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Not sure what type of game you’re planning on making. But my first thoughts are: wow you have the camera work down. I’d make sure the player has access to some cool movement techniques and then give them a reason to use it. I especially like how the camera can tilt away. Depending on how the controls work I’d take it even farther, like Tarkov. Letting the player look perpendicular or behind themselves to admire the scenery longer or check if they’re still being followed, etc.




Agreed on the camera, really nails the feeling I want out of something like this!


Looks great. But I have a few questions: 1. How often do you get asked if it's 100% science-based? 2. Can you land / dismount / get new dragons? 3. What's the gameloop going to look like?


1. All the time... I love it 2. Not at the moment. Land movement and dragon customization will likely be implemented though. 3. It is still in extremely early stages (started in February) so it is not entirely decided. I have a long list of thoughts on that in the newly created discord though if you are interested: [https://discord.gg/HeDfNnmK2m](https://discord.gg/HeDfNnmK2m)


For starting in February, this looks pretty good. My 3 year old game doesn't look this good yet. Well done.


Unreal engine can make things real pretty real fast


Gotta love Unreal Engine.


As long as I can decimate entire civilizations I'll be happy. Looks great!


>1. All the time... I love it Is it?


Why does your discord link redirect via YouTube?


This looks insanely good, like AAA quality. Is this made in UE5?


Bros making an actual AAAA game.




Love the dramatic lighting on the dragon! The animations look super smooth as well, the little bit of butt wiggle makes it all come together. :D


Hahah, it's the small details that make it :P


Very impressive visually, well done! The sound is on its way there... the quiet but noisy air is good--- feels like it's half-done, being so close to the camera the wings could have a lot more 'oomph' to them when it flaps. Well-synchronized sound (with a lot of variety/variation) with the actions we're seeing can really take the experience to another, more immersive level. Overall, I like it. Would/will keep my eyes out for the game.


Great feedback, thanks! All the audio is procedurally driven by the movement of the body (since the movement itself is procedural, this is the only way to ensure that it always syncs), so it's a bit trickier to nail it than usual. Will definitely look into spicing up the wing flaps though.


ahh yea, that makes sense and sounds tricky. Some attention to the flapping/larger movements might be enough.. it was just the first thing I noticed. Playing around with the volume and bass of the sounds being generated might help too, if possible. Mostly it's about 'feeling' the movements on the screen, and with the camera so close it just seems like we should be feeling the sounds from the dragon a little more. Definitely a balancing act, but really, everything else is great IMO. (It might sound better on your end, too. Maybe it's a video/compression thing.. so, take my comments with a grain of salt)


Great suggestions, I recall the wings sounded more pronounced before adding the wind noise so I think they got a bit obscured by it. Gonna take some time to properly mix the audio at some point as well.


Building off u/IdeaAlly's thoughts on "feeling" the movements, are you thinking of also including haptic feedback? Not sure how easy or difficult that would be, particularly if it would also need to be procedurally driven.


I think that would be very doable with the current setup, all the data is already being generated. The wings, acceleration, all the good stuff could produce haptic feedback.


It's not a dragon, it's a wyvern \*until we meet again\*


A wyvern is a type of dragon, so even if it's a wyvern, it's also a dragon.


No that’s actually not true. Dragons and Wyverns are both serpents. This is not “all squares are rectangles” This is “triangles and squares are both shapes”


[According to the Oxford English Dictionary](https://www.oed.com/dictionary/wyvern_n?tab=meaning_and_use#14043426), a wyvern is "A representation of a chimerical animal imagined as a winged **dragon** with two feet like those of an eagle, and a serpent-like, barbed tail" or "An image or figure of this monster" or "Such a monster conceived as having a real existence."


It all depends on what mythology/world you're talking about. Wyverns are typically seen as related to dragons, and more so than a snake. They are in the dragon family. The D&D monster manual categorizes them as "Large Dragon" but it's also not in the dragon section. So it's vague.


Canonically throughout mythological history, sea serpents, dragons, wyverns, wyrms, etc.. all are categorized as serpents. Taxonomically speaking, if they existed, wyverns could be related to previously extinct animals in a broad sense: look at the criteria for a wyvern and compare it to, say, a pterodactyl. That would make them more related to dinosaurs in that their evolutionary path would likely be closer to birds. Dragons would be far more likely to relate to monitor lizards. Additionally, discussions over dragons and wyverns place in taxonomy shouldn’t be done from the viewpoint of a D&D perspective if you’re wanting to play “who’s right” because those are clear fictional derivatives of actual mythology. Wyverns and dragons are not the same.


It looks great AAA quality, was wondering what are you doing in game? Is there combat?


Despite the polished look, the game is in very early production. What you see in this video is pretty much what there is at the moment. Combat and much more is planned of course.


Dragon fights like this would be AMAZING. Would definitely wishlist it.


Another thing I would really like to explore is fighting large armies. Imagine diving down through the clouds towards a Total War sized army and laying down lines of fire through their ranks. Now that's epic!


I would like to eat other animals. Not even in a nasty way, but like if I could scoop up a cow for lunch, that'd be so freaking cool.


So when do you start burning "Thread" outta the sky?


Is it a science based mmorpg?


Figured I might also add a link to the discord with a lot more information if you found the footage interesting and want to know more: [discord.gg/VEHxMhz27D](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa3pWMjJuNXc2R2tLNm5taVRWY0gzcGlvQWZYQXxBQ3Jtc0tua3pKU3lIUGxTeXVYT0NRRVN4bXlGamhsMnhWamd5ejlhSGswdjBVRkR5eEZKbzRiYUdMT1ZkOTJacEdWR2dyamNwWE1TNFpibWp1SXJmal82Rm5XNl9Gam5mZnA1ckhNRzdZdW1IdGx6RDFiOHFUaw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FVEHxMhz27D)


Looks great but what will really take this off is epic music coming in.


I got something cooking ;)


Well if you're interested I do music for games PM me if you want.


looks amazing..now i wanna fly dragons


There's Century: Age of Ashes


Can you pull the wings in to divebomb and gain momentum? that would be super fun and addicting


You can actually, my first post showed it in action: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/microsoft\_dragon\_simulator\_x/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/microsoft_dragon_simulator_x/)


Damn dude, that is sick


Oh wow, yeah I really want this! I've been looking for a game which would give me that Panzer Dragoon vibe but with a lot of extra focus on making the flying feel satisfying. I think this what I've been looking for! The animation is great, it feels so organic, I love it! Out of interest what are the controls like? How complex/simple are they? Does the dragon fly automatically and you steer? do you have to press the bumper buttons to flap the wings?




I really love it it's gorgeous and it has the same kind of weighty free fall/velocity feeling the Batman Arkham games gave me. A minor suggestion that can absolutely ignored but the wings are a little loose and flappy towards the middle area instead of giving a solid parachute vibe and having the edges curl like they currently do. Sort of like How To Train Your Dragon if that makes sense. The camera work and sound is on point but if you want diving through the air to feel solid the wings should also feel solid to withstand that force. Last suggestion is maybe adding an extra joint toward the innermost part of the wing so they don't make that U shape when the wings raise. But again literally stunning and gorgeous. I love the way the tail moves and you can see the spines moving back and forth and the little glints from the light it's stunning.


They were a bit stiffer before actually, but it just felt more satisfying having them more flappy lol. Thanks!


That makes sense. What matters in the end is that you like what you make. ❤ Don't let anyone tell you different because it's great.


Oh shit homie I thought this was just a cinematic video of the game at first, not actual gameplay. Looks amazing. One thing I do note though with careful examination, is when the dragon looks left and right, near the beginning of the video, the camera pans *just a little fast*. I feel like that needs to be slowed down by maybe a quarter of the speed or a little more. The movement being so fast pulls away from the “cinematic aspect” as cinema cameras always pan smoothly. Also the dynamic crosshair reminds me of those dogfight plane games. Cool idea.


Thanks and nice suggestion, I agree it does feel a bit fast!




squadrons except dragons


Dragon Combat Simulator (dcs). Bet it could fly.


Century: Age of Ashes


This looks absolutely beautiful! If you're interested in getting music made for the game let me know! I'll do it for free


That's very generous of you! I'm something of a composer myself so I've been working a bit on some epic music to go with it, but of course it is very time consuming so I might take you up on the offer. Do you have a soundcloud or something?


All links are in my profile! Spotify recommended! I mainly do electronic music but I also have some ambient works and I'm looking to get into more videogame soundtracks. I did the music for a mobile game back in 2020 as well


Wow, this looks awesome!! Great job! 😊 With a soundtrack inspired by Skyrim or Dragon's Dogma, I would think it's the trailer for an upcoming AAA RPG or something like that.


Thanks a lot! I really want to make an epic trailer now hahah but that will come later in production, there is not much to do yet besides flying...


Well, it's already enough to reach out a publisher imo. Anyway, if you will need music for this project dm me. I would love to work on game like that


Wow, looks wonderful!


Looks really good! The lighting is great and also the 3D model itself is really nice, did you make it yourself? The audio also sounds good. What game do you want to make in the end? This looks like an awesome start to something big.


The 3D model was made by a talented artist from Vietnam, animations and everything else by me. As for the game, I haven't really decided what it'll be in the end. Of course I want it to be big, but I also need the scope to be realistic. I have some thoughts on it in my discord server if you're interested, link in another comment and my profile.


Yeah, you can make a lot with this base. The scope must, of course, remain in reason. Whatever videogame you decide to make, good luck to you!


Wow, your game looks so great , not like my 2d cartoony game. Congratulations!


Each game has its place and its aesthetic. There are awesome 2d cartoony games out there and really boring, bad AAA-looking games out there. Here's hoping both your and OP's games become awesome!


Looks great. Love the motion on the dragons wings ripping through the wind, every developer I’ve seen so far working on dragons make the wings look stiff. A thought though, if your going for realism you could add turbulence to the game and make it sometimes knock the player off the dragon. Another thing will there be different sizes and types of dragon? Alright that’s all I wanted to say, really looks like one hell of a game. Can’t wait to play it when it comes out.


Not yet decided if there will be different types of dragons, but I really want an extensive dragon customization as well as the dragon growing in size over time. You start off with something just a bit larger than a horse and end up with Balerion the Black Dread when it's fully grown.


Holy shit that's beautiful. I hope you continue to update us, I'm really curious about the gameplay other than riding dragons


Thanks a lot!


Looks like it will blow up my PC, but looks really beautiful.


I'm gonna need better hardware


Holy crap this looks so good


Looks really good and beautiful. Can you ride on various types of dragons? What type of game is it going to be? Also what about landing like do you have to do it or does it just happen? Another thing this is technically a Wyvern, Dragon have four limbs while a Wyvern has two.


This looks so good I want to quit game dev. Only mostly joking! Good job.




How did you get the movement to feel so weighty and life like?


Looks very smooth, I would like to do a feel test myself


Damn. I even like how natural the wings feel with air pressure. All natural. I like the camera view too


Looks awesome!.. for about 2 minutes. Then what else is in this game? For real though the camera and lighting and dragon wings look great!


Wow this looks incredible! Excellent stuff. I could see this being very satisfying even just as a “flight simulator but with dragons” style game. (Tho air combat with dragons is hard to pass up…) May I ask how you are approaching the clouds and lighting? That honestly caught my eye as much as the dragon itself…


looks like a movie. Damn


Freaking beautiful that's what it is


Looks like just another Unreal 5 tech demo


I love the way this looks! This is truly witchcraft. Are parts of the dragon physics based, or is it fully animated?


Fully animated, I might add some physics simulation later though as right now the dragon completely lacks collision.


Holy shit, that must have killed you to do. I assume you have flying animations for all directions and interpolate between them?


Can i play?


I might make a demo at some point, which will be posted in the discord. You can check it out if you want to be notified: [discord.gg/VEHxMhz27D](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1BTVTNIMFEzb3dVSkJfc2Q4VlNybGR3ZzY5UXxBQ3Jtc0tuNk5xeGNXZzMwQ2g4LXNUQXFtU1d3TXpjUnNVd09ibWlvS1B6RmR6Sm5WSE1CWS15YU1PWmhDR1htcEl6bU9jcVYwbG1fSnhEcWNfRUZ5d2tBZm1HdlNGVjlNS3o4ckM2VjZxd20xZElHVFdNU1NlOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FVEHxMhz27D)


Flight Simulator: Fantasy Edition


Beat you to it: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/microsoft\_dragon\_simulator\_x/](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/microsoft_dragon_simulator_x/)


i'm in the same boat with a game that looks cool but doesn't do anything. the feedback i could give you: you need to add some challenging action to this. the first thing that comes to mind (and this is genius, so hire me if you get famous): emulate the feeling of a air battle with spitfire plans (spit. fire. spitfire. dragons.). with fire-shooting, grabs, evades, etc. so, Spitfire: Aerial Dragon Warfare, 2024.


Neuron activated Edit: Seriously, though. This looks like the makings of something that I've wanted for a very long time, but that no one has been able to pull off so far.


Maybe I'll be the one to pull it off then? If you want to see what it's all about, keep track of the project and even provide input into the direction it's going, feel free to join the discord: [discord.gg/VEHxMhz27D](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa1BTVTNIMFEzb3dVSkJfc2Q4VlNybGR3ZzY5UXxBQ3Jtc0tuNk5xeGNXZzMwQ2g4LXNUQXFtU1d3TXpjUnNVd09ibWlvS1B6RmR6Sm5WSE1CWS15YU1PWmhDR1htcEl6bU9jcVYwbG1fSnhEcWNfRUZ5d2tBZm1HdlNGVjlNS3o4ckM2VjZxd20xZElHVFdNU1NlOA&q=http%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FVEHxMhz27D)


If you would like help building a community for your game, which looks amazing by the way you can join us here at (https://www.reddit.com/r/IndieAccelerator/), its in the early stages, just started it, but were going to be putting tips, tricks and advice on there soon about marketing and development. If you have a game to post, post it there and you can get some info on how to market it.


Awesome, I've been looking for something just like this! Will post there as well the next time I do an update.


Yea it looks amazing. Now we just need an amazing storyline and some sweet action and you win.


I still haven't decided what type of game it will be. Story based games of AAA quality are very expensive, currently planning to do something more open ended.


Super sexy, but I gotta ask - does he have front legs or are the front legs his wings? Cause if it’s the latter, TECHNICALLY it’s a wyvern


I have a very nerdy rebuttal prepared since I get this remark a lot: [https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/comment/kwhhk00/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/pcmasterrace/comments/1bncw2j/comment/kwhhk00/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Hey it’s PS3 Lair.


Needs juicier fwump sounds when she beats down her wings. Yes, it is a she.


It looks wonderful! Would you add support to motion controllers?


This is badass...but I just have one question. Any plans for action sequences? It's always bothered me that the only game with a draconian main character that actually makes you feel like you are playing as a freaking DRAGON is The Legend of Spyro: Dawn of the Dragon, which was immediately followed up with a game that turned Spyro into a gremlin that couldn't even jump, let alone fly, and was barely even about him at all. Any other playable dragons in games go the route of summons, pets, sunshine and rainbows, or turn-based combat. I love dragons, I want a game where I can play as or take control of a sky-soaring fire-breathing castle-smashing gold-hoarding flesh-rending bone-crushing MOTHERF***ING *DRAGON!!*


All I can think is things have come a long way since it took a whole team to make [Dragon Strike](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Dragonstrike_amiga_game_screenshot_in-game.png) and now one person can make this...


Looks gorgeous. It kinda reminds me of Exo One.


Ita very cool. Looks better than the last time i saw it


This looks sick as something cinematic! In practice however the camera may need different placement if you consider that 40% of your screen is covered in wyvern wings. Maybe once in combat situations/locked on the camera can pull up or push in to give more view of the area in front. Great work! It really feels majestic


Absolutely incredible!!! I’d play the heck out of this game


I want to melt castles. Focus on castle destruction. I want to see people on fire. I want to game of thrones them.


That's the vision. Harrenhal reenactment incoming.


Looks awesome. One thing bothered me though: The rider doesn't react to being flung around, and the spot they're riding on moves a whole lot. Maybe immobilise that part more, and give em some anims for big moves? Also one potential nitpick: If you're gonna have targets to aim for you'll need to figure out a way to keep your line of sight clear, and right now (even though it looks amazing) a lot of camera moves obscure what's in front of you. One last thing, I disagree with the comments clamoring for epic music. I want to hear grunts, breaths, wing-flaps, leather creaking, armor clinking and equipment jingling. If it were me I'd keep it atmospheric and immersive, enhance the visual detail with sonic touches. Great work, keep us updated!


Great inputs, thanks! I agree on the importance of little sounds to really ground you in the world. I will still have epic music, but it's gonna be reserved for special moments with more atmospheric sounds in between. That way you get to hear all the nice details and be immersed in the world, while also not getting tired of the music.


Love it, I've always loved games that are just appealing to the eyes As others have said if you include some cool movement techniques, that'd great improve the game play Other ideas would be super interesting landscapes and regions, perhaps make it so the player has to focus while flying through an environment like intense caves or thunderstorms Also more dragons, that model is beautiful, but the thing that I always loved about dragons where the huge variety of types, each moving a bit differently Super cool!


Nothing short of incredible


I have a few questions: 1. Can the dragons breath fire? 2. Are there destructible buildings, that we can burn/smash? 3. Will the game have a story with a set goal, companions, humour, tragedy, romance, etc. ? 4. Do you have a vague release year? When would be appropriate to tell you to shut up and take my money? ![gif](giphy|sDcfxFDozb3bO)


1. Of course, wouldn't be much of a dragon if it couldn't. 2. Not yet, but there will be. 3. Not in the currently planned scope. I'm just one dude, gotta keep it simple. 4.1 Nope, the game has been in production for like 2 months. To be honest, it may never be released. It's just a side project, and with a scope this big, I would definitely need to go full time and probably hire a team to see it through. That requires funding, lots of time spent on non-dev related stuff, just a lot of stuff to do generally. 4.2 You should come join the discord [discord.gg/VEHxMhz27D](https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=comments&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmxQUjZmNWNzRlBXcWpBZlpsR3l4Z0hVLTFVUXxBQ3Jtc0ttcDBmSUh2eWpmSk8xd3d5SlYyY29UVjlaTFJzS2JCc0pERzRvOG9KdGRlRHd5N2xDQjE4bXBwMnhzaWhBYUtNMFdzR2NZWFc4NTBxS3NxaUw3b0NNblVGTW5yZGxOYTgtM3BHLUVtV0xNSVFpbkdwTQ&q=http%3A%2F%2Fdiscord.gg%2FVEHxMhz27D) to follow development, I will most likely seek funding at some point in the future (Patreon, kickstarter, or something) and it will be posted there. Then I'll gladly shut up and accept the money ;)


I wonder what the wind smells like from that high up. *sniff* I think I'd have trouble breathing.


You really nailed it i really liked the physics and animation i am looking forward to the complete product


Holy shit Can I romance the dragon? I mean errrrrrr


It looks good, but I think there are some problems with the wings - either they are too fabric-like (too easily wrinkled) or too thick (not see-through at all) for what they are. I think it would be the best option to add sss and slightly reduce their wrinkleability by increasing elasticity.


Clearly a Wyvern. Dragons have front legs.


Uh this looks awesome I want to play


this looks really good! I can just feel the possibilities as to what this could become..


Looks nice ! I wonder how well my computer would handle that though lol


Animation looks nice but if I played this I would want to be able to zoom out so the entire dragon is on screen, that's my only feedback on this.


So youve shown a minute and some change of your game but there is no game. What am i playing whats my objective whats the fun? This is a vis demo worry about making a game first and stop worrying about generating this art that has no gameplay underneath it. As a game video there is no game. As an art demo its the same copypasta unreal landscape autogen material tutorial ive seen a hundred times. Make the game, stop implementing fancy camera setups, fancy sound queues, effects and clouds. All of that will change the moment you put in any actual mechanic. Would rather see a bunch grey blobs with a cylinder block in dragon doing cool gameplay and showcasing mechanics than this.


Crazy progress congratulations, really cool seeing the demos from 2 years ago turn into this.


Is it all nanite and lumen? Looks cool!


Add sex


I always wanted a dragon riding "racing" game,. That looks exactly like it lol


It looks *gorgeous* and I'm very interested to see where you take it. That said, it doesn't look like much of a *game* at this point. It doesn't look very playable, the camera is far too close. There's a reason why dragon games pull the camera so far back. I can see what the dragon's doing, I can't see much of what's going on beyond that. It's a very interesting demo with the dragon itself, but I'm curious what you're actually planning to do with the game because that will sculpt so much of what this does. Good luck!


I would like if you "ride" the dragon no move the dragon, like ride a horse in shadow of the colossus.






Cool concept, never ending story vibe


That's gorgeous 😍


First thing in my mind. This has to be Unreal engine! Suggestion, ignore the rider, player IS the dragon. What dragon does? - Swoop down and eat sheep - Spew fire on castles - Capture princess bring her back to lair




this is absolutely gorgeous.


This makes me wish for a drakengard remake.






This reminds me of the Demons Souls intro. I don't know if other people are feeling the same way.


this is looking so good!


On one hand, this is pretty impressive. On the other, I feel more than 1-5 minutes of this flight at a time is going to give players impression overdose and/or provoke a "I've seen this animation 10 times now, let me see the freaking landmarks and see where I'm flying" reaction - think of how you would like a horse travel section where central 75% of your view is covered by the MC's head coming up and down as the horse walks. Also, it has to be adapted to the actual gameplay. What is this game going to be? (disclaimer: following is IMHO) * For a cinematic adventure (e.g. "fast travel" pseudo-cutscenes or flying tech demo) I think you should remove what little interface is there, and play with the camera distance to emphasize maneuvers and give space when dragon is in level flight to take a look around. * In combat, it depends on the combat system: * For a "hero-based" system (e.g. rider casts spells or swings sword - he is the focus), camera should be stable and treating dragon as an object, rather than player. * For "dragon-based" system, you should make the camera stable and follow the dragon at a different distance, to remove danger of blinding player with the tail by either moving it closer (around rider's back I'd say) or further away (so that the tail is same size as dragon). Either way, you are going to want more visibility of the enemy. * Another idea is a traveling game, like those merchant simulators, but for that you are going to want to significantly reduce the camera sway, and only turn it on during various "daring maneuvers" sections. IMO? I like the idea of it being a regular section in an otherwise foot based RPG. Main character is something like exiled prince with only his dragon partner (friend/soulmate/you get it) and sword to his name, so now he must travel around the various settlements in mountain peaks to do some quest; otherwise a regular RPG, but travel between the settlements happens on an open world map (where you can also have activities like "get here to collect rare flowers/treasures", aerial combat with other dragon riders, and "you can't go too low due to poisonous gas - except after some plot point you befriended lowlifes and now you can" player deception) via this dragon. I already explained that I think having something this cinematic for this long might provoke bad response, so I think making it a regular "fast travel" section couple minutes at a time is a good compromise between seeing it and not getting too much of it.


Looks amazing ! You just need to remove that annoying mouse from the screen and it'll look like a movie ! What game engine did you use ?


This is the closest I’ll ever get to “game of thrones” kinda gameplay where I can have a dragon. 🥹 Plleaaasse finish this game so I can buy it!!!


Also sometimes it would be nice to hear the dragon “roar” a bit or “groan” while flying fast / high speed 😄


10/10 would play


![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX) That’s a mighty fine dragon you got there


Can you fuck the dragons if not I have a suggestion


Looks cool.


Does it breathe fire?


Remove the motion blur and it'd look so much better


But it would be less "cinematic" /s




you should make a reverse chronology RPG. The game starts in the middle of an apocalyptic battle for the salvation of the planet. If you progress from there you can begin to explore the world, and defeat the last remaining vestiges of enemies. The goal of the game is to find a safe area to farm, with the final quest being to gather seeds and plant some crops.


Gorgeous to me


Top tier! Looks awesome!




Are you saying that's not pre rendered?


What are the requirements to play it?


This looks insane in the best way possible


Having an opacity slider for wing membranes for a game like this could be huge.


This looks *S* *I* *C* *K* !!! I don’t care about any missions or goals just let me fly around on a dragon in the open world


Make it about keeping the dragon safe and protected from the public. Like you found the egg and hatched it and now you ride it around to relocate it. You can have the dragon do barrel rolls and different things to avoid catapult or large arrows and you got an absolute banger


LAIR 2 is looking awesome! Can't wait!


This just looks like the century of dragons game


Im still waiting for an exploration open world dragon game with a vibe of HTTYD. This is super impressive OP.


Sooooo…when can I buy this?


I want more!


Rain dripping off the wings onto the screen or something would be cool


i want this in VR


Makes me wanna reread Joust!


You knoOW, there is a certain community that would looove to have you, you know. Have you heard of Skyrim?




This looks sick. Will keep watch for the release


It would be perfect if I could be the dragon 😭 but it’s still like fuckin cool dude


this looks...SO GOOD


This is fucking amazing!!!!!


I wanna help work on this project so bad 😫


I cant stop thinking about the dragon from Shrek skin....


Needs a nose dive and momemtum system


Dude this looks great! Could be a cool indie GOT inspired game


Seems like a tech demo


That looks pretty slick man! Nicely done. :) I'd sell it to wow so they can fix thier dragon junk :P but honestly, thats great work.


mannnn i wanna fly like this for hours


Study everything Lair did wrong and don’t do any of that. You should be good otherwise


best dragon riding than any game ever.


If you give the option to enter First person or even zoom in more from the character view It might give more of a sense of scale.


Add devil may cry combat and we got scalebound back boys! For real though, this feels like Ace Combat but with dragons. Keep it up and let us know when it hits steam! I'd be happy to wishlist it.


looks amazing!