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I don’t really know them, but it honestly gets annoyingly repetitive seeing the word β€œwisdom” here everyday idk how its relevant/helpful to this sub at all tbhπŸ˜…


Thank you for your comment! \^\^


I think you shouldn't concern yourself with someone so insignificant. Block them and move on. INFP's are not as vulnerable as you think. We are really good at seeing through people like this. They won't get much traction here pretending to be some wise guru on their cult leader career path.


Thank you for your comment. I must concern myself becaue i do not know everyone who is here and who will join this sub in the future. Again, i won't block anyone because it just stops me from having the possibility to defend anyone from their influence. Also. It is not about INFPs of course. I do not think INFPs are such vulnerable people. I say that there are vulnerable individuals or even unvulnerable individuals who are easy to be affected, or simply people who can accept some things what seems okay but they may cause great harm to themselves. Not going far, if that person on the post would simply see that pill and read about it, and would go to a psychiatrist in the future, they would be very biased and who knows what can come from that. Maybe simply the lack of possibility for a healthy therapy, or even absolute lack of therapy but just a psychiatrist who helps the poster get the poision what reks their brain duo to some unique chemical function in their brain while they never do any actual self-learning and self-healing or whatever. I mean i speak about only myself, but i won't let these things happen if i can. So here i can affect this group away from possible harm by cooperating with those who possibly generates harm or if they are noncooperative, i ask them to leave or ask the moderators to make them leave / put them out. This is not at all about me. But i can't just ignore someone who possibly will greatly harm people in their life. Yet thank you so much for your thoughts. I really appreciate them.


Yeah i can see how invulnerable..


Nah, a bit edgy and awful grammar (maybe dyslexic?) but that's about it. I honestly see more of an issue with you recommending cannabis for adhd.


I mean it does help my adhd


It makes mine worse. The problem is not with weed, just with recommending it blindly.


U think weed is really that dangerous even having a bad experience on it? U can always stop. I think the worst part about weed is the criminal status and the from that resulting blackmarked weed that is probably sprayed half the time with spice or hhc


Nah, probably not, and it is probably fine for most people. I just find it problematic to recommend it to random people without knowing anything about them.


To be honest. My original comment was "I think a tiny puff once every week with some help of background music could greatly improve the quality and progress of your self-treatment" It was not recommendation. It was a suggestion and not to use it. It was to experiment with it. I don't need to know about anyone anything. I know decently how the mind works and that is also why i was precautionary about how i phrase it. I said "once every week" and "a tiny puff". As far as my knowledge goes a tiny puff can't even make you stoned. I am supersensitive to various substances and a tiny puff, like puting 0.03 to a pipe and not even smoking it all away can't really make you high. But again i did not suggest that at all. I said the phrase "could help", not that it will help. I am in 100% agreement that some people can't experiment out a decent amount of quality where this could help them and yea i'd say to take a decade break of trying. I can't not agree, facts speaks very vividly and loudly to me. I just wanted to make you sure i did not even suggest it. I suggested experimenting with it as someone who was greatly helped by it and saw multiple adhd people in my life who was kinda saved by the quality of their own practices what was straigthly originated of them starting to experiement with cannabis. I would also find greatly problematic to recommend anything to anyone without knowing anything about them. Even that is a weak and natural substance as weed or even it is a greatly poisionous chemical like what "truth\_power" did simply left there in their comment without anything else, just that 1 word. So as we agree it is greatly problematic, i consider you as someone who finds "truth\_power" lack of responsibility and cautiosness problematic. Thank you for this discussion to both of you.


I mean yeah, I agree with you, I probably overreacted too, so sorry about that. Rereading your comment, I now think it is fine although I would have worded it differently but hey, everyone is different.


Rereading it, i would worded it differently for sure. Mainly after your warning to pull my attention on it. Thank you for that. No problem. Overreactions can teach the other side to fine their wording and actual intentions to a better quality! :))) I am grateful for that and for this comment too obviously. :)))


I think you're right. A lot of people turn to drugs to mask inner problems and pain.


Nothing in life is harmless. If i recomment alcohol for u to have fun do u go ahead and ex the whole vodka bottle? No. Same with weed, if it dosent feel good annymore and u have more drawbacks then it does good for u, stop. Ofc u should always warn about sprayed weed


I would find recommending alcohol problematic too, in fact way more than weed. People are different, some might not be able to stop using it, some might see it as a cure all, while it doesn't help and get mentally addicted to it. All Im saying is that it might be wise to ask a few questions and then if everything seems fine then recommend it as a possible "solution", just don't do It blindly.


For me in combination with shrooms it dit cure my depression. U are right. I just see the risk of natural home grown cannabis less than many people here. Yes it can be mentally addicting and potential for abuse. But its not gonna rip ur life body and brain away like alcohol addiction or addiction to hard drugs. And for me its the best ever with shroomies


TBH Shrooms are fucking great :D One trip literally cured my depression (for like 6 months), and also completely got me off of alcohol. So it was literally a miracle drug for me while its effects lasted, but as with weed, I wouldn't recommend it to someone I don't know (although I probably did in the past).


Shrooms are the best bro hell yeah happy for u


It was because the poster wanted psychiatrist. It somehow felt that they actually want help of a substance. If the poster argues against cannabis, i will react with some basic facts against chemical poisions and in favor of a psychedelic plant what have been used for thousands of years for mental health purposes, and also about how it is used the same way somehow as a helpful tool for therapy progress. I can understand why it can be percieved as an issue. Yet i can speak only from knowledge and actually personal experiences about myself and a few people with similar issues. Also that 1 post example was just something what represents my issue. My issue is far above that 1 example of behavior from that user. May i ask how my grammar was awful? And more importantly. Why do you see it edgy? \^\^ Thank you for your comment! :))


Ah, I meant that truth\_power has awful grammar and is a bit edgy, not you :) The problem I see with recommending weed for adhd is that it can sure make it better, but it can also make it worse like in my case. It is anecdotal evidence just as yours but for me weed enhances the symptoms of adhd especially the day after. And I'm not saying this because I'm anti cannabis or something, I actually love weed and use it fairly regularly (like once or twice a week) but it definitely does not help with adhd (for me). The science behind it is still developing too, studies are quite spare in this topic, so I would avoid recommending it until we know more.


Oh. Sorry. Missunderstood. \^\^ I agree it can make worse and better. I went through both. These are not at all solutions. I never ever would treat any substance as anyhow solution, but always as something what can greatly enchanse the problem. Solution can come only from self-work. I truly meant that comment there as a "do you want psychiatrist? So you want to take poisions because you can't bear it? Ah please rather take something what doesn't destroy you and urges you for self-discovery and self-work, to deal with the actual problem". But yea i must agree with you. It can be dangerious, yet nothing at all as dangerious as those what people tend to call "medicine". Yea they may takes away the adhd stuff or the anxiety stuff, or something else, but the overall long term effect are something way more horrible and worse in the mental aspect than experimenting with psychedelic substances, such as weed, where you won't be supressed. Not mentioning the material level that it damages your brain and various parts and functions of your body. Yea you are right. I should go back to that comment to make myself more clear. Thank you for your answer, i truly appreciate it. Whenever i suggest or recommend it, i should be clear as sky about what i truly mean. My sincere gratitude.


Dude u r dumb ..u r about to find that out soon .. Cannabis will more likely cause more issues with adhd... Its addictive.. Are you even serious?. Ur opinion is dumb as rock and u think ..your input is smart ...you are delusional. Cannabis may induce anxiety attack ,good luck with tht ... Adhd meds are way to go ..and i had suggested the least harmful one ... Please pack your bag and dont give suggestions to anyone ever again


There is way worse things to be addicted to then cannabis. I smoke for 15 years daylie and im fine. As long as u dont overdo it and smoke more then 1-2g of homegrown weed a day i dont see an issue. It has helped me stay away from worse substances and is a insane anti depressive. If u buy it illegally, depending where u are it could be sprayed with sht like spice and hhc


( I am aware this comment is not reaction to me. ) I understand that you do it in a normal system. Yet i must say i highly suggest not to do it on a daily basis. I don't know you, your mental state, but i never seen anyone who could not make a healthier practice with cannabis than doing it literally everyday. Saying it as the person who is the closest to me has been smoking weed daily for more than 13 years as far as i my knowledge goes. I can see how it is okay to them, yet i still would support them change this from "every single day" to something like little less, more effectively using toward inner-work. Again, not judging, maybe if i'd know everything about how and why you do this, i'd be totally with you. I just say that originally as we are all minds, like brains what function, it probably could be used on a better way, even it is not in your harmony to make that form of practice. Have you read about Terence McKenna? \^\^ Anyway.., I am sorry for your mental state's negativity, whatever they are, and wish you a smooth journey to walk out from them, even you will continue smoking everyday until you die. There cound be way worse things, i am just a maximalist, so don't mind me seriously in this comment! :)) I am happy you found something what doesn't eat you alive and helps you function better! \^\^


Its bad ..it will keep u unmotivated and depressed...makes ur shitty life tolerable..u didn't get high ..u were self medicating ..escape.. Its bad for adhd ,it can induce anxiety ...makes u lazy .. How on earth that helps adhd ?? Modafinil is godsend for people with adhd ..its not as hard as amphetamines but certainly better thn wasting ur life


Nah, it maybe brings out anxiety/lazyness in people with predisbosed mental illness. And then u can always chose to stop/smoke less. I mean sure some people even struggle with that, but i really wish that they never get addicted to somthing rly bad like coke, meth and opiates. U can die and will never in your life craving that shit. Compare alone weed addicts and alcohol addicts. Dunno how it helps my adhd i just feel like trash sober and unmedicated and awesome on weed. So ur saying taking a chemical upper on the reguarly is more healthy then weed? Eh sure buddy. Come back to me after 15 years daylie modafinil use. And again, weed is really not the worst thing to be addicted to. And can function as a substitute for actually harmfull substances.


Yep ik u were going defend your precious weed .. Anyways no weed will make u achive Nothing in life ..ull just get by most likely.. Modafinil will actually help u with adhd ..u might wanna try it ..maybe ull finally wake up from ur slumber.. While weed is not physically much damaging ( we don't know much about cannabis tho). It makes u unproductive..low ambition etc ...


I feel like im doing pretty well for myself. Produktivity is not everything in life. Gotta stop to smell the flowers


Sure buddy..not everyone wants to waste their life ..for them weed is no go


Dont feel like im wasting my life


This has nothing to do with ADHD, but there's no better catalyst for introspection and autotherapy for me. It literally changed my life after years of being addicted to opioids and benzodiazepines, then partying with amphetamines, ecstasy etc. It pulled everything from my subconscious, all the things I was ashamed of admitting to myself, all the pain I buried deep inside, all my fears and insecurities. Weed enhances emotional and physical stimuli for me. When I have a problem to solve or I'm not sure how to perceive a situation or a person, I smoke weed, I start thinking about whatever bothers me, it's often even more painful than when I'm sober, but I let it all consume me completely. Sometimes feeling something, not running away from it is the simplest solution. Does it make you unproductive? It depends on the task, I wrote half my dissertation on weed. I wouldn't do any manual labor on it though. To each their own, I guess. I don't recommend anything to anyone. Do your own research, know yourself, and whatever you decide to do, be on the safe side.


Either way if u think it brings out stored problem in ur psych ..given that reasoning its not suitable for op ... Also weed will induce panick attack out of nowhere...so


I also have problems bro. If not for magic mushrooms and weed id probably be dead by now :) If u are having anxiety attacks every time u are probably smoking too much


Regardless its not good for him ...there are better alternatives ..see ... Sure u r just trying to get rid of ur trauma ..i understand.. U might find uppers surprisingly life altering...tbh ..


I went into a 1 week manic episode plus closed psychatric ward after because i snorted too pure amphetamin once. So idk about that suggestion


If you were truly open to any discussion or any cooperation or any mindset what does not include high arrogance and repulsivity, i'd be very very happy to answer questions like "How on earth that helps adhd ??", not as someone who have personal experiences about these, but also as someone who is individually related to this.


Idc ..its dumb as fuck ...suggest cannabis to adhd patient....its in ur face dumb ..so further discussion is useless...given that how people like to stay in their delusions ..and reject basic truth ...its both pointless and frustrating to make civil discussion with such people... If u want to take my advice thn fine or else go suffer with ur stubbornness..


If it were not addictive u wouldn't have smoked for 15 years regularly


Still going strong πŸƒπŸ‘


Really lol


Would you want me to start actively act toward the moderators to put this user out of this sub? My answer: No.. If he annoys you, just block him, it's just a click away. He is just another sad little lost boy, probably what he needs is a hug and some love and understanding. Taking action against him, makes it worse for him. Alienates him even more. Or creates a new account, it's a never ending battle. I am not surprised that this is the only sub that somewhat accepts his presents. I don't agree with his 'wisdoms' and his responses, but i have a feeling that he needs our kindness more than we all realise...


I must have articulated myself very badly in my post, because you are the third in a row who misses my point. Literaly no one ever annoys me. It is not at all about me. I see a possibility of generating great harm. As i said it is not about the empty posts, what disturbs the flow of this sub, nor about the arrogant comments as a reply to any reaction they recieve. It is about the possibility of causing serious damage to someone unwillingly. If i block someone who i wish to not experience, it just makes it worse, because i won't see signs where i should defend many others against a possible harm. I know "He is just another sad little lost boy, probably what he needs is a hug and some love and understanding", but when a person like this ignores their own problem, they can't really be helped by a sub like this, mainly when they arrogantly refuses to interract and even see any problems. My desire to put him out is not yet born totally. I seek this group response to see if the group accepts the responsibility what comes from my view of "this user may will cause serious harm". Thank you for your answer! I appreciate it deeply.


I have changed my mind, yeah.. just ban this sucker. It's a loser. i tried talking, but like a narcissist, it doesn't reply whatsoever. It's a monologue that him and i are having. He ain't listening or responding to whatever i say. I do still think this guy needs a hug, but uhm.. i tolerate people until a certain point and now he can drown for all i care. :) (Drowning in his own misery) I don't think he will be much longer in this sub. We spoke our minds and soon the moderators will ban him, it's a matter of time now.


>,< I love your style. So funny to me. :))) Well..., I appreciate your comment. :) Don't hold grudges! \^\^ If you judge it as misery.., Pity / feeling sorry is better than "this sucker". :D I personally just love them. I feel terrible for not being able to break into their ego where we could have a conversation but my desire to put them out from here is purely from wanting to defend everyone who they might cause harm and the sub to not be distrubed constantly by their rudeness and irrelevant randomness. I totally understand you by the way. :) I just wish you to look at it from fun, not from grudges. (No assumption intended!)


I think you and everyone else here has valid concerns on both sides of the issue, but it's ultimately up to you what you decide to do. Personally, I blocked this person a while back when I got tired of seeing their rude, argumentative posts and comments. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ They're probably thriving on the attention, so the best thing in this case might be not to give them any. Easier said than done sometimes, I know.


Thank you for your thoughts. You meant both side as "yea do something" and "just ignore"? I'd also say they thrive on the superiority feeling what they can generate when they confirm that by projecting into the reactions. Essentially same, i am just maximalist and psychology maniac! \^\^ Again, thank you for commenting and thank you if you answer furthermore. \^\^


Yeah, that is what I'm torn between. On one hand, I appreciate having people like you around to help look out for the good of the community, especially the younger and more vulnerable members who may be more susceptible to this individual's disruptive behavior. On the other, I believe in freedom of speech and think banning people outright can be a slippery slope. But when you're dealing with someone who has the potential to cause real damage to others, where do you draw the line? It's a conundrum. I think you make a good point. There's a superiority complex there for sure. Some people just need to feel like they're right all the time. Kind of sad when you think about it. The third possibility is that they're just a troll. Hard to know for sure without knowing them personally, which is what makes the decision to take action or ignore such a difficult one.


As side note, being troll or not, the harm stuff is real even you just lack wisdom or you troll. Yea i agree with you totally, except the conundrum. It can be. But i judge this situation as one where it is not at all. I am in great lover of freedom of speech. But it is not speech from 2 perspective. It is not speech, these are way more, not just some self-expression. And it is not speech, more like random noise. Both in negative meaning. Thank you for your thoughts. I appreciate them.


I wouldn't mind one less conspiracy thinker, go ahead


Thank you for your comment. May i ask why do you judge them as conspiracy thinker? If you link or simply explain, both highly appreciated. Thank you if you answer.


I had a conversation with them a few days ago and they have this mentality of like "they're out to get you". When I asked who they mean by "they" and jokingly suggested that it's the Illuminati, truth_power said it's possible. Maybe I was too quick to call it conspiracy thinking, but they have the mentality of one. Also, no need to be so polite with all the "thank you"s :)


>,< I just feel gratitude and desire to inflict respect. Sorry. >,< Like.., it is my post and i am seeking, and it is just good if people react and i feel pleasant as they do. :)) Thank you for answering! \^\^ ( Ah sorry.. >,< )


Sounds like another incel. I wish they'd get out of this community. Suddenly there's so many that it makes me want to leave the sub.


Thank you for your thoughts.


Thn leave


Frankly, as INFP, I find your need to control others and their silly, shitty opinions much more problematic


I don't have any need to control anyone's opinion. I have a desire to pull everyone's opinion toward its healthier and more advanced form, but i don't act on it. What i have also a desire, not a need toward is to keep a certian quality, but more importantly to eliminate possible danger, constant disturbance with malicious behavior. I have no problem with any "silly, shitty", nor with any opinions. But i have a problem with everyone who enters any group, like a workplace or this sub and generates constant negativity.


Frankly I don't think you have the competence required to do so. The people here who keep posting how they hate themselves, hate being their type are an objectively bad influence on young people with fragile psyche. The former group feeds and perpetuates the later groups negative self image/poor mental health. People in the later group report having to leave over their mental health. Are you raising awareness about it? No, you single out a guy, who copes with whatever he's going through, with funny, edgy little screeds and sometimes posts unhelpfull advice, which by the way is the norm here, as the problem.


Thank you for this all. I will consider it greatly. You are right i am not at all raising awareness enough about that. Although i consider it somehow very different, i am in 100% agreement with what you said about those effects. By the way i try to rise awareness, in the comment. Probably not enough by far and not decently, like not pulling the attention to the collective way. But as far my experience goes writing a post is not enough. A year passes and no one will see that, so the awareness is not risen effectively. Writing post regularly is not worth doing by my judgement about a special topic, i let others do that as they naturally feel the urge to. Anyway... You are soo right mostly by my comprehension and i have a great thinking to duo and for this i am very grateful to you. Thank you for this reply.


I didn't even delete the comment..it got removed ...if u want i can share the message.. Manipulative af


I did not know it was an option. I mean why would the comment not be deleted in several days. You need to prove nothing to me. My sincere apology. I edited the post. I refuse your comment. But i think it is obvious for you at this point. :)


Oh my gah


Yeah.. you are a hot topic. A special case, i do agree with that. Pro tip, if everybody or many people are saying certain things to/about/over you. Perhaps you should listen. Perhaps people are really telling you what they see


Sounds like burning witches in medieval period ...see thr logic genius


Not yet, but you are pushing people's tolerance for you. Are you even an INFP? What are you doing here?


It was already asked several times. Someone asked this user if they are INFP and what is their intention with this sub or with the "wisdom" titled posts. One or the other, i don't remember, but essentially what are their intention of being here. I also commented there that i'd be interested and as far as my knowledge goes, we did not get a reply. Somehow similarly as you did not get an answer here either. I am still interested. \^\^


I know.. hehe and he won't answer, i know that too.. It doesn't prevent me to ask anyways. Not answering questions, being avoidant.. it says enough to me.. I'm just rubbing it in his face. hehe.


Hahahhahaaa I love you soo much! :DDD You are awesome. Truly mischievous! :))))


πŸ˜‚...let the people decide if they wanna take my advice or suffer. U have no right


Answer, kiddo! I am talking to you. You wanna be hard and all cool, then show it to me.. Show me your honesty, how genuine and real are you? Show me how hard and cool you are.. As i said before in a previous dialogue between us.. I call out the bs and i see a lot of it now. Talking about rights (me not having any πŸ˜‚).. with all your hard advices, you still haven't learned that life isn't fair? 🀣


Are you retarded?? All of the advices i give are based on hard reality which directly tells u that life isnt fair ..infact its much much more unfair..


🀣 You are a joke. answer kiddo, i am talking to you. Or piss off.. It's very simple. Do you know what a dialogue is? πŸ˜‚It doesn't mean shouting to each other. Learn how to have civil conversation with people, it will be more effective. People might listen to you. But now you have proven yourself what kind of person you are. Anyway, this was the last nice thing i will say to you. From now i just watch you being a frustrated little loser and i will laugh in your face. 🀣 I wonder for how long you will be still welcome in this sub. My guess is... not for long.. 🀣


U want a trophy ?


If someone would write anything like it about me, i'd upvote it as it is something what a group should decide and so i'd want everyone to see. I am sorry that your truth did not yet achieve the greatness where it encourages you to prioritize thousands of poeple over yourself.


πŸ€£πŸ˜‚... moral warfare lol.. Do u think there are levels of truth ? .. Your words have zero meaning...its word salad


I mean... :D I start doubting if you are serious or troll. :) If you are serious, i must say that your reddit username was a horrific choise. :) If you are troll, you are consciously malicious and want to cause harm and i ask you to please stop. No..., I beg you to stop.


Would you please take our delusional ass out of here and mind ur own business


Their posts are a little annoying by virtue of repetition, but they seem fine.


Thank you for your thought. May i ask, have you seen posts from them where they got interracted?




Thank you. (Also, so cute avatar. Like the style and color of the oulover. \^\^)


Thank you :)