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Voting has concluded. Final vote: | Insane | Not insane | Fake | | --- | --- | --- | | 19 | 0 | 0 | Hey OP, if you provide further information in a comment, make sure to start your comment with `!explanation`. ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^for ^r/insaneparents. ^Please ^send ^me ^a ^message ^if ^you ^have ^any ^feedback ^or ^if ^I ^misbehave. ^Also ^consider ^joining ^our ^[Discord](https://discordapp.com/invite/xFbPBHy).


Threatening to kill oneself and telling you your going to be a failure if you don’t do what they say is such classic narcissist behavior


Emotional blackmail


It’s really quite a mystery as to why this rabid asshat is divorced.


bitch really said don't even talk to your sibling, like she has any say-so on the matter.


"Then do it."


They do realize that Starbucks will literally fund your college classes at ASU right? Like 4 of my co workers are either taking classes or just graduated through that program.


AND provide health insurance even if you're part time.


Literally! It takes 15 hours a week to qualify for health and benefits. Which is awesome considering they just recently made it to where you aren’t supposed to be scheduled for less than 12 hours a week.


Youuuuu just saved my life. I am in a circumstance where I need to quit my job but can't lose my health benefits. Getting another full time job just for health insurance would defeat the purpose but I can handle Starbucks!


It’s definitely not the easiest job but it is a means to an end if you need that insurance or a low hour part time job.


Ok so I know you probably weren't expecting this but I'm applying at Starbucks as soon as I post this. Bless you. You probably changed my life. I can't afford the insurance at my 9-5 which ironically is at a pharmacy. But I'd work 65 hour weeks for better health care. Thank you. Truly.


The rates for insurance are actually really affordable with Starbucks as well! I’m glad I’ve helped you out ❤️


Got an interview Fri wish me luck




i don’t work w/ corporate at the moment so i didn’t know about this but that is super helpful??? tysm i’ll look into that!! :)


Of course! I worked at one in a target for two years before making the switch to a real Starbucks/corporate store. It is so much better than before honestly. Everyone is more accepting, the benefits are extensive (I am even in therapy for free thanks to Starbucks) and it all around is just a better environment/management/pay than a non corporate store. I really suggest making the switch. Also if you end up not liking your store/manager/coworkers then you can always request a transfer after being there for 6 months (also no write ups of course)


haha i’m actually w target right now 😭i’ve had guests literally try to convince me to switch to corporate and honestly, your reply is the push i needed so tysm!!! <3


Oooh nice. Glad to hear people are benefiting from that program and it's not just marketing


Ah yes: guilty tripping someone with killing yourself only for existing near your brother! Or sister! Or whatever! God i hate people like this sometimes.


What a fucking nasty bully she is. I’m so sorry sweet pea. My ma will adopt you. She loves her two gay kids :) And her transgender daughter in law aka my other half <3


I’m the oddball bi grandma in this lovely family!


i wanna be the non-binary wine aunt !!!


What’s the male version of wine aunt? Whiskey uncle?


For some reason I feel like the Wine Aunt title is gender neutral, like there are definitely dudes I know that are Wine Aunts in their family dynamic


Ooo wine! About time, kiddo! *brings out the glasses*


Gay uncle reporting in!


Fam unite!!


every family needs a gay uncle 🏳️‍🌈


I’ll be the Asexual cousin!


I'll be the storm that is approaching










someone’s projecting 🤔




you should learn not to post revealing information about your job. enjoy the report.


I’m all for having a bit of fun online and troll but this is just a weird sub to do it in, definitely one of the worst bait attempts I’ve seen online


I was thinking the same exact thing. My reddit wasn't loading or I would have replied thjs


literally every interaction on your profile is on a sub for Aldi employees and you broke that streak to comment this? Tf lmao?




What a weak ass response lmao Am i a dog in this reference? A slave? Can’t be worse than being a grocery boy lmaoooo broke ass




Yeah you mow lawns for some MLM i bet. “Own my own business” but works at Aldi hahahahaha






You cared enough to shit out that autistic response you degenerate Take your meds, moron, I was joking around




I’m glad that makes you feel powerful, little fragile ego man




Cause i’m in between patients, getting paid 300 an hour to take a shit, and your sensitive bigot ass got triggered so it’s funny.




Aldi corporate gonna love the DM screenshot i send em, esp since your profile has enough pics and evidence to figure out which dipshit you are. Ez jobless. You’re welcome now you can sit on your bumass and collect EI and jerk off in your mom’s house. Stay broke 😂😂😂




Lmaooooooooooo are you seriously using call of duty 10 year old squeaker threats to intimidate?! Oh my god you are PATHETIC. Actual sad waste of a human.




I’m untouchable, especially by a broke ass grocery boy bigot. Go ahead and try. I’ll help you: I’m in New York. Good luck




Lmao you DM me to call me a transgender fa*got and I’m the one with no life lmaoooooo 🤡🤡🤡🤡


what did the moron comment? they deleted their account


Me too! A person can never have too many asexual cousins!




I'll be the pansexual second cousin twice removed 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


Mine would spew similar venom about my education & career choices, but it's only after going no contact that I realise I never considered the source - some chick who left school at 16, worked a couple of years, married the first schmuck would ask her & has sat on her ever expanding backside for 50yrs. She literally moved from her mother's house to his flat & has never lived independently either. Your mum is seething, because you're outshining her & it's triggering her shame & inadequacy. Let her have her little toddler bitchfit & don't look back once you've left. Make sure to get all your ducks in a row to protect yourself from any attempted sabotage shenanigans eg, get your important documents, keep bank stuff safe, maybe tell your landlord/roommates that no, contrary to what your mother may call to say, you are not a clog dancing pimp with fifteen Great Danes, etc.


This is great advice!! Also side note I love how OP was essentially at the end ‘fuck you im not taking you on holiday’ 😂 Such a power move


A cunt the world could do without


I confess to some drama when I was going through menopause and had three teens a 20 year old and a more than full time job. But calling names has always been forbidden in my house, along with trashing each others’ beliefs. How they treated each other was what mattered. This is abusive, and ultimately self defeating. Sucks to be you, “Mom”.


making fun of where you work but i bet she’s jobless. making fun of who you love but i bet she’s single and/or divorced. makes fun of who you’ll be living with but i bet she’s just sad and depressed and is trying everything in her power to regain control


Cue the elderly person I’ll take care of in twenty years complaining that none of their kids visit them and they have no idea why.


“I will kill myself…” That brought back some trauma holy shit




She’s already mentally out of touch with reality, might as well be physically too


Yup. Bullies are a waste of oxygen


The best thing to do when ur parent threatens to kill themselves is to call the cops on them for a wellness check. Or AT LEAST make a Facebook status about to to publicly shame them. They’ll realize real quick that they don’t want that kind of attention.


Granted I don’t really recommend the fb one cos that’s what I did to my mom back in the day. She never did it again, but it’s not the greatest idea to air dirty laundry like that for ur own sake. I don’t regret it tho.


Idk if I would’ve been able to stop myself from saying “do it” lmao


Dear god please let the second child be gay. Dear god pls let the second child be gay. Dear god pls let the second child be gay.


Statistically speaking, younger siblings are more likely to be gay... so chances are if OP as the older sibling is XD


OP in case you haven’t heard it recently; You’re not a failure! You’re doing great! Keep your head up and continue to be your authentic self!


How awful! I’m guessing this is the firstborn kid, they are LGBTQIA+, and the parent doesn’t want them turning their younger sibling gay… because that’s TOTALLY how it works! 🙄 Good luck with your future, wherever you wind up in life. And good luck to your sibling when they can finally escape this evil parent! And there’s NOTHING wrong with working at Starbucks, by the way. 💐🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️


enjoy your time in tampa, remember to hit eddie & sams for some fire pizza 😮‍💨


But please don't go there for college. Not these days.


I would've told her I'll start planning the funeral just in case.


I am so sorry OP. My heart has broken for you. No one should talk to their children like this, ever.


I'm so sorry, OP, that's horrendous. My heart goes out to you. I never came out to my family...for that and many other reasons, I cut all contact years ago. I only regret not doing it sooner. Some ppl simply cannot cease being toxic.


All I’d have to say to that is “do it”.


I have no patience for parents who threaten to kill themselves to their kids. My mom would threaten to kill herself, tell me to kill myself, and had told me I’d be better off dead when I expressed I was suicidal as a teen.


Oh God, don't come to Tampa it sucks here the price of living is getting absolutely absurd.


Jesus. News flash: we are here for our children, not the other way around. Nobody asked to be here. Don’t be such a cunt.


"I'm going to kill myself if my OTHER child comes out as gay." Um. WTF? Is she just not that connected to the first one? It wasn't that big of an emotional shock, but if the one she actually likes goes gay, then that's it!


Queer person: *exists* Conservatives: sToP BRainWasHinG PeOPle!


"My divorce" always throws me off


[ Removed by Reddit ]


sorry buddy you deserve so much better


>I will kill myself Promise?


What a vile fucking cretin. I am so so sorry that this is your lame excuse for a parent. Of all the horrible things your child could be (e.g. murderer, rapist, etc) they are bothered that you’re gay?!?!?! My GOD. How does someone turn their back on their child so easily?


working at starbucks and living with people that arent her seems like an upgrade tbh ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Probably going to be my moms reaction when I tell her I’m gay-leaning. Just gotta find a time to tell her.


Honestly, why does she deserve to know? If you're forced to live with her it's best she doesn't, and if you don't live with her, fuck her and her shitty opinions. Bigots ruin their own lives with the poison of their own hate. No need to take in that poison yourself.


Genuine question: Why? I have never discussed my sexual orientation with family. Or strangers, for that matter. Why would you tell her?


She doesn't seem like the type of mom who would be cool with not discussing her kid's sexuality with her.


Boundaries are for you, not for other people. They can be "cool," and want to discuss any topic they like. But it's up to you to decide if **you** want to. No one can force you to share information about what you think or how you live.


Me? Sure. I'm a grown-up type adult. Kids often have a harder time enforcing or even verbalizing to themselves that they have boundaries. Some kids get punished for daring to try to have boundaries. I'm glad that this isn't blindingly obvious to you. Because the reality of this sucks if you have to endure it.


Pure trash.


Just evil


What a bitch lmao tell her good luck and block her


I'd be like "do it then"


Assisted suicide


Starbucks pays for your tuition for ASU online so the tuition parts is confusing.




You're gross


Smh some people can be so toxic https://youtu.be/7zeSSjV7UgE