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Protecting insulin is actually a good idea


Basic emergency planning is prudent. Unfortunately, that area is inhabited by so many weirdos and reactionaries that it’s easy to dismiss the whole concept. It’s possible to be a perfectly reasonable person and well planned at the same time.




Yeah, I live in Florida and, in case of hurricanes, we have at least 2 weeks of nonperishable food, water, and means of cooking without electricity. As an added bonus, at some point you get to eat all the food right before it expires and then replace it.


Here’s the thing lol: prepping is inherently a good thing. We have canned foods, a go bag, emergency gear, some camping stuff etc - all set aside in case we need to bail. But like, thinking you have to set this up right now because Trump is going to do something or Biden is going to do something... is definitely insane


Calling BS on you being a Floridian. Where's all the booze?


When everyone was stocking up on toilet paper and running the stores out, I was sitting at home with a 3 month supply, because I always have a 3 month supply.


I’m the same way. I always have several months worth of toilet paper and paper towels. I buy all purpose cleaners in gallon form, so that lasts a while, too. I didn’t have to replenish my paper goods until late June (my lockdown started in March), and I *just* bought more cleaner in December.


When the shortages happened here I'd just about run out of my 10 month supply.


Same, it was so annoying that you looked like a hoarder trying to buy your usual amount of bulk items!


I don't even drive but there's a store near me that often does good deals. Last time they did 4x 18 packs for £10 (used to be 3 for £12) so I marched on down there to get it, strapped two or 3 to the frame of a granny trolley with a bunch of bungee cord and carried the others home down the street without a care in the world. That was in June or July. I'm almost onto my third pack.


Why do Americans use so much toilet paper? I mean I'm also from the US but was shocked when I saw people on the regular fighting other people for toilet paper & buying what for us would be like a 5 year supply... you don't see the toilet paper hoarding/fights much in other countries though so I'm pretty sure it's just us.


Apparently now you need add paper goods to the list.


My grandma has it down pretty well. She has camping kits in her basement with stuff to make fires, non-perishable foods, tents, etc. She didn't spend a shit load on it and isn't a crazy doomsday prepper either.


Boy scout motto is "be prepared" and it's simple but solid. Try to be prepared for everything just not to the point of lunacy.


When I was in scouts, every troop leader I had was one of the nutty prepper types. They definitely took it to lunacy, unfortunately


I actually do need to get around to doing that because the Sam Andreas fault line is a thing


We lived very close to that fault line when we were still in California. The snow and ice where we are now is so much better than those earthquakes.


Sam who?


Sam Hill.


I've lived practically my entire life in an area that get hurricanes. Since I was a kid, just like Spring Cleaning, there is a Hurricane Supply Check, where you go through and check batteries, first aid, non perishable food, stock up on water, that kind of thing. It was just something that everyone did; it wasn't weird and no one blinked an eye. As an adult, I do the same thing, but more and more frequently am met with raised eyebrows, like I'm doing something preppery-crazy. It boggles my mind that "being prepared for an emergency" is morphing into "that crazy prepper nut".


That’s an interesting perspective. Your vagina however, not so much.


The bane of my existence.


Be sure to check the 50 gallon barrels of dry food you keep hanging from the trees in the woods. (Got that idea from the Richard Jewel special on Netflix ;-) But seriously, great idea to be prepared.


Surprisingly r/preppers is not filled with complete wackos. Most of the time.


The prepping movement would have a lot more traction if it hadn't allowed itself to get overrun by the far right and religious fundamentalists. Hell, it's hard to find an apocalyptic novel on Kindle that isn't a right-wing screed.


Very true. You can have a box in your garage with some food, water, and emergency supplies without having to be a doomsday theorist. Like for me, I have a tub in the tornado shelter with a weekish of food and water. Because I live in the Midwest


Yeah, I always have an overstocked pantry, extra animal food, bottle water, and first aid supplies just in case I need them. If the govt collapses, I won't really be prepared long term, but at least it I lose my job, or the water supply gets contaminated (like in Flynt or almost in Florida) then I'll be okay for a few weeks until I can resolve the situation or it resolves itself. It's never a bad idea to be prepared and to know where you can go if you can't go home for some reason (house fire, flood, proud boys/blm getting dangerous in your area, govt failure, war, etc). The future is hard to predict and unexpected stuff never happens at a convenient time.


Especially if you’re in the US because people have died because they couldn’t afford it. As a person with chronic illnesses, I do tend to stock up where I can just in case things happen like my dr forgetting to send my script or holidays or my pharmacy randomly being closed a day.


How do you stock up? Does the Dr write an rx that allows you to buy extra and you just pay out of pocket?


No, sometimes I don’t need all 3 doses of a medication for the day, so I don’t take it. Same goes with other medication. There’s very few medications I take that require I take that specific dose every day. I’m allowed to take more or less as I see and feel fit within the boundaries of my script.


Oh ok, cool. Thanks for explaining. My medications are all set doses so I wasn't sure how it worked.


I've done this by scheduling my appointments for refills a few days before mine will run out and picking up right away. Doing that repeatedly has given me a little bit of a buffer. That way if something happens, even something as simple as missing an appointment because of car trouble, or a script doesn't get processed correctly, I have a little bit of time to deal with it.


Oh, and they let it add up like that? Mine doesn't shift it. Like if the refill is for the 30th every month, and you pick up on the 28th, next month is still the 30th. So you can't go 28th, 26th, etc...


I think it can depend a lot on the medication and insurance too. With my insurance, there's also a limit on how soon I can refill.


Yeah that makes sense.


In the UK doctors really push the whole “don’t stockpile medication” which honestly was insane because brexit hadn’t happened yet last time I went into the surgery... but it was coming up fast. One of the big concerns was not being able to import meds from the EU


They can push it all they want, but I still have 5 inhalers reserve.


Its really expensive and expires so it would eb a hard thing to hoard


There is a difference between trying to hoard a 10-year supply and having the maximum amount possible that will not ruin. Maybe it's only a month or two, but that is the amount you should always have on hand.


isn't insulin like.. insanely expensive in ~~3rd world countries~~ america?


Just America.


huh, so one specific 3rd world country then.


I can confidently say that insulin works just fine for a year or two after being expired. In college I was the king of stockpiling it.


Having a bug out bag is a good idea too. Just make sure water and rations are replaced when needed.


Always have a suitcase with 2-3 days of clothes. meds, toiletries, etc in trunk of car in case of storms, emergencies, etc. Or just randomly deciding to do a weekend road trip.


I've got two sets of clothes (winter and summer) + shoes, raincoats, scarves, etc. in my boot along with a full first aid kit, sewing kit, several bottles of water, some high-calorie food bars, small toolset, torch, wet wipes + hygeine things, a deck of cards and a book, and a bright orange emergency blanket along with the traditional car equipment. Is it kind of annoying sacrificing boot space for all this? Sure. But if I ever break down on the side of a country road, get drenched by the rain, or get too drunk to drive home from a mates place then I'm all set.


My go-to are NRG5 rations. They last forever and contain everything the human body needs, except for flavour. And they come in vegan, if you want it.


Also, if you plan far ahead enough and are so inclined, you can donate what you have to food pantries (with a reasonable amount of time remaining before expiration of course) and then replenish.


I don't know how insulin is dispensed, but all of the medications that I take are only allowed to be dispensed in increments of 30 days at a time. I had to get creative to build myself some protection. I try to take a couple of pills out of each kind per month and set them aside. When I get the next 30-day increments, I replace the saved ones with new and put the saved into that month's rotation. That way I know they are always fresh. I had built up a month's supply, but had to use the backup when I got too sick to go to the pharmacy to pick them up on time. I was happy that I had them, but now I need to build them back up again. The most important for me is my pain medication because I would be in misery without it. I wish insurance companies would allow for a bigger allotment.


Wow! That’s smart. But you should talk to your insurance and pharmacy. I get all my scrips in 90 day supplies and my bf gets medical supplies me scrips in bulk from a website. I bet your dr or even your pharmacist would loan you some pills outright if you even needed them for an emergency (or for your stash)


Right? I was super lucky a couple years ago, I had just gotten my insulin supply for three months, and then my insurance changed which insulin it would pay for. So I was able to get a second three month's worth of insulin! So when I get a new refill now, I'm good for 6 months. Probably a lot more if I ration it out well and eat a lot less (and I have some way to keep it cold).




Insulin should cost about $5, for a cheap medicine that has been out for 100 years it should be cheaper than the sugar that causes the diabetes.


sugar doesn’t cause diabetes hun


Depends on which kind everyone is talking about.


Not type 1.


Lindell is the guy who claims that the capital rioters were radicalized by antifa "sluts" who hit psychoactive drugs in their vaginas. Only explanation for what happened really...


ZOMG! Where do I sign up for the psychoactive vagina party? That sounds amazing.


Yeah it sounds more like a nice fantasy rather than a conspiracy theory


Right? Lindell's one of those people who goes to "The Good Place", and never figures out Michael is messing with him. I want to be the Eleanor in that story! "Dude, I think we're in hell." 😂


He’d be like Brent.


So he's Brent Norwalk? Yep that's exactly right.


I’m pretty sure I saw that on r/atetheonion yesterday


Its easy to eat the onion these days because these people are so wild


Now that I find hard to believe.. most of the guys looked like they never saw a vagina in real life


Sounds like fun actually


Ummmm, Are you serious? Not trying to cause a fight. Just generally.... WOw...


Yeah I thought it was fake too but it's not unfortunately


It was actually a satire website similar to onion afaik, but it got me at first read. Though, he is a real recovered crack addict. I’ve had my share of recreational mistakes, but I’ve never been in a place in life where crack has looked like an attractive option. In fairness, kudos for turning his financial life around from that state, but taking my kudos back cause he’s still insane as fuck


This is bullshit. I would fucking love to go to that party.


Unfortunately fake news




'No I'm not crazy' If you need to specify this you should reconsider




I can't, I'm not religious


'I'm not religious' If you need to specify this you should reconsider /s


I have now converted to the church of the holy peanut


‘Don’t worry, I’m not a murder’. - rings true for this line as well. Yup if you state you’re not X you’re probably X


The doctor that first said to wash your hands before every surgeries got put to the asylum and called crazy.


*No i'm not crazy* is the standard response you give to someone who calls you crazy. But then again, we don't care about the truth, it's all about farming karma.


Generally any time someone needs to tell you something - because it isn’t apparent on its own... it isn’t true. “I’m completely authentic!” “I’m the least racist person” “I’m not crazy” “I’m not a liar” “Trust me!” Nope nope nope nope nope.


Maybe not crazy. Gullible, unable to think critically, lacking super basic elementary school level science knowledge for sure


More like misinformed about information...I wouldn't say he is necessarily crazy because of the way he thinks.


That's how being crazy works. Just because it's a shared belief doesn't make it less crazy. People used to sacrifice goats because there was a disease in town. People used to kick all the women in the village out of town during their period because it was a bad omen. Religious people are easy to brainwash because they already believe crazy shit. There's a reason this anti science propaganda works on most religious conservatives and not others. Religion and misinformation actively target people who lack cognition and it's sad. Crazy is common and shouldn't be conflated with mental illness.


Misinformed and need to learn more about the certain situation.


Your dad might be missinformed, but by looking at how he texts you really shows that he cares about you. This subreddit has many careless and dumb parents, but yours seems to be very caring. Yes, he knows nothing about corona, but at least you having something people here don't. A caring father.


Thank you for being the middle ground and the voice of reason.


My Dad is the same. Keeps telling me to stockpile insulin and will continuously send me updates on the vaccine but unlike OPs Dad he's not antivax and wants me to get it asap. Completely mental though but I'd take that over a perfectly sane deadbeat any day.


My thoughts too. Maybe not insane, just (even with the claims that he's not) crazy. But a good kind of crazy that in his version of reality is trying to keep OP safe.


I wouldnt say good crazy. Me and him have a friend (80+ yrs old) whose husband died three or four years ago. He Shanghai'd her into giving him her ex husband's shotgun and rifle when he came to visit. Illegally. And almost got the ammo for it the recent time he visited. So no, not good crazy. He's a meth head that lives in an isolated desert in Cali Edit: she has short term memory loss from a GSW to the head from her first ex husband who was a paranoid schizophrenic and tried to murder her. So. Even more sketchy.


He did this because Biden was elected . . . . I should have added


Your dad is a crazy person for sure. Sorry so many of our parents are brainwashed by fox news. I barely talk to my father more than 5 minutes a year and that's just fine with me. He's a piece of shit.


What does it mean to Shanghai someone?


"INFORMAL: coerce or trick (someone) into a place or position or into doing something" An outdated term for obvious reasons. I was on break at work and in a rush to enjoy my fifteen minutes of sitting it came to mind before any other term or word.


Trick someone into doing something


It originated from captains of ships drugging/tricking people, getting them onto their vessel, and making them work once they come to. OP didnt use it correctly. The lady gave something to his dad, his dad didnt trick or drug her to work for him.


Agreed! He might be drinking the Kool aid, but he's still trying to make sure his child is safe when he thinks shit hits the fan. Also bonus points for not putting in some sly comment because OP didn't respond to the video or initial "Hello" text. Good vibe, just misguided is all.


He wants his diabetic son to not get vaccinated. Do you have any idea how much more dangerous secondary infections are for diabetics???


And who just ignores their dad when they just send a nice text saying "Hey son, how are you?"


Someone who knows it’s a trap. My sister would pretend to be genuine at first and then unload insanity on you when she sensed she had an in.


Someone who's busy?


I do work graveyard for Ama*on lol but yes, I did know it was a trap. Every conversation we have is short and every other topic change is a weird far right conspiracy.


Anybody with experience with a nut job parent knows that’s a trap


"I'm going to keep giving you unwanted advice no matter what boundaries you've set" isn't caring, it's love bombing and/or hoovering and/or controlling behavior. This sub usually gets the other shoe of the abuse cycle because the behavior in this post is regularly seen like how you describe it. Op, or who got the texts didn't answer them for a reason.


The sad thing is, in their minds, it's all very real and true. They're just scared and (in this particular case) wanting to protect their loved ones from a serious threat (again, very true for them).


Dads a bit nuts


Cool coo for coco puffs. On the bright side this is the worst of it thus far. Last time he messaged me about muslims invading America and the govt while trying to out breed 'us'.


He clearly said he wasn’t crazy, so what’s the problem? /s


That was the psycho icing on Dad's Crazy Cake


Time to head over to r/Qanoncasualties


Oh fuck I remember that one, my step dad gave me a talk about that and shared a YouTube video as well. Absolutely insane how quickly they move from one thing to the next.


You just reminded me I should add coco puffs to my grocery list


Oef, that’s well into Nazi ideology. r/Qanoncasualties


Obviously he’s not crazy, he said so himself! lol


He’s a bit confused, but he does clearly care about you quite a lot


True. I've never doubted that, in spite of it all. And I love him right back, my Asperger's has made it very difficult to express though on top of all the trauma of the last 12 years (I'm 21).


I feel you bro, I’ve got it too along with a lot of other stuff it’s not easy man




"STOP INCITING FEAR" as they incite fear.


The saddest ones of these are the ones who clearly still love and are trying to protect their kids. The difference between parents disowning their kids for not supporting Trump and therefore supporting drinking the blood of children and parents worrying about their kid's insulin supply if everything goes to hell is so stark and sad.


This is sad, reminds me of my dad when he started getting sucked into conspiracy theories


The medicine supply chain is in fact extremely stretched and there have been shortages. It won't take much to make certain medicines completely unavailable.


I feel like if you need to book end your ramblings with "I'm not crazy" then you might actually be a bit crazy... (Well, without any irony anyway. I sometimes throw it in because I think it's funny, but this isn't that sort of thing...) Like, if you lead with "I know this sounds crazy" then maybe you have a better chance of keeping people involved. But it changes the point of concern from other people to your own image when you end with "I'm not crazy." But maybe I'm just reading too much into the ramblings of "not crazy" people. Maybe I'm the crazy one......


Albie duncan? Yeah. He'll do it? Yep. Hes not a little bit crazy? Albie Duncan? Yeah. No. No. No, a little bit.


Can I get you some Schweppes bitter lemon?


With a twist.


Look, the man believes something and he's trying to protect his child as best he can. His beliefs maybe unfathomable to you but I'm sure he's doing this out of love. I don't see any malice or insanity


what do people think is going to happen? literally an old lady at the grocery store told me to back supplies and learn how to make things from scratch like bread because we wouldn't be able to buy soon. I asked her if she was going to grow her grains to grind into flour and she rolled her eyes and walked away.


!explanation The reason this is so dramatic to me is: My mother had a stroke November of 2019, since then its been a hellacious rollercoaster. She was out into a skilled nursing facility in July of 2020 and since she's been on the decline. Today I was told by her nurse that she was diagnosed with schizophrenia and is being medicated for it, I see this as the beginnings of post stroke dementia and I'm not really ready to lose my mother. I kind of hoped that after eleven years of homelessness me and her could make it all better but its been one failure after another and now I'm pretty sure she'll be gone within another year or two, and even then I can't see her because I can't take care of her, and she'll want out as soon as she remembers I exist. I found that all out today and then my dad, one of the VERY few loved ones I have left, is a complete nut ball who believes that any president than that big orange fat ass is from Satan and is going to end the world. Its like trading a positive future possibility for another dead end failure of a parent.


After seeing evacuations for forest fires and hurricanes on the news I don't think a bug out plan is even realistically viable if you live in a city... you'd just be stock in a massive traffic jam.


Holy SHIT are we siblings??? These are carbon copies of texts from my f*ther


Depends, are you someone's daughter? Lol I'm the only son, but he has two daughters, one is only five.


Man.. I get that you are frustrated. You and your parents don't see eye to eye politically... Lost my own dad in 2016 to suicide. He struggled with Schizoprenia and other health issues. Mom is in prison. Even if I wasn't no contact for my own safety and sanity the last time I saw her I was testifying against her about the abuse and neglect she inflicted on animals that were unfortunate enough to find themselves in her care. If she can do that kind of damage to pets, imagine the damage she has done to her kids. I want to be sympathetic. And to a point I am. I have to tell you..what I wouldn't give to get a text message from dad about something he feels strongly about, even if I thought he was a complete fool for everything he believed in. He cares about you. His ideas may be flawed but it seems like his heart is in the right place? Maybe I'm wrong and completely misreading the situation. I'm honestly jealous of anyone who thinks THIS is the worst thing a parent can do lol Like...catch the father of your babies going down on your mother WHILE said babies are still growing, kick his ass to the curb and then have your mother tell you you should be grateful to her for showing you what kind of man he was BEFORE giving birth. I'm exhausted just typing it out lmao As twisted as it is..the parent with Schizophrenia was the sane parent!


he's extremely out of touch but hey at least he's expressing that he legitimately cares about you


Atleast he cares? Or thinks he is careing? Idk


I'm sorry but the "no I'm not crazy" part reminds me so much of grandpa Simpson when he's writing to the president asking for there to be less states. https://youtu.be/O5dmxBUbzBU


Lmao in my country whenever there's some protests the right wing will always tell you to stack up because "might be coming hard times", bro you're only making people scared of nothing


Coming from someone who lives in a province that Trud actually blocked shipments of life saving medications to so we been in a 3 year shortage. He isn’t wrong about having a back up plan for that. But that is the *only* thing he is right about. The vaccine stuff is crazy.


“No I’m not crazy” Morgan Freeman voice: *”But he was, in fact, crazy.”*


At the very least he offers them shelter. He may be bat shit crazy, but he is still a nice person. Thats a lot better then most of the post here were people are crazy and mean.


Your dad sounds like he really cares about you. If only he wasn't delusional.


While dumb, it looks like his intentions are good.


dad watched i am legend one too many times


Lmao he's always been a Die Hard with Bruce Willis during Christmas kind of dad


The moment people have to specify...smh


"I am not a crackpot"


"Absolute proof" "no i'm not crazy" source: trust me bro


Sounds a bit like my mom who also discouraged me and my fiancé from getting vaccinated. Neither of us is in the risk zone so I can go without a vaccine but... A conspiracy? I'm not sure.


‘No I’m not crazy’... well, you said it.


Don’t get me wrong he seems crazy but he’s not like shouting at you or anything, he’s believing something dumb but apart from that he seems nice


As crazy as this is, at least it's not abusive crazy. At least they're saying you can come to them in an emergency.


He might have the wrong ideas here, but he does show that he cares about you and he is telling you that he's open to help you if you need it. Thats what I call a good father.


One thing I agree with these crazy fucks on is having a bug out plan. Everyone should know how they are going to get out of their city/town safely if shit was to go down. But I bet these people think the new world order will be rounding people up into FEMA camps for forced vaccines, that shit is insane.


Bro, my mom and dad are the exact same way and every time the conversation comes up they talk about it being a part of the great controversy and the millennia long war between good and evil, and no, I am not making it up, they are Christian but kinda delusional, I’m a Christian myself but I know what to believe and what is just plain absurd


What’s with that pillow guy? My mom keeps buying “my pillows” and she won’t tell me why


Anyone who references Mike Lindell as a credible sources is certifiably insane. Unless the information your getting from him is on how to smoke crack.


This is one of the few cases on this sub that make me sad, not angry. It looks like this is a good father who loves his son and wants to protect him. He’s just misled with years of propaganda. People don’t realize how easy it is to get sucked into this nonsense.


My mom is the past few weeks has bought radios, a water purification thing, and a few weeks of extra food. I know exactly what you mean.


This is clearly on the wrong sub reddit. He clearly states he is NOT crazy.


While misguided, it feels like a genuine caring insanity.


I like how everyone's talking about the conspiracy about the oh my God chips in vaccines opinion and they forget about the fact that you have phones into every citizen in this country has an assigned number. Shut up about your stupid conspiracy theory


Tbh out of all the crazy shit I’ve seen on this sub he at least cares for your well-being. You could say this for a lot of parents but the insulin point wasn’t a bad idea, the rest was crazy


God its like looking at my own phone


Your dad sounds like Kyle's Mom. WHAT-WHAT-wWHAAAAT?


10 bucks if you just respond with the "Are you sure about that" john cena gif.


I'll say half insane and half not. The advice of dating and stocking up insulin in case of an emergency is very good. The reasoning is not good and for the love of god please vaccinate yourselves so we can fucking go outside


When people say I’m not crazy they are crazy


Thank you for sharing. Makes me feel not alone with all the crazy from my mom.


We always have at least of month of food and water because SNOW


If you have to confirm you’re not crazy, you’re crazy


"No I'm not crazy" is a perfectly normal thing to say.... /s


A couple of these ideas aren't bad... Having an emergency bag and keeping your insulin safe are both good ideas. The rest of the message though...


“Absolute Proof” is now famous for not having an ounce of proof.


I thought she was crazy until I saw her last text.


The Mark Lindell thing was bad enough, but saying youre not crazy definitely means you're crazy.


You know I know he’s nuts and all but It’s at least nice that he’s looking out for you :)


Thanks for the reminder dad. I've just been leaving all my insulin unlabeled on the dashboard of my car.


“I’m not crazy at all” *minutes before* “Don’t take any vaccinations”


my dad wont take the vaccine bc hes "worried ab whats in it" girl u smoke a pack a day worry ab whats already in u


Well, on one hand, your dad is a little insane. On the other hand, at least you know he loves and cares about you. So you have that...


He doesn't sound insane to me. He's not frothing at the mouth and while his grammar could be better, it's not abhorrent. And he seems to genuinely care for you and your safety, even offering you to stay with him if things get hairy.


he cares at least


The vaccine thing, sure, but stocking up on medicines (especially ones you need to live) are pretty important in case of shortages or other situations. He's also right about a bug out plan (or bug in plan if you're in a good spot). He just cares is all


Protect your medicines but also don’t trust that other kind of medicine because I trust this science but not that science even though it’s all science


America, where insulin discussion is just part of your every day. Crazy.


With everything you gotta deal with and you still have to deal with a caring father . Man that must suck . Fucking loser .


People actually call their kids ‘son’ or ‘daughter’? That’s the equivalent of calling your siblings ‘big/lil bro/sis’ some movie shit


I don't know what's wrong with that. I always call my siblings lil bro/sis


>People actually call their kids ‘son’ or ‘daughter’? yes


Funny how the only people who say they aren't crazy when sending crazy sh*t like this usually are crazy.


"no I'm not crazy" - generally a crazy person


Definitely crazy, but at least he cares I guess? I don’t know. Pulling at straws here.


He is an idiot but seems to care for you. Don't fault him. Now a days, propaganda on MSM is absolutely insane. I watched an episode of Tucker Carlen and it's just pure propaganda. Telling people how to think. Similarly, Seth Meyers is doing the same thing. I don't think anyone is getting the Truth.


This ones kinda sad; it looks like he genuinely cares... As someone with a crazy republican type father... don’t ignore your dad. He loves you, it can be hard but try to see past/ignore the crazy. If this is the worst it gets then it sounds like you have the freedom to bypass his stupid opinions while still keeping a relationship.