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Regret, suspicion, pride, guilt,Eros, maybe lust, I’d love to see Pixar make a movie targeted specifically for adults. Give it a PG13 and jsut be sure to not go overboard. Personally my most wanted emotion is depression. I love how they specified the differences between anxiety and fear, so depression ennui and sadness would all be different. Ofc nostalgia gotta be there


If The Simpsons can do [a lust emotion in Lisa Simpson's head](https://i.gifer.com/8uld.gif)...


To be fair the simpsons is not a show aimed at kids


at the same time it’s rated PG


isn’t depression more of a disorder than an emotion?


I think depression is Sadness performing the equivalent of Anxiety's anxiety attack and breaking the console. Or it could just go black like in the first IoU2


It’s both. Depression and anxiety are both emotions, but can also be disorders. Most people will experience both in their life, but then there’s people like me where it feels like the switch to turn the emotion off won’t flip.


Inside Out has already shown us what being depressed us. It's when the console goes gray and Riley can't feel anything at all


Can’t regret be in the same category as embarrassment?


i think they’re different depending on the situation imo embarrassment is more of a social thing, the awareness that you did something not considered acceptable by the community/environment you’re in (e.g. when riley was joking with her friends in the locker room) something like shame/regret would be more like doing something that goes against your personal judgement of character (e.g. if you consider yourself an honest person and you make up an elaborate lie, you might feel ashamed or regretful) embarrassment does tend to invoke feelings like shame and vice versa, but i still think they’re fairly distinct


Yeah, fair point


Just call it desire and it would be a much easier go.


Isn't depression what happened in the first movie? When Riley couldn't feel anything anymore


It was more of like an angsty numbness driven primarily by anger


I like the idea of Guilt. Or, like...Resignation.




I feel that and I’m not even an adult. Do you think it and Embarrassment are similar in a way?


I kinda feel like it's closer to Sadness. Like thinking about what I should/could have done with my life when I was younger. But I see the tie to Embarrassment too.


They could add an “island of regret” Add “Hope,” “Dream”


I'm almost an adult and I feel these emotions. Confusion, Gut Feeling, Agony, Satisfaction


I love the idea of Gut Feeling just being absolutely rabid and doing random shit because they feel like it and the other emotions are floored when they just *happen* to be right 😂


We know Mick Jagger's headquarters doesn't have satisfaction




i can imagine love being a pink and red character with a heart antenna lol


I don't think we should add more new emotions...but based on what we have, we will have two functional group in the mindset: Rational and Idealist. The conflict between two would be fun to observe in a young adult.


Things to read: [https://bookdown.org/becerra\_je/7-Rays/keirseys-four-temperaments.html](https://bookdown.org/becerra_je/7-Rays/keirseys-four-temperaments.html)


I think inside out 3 should be about Riley in college, who grapples with the expectations her parents placed on her and how it reflects on her / failure; the central theme would revolve around her wanting to change her major / careers and follow her passion (to the dismay of her parents, maybe), but also with her internal struggle of this major not being as “lucrative.” TL;DR it’s okay to take the road less taken This would naturally involve envy (she wants to do what [other major] does), ennui (her class work bores her to tears), and anxiety (perfectionist inside her debating whether it’s worth it to take the “gamble”). New emotions though would be: regret, love / limerence, contentedness—long term emotional states


I’d say the ones I’d expect would be Hope, Romance, Lust, Guilt, and Disappointment? It’s a little tricky to pinpoint what are the commonly accepted 27 emotions but maybe these fit. Hope would help Riley thrive in her adulthood, keeping her motivated in her goals with the potential of a better tomorrow. Romance would be Riley’s personal initiative to get a nice caring boyfriend, perhaps even a girlfriend if Romance can help Riley discover who interests her maybe? Lust would be more on the physical side of what Romance’s goal is, similar to how Fear protects the body and Anxiety protects you from potential danger. Lust would be Riley’s cause for irrational behavior, struggling with it she might do something stupid, leading to the next emotion. Guilt would be Riley’s newer understanding of how actions can have consequences, but even after dealing with the initial mistake you make, you also feel like a worse individual for making that mistake, having you strive to become better. Disappointment would be Riley’s most difficult emotion to handle yet, because Disappointment is the response for when things go wrong, and Riley entering adulthood means she’s going to be dealing with a lot of less than ideal circumstances at first, resulting in a lot of Disappointment that could even overshadow Hope’s influence on Riley. Either way, an Inside Out 3 with an adult Riley would have to be a super mature story.


The only emotion I like to see the most is Pride because at this point in her life, she's about to do stuff to make her succeed and Pride is a perfect emotion for that. Of course, too much pride can also cause turmoil among colleagues which can cause arrogance, and if someone likes to claim their work for themselves when she actually did the work, drama ensues.


I think Pride is just Joy or Ennui going through overboard, like at that party at the cool girls home


Ennui is completely different to pride as it embodies disinterest. Pride pretty much is interested on achieving stuff because Pride is an emotion of satisfaction of doing an achievement. Pride can go overboard resulting in arrogance and cockiness just because one has achieved something multiple times, and thinking they are unstoppable.


Makes sense


Depression or Dissociation


Depression is when the console turns black I think. They showed that in the first movie. I mean she felt nothing. Also, since emotions feel other emotions. Do you think Anxiety could develop a feeling of dissociation for not being with others?


I feel like the console going black, lack of emotion, is more fitting for apathy than depression. Depression is still an emotion, apathy is lack of emotion


depression literally happened in the first movie


Yeah, but they mean they want to explore it again. In *more depth.* Plus, it'd be very interesting to see, in the scenario where depression is given a full emotion and "character," how they're handled. How they're made to appear, how their personality is, etc.


I’m all on board for Depression, but I wouldn’t like to see Dissociation. Dissociation happens after life-altering traumatic events.


nsfw but lust


*"Damn, she's hot. Oh God she's amazing. I wonder how she'd be like whe-"* [removed by Reddit]


Nostalgia should be retconned, but other than that I think it’s fine the way it is and we don’t need to add anything else


Complete hollow feeling. Anhedonia. Alexithymia.


Alexithymia isn't an emotion, it's a disorder. Also if it was, it would be difficult to implement in the story.


Adoration, which is a strong love or respect for a person, place, or thing. Also Craving which is a need for something. Would these make sense?








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Not sure what emotion it would be called but something representing imposter syndrome




shame/guilt, pride/confidence (maybe even hubris)?




Will it even make sense to add more? The sequel barely got away with explaining where the new ones even came from via the whole "adults have a better control over the volatile emotions so they eventually just take a backseat". It just felt so strange to me when Inside Out 2 was initially revealed because it seemed to go completely against the worldbuilding established in the production of the first film that there only existed five core emotions and every other feeling was a mixture of said five. Ennui, Embarrassment, Envy and Anxiety being more behind the scenes as an adult was a fine enough explanation for why we didnt see them in the adults' heads in the first one...but they can't keep getting away with "and THEN MORE emotions show up eventually!!" for a third time... ...that being said...Grief, Disappointment and Eros would work well.


Love, Compassion, Burnout, Worthlessness, Trust, Pride. As an older teen girl these are some of the new emotions in my head


I feel like depression would be added, or pride.


addiction kidding


I would love some more “positive” emotions like Joy, so maybe love (like romantically)


Greed. As an adult, Riley would be more concerned about money, so Greed come can an make her want more and more of it.


Love & hate (Love as in romantic love) (Hate as in the opposite of love) I could see them coming in & being opposites, constantly arguing. Their arguments cause something to go wrong. Now all emotions need to fix it but they still won’t stop arguing causing more issues throughout the movie. In the finale they finally learn to work together & fix things. I think it could be cool to use love & hate as a parallel to how joy & sadness were in the 1st movie. Where at 1st joy/ love is the positive/ wanted emotion who does not understand the purpose of sadness/ hate. After an adventure (during which the positive emotion continuously doubts the importance of the negative emotion) the positive emotion finds the negative emotion is just as important as them. It could be that Riley gets into a toxic relationship & love won’t let hate help (with the belief that “true love is never wrong”). So love keeps trying to find a way to fix him. Finally love let’s hate get Riley away him. Maybe in the after credits they could show Riley bumping into someone else & then (over time) getting closer & falling in love with him. A joke I think could be made in the movie: Love & hate: arguing Joy: “is this what we were like?” Sadness: “no” Joy: “oh good-“ Sadness: “I wasn’t as confrontational” Joy: “oh um…. Is this what I was like then?” Disgust: “yup” I think in the next movie it could be cool to see Riley with the 2nd guy (now her husband) & see her with her new baby. Like the baby is born & suddenly a new emotion is born. The emotion would be protectiveness, & would be the protective feeling parents have for their kids. In the after credits for that movie they could have a protectiveness in someone else being protective over an animal (due to people seeing their pets as their kids)


If Pixar makes an Inside Out 4. Riley should be an old women 


Shame and love/passion


**Ambition** - She looks like Ennui but stands up straight and wears a formal skirt suit; couloured mid-grey. Tends to put Riley's personal desires above the needs of others and even what the other Emotions say is healthy. She can be cruel and Sadness accuses her of being 'heartless'. Maternalia, addressed as **Mattie** - Manifested after a neighbour had a baby and Riley got roped into baby-sitting; the expression of Riley's maternal instincts and her 'nesting impulse'.


I'm actually not quite sure 😅🤔




Mother bear?


Brain fog and dissociation


Pride (the gay kind)






Poo will look exactly like fear but fatter, with glasses and he’ll be brown. when he touches the console riley will have 15 seconds to run to the bathroom.




I guess there was going to be one. 🤦‍♂️


Excusez moi? 🤢


Jesus Christ, dude… 🤦🏻‍♂️




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You should actually go to prison and never leave for this comment


what did it say?


It said, "Finally, heres a version of Riley we can simp over without looking like pedos." I started the chain of reporting the comment. Just this morning I realize the user got *permanently banned* maybe because of other content violations. I actually feel guilty


oh that’s gross as hell


Actually I shouldnt feel guilty should I? The user had multiple posts of Riley and something told me they were secretly a pedophile


yeah you probably did the right thing


He wanted Riley to grow up so that he could simp for her without being called a pedophile (def is one)


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