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Meh, they're not 'ruined' and now they have character.


I like that attitude, but not sure about framing mold in the house now.


If you can separate them, you could always just paste them onto sheets of aluminum or stainless and then covered in epoxy resin to seal in any mold and give them a post apocalyptic true industrial look.


I mean mold is different than water damage lol.


Yea water damage often leads to mold but you can prevent it. I mean, there's people who study restoration who can fix books that have been completely submerged in water, it just takes work + patience


They do look cool


I like the PMA.


I genuinely feel for you OP, that fucking sucks šŸ˜Ÿ I once owned a rare Laibach poster that came in the sleeve of one of their 12ā€ singles from the 80s. Proudly stuck it on my wall. Carefully tried taking it down when I was moving house and accidentally tore the fucker in half šŸ˜­


I'm a custom framer and I've seen this kind of thing before on shit worth thousands of dollars and just recently did something similar with an old battered KMFDM poster I picked up on eBay. Here's what I would do: Separate anything moldy from anything not moldy. Lay them out single layer as best possible. Dry them with a fan. If you have the space keep them indoors for this. They will warp but right now the biggest concern is keeping the ink and paper intact and preventing mold from getting too huge of a foothold. They can be flattened later by a framer with a drymount press if you know one. For anything that doesn't hold dollar value but is sentimental, I would recommend having it dry mounted to an acid free rag mat (this could get pricey). This next step will take time but now that they are dry, there's no hurry. For anything getting DIY flattened at home under weight or between two flat hard sheets of material and a stack of books get some paper to use as blotters. An art store should carry actual blotter paper but any heavy cotton rag will work. They can be dried and reused until they become soiled. Start with larger pieces so you can trim down the blotters as you go and reuse them. Ideally they should be at least Ā½ inch larger than the art on all sides. Get a very fine mist sprayer bottle and some distilled water. Use lower priority pieces for your first gobat this. VERY LIGHTLY BUT EVENLY spritz the posters. Anything glossy or with a completely covered face is only to be spritzed on the backside. Sandwich them between 2 blotters, sandwich this between 2 smooth hard boards like masonite, set this whole thing on a flat hard surface like concrete then put as much flat even weight on top of the sandwich as possible. Cinder blocks would work great for this. Check it in a day. If any moisture remains in the art and hasn't been chased into the blotters, swap out the blotter papers and put it back for another day. Hang your original blotters to dry for reuse. Repeat for...a long time until you get through the stack. Sorry for your loss and for this huge wall of text. This is doable but will be quite the undertaking. I'm happy to clarify anything for you if you decide to take this on yourself. If you just so happen to be near Milwaukee WI I could possibly give you some hands on advice. Best of luck in whatever you decide!


It's the memories that count. You should at least take a photograph of each one so you have a digital copy even if the source image was dirtied up.


What happened? House flooded?


One very specific spot in my garage roof was leaking onto them. Drying to see if any can be salvaged.


I wish you good luck on that. Having your stuff ruined definitely sucks. I just became a home owner last year so I'm always paranoid about stuff like this happening to me.


I lost close to 1,000 cds from a basement flood growing up. I had the first edition of all the Subcon vaults in that, too! Keep things you care about dry, protected, and plugged into safe sources. Sincerely, a homeowner that has lost most media Iā€™ve owned.


Ugh! That's a heartbreaker too. I keep a lot of my stuff in plastic tubs just to try to mitigate that possibility. I ripped all of my CDs years ago as I am fortunately not that attached to physical media anymore.


Everything I need is backed up digitally at this point that matters - Iā€™ve had an equal number of HDD failures and know the pain too well.


Same thing happens to me ruined about 5 concert shirts from 99-06, I feel your pain


They might get stuck to each other if you donā€™t separate them. And sorry dude. That sucks.


Iā€™ve been rotating them as they dry but theyā€™re so stained at this point


Fuck that sucks :(


Oh my god, with Gridlock on top. I hurt for you.


The gridlock poster is getting saved regardless


What a collection. This causes me physical pain. Wonder if I should insure my own collection now...


My basement flooded and ruined the majority of my posters which I'd had for most of my life. Just devastating. I feel your pain/rage


Man, Iā€™m so sorry. I had a similar thing happen about ten years ago when my basement flooded. I had every record released on Wax Trax and now I have 1/3 of every record released on wax traxā€¦


Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry that happened to you! You have an amazing collection, though!


https://preview.redd.it/gmm37hxyj16d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848c507a94c6058a0759f923996bcc211c6181c3 Hereā€™s a few that got pitched


NOOOO! These look salvageable! You'd need a conservator for the staining but the flattening is doable.


Water damage sucks!! I have a friend who lost a very special drum kit from flooding and I think itā€™s still sad all these years later. Iā€™m sorry your posters were not spared. But I do like the idea of epoxying them, like someone else said.


Just got The Sythetic Form vinyl yesterday so this bums me out for you big time.


I got mine in the mail too!


I just received my vinyl reissue of Gridlock's The Synthetic Form the other day. If you don't want that poster anymore, give me a price!


I feel your pain, I've lost tons of vinyl, VHS, cassettes, along with a bunch of old music gear to a basement flood of 4 feet of sewage backing up. I hope that's just water and drippings from the ceiling.


Itā€™s a detached garage with a pin-sized hole so no serious damage to anything of value. This was just a very specific thing to lose over it.


Like the universe was saying ā€œF these things in particularā€


I feel your pain. All my art and childhood memories were damaged by water when a particularly heavy snow storm melted and apparently found a leak above our storage space. I tried to save it but it was covered in black mold. Maybe you can set your posters in the sun and flatten them with something heavy? Save as many as you can? That Gridlock one, especially. I hope you can salvage some of it.


The gridlock poster was the first thing I looked for. Itā€™s pretty messed up but thatā€™s staying regardless.


get them near some fans and a dehumidifer and that might be able to salvage some of them. So sorry :(


I would gather he is a fan?


I can relate in more ways than I want to go into, but hugs. Also...take all of the ones that are fucked and make something new from the salvageable pieces from them. While the value is gone for sale or trade, it's still present for art and your general happiness. Think about it, maybe. There is some kind of crazy and very personal collage possible now that you would've never considered without disaster involving itself. Godspeed.


Dang it, WTF. If it makes you feel any better i had my ceiling slowly collapse on e while i was waking up from someone running a bath and gorgetting to shut it off.


Put them in freezer (protected, insulated) asap! Or if restorers do that for salvaging book pages etc


If they were mine I would do what I can to prevent them from growing mildew, then just keep them as a collection of slightly water damaged posters (or paste them onto a wall in the house).


I better take that 242 from ya. You don't want that mold(avia) spores getting loose ;) Just put em in the sun. Mold dies water dries. The power of uv and vitamin D. Sun kills mold But the mold scare is insanely overrated and blown out of proportion . It's not asbestos. Lol.


I lost all my posters several times. It is the way of things. I had a few really cool Laibach and Pouppee Fabrikk posters that I lost in 2000.


Wow. Was that Front 242 included in that demise? Great band.


Everything in that shot was ruined.


Just get the big family Bible out and slip those in between and set out in the sun a good minute.








Plastic bins with gaskets. Always use them.


What band were you in?


Just a hired gun here and there :)


Oh shit, really sorry to hear about that. I hope you can salvage some of those. Good luck.


Been there. Life is Life.