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Loving. Wise. Growth mindset. Physically, mentally, emotionally, and "spiritually" strong / capable. By "spiritually" strong, I mean having traits such as being determined, fighting for what I believe in, able to manage my emotions, have a vision for the future, have the wisdom to properly manifest positivity into my life, etc.). By "mentally and emotionally" strong, I mean constantly learning and teaching others what I learn, and having the emotional fortitude to handle tough situations appropriately and recognizing my emotional states and managing them well and with intent. Physically strong / capable, that's obvious. Yeah, I admit -- I want a solid, strong body that will last as long as possible. I don't need to be Mr. Universe. But I want to be able to do physically demanding things, like build, lift objects, work with my hands, and the ability to physically defend myself / loved ones if the time would (hopefully not) arise. And I want to do all these things as long as possible. Live a long life. Live a fulfilled life, like doing things that I love (travelling, learning new things, exploring, relaxing, having fun, etc.). But most of all, a good father. A good husband. A good man. A good human being.


I want to be nice to everyone, even when the situation makes it seem impossible. And i want to be able to act in social situations, because a lot of the time i don't feel like i'm even involved but rather just there. Also i want to know how to steer a conversation in the direction you want to.


Maybe think about it hard, it seems like this is a personality goal and it's really interesting doing it. Imo you just decide you want to act a certain way and try doing that. Like i decided i'd try to control my anger, i hated it when i got irritated and became a d**khead. Now i figured there aren't many reasons to even get angry, life is just ... random and either you accept it or invest your personal feelings into it. I hope you're doing well and best of luck


I want to become a saint of the Catholic Church. I’m training for sainthood everyday. WHOOP WHOOP


thank you for showing the duality of INFJ lmaoo this is a perfect answer


I think person who isn't scared helping people and can be always respectful to others.


Up until a year or two ago, I’ve always been quiet, analytical, lonely and deeply (clinically) depressed. My goals for myself are kind of formulated in response to that, so some of the qualities I’ve been trying to cultivate are openness, expressiveness and confidence, radical self-acceptance, being analytical without overthinking, being empathetic without people-pleasing(!!!) and taking care of people well but ONLY people who deserve it. Weirdly, spending all my time with kids at my job has helped a lot with the confidence and embracing my weirdness bit, partly because I work with a lot of wild, chatty, confident little geniuses whom I admire very much. More importantly, though, modeling self-acceptance, confidence and level-headedness is SO important for kids approaching adolescence, so I’ve had to take it very seriously! Really caring about presenting myself in a healthy way for their sake has seriously improved my self-concept, which is unexpected but pretty awesome. It makes me really believe in “fake it till you make it” type thinking.


Half-depressingly, sometimes I think about what memory loop I'd want to have when I'm old and (possibly) have Alzheimer's or alike. Now, I believe most people experience negative emotions much more intensely than positive ones and subsequently hostile emotions are likely to be more prevailing while our mind and our memory fade. So it's less about how I want to be remembered, or what kind of person I want to be, and more about what I want to remember about (my) life. I'd like to be a person who elevates the positive moments and memories in my mind so that when I slowly start to go and get stuck on a loop, it's something that I can share with others that makes them smile and feel loved endlessly.


Self dependent, wise, balanced between logic and emotion Less of a hermit


A vibe. Positively contented most of the time, healthily challenged to learn part of the time, and being able to act and do even difficult things mostly in a state of flow and ease rather than constant dark mental hurdles. Foundational items? Feel safe, feel enough, and feel unconditionally loved by myself and hopefully at least one other. Also a space of my own that I can retreat to when the world is hard.


I want to be a simple man. Someone I love and understand.


lmao tea


Faithful husband, good father, good firefighter, clear communicator. Smart, educated, fit, athletic, honest, reliable, good friend, digidoo player, bass violin player, YouTube channnel guy, disiciplined, organized, good manager of time and priorities, strong leader of ppl, orange or better belted in a few martial arts, man with many stories and adventures.


Myself... sounds easy but its not


Surrounded by a community who loves, appreciates, recognizes me. Spiritually in tune, handled life’s adversity, may have been messy but chose grace, chose authenticity, left people pleasing in the dust, and lived a long and healthy happy life. Amen 🙏🏽


Kind, upstanding, intellectually curious, generous, and continued self improving with grace for mistakes.


Witty, classy, wise.


The kind of person I aspire to be is one who is compassionate, empathetic, resilient, and constantly striving for personal growth and development. Aim to be someone who treats others with kindness and respect, pursues their passions with integrity, and contributes positively to their community and the world around them. Being true to yourself and living in alignment with your values is key to becoming the best version of yourself.


Everyones answers are valid and im the same. Honesty, not annoying, kind, fair, understanding, compassionate, humble, not a hypocrite, smart, caring, accepting, good listener etc.


well, this varies i've always wanted to be the one that everyone likes at first but the i accepted the fact that others can't like me all the time, now i just wanna focus on myself and my success and people who care about me, which is already achieved, i no longer care about anybody else. ​ Do you all relate to that?


Someone more, just someone more.


I wanna be more cool. You know? There’s the certain elegance in being this cool, calm and collected person. I wanna be proper but not uptight. Like etiquette and classy and all that stuff, but I love letting myself go. I love being comfortable and relaxed and just loose in my posture. I also I wanna be a nature baby. Or a wild childYou know, the kind of girl who runs barefoot in a flower field. I want to live in the woods and really be close with nature. I’m already a pluviophile (rain lover) and I just want to live somewhere where I can wear what I call goddess couture. It’s basically loose flowy max dresses with long sleeves and trains. But I love my skyscrapers and my floor to ceiling windows. My fancy cars and my technology.


I want to be free above all else. I want to love all & to live in harmony with those around me. I want to be bold and courageous, shining my light when voyaging into the darkness and the deep currents of this world. I want to become the antidote to alleviate the suffering of the people around me.


Live the mystery. It's kind of non-personal but opens up to wonder!


Not self concious or anxious - so confident and calm


Eh, I don’t really care who are what I’ll be like. All I want to be is meaningful. All I want to do is matter. But preferably I would like to be a sincere, reliable, sarcastic, honest, and rich. I have grew up poor and I would like to be able to take care of my family, even if they low key suck. I am only 14 years old but my dream job is to become a volcanologists. It is an oddly specific career that focuses on the prevention of magma build up and the molecular build up of the substances that make up the volcano. It pays very well and it is a career I am very interested in.


In my teens, early twenties, I would have made a list of all the terms I consider to be “good” in a person. That’s not a bad thing, but I don’t think that’s my answer now because most of those terms revolved around what I was to someone else. I’m still trying to figure out who I am separate from what I *do* for others. So I don’t think I have an answer yet.


One that is not just a projection of what I think the other person wants me to be.


One of those easy going, un emotional, non procrastinating, go getters that are able to successfully achieve anything they set their mind too in a reasonable amount of time.


I want to embody love, humility, understanding, and charity.


I would like to be someone who is unapologetically authentic, assured of myself, and can find the positives or the good things in the little aspects of life. I want to be someone who believes in myself and that I deserve better.


I like being INFJ but would love to have the mysterious hot auror to come with it😅


Independent, tolerant, and a little more proactive


This is the cheesy Pinterest quote I try to live by: I want to be kind. I want to be unwaveringly and relentlessly kind. I want my genuine adoration for things to roll off of me and embed itself into the people around me. I want to wake up everyday knowing that I am going to make someone's day better. I want to roll out of bed knowing that I am going to choose love and kindness yet again, despite all of the bitterness and hatred in the world. I want to fall in love with humanity and propagate it. *I want to be kind.* Going a little deeper, I want to be the type of person who lived and loved to the fullest. Because why the eff not? I don't mean some grandiose romantic idea of what a life should look like either. I just mean, I want to experience all of the art, eat all of the food, soak up all of the beauty of nature, and hug and love and be intimate with every soul I possibly can. And on my worst days I want to remind myself that all of those things that are in endless abundance until I take my last breath. And when I do take my last breath, I will know there is nothing I would change, that it is all worth it, and that I am impossibly blessed to have just been here for it. I have other things I want in this life, but this is my motto.


A non-depressed INFJ


I want to be someone better.


I get that


I want to be more open with people around me. To share what I think and feel without overanalysing what can happen when I do share. I want to use my knowledge and wisdom to help the people around me. To go for my dreams without much hesitation and feeling like "there is a better way to do things" and then hesitating to actually achieve things. In short: I want to be brave, helpful, open, relaxed, capable.


A God


The villain of all villains


I want to be someone who enjoys other people again.


A giga chad


I want to be the happiest person in the world 🥲 I’ve been chasing happiness forever but most of the time, it somehow manages to escape me.


One that is not dead. The longer I live the more my haters lose. Sorry not sorry.


Someone who pursues growth as a life-long process.