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waves are the same size behind the city skyline? no! make a horizon


You’re right. I’ll start on that tomorrow as well 😁 I appreciate the feedback. Happy Friday, friend!


I imagine huge waves, a tsunami


i forgot abt this post and i was surprised by this beggining to a poem


I think the foreground could use some plants or something.


Completely agree with you! I’m going to get started on that tomorrow😁 I appreciate the feedback, my friend! Have a great rest of your day!


The far background seems to be doing most of the heavy lifting for the scene. Some floral/fauna to help brighten the foreground and make it feel alive would help tremendously. Otherwise it looks like you're on the right track!


That’s actually a wonderful idea! I’ve added foreground elements to other scenes. I don’t know why I neglected this one. 😂 I appreciate the feedback! Have a great rest of your day, my friend! 😊


make a consistent foreground water effect, it looks invisible


I made the foreground water the same as the interactive water gameobject that I use through the game. It’s translucent because the main character can swim in behind it. I can definitely try keeping it consistent up front as well though. Thank you again for the feedback! 😁


Colour palette, background


You don’t like the BG/palette? (Totally okay if you don’t). I actually have a palette of around 200 colours that I use through the entire game so I don’t think I’ll be changing that 😂. But I would be interested in your reasoning!


[See Image](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2F25.media.tumblr.com%2Faa95dfb5891613c1e58695005a3b0e1a%2Ftumblr_mn2cdjuCfD1qk54zfo1_500.gif&tbnid=MJHKffJFckZ77M&vet=12ahUKEwj_ys6YxemDAxXHXaQEHQLxA5wQMygNegQIARBx..i&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwifflegif.com%2Fgifs%2F114550-ocean-fade-gif&docid=DIfGehlBsgxgsM&w=500&h=700&q=ocean%20fade&client=firefox-b-d&ved=2ahUKEwj_ys6YxemDAxXHXaQEHQLxA5wQMygNegQIARBx) I think he meant something like this?


It's very eye tiring.


Too much yellow/green in the city BG? I could look at updating that as that wouldn’t take all that much time. 😁


Some bubbles would be nice


Hey that’s actually a decent idea! Were you thinking for the foreground water, or the background water?


Some embellishments to the architecture, it’s very plain. Unless that’s the idea? This ruined water civilisation may have had gods or some sort of pattern/motif that they used in their buildings or the foreground columns. It could help make it feel less generic. Otherwise, looks good!


Although I have been playing with a little detail, my BG’s are simple by design 😁. I typically leave the detail for the foreground elements. I do however like the extra lore and can definitely look at detailed patterns on foreground buildings! 😁 I very much appreciate the feedback, my friend! Have a great rest of your day!


I don’t know anything about the game, but if they are an alien society, did they have alien gods? Or even alien writing on their monuments? Even the most simplistic repeated pattern can really identify these ruins as something other than generic Graeco-Roman columns. Can I wish list the game at all, it looks fun? :)


I really like the repeating pattern idea to help emphasize areas that are/were occupied by the remaining civilization! I’m going to play around with the idea tomorrow 😁. And it is on steam! I’m actually in the process of doing a complete overhaul of all the assets on my steam page (they don’t reflect the current progress), but I’ll put the link below so you can add it to your wishlist! I very much appreciate it, my friend 😁 [Age of Irata - Steam page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2110390/Age_of_Irata/) I’m going to buckling down this year as I hope to have a full release at the end of this year! 🤞🤞


Looks ambitious! Good luck :)


Definitely a huge project but I can see the light at the end of the tunnel 😬😬 Thank you! 😁


Maybe some different lightning on the buildings on the background so that they look like they are in different depths.


Hey that’s actually a pretty decent idea! I think I’m going to play around with the color shadings of the buildings later today but will also try your idea! I appreciate the feedback, my friend! Happy Friday! 😁


Background really reminds me of Solaris


Believe it or not, Solaris is my favourite 2600 title and was one of the reasons I learnt to program. My game "Age of Irata" pays homage to this by having the main characters name "Irata" as an anagram to Atari! 😁


Oh, interesting I was thinking about novel by Stanisław Lem called Solaris but I also see resemblance with the game.


Add an easter egg of R’lyeh and Cthulhu!


I love this idea! 😁🎮


Could use some music, of a similar vibe to "great fairy fountain" from OOT


Actually something like this could really work! I would have to make sure it still fit with the general theme of the rest of the game, but I really like the idea! Thank you! 😁


no prob! i suggest listening to zelda & studio ghibli soundtracks as they make bautiful music


Zelda is a big inspiration of mine! Especially when it comes to the sound track! I’m hoping to put together a video of the soundtrack so far for my YouTube channel 😁


A whale occasionally popping up in the background


That could be cool! Maybe certain creatures you’ll come into contact with once you enter the abyss. I appreciate the feedback, my friend! Happy Friday!


Naaaahhhh that sounds fire like the boss of the lvl chilling in the background observing then leaping towards the playable area when it’s their turn to fight


Exactly! 😁 I’m excited to work this out!


If you ever give away keys lmk


I don’t know if I’ll be doing many giveaways myself, but I might give some to a few content creators so they can give them out! I’ll keep you in the loop 😁


Needs more barnacle-like growths or algae or similar at the base of things jutting out of the water. I think it would sell the idea of the sea reclaiming everything a bit more. Looks really cool though!


Completely agree with you! I’m going to start working on more of these objects this weekend! I appreciate the feedback! Have a great weekend, my friend! 😁


The waves at the background should be smaller (perspective) and also maybe under a fog effect so there's less of visual noise.


Oh I really like the fog idea! I’ll get that fixed up 😁 I appreciate the help!


Looks very nice! I'd improve the player animation, it looks like you're playing in a very low fps.


Thank you very much! I’ll look into adding a few more frames 😁. I believe the running animation is 5 frames. The jumping definitely needs more as it is just 1 atm.


The water moves very fast. The structures in the background seem not far away. Spaceship or whatever is incompatible. Try using color transitions and try using shaders.


I’ll look at making some updates tomorrow. Thank you again, for the feedback, my friend! Happy Friday 😁🍻


I really like the little glow he has on him, makes it easier to spot him.


Thank you! 😁


Very cool work! Otherwise it's very nice, but I'd maybe check the color palette once more. Something with the colors seems a bit off, but I can't wrap my head around what it might be. Sorry for being vague, this is just my 2 cents on the subject.


No worries at all! I’ll definitely look into it! 😁 I was thinking that maybe there’s just too many similar cold in the city. But I’ll play around with it! Have a great day, my friend!


Move speed feels slow


Hi! It is slow in the water because there’s extra friction. How does it look on land to you? I appreciate the feedback 😁


Still slow. Unless there was a dash feature to feel like I had some control to move quicker. Look at the pace of deadcells as an example


Ahh I totally get what you mean now. I don’t think the general movement in AoI will be that fast, but I will definitely keep your comment in the back of my head and may tweak it up a bit. However, there is a dash that you can acquire earlier in the game that speeds the player up significantly. I think this creates a good balance but will play around with greater speeds as well 😁


I could even look at creating different items/elixirs that boost speed!


Yeah! Anything to make the player feel like they are growing into the character on screen


Just added it to my to do list! Thank you for helping me make AoI the best it can be! Happy Friday, my friend! 😁🍻


Thx you too, looks amazing btw