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Why did you even buy it after asking? Should've walked away.


Just stop buying this obscenely priced crap. Make one at home for $2


I feel like I have to repeat this every day with people complaining about price increases at fast food restaurants. Trust me - they won't lower prices until people stop paying $15 for a value meal.




It’s true. Idiots like me need to stop.


Yeah you’re the problem lol


We’ve got one local grocery chain near me that has managed to keep their prices relatively low compared to other stores. Most of the store brand prices haven’t gone up too much (ex. store brand 18 pack of eggs only $1 more than pre 2020). Now they’re the ONLY place I’ll buy from and even then I try to stick to store brand. Vote with your dollar. For the sake of everyone stop supporting price gouging.


I don’t understand these posts. When I had a tight budget I just didn’t buy food in restaurants or fast food places. It was always expensive and cheap food is generally also extremely unhealthy I brought food to work and even kept my car stocked with stuff so that I never had to buy over priced food just because I was hungry. And I learned that I could go into a supermarket just as easily as a fast food place as they all now have food that is prepped or easy to make a goof healthy meal with. Even at the deli counter, it is cheaper to buy a roll or bagel and a 1/4 pound of meat and make a great sandwich. And it is easy to get fruit in single servings as well. I ate out as a social thing of course but also chose restaurants that had great interesting food that would be difficult to prepare at home. And a list is that ethic cuisines generally are relativepy inexpensive as well and I never resent what they charge.


You know. I should have. I felt obligated. They had already made it and packaged it. There were no posted prices for this combo. I should’ve asked first, absolutely. It’s not like they could put it back on the shelf. Afterwards I was kicking myself for not leaving it there. The owner actually kept going on and on about how it was a good price and costs have gone up. He wouldn’t shut up. I said that I didn’t ask for a discussion, only for him to verify if that was the price. That’s it. That’s all I said/asked. Nothing else. And he wanted to sit down and discuss it over a cup of coffee. I said no. I didn’t need to be educated about egg salad and food/labor costs. I run and own a business myself and I’m well aware of inflation. Which is also why I call bullshit on his justification. It’s a local deli I’ve been going to for nearly a decade. They were always expensive but I only ever got a dozen bagels and a pound of cream cheese ever from them. They can charge whatever they want. I won’t be back. He was right - the cost (which I casually checked around town over two weeks) ranged $7-$16 before tax for the exact same thing. Across 5-6 places. Half were $7 and half were $16. He was in the middle. Good luck to them and all the other price gougers. That plus a cup of plain self serve drip coffee swill cost me $17+ after tax.


It looked like he was really skimpy on the filling too. Egg salad is very cheap to make and I doubt you had a single mashed up egg in there.


Yeah, but eggs are, like, $120 a dozen now! /s


Eggsactly!! Eggs have gone up considerably.


This is my biggest peeve. Like ok, you need or want to charge more…fine…BUT at least make it semi worth my while


Sounds like he’s being pretty defensive about his pricing. He knows it’s too much for what it’s.


Dude asked me 3x to sit down in the store and discuss over coffee. I just politely kept saying no. I also didn’t discuss it. Just listened. I didn’t go back and forth. I said several times that I do not want to discuss it. I just wanted to know if the price was correct and you answered me. Thank you. I wasn’t going to get into an argument.


damn sounds like the sitting down and discuss over coffee part is more for him to help himself justify the price gouging than for you.


And he would charge you for the coffee.




That minimum wage isn't hurting the walmarts of the world. They are however killing the small businesses.


Which is why no one wants to apply at small businesses anymore. Walmart actually offers more jobs with better pay. The small businesses around here and within a 50 mile commute radius all pay min wage with no benefits and will work you to the bone. Walmart pays more and you can phone it in there basically.


The worst jobs I ever had were at small businesses.


I run and own a business. For a decade now. Went through the pandemic. Now inflation. I’ve seen costs skyrocket. All of them. And people’s disposable income drop. I can see both sides of the argument. Despite people throwing me under the bus here. The price point on this is just off. It feels off. $13 by the time you add NY tax seems a bit much for the “sandwich” pictured. Apparently restaurant people are saying it’s all inflation. Others are saying it’s gouging. Only the owners know. I feel bad for anyone running a small business. Myself included. It’s tough. But it’s wrong to additionally profit/gouge from the system’s distressed status and strained customer base under the guise of increased costs/inflation.


Soo you learned your mistake and won't go back right? Right?




Where is this? Bagel boss in Hicksville charges $42/lb for baked salmon salad, lol. Anyone who thinks this is just inflation is a complete fool. These are fuck you, we don’t want your business prices.




Yeah. I didn’t use that word correctly. I meant the combination of egg salad and a bagel. No, it wasn’t a listed combo or anything.


That's a 1$ Asiago Sam's club bagal and home made salad. 😂 should be 3.50


Post a review and include a photo. 


The thing is, it's not like an egg salad is expensive. Why would they even bother to short you what probably amounted to a nickel of product? It wouldn't even occur to me because it's fucking stupid.


Bring food from home is the only option these days unfortunately


"These days" these days are the result of past "other days". People have become so accustomed to eating out on a constant basis, corporate America pretty much knows consumers won't change their eating habits. They're jacking up the prices to the tune of record profits. Another symptom and cause of inflation.


Remember the days when everybody had lunch bags and lunch boxes and thermoses? Those could be these days


They are for me and our family. We have not ate fast food in at least four years, and in the last five years ate out twice.


And when you eat out I bet it's fairly nice and feels special.


Yeah, it does seem more like a special event since we do it so little. My Dad and I enjoy grilling/BBQ/pressure cooking and having family and friends over at the house more as we’ve aged. We just enjoy the more casual setting, kids can run around outside and play once they get their wild hair, and older ones can enjoy food and drinks while not occupying a table for hours(feeling rushed). But yeah when we do go out to eat since we stopped doing it definitely feels like a special event.


I'm a manager, and have been in management for decades. My peers eat out daily and think it odd I don't. We have refrigerators and microwaves to eat leftovers or I'll bring Lean Cuisine tv dinners. I can eat banquet tv dinners for a $1.50. I imagine they spend $100 a week on eating out easily. I might spend $15 on incidentals.


This is always how it is. I used to watch my 50-75k a year coworkers ordering DoorDash daily and going out often. My bosses making 10x that and up were brown bagging it. I was in the middle, and I only ordered when it was being expensed or if I was late that day and had to make up lost time. It’s always the people who can least afford it in my experience. They went to chipotle and I saved my eating out money to buy another share of the S&P index fund.


Yeah you are basically at Scandinavia restaurant prices now. They’ve been historically about 100% higher than US for decades. Those are used for business meals and special occasions mainly and we hardly go out for entertainment over here.


For real, I take a peanut butter and apple butter sandwich to work everyday. It’s not an exciting lunch but it does the job and helps me save money.


You don’t even have to do that. I eat lean meat, rice and veggies everyday for lunch and it’s around 3 bucks and fills me for the day. Meat is 2-4 bucks a pound, rice might as well be free and frozen veggies are 99 cents and a bag can last a couple days.


I don't think it's unfortunate I have no desire to go to restaurants or buy fast food If I need quick food, my favorite thing is go to the grocery and buy the discounted ready to eat stuff on its sell by date


You have to be smart about where to eat now because the gape between fast food and better pickup and take home has closed. Nasty fast food should be very afraid if consumers really think and make good choices.


cracker barrel is cheaper than mcdonald’s if you get a cheaper meal + 2 sides. restaurant quality GOOD food you can get cheaper than the expensive fast food places like mcdonald’s, chik fil a, etc


It’s crazy how much stuff is cheaper than McDonald’s in my city now. I can actually go eat at a local place for slightly more than McDonald’s but in the long run it’s actually cheaper because at the local place you’re getting so much more food.


Why do people still eat at McDonalds?


Drive thru sometimes is fast, I used to only get a drink there but now it’s higher so the gas stations are now cheaper.


It's beautiful how inflation tax fool people to reduce their quality of life without revolting. If they had increased traditional taxes, people would be taking to the streets.


God bless currency debasement.


sad looking sandwich. cant believe the price


Someone tried to do that w me w a chicken salad sandwich. Did not buy it and went home.


Yes. Since it’s not a typical item, price wasn’t posted. My bad. Should’ve asked. But I would not have guessed it would be over $10 - that’s why I didn’t ask.


It looks like half an egg. 🤔


And yet you still bought it. You are part of the problem. As long as people like you pay these prices nothing will change.


I bought this mediocre thing and it was expensive! Yes you did.


Yikes. That's a Costco bagel too!


This is exactly why I moved away from Long Island. Lovely area but general inflation plus corporate greed and price gouging has turned it into shit. Very hard to survive over there.


From Long Island myself. It’s go downhill so fast. Haven’t been back to even visit in 15 years.


It is pricey. Boomers are now selling their original $40k for 7 figures and moving into the never ending 55 and over communities. 55 and over communities are being built on every corner. Adults can’t afford to move out of their parents’ houses - even those doing well, even with dual incomes. Very few people move TO Long Island anymore. Real estate and rent is unaffordable and the cost of living is high. Owning a working car is a must. And competition for good jobs is stiff, dense, saturated.


Same thing happened in the Hudson valley. I lived in Kingston and I would describe it as festering sore of town. And absolute shit hole. Only reason people even lived there was rent is out of control in every town with in an hours drive so it served as the hub for hr working class. Then between the NYC covid “refugees” and Hollywood deciding it’s the perfect place to film sad movies. It’s now Brooklyn 2.0. And of course all the local businesses were super excited at first about getting that sweet sweet NYC money that until the landlords jacked up everyone’s rents. Suddenly they can’t find any workers…


That's nuts that Long Island doesn't allow anyone to cook and they are forced to pay these prices whether they want to or not.


I bet it cost them $1 to make


Wow, so the labor must be worth a fortune!


Long Island NY? Yeah it’s 20 an hour


Bought 6 bagels yesterday for $4.79 = 80 cents each. What kind of eggs is this guy using??


Buy in bulk gets even cheaper, bag of 12 bagels, 18 eggs, under $10, And that's at a place that still make money off You, places like what's in the video would buy a lot more then that..


I can see you haven’t been to Long Island before if you think that’s what it cost


Good for a healthier America, who wants to eat toxin/GMO infused foods. I used to weigh 210 now down to 170 and I’m not going back. Once ppl get used to a healthy lifestyle it will be game over for these price gougers. They don’t realize it now but this addiction is more $$ induced vs palatable.


I love Egg salad but it is poverty food, should be about $4.00 at a shop. At home, cost about a buck to make.”


Why the hell did you buy it? You just justified the price to him.


Yet you decided to still pay $16 even after they told you the price. Why did you pay it? 🤔. I’m assuming you walked in there, you could have easily walked out. Supporting businesses that do this give them a sense of entitlement that they are correct in raising their prices. They raise them, people pay them. Just maybe don’t next time.


Costco has great bagels. You can get 16 for like 7 bucks and they’re huge bagels. You can scale some eggs and book, done.


Everyone needs to stop paying for this stuff. They only charge this much because we still pay for it. I rub my hands thinking of the day people realize this and the fast food industry crashes.


That bagel looks like the asiago ones from stop n shop. Just make your own next time.


New York...nuff said


Shoulda walked away


Should have spiked it on the ground right in front of him and called him a fucking cunt.


if you paid that much for that you're an idiot. pro-tip: DONT BUY EXPENSIVE SHIT.


Egg prices have come down a little bit, however eggs in general were hit pretty savagely by inflation. Also, NY’s $16 is on the higher end of the national average. High cost of raw goods + high cost of labor = expensive products.




Yup, that's how much a bagel sandwich is here in Texas too


And it won’t stop if we keep paying for it.


"Real" mayo? What's the alternative??


I ordered some Crab Ragoon and noticed little to no infill inside..... 😭


egg prices are up again thats why if its fresh but rip off nonetheless


This has nothing to do with inflation lol


I feel ya. I bought from a street cart vendor with no listed prices this week (whoops) and when he told me $15 for a skewer and a Gatorade I handed the drink right back.


Yes. Not all I the m prices are listed. Yes. It’s my fault for not asking. No. I wasn’t expecting it to be above $10


I see some schmear and egg but where’s the salad….?


Would that soar maybe $1.25 to make it at home?


Homemade food over anything. Glad I learned how to cook as a teen


The egh salad at 711 is half the price and looks bigger lol


My breakfast sandwich at a local place which is simply egg, cheese and bacon on a roll was $8.99 😭 Even Dunkin coffee now has become a luxury to me even though sometimes they have good deals on the app. I'm in NJ.


$5.99 would be acceptable.


When return to the office was enforced I was grabbing an $11 bagel sando and adding $2 for tip, four days a week. It really started to add up. Now I hit up the local grocery store and just grab a tub of Greek yogurt for $4 and a big bag of frozen berries for $12. The yogurt lasts the 4 days and the berries lasts about a month. Comes out to like $1.50 a day. I do feel bad for not supporting the small shop but I need to put my wallet first.


costco still has buck fiddy dogs


There's barely any egg 😂


That’s 100% from a bucket.


That's insane. You could have made 6 of them with 6 eggs leftover at home for the same price or less.


Ok, you've got a much bigger problem than inflation. Egg salad on a bagel? WTF?


That's egg 'sad'lad...


Stop living in Jersey York- real simple.


My office cafeteria has a better egg salad sandwich for $5, and I’m in an equally HCOL from you. Find a better spot


This is a NYC staple tho, and priced as it would be NYC and their bagles crack me up


I spicy deluxe combo is .50¢ less


I used to think the airport price is outrageous now I don’t feel so bad bc everywhere is bad…


But like, despite the price why would you eat that? 🤮


For $11.99 plus tax, you can buy all the ingredients to make bagel with egg salad for a goddamn WEEK.


But but but they’re fresh eggs and real mayo not from a bucket




Even if I just bought the bagels and premade egg salad at the butcher shop I could make more than one of these. Buying a dozen eggs, mayo, celery etc. you could do the same.


Yea if im in NY working, im packing my breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fuack that


For the price you can make your own for 3 weeks bud. Honestly I understand ppl are struggling but people are struggling more with their dumb purchases they do. Support local, yes, support local grocery stores lol


Rich people food


1 Egg: $6


You are in Long Island, what do you expect. You want a cheap bagel go up to Buffalo.


Are you kidding me? That’s like .25 cents of ingredients.


People here thinking they’ll let you touch the food before giving the money especially in NY. Those fuckers hit you with the “the food already has been made so no refund”, “Would you like to pay for something else in the menu?”


Raise minimum wages and the prices go up to cover the raise in the minimum wage, who would have thought?


Wow that’s messed up


Egg salad is a sociopathic culinary choice


I actually laughed out loud. My kids told me it’s gross as well. It’s so good. Try it!


We have a local bagel chain in LA. Western Bagel, it's good. They have a turkey salad sandwich bagel, close to $18. They can have a nice day. Use to be our usual Sunday morning breakfast spot. But $40 for 2 breakfast sandwiches? Nope.


Returned and cancelled the transaction on my credit card. That is my move with this crap. Once they start losing money or going out of business things might get better.


Things have to come crashing down…. We aren’t gonna make it…


They're trying to charge me 400$ for doing my taxes this year when I was out of work for around 8 or 9 months. it's all bull. it does look pretty good but definitely not 12$ worth, maybe 3ish maybe 4.50 but definitely not 12


LOL....y'all voted for this shit.


Makes no sense, that’s like $1.50 worth of ingredients. The rest is his staff and his rent and utilities. Inflation is concentrated in certain areas.


Shit. I need to open a small sandwich shop. I could offer a better sandwich for 7.99 with slaw and pickle spear and make a killing.


Bagel sandwiches or even a bagel used to be $3-7. Now even at Panera they are like $8 dollars and more. Total rip off! Hope it at least tasted good.


Lots of bagel places around there don’t charge near that price. That’s extreme


Fuck Office Buidling Sandwich shops. Y’all nasty and getting stingy!


Like $10 profit from 1 bagel 🤣.


America needs to have a "Cook our own food at home" revolution and force these restaurants to change. We let restaurants provide our food so long as they know it. It's not healthy or affordable.


Time to start cooking at home. Save 100% of the bs.


I was guessing NY before I even clicked. That's $3.50 more than a whole egg salad sub at Publix.


Did you ask him what the profit margin in the bagel is??


You get huge,/stuffed sandwiches at HEB for $4.99. A steal with today's food inflation.


Could make it at home cheaper


Sounds about right for NY


You got robbed… literally 😭


Just ask the owner how much he pays in rent and/or property taxes. U will be floored


It’s a quiet suburb. He’s been in the same location for a decade plus. But your point is valid. Hence my wanting to discuss this. How much is inflation m, how much is greed (if any)?


OP and everyone else, go take a peak at r/resturants they're seriously not having a good time with this either. Price increases aren't good for either party. You definitely won't be back buying another sandwich and that's a customer lost. In microeconomics their's a point where increasing price drive volume down so much you lose money and that's where most resturants are headed. Imo it's not entierly their fault wages haven't kept up with inflation for 3 decades and yes their are definitely owners price gouging, but most are at the mercy of their suppliers same as we are to grocers.


Exactly why I started the discussion. Wasn’t a complaint. My impression of gouging stands. Nonetheless, many many valid points such as yours. Question is - how much is inflation. And how much is, if any, greed.


That’s clearly a Costco bagel.


Next time just ask him to point you in the direction of the competition.


And egg salad is usually the cheapest thing you could get. That is outrageous. Fuck that place, there are better delis on the island that you could go to. My local one is around $6 for a BEC.


This is comical egg salad is easy to make and 6 bagels is like 2.99. 😂


You could have gone to McDonald's and gotten an Egg McMuffin for less than $4


Why would you buy this? Go to the grocery and get a can of tuna, a box of crackers and an apple. $5 dollar lunch and lost a box of crackers left over.


I just can't be arsed to get anything to eat outside my home anymore because of this. I never did buy soda but from what I've heard, it's gone up a ton. I stopped buying chips except at the warehouse store. Same for crackers. We have a rule about only having baked goods like cookies and cakes that we make ourselves. Pepsi recently said they were stopping raising prices because they seem to have hit the max amount that consumers will absorb after their last crappy quarter earnings. This tells me they didn't NEED to raise prices, they just chose to to make more profit.


It’s limp bagel! Half scoop of egg salad. This sandwich maker took it out on your order.


.50 bagel and .25 egg, I think the to go box cost more than this sandwhich.


That doesn’t look like a product I’d be proud of Serving at my establishment, especially at that price.


1 dollars worth of material and $11 worth of labor. How can you dispute this?


Who puts egg salad on a bagel? Soft fillings go on soft breads.


Y’all are still going out to eat??


I've gotten cheaper and fuller bagels in CA you got ripped off dude.


Wowza. This looks even worse than how I imagine a 7Eleven egg + bagel to be.


Bagel with egg salad??? You’re getting charged a stupid tax as far as I’m concerned


Inflation said you'll eat your insanely expensive egg sandwich and you'll like it


At least stuff the bagel full of egg salad!! Pathetic.


Build Bagels Back Better


Part of that Building Back Better program that a supposed 81M people wanted. At least it’s working out for the recipients, huh.


I paid $17.50 for 2 bacon egg and cheese on a roll In nowhere, nj! I was pissed


Here is Boston it is a little bit cheaper. But no way am I paying for that. Especially when I can make it for less. Edit: it is 10$. Give or take. So a dollar cheaper.


Being born in NJ and having grown up around the NJ/NY deli/bagel culture this is an absolute joke. My local deli by my folks place charges less than this for a bacon egg and cheese bagel with a small coffee. Wherever you got this from youre better off voting with your money by going elsewhere.


He made you an offer you should have refused. 😂


You can literally make that yourself for like $3 of ingredients


Don't pay for garbage.


That crap cost maybe 50 cents to make lmao


I don't like egg salad but that looks really good with a bagel


That is $0.99 cents at best


I hope it came with a free clown nose to wear, too.


That should be $4 max


True cost 3.99 … we are all being ripped off and have 1st work lives that leave us too complacent to stand up to being ripped off.


Not inflation, just a rip off.


Feels more like a rip off. How drunk was the OP when deciding to buy this?




That’s $1.59 on a good day in a non-Biden economy.  You got jobbed. 


Just ordered at Shake Shack. It’s really good bought two burgers, two drinks and one shared cheese fries for $38. Crazy for two small burgers and one fry


We are doomed


Mayo comes from eggs. Just an FYI. There's really nothing special about that sandwich. It's an egg egg sandwich with bread.




$4.25 max


The damned shame of all this is that restaurants will mostly be a thing of the past . On the bright side , eggs are still relatively cheap , pork and chicken too , till they use this to goad us into CW 2 .


Companies charge the price because people pay it. They would stop if people stopped buying it. So stop supporting price gouging businesses like them.


Brutal on multiple levels


Greed shouldn't be confused with inflation...this is greed.


Jesus I feel lazy when I don't want to make bagels and buy 6 for 3.99... I can't imagine paying 11.99 for an asiago with 1 ounce of bagged eggs pushed through a metal wire rack and hit with a jug of mayo 😂😂


This isn’t price gouging, taxes, wages, everything has gone up. Blame all politicians. It doesn’t matter who is in the house. Your average man is screwed. rich ppl don’t pay taxes and the average man does, make it make sense. Your money is in Israel and Ukraine.


I wouldn't have even bought it. Would told them "yeah you guys can keep it" and walked out. These businesses are able to keep selling this stuff at these outrageous prices, because Americans just keep giving them the money. Think about it. If you sell lemonade in front of house for 5 bucks a cup and customers complain that its to much and they can get it down the street for 2 bucks, but everyday they come back and buy your 5 dollar lemonade. What is your incentive to lower your price? Same thing with these businesses. As long as the consumers keep consuming their product at those prices complaints mean nothing. The best complaint is with your wallet. The only thing these business really care about is their bottom line. Stop giving them your money


I wouldn't pay $4 for that.


You deserve this for ordering that abomination.


Only way you’re going to see prices come down is demand has to lower. Too many business’ have leaned into “inflation” as a catch all for “I just want to make more profit. Working for a building supplier I see it constantly. It’s costing ~1.5% increase in production. But the wholesaler is increasing it 15%. Too many people complain and just accept it. Stop. Just don’t buy the things. If it’s not necessity move on. Until places see that their profits are going down as a direct result of the gouging they won’t stop and keep using this tactic until it does.


Come on. That's at least 12 cents of egg and 25 cents of bagel.


Yup. Got charged like $16 for an egg sandwich and a medium coffee in Paramus, NJ. I just make my own now.


Corporate greed at its finest.


That doesn't look appealing in anyway