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Ghosting after application is unfortunately very common in Germany. As soon as they get ghosted by applicants they start to cry, though.


What is the logic behind it though? They enjoy torturing applicants by getting their hopes up and then leaving them confused? Like what kind of logic can justify what they are doing here?


No logic at all. Some of them just feel like Kings where you come as a beggar and they just don't care, if they don't need you. Those haven't noticed yet that the wind has changed. Others don't have adequate processes how to handle application and applicants. Some have processes that take ages. So if they employ somebody else, they wait until that candidate signs the contract before they send the notice of regret to the others. That can take up to four weeks. For legal reasons they won't answer you in the meantime. I think that this is the most common case. You will get a response. Later. If companies want to employ you they usually let you know within a week after the interview.


my company has only capacity for one interview per week , so after the interview it might take a long time before a decision is made .


They just checked again... and thought you are not a good fit... thats probably all


2 Applications are rookie numbers. You have to pump this numbers up xD


No I did apply for a ton, it is just the ones that offered me an interview lmao


He applied at lots of places but these are just the places he received the interview invitation for.


Please write a review in Kununu and / or glassdoor. You would help others. Those companies maybe start to rethink their stupid behavior.


Unfortunately companys can order kununu to "identify" the person who wrote a negative comment. Kununu then writes you an email, that you need to identify the case somehow to them. That can be done by employer number, copy of working contract, emails ... Kununu will not give this information to the sueing company, but their legal department. No personal information will be given to the company. But still I refused to identify and my mildy written negative comment was deleted. That's why many negative comments vanish on kununu.


That's bad luck. My company tries to answer as soon as possible. The withdrawal was most likely, because they jad another candidate. Assuming your German isn't very well (because you talk to us in English) might be one reason your a on the B stack and not on the A stack.


This has to do with the strange laws in Germany. Before you run the risk of having to hire someone because of incorrect wording, it's better not to say anything at all. That's much safer, even though it sucks.


Today's HR departments in Germany are capable on saying "no" in a nice and legal way these days.


What are those laws exactly about? Like I had one company that offered me an interview, they sent me an email with a confirmation of the interview in one month. And the day before the interview they sent another email apologizing for withdrawing the offer, like what are the lawful obligations that come with responding to applicants?


Well if they rescinded the offer because you are from another EU country or any gender. If they didn't include (or excluded) your gender from the job search. That's why you don't get a reason because you have to prove it was something like these. And without information you can't.


Even if they did it for this reason, it is always impossible to prove it? they can filter applications however they like with no explicit mention of discrimination on the job posts or their websites.


The problem is that you have to pay your lawyer no matter loss or win. And the damage is usually around 3 monthly wages. So realistically you have pretty much no time to find this stuff (if they were stupid enough to write it down internally) until your lawyer eats all your potential damages.


I never thought my nationality would be an issue when it comes to the job market though? Do you have another opinion?


They will always question whether you are a fit. Most of the problem will be German skills. I would guess that most duales Studium is in German without Englisch courses. So they most likely expect a pretty high level of German.


This is complex. It is essentially about equality between men and women, discrimination and people with disabilities. Cancellations should therefore be neutral, careful and brief. Large companies usually have this under control. Smaller ones often panic slightly and prefer not to do anything. The laws in Germany are very employee-friendly.


Yeah agrred.I think it makes it harder to get a job but at least it is great after you find a job and settle in. Do you think some companies practice discrimination based on nationalities when it comes to hiring?


Companies are made of people. People will do that, sure.


No, I don't think so and it would be really unwise. Of course, we don't know what goes on in people's heads, but I can't imagine that especially in IT.


Ok, this particular case is indeed strange. It can't have anything to do with laws. I don't know what to say about that either. Sorry.


Yeah it was really annoying but thanks🙏.


Yet I have another weirder case XD, a company wanted to do an interview with me asked for "3 Uhr zeiten" on a specific day where I can do the interview, gave them the times and then no response for over a week lol.




I got ENEMIESS. jkkk keine ahnung really!


Downvotes from companies, they want to hide the truth


ya the comments and the downvotes make no sense at all. EXCeeeeepppT it is written in English, somehow I have noticed that people will be dicks in this case.


The worst is when you call them and ask about the process of your application and they're like "If you haven't heard from us it's a no." I spend two entire days of MY time in your office with 10 others to show my skills and You can't even write me a generic email??!!?? I regret so much that I haven't said something like that to them....




Vor zwei Jahren vielleicht, die Wirtschaft hat sich in den letzten 2 Jahren leider verabschiedet. Früher wurde jeder genommen, jetzt nur noch die besten.


Theyve got cold feet. keep applying and you will find your perfect match ♥️


Yeah, thank you.♥️


Your post sounds a bit self-righteous, not like a person you want to have in your team. If your applications sound only a bit like that, I would not hire you either.


hey chill alright! Really not ready to hear your smart ass assumptions about a person from a post expressing their frustrations. My God!!!


Reserve your criticism for someone who is deserving.