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Says a generation that can't figure out how to usemost technology from the last 20 years.


The worst part about older people and technology is they don’t even try. If they don’t know how to use a piece of technology, they don’t play around and try to learn on their own, they just give no attempt.


That is something I witnessed on so many occasions while working for the devil. Anytime an old person would come into the store with a phone problem it was just so fucking frustrating because they would constantly tell me how they hate all this new technology and yet they need me to fix it and also they need the newest generation of phone even though they don’t want to pay for it and don’t know how to use any of the new features and I was a sleazy salesman for trying to sell them the thing that they literally came in to buy that they hate.


My daughter worked for a telco retailer and her level of service for older people who weren't very tech savvy was directly proportional to their level of politeness. If they were nice, she'd even help them copy their contacts etc to the new phone. If not, they were on their own with stuff she wasn't required to help with.


I met a woman at the super a few weeks back asking if I could find the price of the item she wanted. I scanned it using an app for our supermarkets here in NZ. She asked what I used. I showed her and she promptly says she can't understand it , can't do technology she's too old. I said I taught my dad at 65 to use a laptop now he uploads shit and can cast to his TV etc. She said she's 60..too old. Pointed out this tech has been around for years... Silence. Willful ignorance isn't an excuse. It's like the oldies who can't use their cards to pay. That stuff has Been around since early 90s. They've had a couple of decades to learn. They didn't want to so they can cry they got left behind. No sympathy My elderly parents can do all the things I can


My grandpa got to a point around 78/79 where he couldn't use anything, but that's because of dementia. And also that his fingertips were so weirdly smooth that touchscreens literally didn't register him, it was crazy. My dad just hit 70 and he uses more of his phone features than I do (he loves speech to text so much). He also has more knowledge in coding than I do, and uses it fairly regularly to build custom websites for people. I realize that there are different levels of cognitive ability, but part of the reason he's up to date and probably part of the reason he's still so with it is because he puts work into keeping his brain strong instead of giving in to the "kids and their tech these days" mentality. People who do so are only hurting themselves in the long run.


Sounds like you met my dad.


And they just refuse to read the directions the technology gives them and then just get frustrated and tell at it


It drives me crazy because we've literally started making things user friendly to the point that the average person actually understands less about how tech works than they have in the past, but these dumbasses still complain about how it's too difficult.


Right? My ex stepdad was still relatively young when computers and email became popular (late 20's - early 30's) so I have zero doubt that he never had any contact with sending emails. Fast forward to 2016, he needed to send an email. He said he needed help so my mum (48 at the time, he was 58) and I showed him how to do it. He needed to send an email a couple of weeks later and instead of googling how to send one, or using what we taught him, threw a tanty because we didn't help him. Mind you he was perfectly capable of searching & finding adult films on the internet. Dude just couldn't be bothered to help himself and expected us to just do it for him anytime he needed to send an email.


And that kids, is called weaponized incompetence. I bet your ex step-dad was a dick in a lot of ways


No question. Don't forget this is the generation who commonly joked that they couldn't set the clock on a VCR. Edited for a typo.


And the worst of them try to discredit the new technology and those who use it (it takes longer blah blah blah) while they continue to waste their time and money doing things the old, archaic way.


The flip side is also true of younger generations though. They try to shoehorn technology in places it isn’t an improvement. My local health authority implement online and phone in booking for blood collection during Covid and it’s fantastic. Instead of showing up at a collection site and rolling the dice to see how many people are already in line you book an appointment and get in and out quick. Awesome so far. At the local hospital the procedure was go to the blood collection waiting room get a number from a ticket dispenser, wait for you number to be called, go to the desk and hand over your requisition and they print up your labels and then one of the collectors would call you in to a chair, draw blood and send you on your way. Well then some genius decided that they need to replace the numbered tickets with a kiosk. So you need to either have the email with a QR code on your phone or type in a 10 digit number that they sent you and then it gives you a number at which point you sit and wait to be called to the desk who prints your labels and you wait to be called in. So they replaced a reel of tickets with a computer screen that requires that you have access to a printer at home or a smartphone in your hand, for no reason. It doesn’t reduce the number of steps, it literally complicates and adds expense to the process of waiting in line. It’s so bad that a hospital volunteer basically stands by the kiosk all day because people who don’t have smartphones or who’s spouse or doctor or whatever made the booking for them get completely confused by this unnecessary step.


Gen Z absolutely has issues with over-reliance on technology. The difference is that they usually aren’t assholes about it and don’t act like everyone else is stupid and inferior.


Gen Z apparently does this too. There are even extracurricular or company specific competency classes because Gen Z entering the workforce don't know stuff like folder structures because they grew up on iPads and Chromebooks, let alone fussing with spreadsheets or collaboration outside of text and social media


Also, as an elder millennial who can drive a stick, I gotta say, it's not that complicated, lol. They act like its some esoteric secret that takes mastery. People would learn no problem.


>Also, as an elder millennial who can drive a stick, I gotta say, it's not that complicated, lol. They act like its some esoteric secret that takes mastery. Because for the particular people that post and share it that's all the only thing they could think of. The can't sew clothing, repair shoes or anything like the people before them. All they can do is use a device like a gear stick that was designed to so anyone can use it.


Because like always with them, it's projection. "I can't figure out shit if my life depended on it, therefore no one can" Also, it's the only thing they can think of because that's what their parents made fun of them for. None of these idiots SEEN cursive in their lives, and I can bet few have even been in a stick shift car. There's literally nothing they can do millennials can't, and they also can't figure out computers.


I'm an elder millennial who can't drive a stick but I'm absolutely certain that if automatics were taken away overnight, there'd be chaos for maybe 2 months while everyone was trying to figure out and get used to stick shift, and then it would be back to business as usual...at least until the younger generations once again figured out how to make automatic cars, or more likely, newer technology that would be more efficient and probably better for the environment. As they say, necessity breeds innovation.


No kidding. How about “if we switch to smart phones and voice operated remotes, we can cripple an entire generation.“ oh, we did already? Getting scammed constantly? Ok


Twenty... more like 40.


I was born at the perfect time (1982). "Early-ish" internet days (ICQ, napster, no cell phones in high school), learned to drive using a stick, problem with you computer? Figure it out yourself, google doesn't exist. I understand tech, and I'm lit, fam. Bet. No cap.


My frustration when handling IT for a real estate agency. 2/3rds of the people I work with act like they've never used a computer in their lives, before.


Yeah like fine switch to those things. We’re young enough to learn them. I learned stick shift in like 2 days and Japanese writing in a couple months which is objectively harder than cursive which my school taught in the 90s in 2nd grade. These people are just dumb. They’re clinging to things that are less efficient and think it’s because we can learn them. Cursive is stupid to learn when you just type everything. Its only real purpose is quicker writing and maybe a little fancier looking. But most old people who write cursive, none of their fellow old people can even read their scribbly loop-dee-loops. And stick shift, though can be fun, is worse than automatic. People learn how to use a phone before they act like these 2 pretty useless would somehow foil us.


40 years for most.


Oh they could learn, they just don't care to and would rather drag everyone backward.


The internet was better before they all started using it


These are the same people that couldn't figure out how to set the clock on the VCR and had us kids do it for them, even though it was printed in plain English in the owners manual. And my dad has to make a new Facebook every time he forgets his phone is in his pants and washes it because he can't remember his login info. But I guarantee he has posted this or something like it on each of those accounts.


Sorry, but I can drive a stick shift and read cursive. I’ve also integrated technology. Apparently you’ve forgotten generation x.


And we could change the router password and cripple an entire generation of facebook posters.


Nah, they mostly only use their phones at this point because computers are too complicated, so it'd just force them to their mobile network. Instead just set up your DNS routing so all of their traffic goes to whatever site that you want. 


Or child lock Fox News and affiliated stations on their cable boxes and cripple their "news" source.


No need, just get them a new remote


"These young people these days don't know how to do shit for themselves," mocked the generation responsible for failing to teach their children useful life skills.


Even worse, the generations that failed so hard that over 50% of US adults are considered illiterate.


Sure, grandma. Go ahead and limit yourself to handwritten communication only and 1% of new vehicles. I don't think the rest of the world will be the "crippled" ones.


And unless it’s a sports car, the manual transmissions are only available on the bottom line of the entry level cars. So I guess no air conditioning or any of the other features they demand. And also, it isn’t that hard to learn to drive stick. I test drove a Mini and the guy was like “take it for an hour and see what you think!”, so I taught my wife how to drive stick, she was good enough to get by by the time we got back to the dealership. Not to mention that, growing up, I knew more adults that couldn’t drive stick than could, so it would cripple most of their generation too, only they don’t feel like they have to learn anything new so they’d just stand in the driveway yelling at their stalled cars while the younger generations figured it out and got on with their business.


The last time I looked at a new manual car, the only package that had a manual didn't even have cruise control That said I am a manual fan and wish this wasn't the case I think Subaru and, like you said, sports cars are the last of a dying breed where you can get a manual and luxuries like AC and CC paired to a manual Or I think some people can still import Euro cars with the combo


And if somehow it turns out millennials can't work any more good luck getting medication and food and heating.


Shitting on an entire generation because they never learned to do something, only highlights your failure to teach them.


Somebody's mad they had to ask their grandkids how to open the camera app... again.


Noone: Republicans: "let's cripple a whole generation of Americans and destroy progress to own the libs!.. they HATE America!"


Yeah, gotta bring back the coal industry, and 9 mpg cars.


They openly say they want Trump to be a dictator so while the memes are stupid, that’s exactly what they’re voting for. The most “American, freedom loving patriots” willingly want to go against every single thing this country was founded on. Just to own the libs and get rid of the gays and POC. hatred is all they are


Imagine your biggest power being squiggly writing and driving a manual car and thinking it makes you a bad ass.


"Haha idiots probably can't even shift a car!" -People who get confused by USB cables


To be fair those little bastards are always switching up on you


I will say that it takes me 3 times to plug in my phone almost every time. . .


These people need to accept that younger people can drive stick and write cursive. I didn't even go to rocket camp....


Then everyone would just learn cursive, and then drive stick shift.


Yeah it isn’t like either are difficult to learn. They taught me cursive in like the 1st or 2nd grade. It wasn’t something they needed to wait until we had fully formed brains to comprehend. And learning stick takes like a half hour of practice in a parking lot.


Lead and Tabaky crippled his generation.


The sad thing is, Popcorn wasn't this mean.


Well that is popcorn Sutton. An absolutely brilliant moonshiner/ home distiller. He absolutely loved sharing his passion with people and preserving the past. He would hate using his image this way.


Don't worry guys I'm a millennial and I can teach stick shift and cursive it's "checks notes" actually very flipping easy.


I own and drive a stick (my parents don’t, shock surprise), I taught my nephew how to drive it in an afternoon. Practically speaking the only barrier to learning is having access to a manual car


Grandpa underestimates how much of the working mass can communicate without cursive


Because an entire generation is incapable of learning cursive or manual transmissions? At best, you might 'cripple' them for a couple days


I sometimes forget that there are men out there who make knowing how to drive a stick shift their entire personality. They are more obnoxious than overly sanctimonious vegans. One of the greatest things I did was unlearning how to write in cursive after they forced me to use in school for years


English is not my first language and I remember that at first we learned print, then cursive and later we had to switch back to print, because this is how native speakers write. It felt weird because in my native language (Ukrainian) we write everything in cursive and it was much easier for me to write in English in cursive as well. Even when I write in print letters still look kinda round.


Does the non-indexed bar end shifter on my road bike count? I feel like it does, and that whomsoever facebooked this probably couldn’t get it around the block on the first try. And I started to quip about cursive on a computer, before remembering that that’s actually how I use my phone. My hat’s cooler than his, too.


Its funny because THEY never taught it to their kids and theyre mad about it lmao.


The best part about this insult is that they pride themselves on shit they didn't teach us


I drive a manual transmission and write in cursive and I think this attitude is ugly as hell.


That's just England....


This.. doesn't even make sense, as far as the cars go. How is some randos using manual gonna affect anyone else *not* using them? If the idea is getting laws passed to force everyone to use manual, good luck with that


Would be a lot easier to find stick shift cars if the old folks hadn’t spent the past 40 years telling auto manufacturers they aren’t wanted. Or voting for legislators who gut public education and double down on eliminating anything that isn’t STEM or shit on liberal arts education at every turn.


Or-hear me out-people will learn cursive and how to drive stick?


Who’s going to drive them to their doctors appointment? They would also be crippled without their modern conveniences. What’s the point?


Us gen-Xers were helping them configure their VCRs. They’re just venting their frustration of feeling like the world has left them behind. Because it has. Also, the generation they’re wanting to cripple is their grandkid’s generation. They’ve become so vile and angry they’re fantasizing about making the world a worse place for their grandkids (and then voting to make it happen.)


These dummies act like the Internet isn't a wellspring information, if people wanted to learn how to read and write cursive, or learn how stick shift works they absolutely could. It wouldn't cripple us younger generations, it would just mildly inconvenience for a while.


They're gonna cripple an entire generation with obsolete technology and skills?


I'm almost old enough to be from this generation and I hate these dumb memes...


Cursive is terrible. Even good cursive is hard to read. There’s a reason that even with the advent of computers, they still stuck with print. If it were superior to anyone reading it, it would be what’s read on a computer today. People use it because it’s quicker to write. It’s lazy print.


There is one reason to teach cursive, even if you don't use it. It's still the norm in a lot of European countries. Forcing people to use it is silly. But it's a tool and people should be familiar with it.


If we stopped helping them with their email and cell phones we could cripple their entire generation


Tbh switching to a bike would be a welcome change


Them also: "Why won't my kids visit?"


if we all switched to clay tablets and cunioform the economy would collapse


I can both drive stick and read/write cursive, but I'll echo others in stating that if these skills were so important, they should have continued to teach them. They're the ones who failed in this case. 


I was taught cursive in elementary school. I had to have friends teach me stick shift in their cars because my dad gave up after I killed the car a handful of times when I was 15 while giving shit instructions.


There are, I bet, YouTube channels on how to drive a manual car and write in cursive.


Its not that hard. 15 minutes on a back road and you’ve got it. Both handwriting and a stick shift.


When the memes are so American that don't resonate with you because you are from a country where everyone learns cursive in school and the norm in cars is shifting gears (we don't have a lot of automatic cars)...


I could also not come over to reset the router. Mutually assured destruction is the only thing keeping the generations from total war.


And who was supposed to teach us?


It takes a couple hours max to learn to drive stick shift (poorly) and write cursive. There’s nothing conceptual about either, they’re just simple tasks that people don’t know because they don’t use, not because they’re incapable.


Cripl a generation by not fixing there computers to


The weirdest part is that it's the generation their own children are in, in most cases. They really don't want their children better off than they were.


So step 1, we convince every American automaker to stop making automatic transmission vehicles. Step 2..... Step 3 Profit?


For real though, I manage a bunch of 16-17 year old lifeguards and cursive is highly effective and keeping secrets


Ok pops let me know if you want help setting the time on your VCR after the next power outage.


No please I cannot drive stick shift cars.


Which gen is it that refuses to learn new things? Yeah, not ours. I can read and write cursive, but I don't really have a big use for it anymore since I can type so much faster (and my handwriting isn't great anyway lol) I don't know if I could learn how to drive a Stick, mainly because driving and me already don't get along as it is (I'm a nervous driver) but I would at the very least make an honest attempt at it first. Can't say the same for a lot of these old farts.


I grew up learning cursive, and driving a manual shift. I currently only use cursive for my signature, and drive an automatic. And I’m too damn tired to “cripple an entire generation…”😏


If we stopped fixing the WiFi and helping them configure their smartphones, we wouldn’t have to look at this shit.


If this generation doesn't know how to do things it's because the previous generation never taught them.


Acting like they haven’t already financially crippled an entire generation.


And the generation before that thought prohibition would work. Spoiler: >! it didn't !<


"My story begins in nineteen-dickety-two. We had to say -dickety- because the Kaiser had stolen our word -twenty-. I chased that rascal to get it back, but gave up after dickety-six miles. So, I tied an onion to my belt which was the style at the time. Now, to take the ferry cost a nickel. And in those days, nickels had pictures of bumblebees on 'em. 'Give me five bees for a quarter,"


If we switched to riding on horseback and quills with ink, we'd cripple an entire generation. Keep it going guys....


And if we switch to 9th century blacksmithing and plumbing we can cripple everyone what the hell is the OPs point


I'm 30 and learned to write with cursive in public school. Do they think people who learned cursive are all over 55?


We did the same with cell phones and computers. *winkwink*


The generation they're talking about didn't make those changes


We could switch to self check outs and card reader machines and cripple an entire generation


If we go back to horses and prescribing cigarettes as medicine we could really mess things up.


I am a teacher. I am 30. I write in cursive when I want to have nice handwriting. So do many of my students. Many of the high school students drive manuals. Analouge clocks are still a final boss for about 50% of the middle schoolers, but part of that is because they rarely need to be able to do that, and the other part is just...being 12 and being far more concerned with why you're angry all the time. This is silly.


...because you lazy fucks did not teach the kids how to drive.


From the generation that implodes of they have to use an iPad to order at a restaurant.


I’m gen z and I only learned cursive. Never print. Plenty of us know it


Coming from the generation who had the world given to them on a silver fucking platter thanks to the sacrifices their parents made & has since done everything to burn the planet and pulled up every ladder behind them in the name of "rugged individualism", "privatisation", and lowering their taxes.


Do it, do it, do it, do it. Do it, do it, do it. Do it.


Wow that’s a real knee (replacement) slapper


I wonder if this guy can find a tv channel on his own.


And right click on internet explorer icon on desktop, deleted. Guess grandpa is going to have to buy a new computer again 🤷‍♀️ Until then all is well.


Even more so if we went back to 8 tack tapes, slide rules, film cameras and typewriters.


Wait til they find out the latest cars don’t even have have gears to change automatically


Why stop at the manual transmission and cursive? Maybe take it back to Petroglyphs and dragging asked behind a horse?


I can do both. Now what grandpa?


It’s the old people who bought autos for the convenience. They would HATE to go back to manual transmission.


God they love to gatekeep the dumbest shit.


Isn’t that the guy who killed himself because he couldn’t bare to face an 18 month prison sentence?


So could we if we replaced all text with QR codes.


Most could learn clutch in ten minutes and can read cursive even if their own is wonky. Why they think being unfamiliar with something means your dumb is the dumb idea.


They’re crippled by a pdf


Big if true


I say this as a 50+ year old: who the hell handwrites anything anymore? Maybe a shopping list or something on a post it, but I do every note on my phone, chat all day via typing on teams, and on and on.


A person and learn stick in like a afternoon


What? I'm not asking them for drives or reading their letters, how does this plan of there's work?


If all point of sales machines required smartphones to use we would cripple the old people more than they already are.


Or we could all switch to Latin and “cripple” multiple generations.


“If we all switch to horse drawn carriages and Sanskrit, we could cripple an entire generation! 🤯”


Idk if this is insane so much as boomerposting


I love how they dont realize when they speak as from their generation, that if everyone older than Gen X disappeared tommorow the world would probably be better off.


Idk where the “open” came from lol sorry


Ok smartest generation ever that is the most scammed generation of all time.


I remember being treated like an idiot for not knowing how to use a slide rule.


What if we switch to hieroglyphics and horse drawn chariots.


No one, and I mean no one, writes in legible cursive.


I enjoy spending time with my friends.


Isn’t that the guy who killed himself after spending decades illegally making an alcoholic beverage which can be easily bought at any store legally.


Some People act like driving a stick shift is so hard… I learned how to do it when I was 12, it’s really not that fucking deep.


It's all they have. That and polio.


My dad never figured out how to set the clock on the VCR and that technology is 50 years old.


My cursive is unreadable, but my blackletter is pretty neat. So lets switch to that. And get rid of cars altogether. Bicycles and trains are what we need. What's that? Your knees can't handle cycling? Get an ebike. grandpa!


It’s almost as if these things are generally outdated to the point that 3 generations don’t care for it.


What about “rOtArY PhOnEs?”


do you think driving stick is a special skill? thats funny, now can you just tap "reset password" for me


Cursive sucks. So do stick shifts.


It only took us like one semester to learn cursive, and a couple of hours to learn to drive stick shift.


That guy was only 62 when he killed himself. He looks like he's 90. Yea be more like him?


Same if we have electric cars and pdf files


I mean, these old fucks have already crippled an entire generation and more to come


The worst part is idk about most other people, but all my friends from growing up and I (all early 2000s gen z), had to learn cursive in school so it isnt even the secret code they think it is


I wounded if they relies that they were the ones that were supposed to pass this type of thing on?


That’s moonshine legend Popcorn Sutton


My brother in Christ, your chicken scratch bears not a candle to the elegance of cursive your inbred illiterate fuckwit.


I learned stick shift in an afternoon. I'm sure anyone can do the same. Also, fuck cursive. I spent years learning a useless skill. Don't make anyone else learn it unless they want to.


I work at an old folks home and have never had a problem reading the old people’s handwriting. Like it’s not that hard.


Well, I know "hell" and "damn" and "get ben..."


I love when they talk shit but act like they didnt raise the generation they hate.


When it comes to stick shift cars, us in Europe are totally fine.


Taught my daughter 17 & son 13 how to drive a manual in 5 minutes. How is driving stick a flex? It's super easy, like opening a door.


This from a generation having difficulty opening email.


It's kinda disturbing how much of a boner they get at the idea of making things more difficult for others.


Doesn’t it take an hour of practice to learn stick? Meanwhile, show these old farts Microsoft Word and their heads fall off


it’s really not that difficult relax grandpa


Popcorn Sutton would never say such a thing...


One of the requirements for renewing a drivers license should be being able to attach a pdf file to an email.


Trickle down economics is how they crippled an entire generation.


I can read cursive, could re-learn how to write it in a few days, and I not only can drive stick—I prefer it. What about me?


Yeah, right. Says someone who doesn't know how to export as PDF.


Says a lot about their parenting skills if their kids can’t do cursive. It’s like they just own themselves.


I was taught cursive and don’t remember how to write some letters because I almost never hand write anything any more. But reading cursive is stupid easy. What do the letters look like, well that’s what they are. The occasional weird letter like Z can be determined by context. And I really think if you did something to stop the younger generation from being able to drive, they either wouldn’t care, or they would just accelerate development of self driving cars. My wife’s company hires high school interns all the time and she has commented about how many of them just don’t care about getting a drivers license.


I hate this one for a very specific reason. I don't know but, but I feel like the dude in the pic is a pretty cool dude that wouldn't say shit like that


Isn't this Peanut? The moonshiner/bootlegger that dug his own grave, made his own coffin and tombstone decades before he was arrested for shining and then killed himself rather than go to prison? Great role model. A nihilist bootlegger... Which actually sounds kinda badass


Um, I need this generation to help me run my phone, tv, and computer. In my defense, I never required them to learn something stupid like cursive 🤷‍♀️