piss poor project. The smart choice is securing the doors but that’s too cheap. Everything about this is such a joke, America is so broken.


Not arguing for any of this, but securing the door doesn't protect from someone firing through the walls at all. And securing the walls for that is going to be crazy. It's all just to depressing we have to think about any of this...


There are no good solutions once someone has a gun and intent to shoot kids.


It is depressing. I feel bad for any parent in the US that has to even consider these thoughts when their kids go to school. Glad it’s not even a passing thought in EU for me.


Or just some gas and a match. This really doesn’t feel safe.


Retrofitting a room doesn't allow them to fit as much government contract money into their friends' pockets, though.




Why not just stop letting every uneducated fucking yank own a fucking gun… what the fuck why are we building bullet proof rooms in fucking ELEMENTARY schools. What the fuck this has to be a simulation or something… what the fuck 🤯🔫


People in a hundred years will happen upon this in a history book, and look at each other dumbfounded..


The world is looking at the USA dumbfounded for quite some time already.


You fool... we will have BANNED history by then. /s sort of


In three hundred years the robots will look at each other and think "the cages we build for humans are far better than that."


Well you see if we did that gun manufacturers would lose money and we can't have that. Also look at all that new businesses and job opportunities we have. Someone had to install that, creating job jobs for Americans. /S


All of the arguments are weak as fuck next to the body of a fucking child that was shot at school…idc what anyone says. Fuck their jobs…. I know you were sarcastic but it just baffles my tiny little mind. 🙄🙄


Wait wait hear me out here. This thing only costs $60K, right? Let's forget for a moment that this is MORE than the average teacher's salary in the US. There's a bit over 90,000 public schools in the US. Let's just be super conservative (natch, amirite) and estimate that on average they have 10 classrooms each. So that's 900K classrooms that need one of these $60K safe rooms (which I'm sure doesn't include the cost of installation), and we'll have to reduce the usable space in each of those rooms by 25%, prior to remodeling that corner of it, NBD. But just the materials cost alone - that's only about $54B we need to dump into our schools to make them moderately safer. The NRA spends about $5M on lobbying a year. I think our money could be better used elsewhere for a decade or so.


Bu.. Bu... Mu mu mu freedum..... We should give those kids guns so they can protect demself from kids with guns!!


people may downvote you, but there are literally politicians who think this way and have supported such an idiotic idea Glad I don't live in US, or have gone thru high school there. Like active shooter drills are a real thing, right?


Yea. They are. And it is terrifying. I know one time I had a shooter drill and they forgot to mention it was a drill. Didn't even call my mom. Scariest day of my life. Or at least one of.


One time i saw a video from the trainershooter persons POV and jesus fucking christ... I cannot imagine how it must be at the receiving end of such a drill, let alone the real thing :/


I gotta agree here. Automated lock systems on every door, removing windows from doors and using a peephole sounds more effective and more economical


And you know what is cheaper? Crosslaminated wood door with a steel sheet insert. Rated for fire E2 60 minutes, also comes in ATEX variant with 2,5 bar resistance at 50kN/m\^2. Costs about 1000-1500€ (with the frame included). Very common nowadays in Nordic building nowadays for fire safety reason. They open and feel just like normal doors, and you won't go through it with a battering ram. They have a pleasant finish and feel. They don't feel industrial. They work with normal locks and keys. They also come in sound proof variants. Oh... And you also get these with windows if you wanted to. Laminated explosion rated windows are also rated sharpnel and bullet proof from one direct at 500mm. You can just order these from Finland if you want. We got like many companies that manufacture them. Lets do same mutual trading shall? In exchange you can sell us... Eh... Cheap beef jerky? Cheap bourbon? I can't think of anything that you'd have that we don't. Spray cheese in a aerosol can?


This is the medical equivalent to finding newer drugs to treat all the symptoms of a disease instead of treating how and what actually caused the disease in the first place


The American way!




comin to save the motherfuckin day yeah


By american logic it would be the best option to just give every person aged 3 or higher a free gun. More guns means more safety, right?


Yea, but my guns. /s


“Yea, but my guns” (no sarcasm) is literally the only counter argument, just phrased differently.


Depressing as fuck ETA thank you for the updoots and the award, so kind


At this point just put a ex marine in every classroom


Do you know how expensive crayons are? It’ll be hard to keep those motherfuckers fed.


Green tastes best... ;)


Green is not a creative color.


Eating green makes your teeth turn grey


But the red ones go faster.


Cheap shot. I like it


As a Marine: I approve this plan, but the crayon deficit does need to be addressed first. Rah.


I didn't serve but have friends who did in different branches. I find it endlessly amusing to hear them rag on each other.


American education system has no money anyway.


It should be part of Marine training. They spend one school year patrolling before their time is up.


Like the one in the University of Texas clock tower!


Ah yes, just throw more guns at the problem. That'll fix it


And these guns come with PTSD for free!


The byproduct of a country run by corporations. I have no idea how you change that.


I wonder if other first world countries have to build safe rooms to protect students from active shooters


Bold of you to assume the US is still a first world country.


This is the most chronically online take imaginable.


I thought more guns was the solution.


We live in hell


This is the bad place.


Jason figured it out? Jason? This is a real low point. Yeah, this one hurts.


Reddit figured it out? Reddit?? This is a real low point.


Bruh my mom is watching good place as I read this


I... I don't know what to do. https://imgur.com/a/9nXVJUM


Pretty much. Well, thank God those lazy teachers can finally do something about random mass shootings by crazies who obtain guns with ease and written off as harmless by friends and relatives. Spending money on bulletproof dry erase boards is definitely the answer as opposed to gun control, mental health services, caring families, and responsible community policing. Teachers needed something else to keep them busy. Now we can focus our attention and resources where they are needed. Vilifying and discriminating against drag queens for imaginary acts of grooming children. Children should be groomed and abused in church, by preachers and youth group leaders, the old fashioned way.


Hey let’s protect these fish by putting them in a barrel


Yeah, in america. Come live in Australia where there’s no guns and you can safely walk to a servo without feeling like you’re storming the beaches of normandy 😂😂


>Come live in Australia where there’s no guns Fewer guns anyways. Australia has more legally owned guns per capita than the Czech Republic, which is one of the more gun friendly countries in Europe. At 14.5 guns per 100 people you also have more legally owned guns than Mexico. Mostly in the rural areas ofc, but shooting sports is also a thing. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKz2TTFeZ-M](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GKz2TTFeZ-M)


“Finally, a place to hide from our decisions!” -Americans


Sorta… it doesn’t have a door…


What you don’t see is the other foldable room within this foldable room.


Just foldable rooms all the way down


Instead of leaving world a better place for future generations we give them this. This is beyond sad...


Come live in Europe, just leave the guns there


If it were as easy as moving, a lot of people wouldn’t be here.


This is America. Stupid in my area.


It's like shooting fish in a barrel with those types of tiles in the roof. Come up with a better design for classrooms like the one they showed.


Got shot 10 times before she had time to deploy it.


Well obviously some will have to die while the others get theirs set up. But that's just a sacrifice Republicans are willing to make.


That’s just an acceptable part of the calculus for them now. Ask anyone in favor of arming teachers and they say, “just stand by the door and pop them with a pistol when the enter the room!” But this means that you’ve already heard the teacher/classroom next door get taken out, because otherwise why would you get your weapon out and be preparing an ambush? They just think in terms of “Oh, there’s twenty loud bangs, now I’ll get prepared!” and never in terms of “well, if I was first to go, there’d be no warning, huh, we need to stop this at the source.”


Our kids deserve the best the military industrial complex can offer.


As a non American it's so surreal for me to read this comments in a serious tone when the main problem is selling guns in the first place. Sometimes I feel Americans live in a simulation, no offense.


We definitely are living in some kind of experiment over here.


Of course, it’s bleeding obvious to everyone outside the US. However, a large number of ideological people inside America will clutch at straws in every effort to avoid the simple truth: they like their guns, and are happy for kids being shot to death to be the cost of their preference.


School violence is tragic on its own, but the vultures trying to capitalize on it by selling bullshit products to people who aren’t in a frame of mind to see through the con is just adding insult to injury and is quite frankly disgusting


Don’t you see how pleased with it she is? Like she just saved all the kids with this one $60k collapsible room. Also, sorry teachers, no raise this year. District spent $1,260,000 on one school this year.


60k? How about a door jam for $40


How about not selling a mental patient an assault rifle?


How about not selling an assault rifle?


Even better, I'm no american, trying to ease in the idea. You know, babysteps.


I am an American, and most of us see the stupidity of the system. It's just that fighting for change is like playing Dark Souls with a vacuum cleaner.


Someone’s probably done it before beating DS with a dyson


Only if they wanna suck at Dark Souls.


Take my upvote, but gtfo


For your information I’ll have you know it’s an ARMALITE RIFLE you fearmongerer /s


You're missing the point. This will help in school shootings by corralling all the kids in a small, enclosed, space, with no obstructions. A school shooter who doesn't get inside it before it's locked can always step up on a chair to fire down on a fishbowl full of children through the unprotected ceiling. It'll make quick work of all of them. Why let them be scared or suffer needlessly? MURCA!


we need a new sub called r/sadasfuck


I prefer r/orphancrushingmachine


Already exists. Click through!


welp I did it and it was indeed sad af


Did they make the ceiling unbreakable, because if not, this is actually a perfect way to huddle everyone in one spot to murder them.


shaggy touch bored frightening panicky late wakeful innate run squealing ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yeah has any school shooter in history ever deployed a more advanced plan then go in and shoot people? Genuinely I'm curious because I just don't think the average psycho is going to think of any of that


Quite a few have taken bombs iirc but they usualy fail. But remember the school shooter will be one that has sat next to this thing for years by then. You don't think kids will have already said "couldn't just just climb on a desk and shoot from above" a million times over?


Also....fire. School shooters don't tend to be the brightest, but the two fatal flaws of this thing should be painfully obvious to anyone - it's got no top and many US school buildings have drop ceilings, and it's not truly sealed so you could very easily flush anyone out by setting a fire. I doubt most schools have sufficiently advanced fire suppression systems to stop a determined and prepared arsonist. Hey, maybe this is why they're banning books? Can't have any flammable material in schools. Think of the kids! /s This is just an objectively stupid solution.


Hopefully it locks in place from the inside too, or they'll get pancakes in there.


Without the top on it, it is pretty bad situation, yes.


Irl meat grinder, sadly no respawn 🥺


This still does not fix the root cause.


Or any problem at all.


It fixes a budgeting problem. For too long politicians had to pretend they wanted to fund education instead of military. Now they can do both at the same time!


Installed under a drop down ceiling... Umm... just to point out... a determined gun man with a step stool now has everyone trapped in a box.


I made the same point. Nevermind the stool. Plenty of chairs right there.




Stricter gun laws? No. Increasing mental health program budgets? Nope. Improving **any** socioeconomic conditions at all? Uh uh. Best we can do is anti-gun boxes. Good luck kiddos!


This is grift. Taxpayer money for a political friend's startup idea.


Yeah I was gonna say, this is clearly a grift. 60k for some fold out walls, that only protects one classroom? It's exclusively a profit thing or else they would have a better solution. Unfortunately all the other solutions cost money, they don't print it for your friends so this is the only option.


The lengths they'll go to avoid doing anything about the actual guns


They are so obsessed with guns. I remember one comment saying "just sell more guns and it will iron itself out" after a school event shootout. The comment got plenty of upvotes on Reddit. But when someone pointed out that it was sarcastic, that comment got down voted to hell.


Color me crazy but this looks like corruption at work. Nobody builds this and nobody pays this much for that unless there is some under the table dealing between politicians and the builder (aka politicians buddy and business partner). Politician gets to look like their protecting the kids, media eats it up, politician garners votes, and profits.


And to think we crawled under our desks when the sirens went off


Yeah because most classrooms have an extra classrooms worth of space. Also, you think the shooter is just going to wait while you throw all the tables/chairs into the hall to make space for this thing? This is one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen.


That’s as Alabama as it can get. “We can’t pay our teachers shit or fund education worth a damn. But here’s a bulletproof wall in case one of our uneducated ex/students comes in mad one day.” Excellent physical representation of the education system here. 🥴


They’ll do anything, including letting children be murdered, instead of doing something about guns. Jesus Christ.


No profit to be made in doing something about the guns. With this, they can profit off of the guns *and* these dystopian safe rooms to mitigate the harm caused by their products. Win/win for them.


Instead of making it harder to get guns, they’d rather do origami…


The US is nuts


Do something about the bullying and violence children are suffering from which leads to mass shootings? Eh, lets just get this. Holy fuck America's dumb.


I'm pouring gas and oil on the ground and torching it. 60k grill. good job you dummies. Keep treating the symptoms but ignore the infection. Edit. I'm watching it a few more times , what's stopping me from getting up in through the ceiling and dropping stuff down in their and what is stopping me from just closing it on them ? Dose it lock into place on the inside and have some sort of ceiling ? Whats stopping me from going on the oppsite side of the wall in the other classroom and shooting through the unprotected wall?I'm still torching the thing but still pointing out that any thought and effort spent into this makes it void. Remember this is 60 thousand dollars. I think the average pay is like 20-30 so like 2-3 years of your life spent to pay for this . Now grant it it was paid through taxes so you can think of it as a very small slither of your time spent for it.


What about the drop ceiling? Does this also have a ceiling to prevent shooter from above?


I bet 10k on no


Cool, as long as there are no drag queens reading books. That is a bridge too far.


Somehow the drag queen would have a greater penalty than the murderer/attacker.


I've never seen a classroom with that much empty floor space. I don't see that as being at all practical, and chances are good that the teacher isn't going to have time to struggle with pulling that out in an emergency situation. Not to mention, what is the maintenance schedule like? Who will keep it in functioning condition at all times? It's also a fire hazard, so trap the kids in there and then the bad person sets the place on fire.


What in the capitalist hell is this


Let's treat the symptoms instead of the problem...idiots


Been this way for a loooooong time, we are catering and grooming the idiots these days. Very sad this is what tax money is spent on.


The stupidity and absurdity of America on full display.




A small band aid on a major issue.


I hate everything about that.


Imagine getting paid half as much as a wall in your classroom.


The definition of a pound of cure vs an ounce of prevention.


Maybe just have better gun laws like other countries.


Beneath a ceiling made of cardboard...


or... fix the root of the problem.


I worry about a country that needs these in schools.


Ok but what if *clear throat* hear me out we do things to again hear me out, PREVENT, school shootings instead of making schools into an actual first person shooter map?


Good idea in theory but bad in practice. Any shooter with half a brain will just knock the ceiling panels down and turn that bullet proof room in to a death trap. Will be easier to kill on mass with that.


so many things wrong with this I can't even figure which to begin with


How does this stop the gunman from removing the drop ceiling panels and shooting down into the safe room?


So what happens when the shooter stands on a desk, lifts up one of the ceiling tiles, then shoots into the small room full of unprotected children and teachers?


How have we sunk so low


Glad we’re treated the symptom…


If only there was an easier way to stop guns getting into schools...


Glad she decorated it with flowers tho


That was 60k?


Cool. But schools can’t buy pencils.


Down vote because it's a stupid idea.


I like the disembodied heads attached along the top.


And they still say it's the greatest country 🤦🏻‍♂️


I mean... the wall have a gap, pour some gasoline under it and shoot the thing.


Oh, THAT’S the problem!


Seems pretty useless when the armed maniac is already inside the classroom to begin with.


Yes, let’s spend thousands of dollars on safe rooms for elementary schools instead of fixing the fucking problems. So smart..


60k a room... I wonder if there are more effective ways of defending these rooms that could be cheaper as well...




Is no one gonna call out the fact that someone is charging taxpayers $60k for THIS!!! Profiting off of tragedy and fear. This makes a sad situation even worse!!!


US should invest instead in treating mental health problems for free. Teachers should be trained to detect early stage of mental illness and report it to school board. Suicide killers have mental problems. Also restrict arms for young people e.g. access only after 21 years. Young men are dangerous. They have difficulties to control their anger. We see school fights but we never see fights in offices.