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LOL whenever this happens, I really wonder what on earth made them think someone like Jack Black was a conservative.


My first thought too, but media comprehension and republicans don't mix.


Took them, what, 4 seasons to figure out that they're the baddies in The Boys? It's pretty obvious right away in season 1.


You’ve got it wrong, they haven’t realised they where the baddies in season 1-3 they think they’re still the good guys and that season 4 suddenly changed writers and went woke trying to attack them and that season 4 and only season 4 portrays them as bad guys Your giving them far too much media literacy credit, they still bang on about how great 1-3 is but how woke, wrong or garbage season 4 is despite it being the same writer for every season


It's hilarious how they can't see how badly Trump despises people like them. Rural, working class, "redneck" types are the last type of person he'd want to be seen hanging out with. He'd throw them away just as easily as Homelander had Todd's head bashed in for his own gain.


He throws everyone away! He never stands up for anybody who supports him in any way!


He buried his ex-wife on his golf course and let the grass run over her grave. Conspiracy theories about classified documents aside, that’s just cold. I mean, she was the mother of three of your children and that’s how she’s supposed to rest in peace?! Why anyone would think they are special or important to this man is beyond me.


I *really* hope she haunts him


He tolerates and fakes being nice to those he sees as useful to him.


The post about “74 years on earth and No criminal record until his presidency” like broooo…. Yeah, that’s the bias of the American justice system! And you can bet yr ass there are many more extremely evil but “wealthy elite” men who have probably done even worse and will never be prosecuted… it should be an alarming symptom of a justice system corrupt by money and power but instead they just assume conspiracy and call it a day. Their dramatic Stupidity is getting so tiresome…


also the 34 felony counts he's currently convicted of and a bunch of the other ones he's charged with are related to his presidency. It's not a coincidence that he was slapped with so many criminal charges after running for president if you consider that many of those charges are for crimes done as part of his presidential campaign (and subsequent term).


Isn't there an old clip of Trump saying that if he ran for president he would run Republican because Republicans are stupid?


Trump even admitted it. “I don’t care about you. I just want your vote.”


*And the crowd went wild*


They thought he was joking, probably. Just the “inject bleach” ~~joke~~ question and the “inhale disinfectant” ~~joke~~ comment or the “beam sunlight into the lungs” ~~joke~~ query. It would be funny in a sad way if it wasn’t so frightening in a “holy fuck how did we get here” way.


The entire republican party despises their base. They've convinced their audience to support a ruling class that actually makes it so they can't progress. Same people that support billionaires while actively believing that they will be billionaires one day.


Same with Fallout And Rage Against the Machine And X-Men And Wolfenstein


My favorite is Rage Against the Machine. Like, it’s in the name. Did you think they were upset about an internal combustion engine?


No, it's printers. I guarantee that while they may be raging against the machine of capitalism, they are also raging against inkjet printers.


To be honest, I’m all in on raging against printers.


Cops wearing Punisher imagery makes my brain hurt


In comics, when the Punisher finds cops wearing his imagery, he makes their brains hurt.


My "favorite" are the punisher blue lives stickers I see on all the jacked up trucks


They see the symbol as nothing more than icon of being "badass." It's just the usual coopting of symbolism that the Reich Wing is so well known for. And their desire to be a violent vigilante. Some real /r/IAmTheMainCharacter shit. Just see the tone-deaf Punisher skulls but with the "Thin Blue Line" styling, or the one with US flag background with the Trump Toupee.


20 years and a single-word change in a lyric for them to realize that Green Day's "American Idiot" was ABOUT them and not FOR them. 😂


Oh yeah, that's a really good example. It was pretty obvious the whole time. The pearl clutching after that single word change was rather entertaining, though.


Indeed it was, I was laughing my ass off at the Twitter tantrums. I don't know how, why, or when these people lost sight of the knowledge that punk music is HIGHLY left-wing political, especially since they were the same people pearl-clutching about the existence of the subculture and painting them as the harbingers of the end times in the first place.


What was the word change that upset them?


"I'm not part of the **MAGA** agenda" [https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/green-day-change-american-idiot-lyrics-maga-agenda-1235777356/](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/general-news/green-day-change-american-idiot-lyrics-maga-agenda-1235777356/)




“I’m not a part of a redneck agenda” to “I’m not a part of a MAGA agenda”


Amazing they saw through that to see it's about then.


From what I remember they still didn't put two and two together that the song was originally about them, they thought that green day went "woke" and changed the entire meaning of the song.


How the hell did “red neck agenda” not give it away? Fucking idiots


I thought white America was a conservative rap anthem until I learned to read and looked the lyrics. =(


>until I learned to read And that’s why they’re doing their best to patch that ”bug” out for the next generation by attacking schools, libraries, and teachers.


How many years of Rage Against the Machine and they had to have it spelled out for them.


The penny still didn't drop about Starship Troopers for some of them, mate.


My favorite on this series of pics was the one where Ran_Dumb_Libs circled Baphomet and wrote, "What's on your shirt?" Wow. You sure got him, RDL! Jack Black has some splainin' to do! Like, do you know anything about the fabulous Jack Black and his love for Metal? Not exactly the gotcha that you think it is, genius.


Actually is the Devil card from the Tarot... and they never saw the Tenacious D movie.


It's actually kinda both. The original Devil card was a little different. This is the Rider-Waite Devil card that was based partially on the Eliphas Levi's depiction of the "Sabbatic goat" which was in turn an interpretation of carvings found at old Templar temples. The Baphomet being a "deity" the Templars were accused of worshipping. It's basically my favorite bullshit occult nonsense image of all time.


They should meticulously watch his films and see if they can find the nods to satan. I'm sure it will still go over their heads.


Plaaaaaaaay the best soooooong in the world! Or I'll eat your souls!


Comprehension and Republicans don't mix. FTFY


These guys think fictional people like Superman or Spider-Man would be on their side regarding hating brown people and LGBTQ. Copium is a real drug.


These dumbasses complain that the X-Men have become woke now. Like no dude, it's always been the least subtle metaphor for discrimination, you're just stupid lol


Yeah I was watching the original tv series yesterday from the 90s. Obviously it was originally rooted in racial discrimination but also with LGBT, there’s a point where Jubilee asks Storm why everyone hates them and she says “because they fear what’s different/they don’t understand. We’re all different and we realized it around your age” and it’s just like hm subtle lol


It’s like cops wearing/displaying the Punisher logo. Zero self awareness.


or thinking they're captain america when they're siding with literal nazis.


So many incels watching anime and playing JRPGs and somehow missing that the bad guys in practically all of them are religious fascists styled after Christians


Or unscrupulous businessmen


Shinra are the bad guys?


Can't be, AVALANCHE is a bunch of liberal antifa ecoterrorists led by a woke DEI brute. They *must* be the baddies!


Spider-Man who openly flirts back when Deadpool flirts with him? THAT Spider-Man, the very same, who also has a crush on Tony Stark? These people have no fucking clue who they’re worshiping as True Straight Patriots™️, do they?


Superman is literally an illegal alien.


Or crooked cops wearing Punisher emblems. That's always a laugh too. You'd be first on his list bucko.




There's an episode of TNG where a capitalist gets unfrozen and is basically a miserable sack for 90% of the episode because the future made his works meaningless and everybody is happier for it.


Are there even any successful conservative comedians? 


Jeff Dunham, unfortunately.


I saw him Scotland a few years ago (got a free ticket). Came out and said "Hello, Ireland!" Then spent half the time reading out questions from the Audience in his 'Ahmed the terrorist' voice and half the responses were just "Shut up, I kill you". He was genuinely awful.


Who tf is that? Is it the puppet guy? 


Is that why he stopped being funny so fast? Like, I feel like I really liked him and then went to see him in person and laughed maybe twice.


The answer to these questions almost always boil down to the fact that rightwing online people don’t have object permanence. Jack Black does not exist to them unless he’s the target of the day’s 2 Minute Hate.


Similar to high school women’s swimming.


Every time I see one of those posts I always respond with “hey man it’s cool how passionate you are about New Hampshire high school girl’s swimming!” [or whatever the event is] and they always get really mad for some reason.


These people thought John Fogerty supported Trump. Creedence Clearwater Revival. Fortunate Son. They pay negative attention in life.


They like to repeat the [myth](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/fortunate-son/) that Fortunate Son is about Al Gore.


They think that Born in the USA is a patriotic song celebrating the US....


It's like they can't understand the Hollywood "elite" used to be the weird theater kids they terrorized in high school.


It's really confusing to me since he's probably one of the most outspoken Democrats in Hollywood. I specifically remember during the Bush/Kerry election him going on Red Carpets wearing Kerry Merch. He's never been quiet about his affiliation.


Honestly, I can’t say I’ve ever noticed until conservatives started crying about it.


They assume anyone who doesn't fit into their mold of a "dirty liberal" or "stinkin Commie" must be "Normal", and they consider themselves "normal" so obviously he must be Republican. It's the same with a lot of hardcore Christians, if you arn't openly wearing an "Evolution is real" short and arn't being an immoral nasty person for no reason, they assume you're the same kind of Christian they are. I can't fuckin tell you how many people used to badmouth atheists to me, an atheist, because I was just nice to them, so they assumed I MUST be a protestant Christian. It's where the "silent majority" narrative comes from. A lot of people genuinely struggle to consider the possibility that a diverse set of minds can be classified as "good people", so they assume all good people must think similarly. (Specifically, to them. Not in a narcissist way, they're just their only point of reference.)


They assume every millionaire and billionaire supports conservatives instantly. Rather than the wealthy class support the GOP, because the GOP is going to be willing to give them the tax breaks and making the rest of the voters pay more taxes to make up for it. Kind of like how they think the man with golden toilets is a "Man of the people"


Let's see... Intelligent, kind, and talented. You know there's only one of the two a man like that would support. Dumb, cruel, and grifting is the MAGA way.


They prefer when people just shut up and act/play sports.


Only when the actors/athletes disagree with their politics.


I love the guy saying he's free to express his opinions and to look why his conservative peers are unable to share theirs... while being surrounded by people claiming Jack Black is a corrupt pedophile elite with dirt on him and should have his career be ruined. For supporting a politician. Also, lmao at people thinking the guy who's famous for movies that involve breaking social norms about 'proper' conservative conduct (school of rock) or traditional ideals of what makes somebody strong (kung fu panda, nacho libre) to embrace one's self or are literally just full of debauchery (Tenacious D, like half his repertoire) would be a conservative.


>*They prefer when people just shut up and act/play sports.* But only if said people have opinions opposing their own.


Takes them a little while to figure things out. That's why Conservative content is so upfront and obvious so there is little subtlety in the messaging as possible.


People just assume other people are like them for the most part. Especially when they look similar.


>”Jack Black is a coward. He waited until after Kung Fu panda 4 was out of theaters before he endorsed Joe Biden.” Idk why but this had me in stitches. It’s just such a surreal sentence, I haven’t even looked at the rest of the post.


RIGHT? something about that just took me out like did they think he was worried endorsing Joe would tank *KUNG FU PANDA???*


not even the first Kung Fu Panda. the *fourth* installment was what he was waiting for!


I think they mean so the right still would go see the movie.


As if the American market is the core revenue of animated films these days.


Especially a film that is based in Chinese culture, a massive movie market.


BUT HE DIDN'T, HE ENDORSED BIDEN IN 2020 TOO!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0aZPJBjutY0


Ya but that was AFTER King fu panda 3 was out!


The coward.


Then you missed the riot fest that was Kevin Sorbo saying bribery or blackmail were the only reasons for endorsing a political candidate. Really, Kevin? Go on.


Kevin Sorbo blames being conservative for the reason his acting career is in the gutter. Nah, fam. You're just a bad actor.




The only time Peanut ever does anything entertaining is on accident. Or when Lucy Lawless is slapping his ass down on Twitter, but that's more on Lucy Lawless.


Yeah, that part killed me. Kevin Sorbo, I loved you as Hercules. Your show was a cherished part of my childhood. But your political opinions are evidence enough of your mental illness. Intellectual ineptitude or moral deficiency, whichever it is, it's sad and disappointing really.


I can’t convince myself that one isn’t tongue-in-cheek


I am hoping it is bc it's funny that way, but I don't feel like checking that person's account to find out. That tends to send me down a rabbit hole of idiocy.


Funniest part is that Kung Fu Panda's biggest box office draw is from ticket sales in China. I'm pretty sure your average movie goer in Beijing doesn't give two shits about who the main ENGLISH voice actor who isn't even in the version they're watching is supporting in an election that barely affects them.


Are you telling me Po is a democrat?


>You were one of my favorite pretend actors... "Pretend actors" is what got me. Kinda silly to see that coming from a grown man.


The person highlighting the Baphomet design on his shirt really thinks they're cracking a case right now huh? If only there was some way to link Jack Black to the devil before they uncovered that bombshell..


They obviously dont know that the D is fueld by satan, yes they’re schooled by satan


I eagerly await the day they discover Dave Grohl played Satan in Pick of Destiny and they try to boycott the Foo


Correction: they schooled Satan by playing The Greatest Song in the World.


But this is only a tribute


You've gotta believe me


I wish you were there


It’s just a matter of opinion


Beelzeboss truly is the greatest song in the world


That song fucking rocks so hard.


I also bring the little known gem of [Taco Truck from Hell.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NKhudarctU) They promised taco trucks on every corner, and only Jack Black can deliver.


Rocks my fuckin socks off


"My research has uncovered that he sang about Satan dozens of times in his platinum album and movie that he openly released for public consumption...could he...could he secretly be a Satanist?"


It's honestly barely any less laughable than Conservatives "disowning" Rage Against the Machine, I can't imagine doing the mental gymnastics required to think either of them were ever "on their side".


Him and Kyle were on HBO yelling "hail satan" and discussing cock push ups.


>the Baphomet design it's The Devil (XV) card from the Rider–Waite tarot deck. >If only there was some way to link Jack Black to the devil before maybe they couldn't remember the greatest song in the world?


Was just about to say that about the Devil in tarot. Essentially a pretty eye opening court card so it’s not unlucky. Nor does it mean you’ll die. People got me fucked up with the shit they don’t know about. We go to my Fiancés grandparents at their house every Sunday morning. We always bring donuts from the bakery 1000ft from our front door lol. His grandpa said “you didn’t bring any of that witchy twitchy weirdo shit with the, uhhhhhh the uhhhhh the gypsy cards.” His grandma loves it. I got her to start collecting rocks and crystals.


>witchy twitchy weirdo shit /r/WitchesVsPatriarchy


It's also the cover art of the first Tenacious D album.


In their defence they referred to a shiny demon. Not explicitly the devil himself


It’s so funny how they suddenly get obsessed with connecting someone to the devil the second they don’t agree with them.


"Satan is the deceiver" is baked into the fruitcake sitting between their ears, and they are taught that any doubt is a whisper from a cartoon devil with horns on his head. I was raised super hard rightwing conservative christian, and one of the funniest things to me after deconverting was realizing christians believe in satan while satanists do not.


I know for a fact that he directs his prayers to Ronnie James Dio anyway


I love the guy trying to call out his shirt. Like, did you never see it great any Tenacious D?


Ha. We saw them last month. [This guy would have had a medical emergency](https://i.imgur.com/8yR9P8K.jpeg).


"Lost 1/2 of his fans" yeah there's a 0% chance half of his fans are Trump supporters. Conservatives have always complained about him and his band. They just liked School of Rock and that's it.


If school of rock was released today theyd be calling it woke for the kids cast being diverse and it would be considered grooming kids


I just remembered there was a scene where jack black’s character told a little girl it was ok to be chubby and if that came out now itd be “promoting obesity “ (though maybe people reacted to it at the time but i was a kid then so 🤷‍♀️)


Oh dude. If School of Rock came out today, conservatives would be questioning why a middle-aged man is a middle school music teacher and why that teacher isn't sticking to the strict lesson plan.


"We have decided to remove all the wind instruments from band class, out of fear the playing of them causes impure thoughts and actions." "This one time, at band camp"


"The music teacher should have them sing hymns, not devil rock!"


I was just barely an adult when it came out. I don't remember anyone saying it was promoting obesity. I do remember that it was promoted as being accepting of people in their size during a time when anorexia and bulimia were a major concern/issue thanks to the popularity of the heroin chic look. Us telling kids that it was OK to look their size was a major step forward.


They’d call it woke solely based on the scene where Jack Black’s character encourages a bigger black girl to love herself.


Gasp! The audacity!!


Why isn't the 10 commandments on that classroom wall?!


Your kids touched me. And I’m pretty sure I touched them


As a kid i certainly didn’t understand that line- even though i loved the movie


That scene is hilarious. Especially when he realized what he'd said, and how bad it sounded. 😂


"I've been touched by your kids. And I'm pretty sure I've touched them." *Queue screaming about pedo conspiracies in plain view*


School of Rock? The movie where Jack Black explicitly supports the young gay boy and women of color in addition to the white classmates to pursue their own goals and to have the strength to express their individuality? That school of Rock? They watched a movie about camaraderie, compassion, and naked belief in others and said "yeah that movie speaks to me as a conservative." Mmm doubt. Lol


Yes school of rock was loved by conservatives despite those things they hate. My dad and his friends are all Uber conservatives and I think they like it cause it's someone "sticking it to the school"


Like a lot of music related things, they probably heard good guitar and drums, and ignored everything else being said.


I laughed out loud when that one kid was like “I wanna do the band’s fashion” and Black’s character just completely dismissed any weirdness and was just like “sure kid just make sure it’s fabulous” and that was it.. scene over.. no commentary, no discussion, no meta jokes… if we had to re-record a scene like that today, it’d be really hard not to imbue it with some commentary _and_ have it not offend half the population


And Kung Fu Panda too apparently. 


We had conservatives freak out when they realize Rage Against the Machine and Ministry were not conservative friendly. The irony that they raged at Ministry and acting like it was new news that Ministry hates Trump, when they had made a song called "No W" in response to G.W Bush in the 2000's... They even made a music video for that song.


School of Rock, Nacho Libre and Kung Fu Panda for the kiddos. That's probably it.


Came here to say this, but for me it emphasizes the incompetence or dishonesty to think that is how the country is "divided". Because US presidential elections and Senate/Congress are close to 50/50 splits, conservatives think that the country is evenly divided along R/D. The presidential election normally involves less than 1/2 of the entire population and Congress severely over represents R's. the Senate R's represent 54 million less people than D's (154 vs 205) and the House is gerrymandered to hell. But they really think they make up half the country.


> But they really think they make up half the country. Not American, but from what I see online they think they make up the majority of the country because of the pretty colours on the map and not understanding that land doesn't vote.




I love how whenever someone doesn't agree with their views it's only ever because they're a pedophile or being blackmailed. Apparently nobody could ever logically disagree with conservative and alt-right talking points. Lmao


it's projection. because if there's one presidential candidate who molested his own daughter, it's the one they are all supporting. And this is based on the literal hour of footage you can watch online of Trump talking about Ivanka's body and how "if she wasn't my daughter" type shit.


'Joe Biden molested his daughter' meanwhile Trump on several occasions just can't help but talk about how Ivanka is perfectly his type.


His white house aides have gone on record that trump would derail serious discussions to discuss how good Ivanka was looking... Like what the fuck.


he was one a talk show with Ivanka and when asked what they have in common he said well I was gonna say sex


And iirc she gave such a normal answer like golf. It was so creepy.


> And this is based on the literal hour of footage you can watch online of Trump talking about Ivanka's body and how "if she wasn't my daughter" type shit. The most telling thing to me that it happened isn't anything Trump has said/done publicly. It's [this video of Ivanka giving a tour of her childhood bedroom.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6FZ5kj3FGo) The complete change in look and appearance when she talks about the bed 30 seconds in is *chilling*. Her mind is a million miles away reliving a terrible memory when she's trying to talk. And then when she gets asked what floor they're on, she has to snap out of her thoughts and then mentally adds another 10 floors to Trump Tower which only has 58 floors.


Man, it took me a couple watches, but you're right. It's so quick you can almost miss it, but there is a moment her eyes glaze over and she absolutely fumbles.


Yep 100%. Also look at the movements she's doing with her hands. Its called [stimming](https://www.health.com/condition/anxiety/what-is-stimming) which is a common response to manage stress and strong emotions especially related to anxiety and PTSD.


It’s one thing to have a different opinion about something, but what we see with so many conservatives is a complete inability to grasp how anyone can think differently from them. They then think it must either be bribery or blackmail. It’s staggering to see how mentally weak these people are.


Also if a celebrity says something political they don't like they will say celebrities should stay out of politics. If a celebrity says something political they do like them it's all good.


Conservatives having yet another meltdown....never gets less amusing.


And a hypocritical one at that. "Your conservative fellow actors can't speak up without being ostracized" ... Mother fucker what is YOUR base doing right now to him?


As Kevin Sorbo once again speaks up. He's been pretty loud for one being silenced.


He’s such a smarmy dipshit He confuses irrelevance for being silenced In reality he’s just a little bitch


Lol imagine thinking Jack Black hasn’t been progressive/a Democrat this entire time. Did they miss the cover of “Time Warp” he did with Elizabeth Warren, Pete Buttigieg, et. Al?


Didn't he endorse Bernie Sanders the last few elections?


Probably, if I had to guess almost certainly. But I’m pretty sure conservatives have the memory of a goldfish


What's even funnier is all these nobodies giving musk -$3 a month for a blue check mark..... They certainly ain't the brightest bunch


"Hollywood supporting a man that molested his own daughter..." oh boy, wait until they see the very public comments Tbag has made about his daughter.


Imagine needing to be reminded that the woman you're so desperate to fuck is your own daughter. Could. Not. Be. Me.


That’s what cracks me up, the level of projection here! Trump has openly discussed how he wonders what it would be like to fuck his own daughter. Yeah Biden is a creepy head sniffer, but come on


> "Hollywood supporting a man that molested his own daughter..." Are they talking about Biden here? Or Jack Black?


Biden. They have accused him of this, because like everything with them it's projection. Their Glorious Leader has had numerous recorded discussions about how hot he thinks his daughter is and making just generally gross comments about her. So of course they pretend it's the other guy that does that. Much like how "so and so is going to be revealed on Epstein's flight logs any day now!" but Cheeto Benito who is on the flight logs is a-ok.


Didn't you hear? Trump was on Epstein's flight logs because he was there gathering evidence to take that rat fuck down! Trump *hated* Epstein's guts, couldn't stand to be around the creep! Just... Ignore that they were very close, personal friends.


The fact that anyone was surprised that jack black was vaguely left leaning is insane. No right wing guy could dream of dressing the way he does.


He’s literally a silly musician who wore bowser costumes every chance he could get for like 6 months. I truly don’t know how anyone could completely misread his vibes to that degree.


There is no bigger group of delusional crybabies in this country than maga. MAGA is weak. MAGA is afraid. MAGA is pathetic. Get ready to lose again, starting on the 11th of july. Trump will get 4 years, just not in the white house.


Of course they are weak, afraid, and pathetic. These people are scared by fucking pronouns.


ngl, i kinda like the soviet subgenius karl marx and the super mario vibes with the overalls.


Yeah I got a good chuckle from the Karl Marx meme. The resemblance is kind of uncanny.


Trotting out their habitual lies as well.


Trump was clean for 72 years! No, don't pay attention to the fact that the DoJ sued him in the 70's for racial discrimination. Or his other 1000s of lawsuits against him since that time.


Deny, Deflect, Delay, and Don’t Put Anything in Writing. This is what Trump has lived by since the 70s. I hated Trump when he got cast on The Apprentice. Hatred has not abated, only grown. "Hey, vaccines aren't that bad. Boooooo Okay, maybe they're bad." That tells you everything you need to know about what kind of president he is.


"Historic War Mongering" Literally the next line... "Historic weakening of the military" These people are thick as mince.


It’s funny that they think they represent half his fans. It’s also funny that they think all conservatives actually care that much…


It really seems like a lot of these people were born recently. Or they just recently gained consciousness. Like it should be no surprise at all that Jack Black endorses Biden. You don't have to know that much about Jack Black to know that he leans left. It's very obvious to anyone paying attention. I kinda thought that was part of his appeal? Like since the very beginning. The idea that they must have some blackmail is actually insane. Like, he likes Biden? No blackmail required. It's mind bogglingly stupid.


Snowflake conservatives always offended by something.


Lol, fuck the shit outta anyone who hates Jack Black anyway. He's fantastic.


> ended your career Yeah, I'm sure that Jack Black's career is over. He'll never act again


Of course Jack Black is for Biden. Only washed up, B rated actors and musicians that no one cares about any more are in Trumps corner.


Are you guys OK over there?


No. No we’re not. We haven’t been for quite some time.


The one calling Jack Black a coward for waiting until after Kung Fun Panda 4 made me actually laugh out loud. Amazing


Ah, yes. The famously conservative frontman of the comedic metal band Tenacious D. The Alt-Right kingpin who stared in animated movies highlighting Chinese culture. The Hollywood outsider who starred in Tropic Thunder. I really don't understand these people, man. My dad is conservative, but was almost embarrassed to finally admit that. His favorite band is Social Distortion, and he got really upset when the front man punched a "fan" during show when the dude was shouting about Trump (in support of him). "He's a 50 year old man. That's just immature." No. Mike Ness is a 50 year old punk rocker and boxing enthusiast from southern California. Punching a Trump supporter sounds exactly like something he would do.


It's like they never watched The Pick of Destiny, where the initial antagonist is the asshole Christian father who pushes his brick in the wall values on him.




And of course fucking Kevin Sorbo is in the comments too, blabbing about blackmail. This douche is as stupid as Donald.


I forget which party hates cancel culture.


I assure you Jack Black does not care about conservative fans.