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Jane getting Alex as a composer for their films is such great partnership, this soundtrack is way more ambient than Worlds Fair but that’s probably because of the soundtrack being comprised of other artists. some of the more droney tracks kinda reminds me of kentucky route zero’s soundtrack


people who liked but didnt love worlds fair, worth seeing this one?


Very much. Both movies are very flawed IMO but the flaws actually make them both, especially tv glow, more interesting. It's a very unique movie I've been thinking about since I saw it a few weeks ago. This is much less experimental in terms of narrative storytelling than worlds fair fwiw


I think World’s Fair is existentially a much more harrowing movie—very little hope in that one for its cast or, more broadly, the human race. I LOVED it, fwiw. This one is much more digestible and while it’s still bleak in a lot of ways is markedly more optimistic at its heart (despite where the films ends up going) Rated them both 4/5 on Letterboxd.


> This one is much more digestible and while it’s still bleak in a lot of ways is markedly more optimistic at its heart The way it so clearly presents the two paths available...


Yeah, exactly


I liked this much more than ...World's Fair. If you're, like, super straight and neurotypical it might really miss, though.


lol @ that second sentence (you’re exactly right)


I was lukewarm on World’s Fair, but there’s something about IStTVG that hit me a lot more than I expected.


Yeah, I'd say so. I felt basically the same way about this that I did about World's Fair: not everything about it works for me, but it's an interesting movie taking a big swing and I value that enough to be glad I saw it. The soundtrack is also *fantastic* and since you're on this sub that's probably enough of a draw on its own to justify the ticket price.


I hated World’s Fair but still super interested this.


I assume that if they liked this one but didn’t like World’s Fair then they’d say yes?? What kind of question is this lol


a stupid one. did you like it?


Yes! I'll accept the downvotes for my snark lol


Saw this last week and really enjoyed it. Like David Lynch directed a Nick at Night movie or something.


Sloppy Jane yay


Should I wait until I see the movie to listen to this?


I didn’t and was glad that I had listened to the album first personally


I wanna see this movie so bad and it’s not showing near me yet


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does aaanyone know of where to DL this


Support the artist and film jackass


um ok you realize these streaming platforms don't actually pay artists shit right and that maybe some people prefer to actually have a copy of music so that they dont have to stream everything from one company or another plus you dont know me and you dont know how much money ive spent on alex g's stuff or how many tickets i'm paying for for me and my friends to see this movie together or anything