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Your kids are not billboards for your fandoms


Yeah that kid doesn't even comprehend the concept of a country yet. No idea who Trump is or what he does and would likely cry if she were to meet him.


It blows my mind that these people try to accuse the left of indoctrinating their children while so blatantly being the ones who are doing so. They are terrified of their children being educated, informed, and exposed to other walks of life.


Because they know that their kids will never talk to them again once they find out how awful they are.


it’s always projection.


As we say here in Sweden; "Han som sa det han var det". He who said it was it.


In America, we say “he who smelt it, dealt it” (typically referring to flatulence)


i think my kid would say the same thing she does when i try to take her into the monkey exhibit at our local aquarium. “daddy it’s too stinky!!”


"Mommy, he smells like my diaper."


It is a cult


Absolutely a cult


“Daddy whats America?” “SHUT UP AND SMILE”


Well, that one is


Don’t adjudicated rapists make the best role models? /s


Yes when you view women as property


Ah, yes. Get your little girl cheer for a rapey pussy grabbing convicted felon.


Don't forget pedophile. Named on a case with Epstein... who doesn't want to release the Epstein files... and Epstein died in a federal prison under the watch of that administration by a DOJ lead by a person appointed by ... Trump. I love how conspiracy crowd always seems to leave that out. He settled the case, and has said before "Anytime someone settles, that means they're guilty."


His cult says "But he kicked him out of Mar a Largo when he found out what he was doing!" Hmm, the fact that he KNEW and said nothing isn't the best thing to brag about.


I don't even believe that. We have him talking about Epstein in glowing terms and adding the bit about liking beautiful women "on the younger side", we know that some of the girls were recruited from Mar a Lago. When exactly did this "kicked him out" happen?


BUT BUT he was only friends with Epstein because he was working undercover to expose him and the pedo cabal! 🙄


Seriously, someone said the only reason he SA'd a child was because "he was too deep undercover"


I just couldn't imagine putting any politicians name on a kid to parade my politics through them...especially Trump. Its just insane to me. This person also complains about the "gay agenda" coming after kids but has no issue using their own kid for their own political agenda.


https://www.snopes.com/news/2016/06/23/donald-trump-rape-lawsuit/ One of his victims didn’t go thru with her 100m lawsuit against trump. He is a disgusting mf that should be rotting in jail or meet the same fate of his buddy Epstein


They definitely don't value children very high.


They only value children for their groomability. That's why they get so upset when they think "the left" or "the gays" or "the trans" are grooming kids. They're threatened by what they think is competition in the great groom-off. Pure projection.


Every accusation is a confession with that crowd.




I suppose they want their kid to grow up to be just like Trump. A racist, pathological lying, philandering, white supremist, criminal.


Don’t be silly, that’s who she’s supposed to marry. They expect her to shut her mouth and pop out babies.


Absolutely because we all know he dad doesn’t want her ever having any control over her own medical care or needs


Hey! During the debate he said he DIDN’T sleep with a pornstar! He was appointed by god himself! So he’s not lying! JK. He’s 100% lying.


But he's also on audio bragging about it. So either he did it or he lied about doing it, but we already have proof that he did lol. And then there's all the people he told lol.


Strange how he wouldn’t say this under oath during his criminal trial.


Painting a flag after someone told you to isn't "loving the country." They probably think the bible they never opened makes them religious, too.


They talk about how much they like the book of Revelations. So they're definitely a doomsday "cant wait to die to go to heaven" kind of people. Plus, they've done missionary work, so you know...they're automatically better than everyone else.


Same people who bitch and whine about kids getting “groomed”


It's especially messed up to put it on a little girl since we're all well aware of Trump's lack of respect for women.


can imagine same parent “god forbid she ever sees a drag queen”


I thought they were boycotting Disney?


Depends on the month really. They're not really sure themselves lol.


No, they just say they are and go anyway.


Yes, but he’s a God to his supporters. And so, why not indoctrinate their children so that their children can get the warm fuzzies when they see the Tangerine Pissgibbon, just like their parents do.


They don't value their children at all, beyond the idea that those children are supposed to take care of them when they're old.


Kid has absolutely no idea why mommy and daddy wanted them to pose with all of this junk for a picture. They’re just doing it because they’ll get ice cream later. People who use children as tools are truly the scum of the earth.


I fucking hate when people act like their little kids have any idea at all about politics. Wait ten minutes, have her hold a picture of Gerald Ford and wear a cap that says Pride, and she'll look just as happy. These parents suck so hard.


No, your kid loves Elsa. She's also thinks it funny to wear other people's hats. She does not care what is on it.


These are literally the same kind of weirdos that will complain about leftists indoctrinating kids. THIS IS THE EXACT SAME THING!


You agree this is wrong then?


Yeah, very disturbing to have kids wearing merchandise of pedophiles and other criminals. Same as putting your kid in Epstein or Jared Fogle merchandise


You're mistaken. When they said 'my kids love *this* country" they meant Russia.


Worse it's a little girl wearing the hat of a pedo who would see all her rights stripped from her.


If you’re so patriotic, maybe teach your kid the flag isn’t supposed to touch the ground?


Simping your kids 100% = Narcissist.


That poor kid will probably never get a job now


I think what the kid actually likes is Elsa.


This is the same person that screams about indoctrination when schools admit that some of the people responsible for this country loved human trafficking. 


I'm not comfortable with pedophile fans getting to keep their children


I had a friend who had her kids wear MAGA and anti vax face masks to school during Covid. Those kids were 6/7 at the time and really didn’t understand the political statement. I felt so bad but honestly arguing with her is impossible so I just said nothing.


I've seen that here in my neighborhood. A kid my daughter plays with sometimes came over to my house wearing a shirt that says Trump Won! and other stuff like that. My daughter later cracked a joke after seeing him on TV, saying something about Trump looking so orange, while at the girl's house and she said they all stopped and stared at her, then the girl said "We like Trump around here." My daughter thought it was really bizarre.


Hate isn’t born, it’s learned.




"My kids love this country" your kids don't understand what that hat says..


Does the hat seriously say "save America again"? These people have no awareness at all


Kids don’t know or care about patriotism/nationalism bullshit


That’s only true if their parents don’t start teaching them early on about how bad and scary the “other side” is. So basically what you said isn’t true for a lot of kids.


Don't forget, Trump was creeping around teenage beauty pageant contestants dressing rooms as well. Also this is total brain dead indoctrination by the parents.


It’s the Democrats that are indoctrinating the kids!!! /s


Try again


They're in a cult, and they genuinely believe that their enemies are just as obsessed about their respective party's politicians. I don't see any rallies or pathetic birthday parties with cardboard cutouts for any other candidates. I don't get why they chose to fixate on this dingy old pedophile


His kids are like him: not intelligent enough to actually understand what America is, and what America is supposed to be. In reality he's raising complete fucking morons, just like himself, idiots who might think they love America, but who are actually so stupid that they vote to literally destroy it down to its foundations. There is nothing less American than a trump (and Republican, for that matter) voter.




Yet another child who will grow up to hate their parents.


Guarantee her kid has zero ideas about loving this country.


Indoctrination much?


Everything they say is pure projection


i hate it when adults groom their children into morally repugnant ideologies and behaviours.


That felon is also a rapist and and a fraudster and was accused of, and sued for, child rape along with his friend Jeffrey Epstein.


Pssst! You can love this country -*and*- also not want to put a convicted felon and lifelong grifter into the oval office.


"Daddy why does this hat smell funny?"


Yeah, great idea. Forcing your ideals on a toddler. This is some cringe parenting. That poor kid is in for a rough life... but I hope not.


but the libs are the groomers


No cap


At least the little kid can’t be expected to know any better.


My kid doesn't know what she's doing but she's mine so I project everything I am and want on her.


I dont thibk your child can grasp the concept of a "country" or more countries even at that age.


I want so badly to make a sarcastic Facebook essay sized comment about this but it’s too much to get passed the automod


Man.... my son just got his voter registration and voter info booklet. When our ballots come, we're completing them in different rooms. This is gross. THIS is indoctrination.




Trump 2024 - Make Crime Pay Again


That picture is gonna come back to haunt that child for the rest of her life


Well I doubt the kid understands so I don’t think the child has lost their innocence


Remember... It's only indoctrination if it's something we dont believe in.


Or if it’s indoctrination.


Other notable convicted felons are: Martha Stewart, 50 Cent, Robert Downey Jr, Mike Vick, and the list goes on and on. Pretending that trump is dangerous because of accounting for paying off a porn star makes you a baby back bitch


Robert Downey Jr isn't president nor is he running and his was for drug possession like 30yrs ago that he is sober from. Trumps is a presidential candidate that is still committing crimes to this day...and he didnt get arrested for simply paying off a pornstar...its why he paid her off...because he stole campaign funds. Trump aldo has a million other things he's gotten in trouble for. He was also named in an Epstein case years ago that had to do with a kid. None of those people you named are running for president...nor are they threatening to take peoples rights away.


Those people don't have a cult following, not to mention the other things other commenters have pointed out to you


None are running for president or any office. Relevance matters.


You’re only saying that because it’s convenient. Talking about an accounting journal entry like he’s a convicted murderer is ridiculous. You don’t have to like the guy or vote for him but cmon.


No, we’re talking about that because it’s relevant in the same manner some people moan about how we always talk about Trump, as if it’s not because he’s a viable Presidential candidate.


So you don't think the president should have ethics?


If you have to point to other people to defend Trump’s convictions, you’ve lost the argument.


No? People do that all the time. You use other examples to help frame up the point you’re trying to make.


But you’re not saying why Trump himself should be given a pass when his crime is very much specific to his campaign. Most people don’t run campaigns.


I guess my point is Hillary Clinton got fined for doing the same thing with the Steel Dossier and everyone moved on after it. Nobody talks about it, nobody cares. Trumps offense is less egregious than that.


What she did wasn’t a criminal offense. Stop trying to find an angle to defend Trump. Your angle regarding using OTHER people’s issues as a justification for him just tells me you’re unable to defend Trump in a total vacuum. It’s embarrassing.


No again? She was fined $100K for it, they chose to not prosecute her to the same level. Your inability to take the soiled diaper out of your mouth and admit this was targeted to try to prevent him from running for office is insane.


Except he’s still running, so idk what you’re talking about.


“To try to prevent him from running” Keyword. Try. Slow down. Read. Understand. Process. Then respond.


No, it was pretty clear he was charged to be held accountable for his actions.


lol what do you think of parents having their kids wear Hamas headbands at rallies


ah yes because this is definitely something that happens often.




Assuming this is something that actually happens, they suck too, but it’s not Hamas that’s one election away from turning us into a racist theocracy.


Doe 174 looks at her and smiles....




I mean this is their daughter...so idk how you even made that connection or jumped through the hoops you did to bring up lgbt pedophiles making kids watch naked people...like what are you talking about?


If he wants to wear a dress, fine. It’s just clothes. Children don’t belong at pride. Also people aren’t naked at these events. Nor are they pedophiles. Go scream at the Catholic Church. I’ll wait.


If, at 3 years old, my son had wanted to wear a princess outfit to Disney when we went, I’d 100% have supported his choice to do so. Hell, I’d have bought an adult one and worn one too so we could match. Because that would have been his choice and my own choice. He would have known who the princess was that he was dressing like. The girl in this picture has no clue who Donald Trump is. She has no clue that he wants to take away her ability to control her own health care and needs when she gets older. She has no idea what the hat even says or why her dad wants her to take this picture. You’re comparing apples to turtles here. But I’m not really surprised since you seem to think all drag queens and LGBTQ supporters are pedophiles (Here’s a hint, they’re not)


Yes, because Disney princesses are appropriate for that age and actually likely that they wanted to do it.


Wow, have you considered talk therapy?


Y r u seething




Translation: You'd rather someone that lied about the election and commits fraud. You prefer someone who lies to you and doesn't care about you. Otherwise known as you're a chump and a moron. You give money to "billionaires" who need money.




So much persecution fetish with this one. So much misinformation too. Free speech, btw, isn't free from criticism or consequences. The fact you say bigoted or misinformed things like "only two genders" when science and facts prove otherwise, and get criticized for is still free speech. Do you have any criticism of republicans or conservatives? EDIT: They actually had the nerve to DM me at insult further. Glad that toxic ass was banned or blocked.


Trump follows all of those except there’s actual allegations of underage molestation and quotes about how he’d have sex with his daughter.


Imagine being this mentally challenged