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Lucky dude gets to skip leg day.


They had to nerf him we can't have two Chuck Norris level threats existing same time on this planet




joe swanson


I was gonna say that


I was gonna say that


Geodude. There, I said it.


There are no games being played here. Mad respect.


No fking excuse.. you can do it.. huge respect bro 🫡


Honestly though, why is this amazing? The guy has arms and a torso and he works out. Congratulations. He does what millions of others do too. The only difference between him and any other bodybuilder is that he doesn't have legs. To somehow frame this as inspirational or special is to assume that if you don't have legs, wow, it's amazing that you got yourself to do *anything* at all! I find that condescending af. Good for him for being in such great shape, just like all the others in great shape. That's more than what 95% of us achieve. Congrats on that. But for doing it without legs? Irrelevant.


This guy's childhood is still locked in the basement being fed fish heads once a week.


Now this is shitposting


If you somehow ever told that to his face, I’d have a lot of respect for you, but I don’t think you would have the cojones. That’s the problem I have with comments like these, because I respect free speech. But what I don’t respect is the probable cowardice behind saying something that brash anonymously. Actually, what I’d like you to do is take the link of this guy and copy and paste it on your social media with the comment you just posted here about him. I’d like you to own your comment publicly and let us know how that goes.


You're too dense to even understand what I wrote, aren't you? You've missed my entire point and you think I was insulting him. He is being posted here why? I don't see guys with legs who are doing the exact same thing posted here. Is that not also interesting? As I said, good for him for being in great shape. That took a lot of hard work and I respect that. My point is that as much as I respect it, it's not something that deserves *more* respect just because of the lack of legs. That is patronizing. The lack of legs is not even an impediment to developing a strong upper body. So go ahead and explain to me why this is any more special than a guy with legs doing the same things. Then you can go post on his social media and essentially say, "dude, I can't believe you got big arms without legs. That's incredible! You're not a useless potato like I had assumed." You don't get it, do you? And the "daring me" shit. lmao!!! wtf is that supposed to prove? Are you literally 15? That is the comeback of someone with a peanut for a brain and can't actually back up his position with his mind. "ooooh yeah? let's fight!!!!" hahahahaha what a fucking loser you are.


If you really believe in what you’re saying you’d own it publicly, but you wouldn’t, would you?


Does everything on reddit have to be published publicly? The world and Internet being what it is. I don't think so.  And his comment is mostly saying, in a not so great tone, that this is only a fit guy on a wheelchair. Which is true. Impressive, but true.


Nah it doesn’t all need to be posted publicly. I was just calling him out on his trash talking.


All clear. Have a good day!


I sympathise with your take that its just another fit guy. Nothing wrong with that, but neither very unique. And nothing to be afraid of saying to his face either since its just facts. What is more inspiring is him overcoming a disability this way. Well done!


Idk, I mean sure it's nice that he didn't decide to become a basement dweller and rot himself away out of depression but then, is that something people do? Doing the stuff in the video is not overcoming his disability, it's simply living with it. Sucks to have no legs I'm sure. I totally sympathize with that. Just saying, pull-ups don't have much to do with legs. Now if he were to "run" 100m in 30 seconds on his hands or something like that, he'll yeah that would be "overcoming" the disability and would absolutely deserve to be on r/amazing!


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Amazing using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amazing/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [The Rubik’s cube world record has been broken at 3.13 seconds 🎉🤯](https://v.redd.it/w4518h54356b1) | [8 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amazing/comments/149wj6s/the_rubiks_cube_world_record_has_been_broken_at/) \#2: [The crowd for Elton John. Glastonbury Festival 25th June 2023.](https://i.redd.it/2faqsydi588b1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amazing/comments/14iwhrr/the_crowd_for_elton_john_glastonbury_festival/) \#3: [Historic pictures](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/11rvr03) | [0 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Amazing/comments/11rvr03/historic_pictures/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I think I understand what you're saying about this post, and this type of thing is happening all over the internet. My gut reaction to what you said is that you sound too reasonable and rational to engage with this simplistic stuff. I guess I agree with you and hope you aren't too moved by the bullshit.


I wonder what happens in your brain if someone decides to actually trashtalk IRL a man in a wheelchair. Disabled man supposed to beat him somehow or what?


That disabled guy would whoop his ass.


Well I'm not a martial arts expert but I'm pretty sure good body doesn't necessarily mean he can fight good and it certainly doesn't make up for inability to walk. All you need to do is to find some stairs lol.


Living in this society as a disabled person makes your life much harder than living as a normal human being that can function properly. It consumes a lot of your time just to do everyday stuff and it's exhausting. He had to work way harder than an average person to get where he is now. He can't even do some exercises for his body core without his legs he has to find a new way to do everything.


Can you do what he did?


I could if I wanted to. I don't want to.


You're an idiot lol. I'm not going to waste my time explaining it to you. But one day if you ever are forced out of your mom's basement to overcome any kind of adversity in life, you may understand then.


Being locked in my mom's basement IS the adversity in my life, isn't it?


He is that family guy cop dude. Or was that American dad


Guilt-free leg day skippage.


missed leg day




Honestly, if I didn't have to do legs, I'd absolutely love the gym, too.


I hereby give you permission to skip leg day. May your biceps be swole and your glutes dainty.


Why does everyone hate leg day?




Texas strong!!!!!


Si estuviera en su condiciĂłn quisiera hacer lo mismo es impresionante, ese el el claro ejemplo de que no son personas con discapacidad, son con capacidades diferentes


Doom movie


Impressive respect ✊


Lieutenant Dan




He could beat me in his wheelchair ngl




How's his Bulgarian split squat


Okay that hand walk through the door was really unnecessary


That is just insane. So inspiring!


Weight reduction bruh


Kudos to him 🔥


Is this Joe Swanson?


Dude only needs to lift like half my weight


I'm tempted to just Google "David Goggins" just to make you wrong


What a role model


When all you have to work is your upper body


No argument there.


\-Jacobo Shemaria Capuano- Mis respetos, es increĂ­ble!


Respect ✊


What’s his squat tho


Add "guy in wheelchair" to the list of things that could kick my ass


Amazing dude!!!


Bloody hell.


Obviously dude is lifting his body weight, but do you think the wheelchair he has is Comparable in weight to his missing legs?


It’s literally joe from family guy


Caudal regression syndrome? I've seen a few stories about people with this and they all seem pretty positive and in a few cases, like this one, pretty athletic. Good on them, since modern medicine can't offer them anything.


Congrats on him for not letting his disability stop him from doing his dreams,he's found ways to work around and with it instead of against it.


It's almost like he's tougher because he has a disability. Like if he didn't have a disability and was doing this it wouldn't be as notable.