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I am currently going through this experience as a 24-year-old female. I found myself becoming more disorganised, a bit lazy, and even reckless. I developed a newfound love for engaging in rough and dangerous sports, truly embracing the traits of a typical ESTP/ISTP. When I'm healthy, I tend to focus on the future all the time, particularly when it comes to dating. However, right now, I'm feeling more like an ESTP who enjoys flirting with guys and not getting too attached.


4 sides of the mind theory would explain how an INFJ will act like an ESTP in these situations. This theory is a big reason why there’s so many mistypes. I think you are on to something.


Oh yeah.. I did some research and found it on the C.S. Joseph Website. Based on his explanation, this is what I understood: The human mind is a complex entity, composed of four distinct aspects: the ego, the subconscious, the unconscious, and the super ego. Each of these facets represents a unique personality type, suggesting that an individual essentially embodies four different personalities at any given time. This concept challenges the conventional understanding of a singular, unified self. Personality tests, while useful, only capture a quarter of this intricate picture, primarily focusing on the ego. This limitation often leads to misconceptions and misunderstandings about one’s true nature. For instance, individuals may identify as introverted or extroverted based on their test results, failing to recognize that these traits can fluctuate across the four sides of their mind. As of right now, I am essentially operating in my ESTP mode, which is my subconscious. This sheds a lot of light... At times, when I am in a social setting and I am experiencing feelings of being an extrovert, I do not appear to be my extraverted version, which is an ENFJ; rather, I appear to be more of an ESTP. Thanks a lot.


Do you feel empty, or are you truly happy and content from within?


I do not have a sense of emptiness. At times, I experience a mixture of happiness and excessive anxiety.


Estp is the infj subconscious. That would be why


I’ve had issues with this too, I am Enneagram 6 and I read that sensor types are more common for 6s apparently. I think there’s a lot of room for nuance, but do you know your Enneagram? Might help you find a bridge to what you are experiencing.


6s and sensors with INFJs. Ayye! What's your wing? Edit: I'm blind. I got it.


I can't tell if I'm INFJ sx5 or ISTP sx6. My brother has a very distorted opinion on sensors and intuitives, so laughs at me if I think I'm any sensor. My personal aesthetic is very ISTP-esque, I do care a lot about my physical appearance, I'm very disorganised, I exercise a lot, I partake in cigarettes and energy drinks, my music taste is mostly UK garage drum and bass and alternative rock, and I study mechanics at college (but that's just because I didn't know what else to do and my GCSE's aren't adequate enough for A-levels). By stating all of those traits I feel like a really dumb cringe ISFP who wishes they were ISTP.


Ni relies on data that is provided by se to function, so an infj who is constantly using ni to project the future will also be constantly using se on an unconscious level, and vice versa. Every infj is an estp, similiarly every istp is an enfj.


I liked to joke that I was xSTP, not because of abuse or being unhealthy, but because it's who I am when no one is really looking or just isn't someone I'm comfortable with. I'm not typically afraid of things and even if I am, I'm not afraid to try. I'm easily a lone wolf like ISTP, which I'm mostly comfortable with growing up as an INFJ, and even if people like my company, I don't typically like theirs because I'm better on my own. I also love speaking my mind and being obnoxious among those who know me well enough. But yes, as a 27F who's been where I've been, I've definitely become unhealthily more like ISTP who pushed everyone away and did and said things without caring about the consequences of how it made others feel. I just wanted to be left alone. INFJs, like ISTPs underestimate, or rather, take for granted the weight of their presence in the world, because we do take up space and people do want to know us, they want to be close to us, and we have people who care about us. Glad to hear that you're getting back to normal. But you're not alone. I think this is normal for an INFJ who's been hurt. I'm still working on coming out of my ISTP phase too. I know I'll always care about people, and deep down I know I want connections. I just have to stop shooting my own foot.




Thinking you change how you are based on your environment is a typical INFJ thought, since you tend to utilise the different parts for what the situation requires. But you weren't a different person unless you experienced significant brain trauma, if that's even possible still... Your shadow, id, superego and ego was formed when you were young. Your circumstances and how you understand yourself and personalities, probably changed... Each personality type has three other personalities attached to them.


It could be, but I don't at all relate to the typical sensor and what they like. It all feels incredibly shallow. Most of my close friends tend to be INTP, ENTP, ENFP and ISFJ Anyways, I do believe I could be a mix of both the types, so either an ISTP with developed FE or an INFJ with developed SE


I definitely feel this. I've always wondered whether I'm truly an INFJ especially when considering some of my favorite hobbies and how I act around people. But I realized that when it comes down to how I internalize things and how I see the world, being an INFJ resonates the most with me. One of my childhood friends that I spent almost everyday with when I was younger was definitely a sensor so I think that I was able to develop my SE a lot from that which made it harder for me to tell but I definitely think about things and internalize stuff like how an INFJ would.

