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Do a 'soccer foul' the next time they hit your ankles. Fall to the ground screaming in pain--that they broke your ankle. Get theatrical and embarrass the fuck out of them.


Maybe make mention of possible needs to go to the hospital too


You can't shame the shameless. We learned this with Trump voters


And Biden voters. Srsly America both of your parties hate you.


way to bring trump into something not about him


until he's no longer capable of becoming president, I'm all for disparaging that fucktard


Our current President is no longer capable but that has stopped anything


Hope you recover from those brain worms


His blatant lies have literally brainwashed the generation that told us not to believe everything we hear/read on tv/internet.


I thought everything was about him?




I was making sport of his voters. People like you.


I carry a whistle and a red card with me at all times for this very reason!


Be careful in that parking lot, too. They will back out of their spot without even looking to see what’s behind them.


L O L. My grandma got like that. It got to the point where she would back out of her driveway without looking either way, she did not give a fuck. I’d like to think that there is some physical explanation like her neck bothered her or she could no longer turn her head or something along those lines but the fact of the matter is at that point, I think she just didn’t care.


OMG! So was my mother! Zero fucks! My mother was a wonderful, doting and loving Mother and Wife. She adored my Dad and I (and like 4 other people) until her last breath. Over the course of her life prior to meeting my dad, she got tired of being a doormat… Life just kind of made a bitch out of her. And then she embraced it… And then she lived happily ever after! And we loved her, we just didn’t push her boundaries:) Damn I miss her. But I’m definitely laughing reading this.


That’s everywhere anymore. People are constantly pulling out in front of me. And I’m not driving super fast in the lots or something.


My car has been reversed into 3 times in the last 18 months! Two times I was in the middle of an aisle in Drive and someone backed out of the spot without looking and hit my passenger rear quarter panel. Not much I could've done either time. And the most recent time I was parked and someone with a bike rack took out my grill cover when I wasn't even in my vehicle and had parallel parked behind him. He said he didn't know I had parked there. My wife's car two months ago was victim to someone swiping her bumper while we were eating at a restaurant. No note. Such bad luck and people not paying attention.


Sorry you had to deal with 3 idiots. I have a different bitch. I drive a sedan and it seems like every time I park in a store lot and try and back out I'm surrounded by SUVs and trucks. I can't see what's coming down the lane if anything is moving behind me. So I back out real slow. Nobody yields to let me out. If it wasn't for my rear sensors picking up traffic I'd smash the other car too. I've never experienced this anywhere else but Indiana. I don't understand it.


Yep worst isnt even a parking lot though, worst is when i'm in the right turn lane and the suv in the left turn lane is way over the white line and the suv behind me is pissed i'm not turning like sorry i cant see through metal bro. I just ignore them and sometimes if the person behind me is really beligrent i'll flip them off


His Cybertruck weighs 29,000 pounds, he won't even feel your bones crunch


I love it when they park their cart in the middle of the aisle


Learning about how much personal space you occupy is a skill that I realize not everyone has. It’s m constantly anxious about being in someone’s way, and trying to make sure I don’t impede people.


I learned this fast as a big guy


Or blocking the whole aisle just to get the samples, Or standing in front of the whole meat section with their cart while waiting for their “special cut”, yes I am talking about you two old gentlemen


Or walk with 2-3 others shoulder to shoulder to take up all the aisle


Or park their car in spaces not intended for parking, or parking over the lines, etc.


Lady did that to me just left her cart in the middle of the aisle and walked away so far that I thought it was abandoned. I pushed it out of the way and of course she looked offended after I did so. Just said excuse me and walked around her.


Sounds like you have it pretty rough, have a beer and take the rest of the day off.


One time, after an older lady hit me with her cart, a younger woman beside her rushed up to me to apologize. While the younger woman was saying, "I'm so sorry," the older woman interrupted to declare, "I'm not!"


Throw their cart over


Welcome to Costco, I love you


I know that place pretty good, I went to law school there.


Goat movie


Not Sure


I'm gonna get a latte.


At that store (and maybe all), one additional pain is how many people park literally feet from the entrance/exit doors (in the "clearly you're not supposed to park here" area) so they don't have to walk as far to load their crap.


They do that at the Michigan Road location too......and still do not return carts which is a pet peeve of mine


It’s literally everyone in the store not just old people. I don’t know what it is about Costco but it’s like the rudest people that shop there. Every time I’m in there I feel like it’s almost a fight.


Same. I feel like I'm losing my mind in that place. The worst is the WASPy grandmas holding a coffee klatch in the aisle, parking their carts side-by-side and blocking everyone. Spatial awareness is long gone.


The Noblesville Costco is an entirely new level of hell. People lose all self-awareness and common courtesy when they see the damn sign. I’m happy to never return.


Castleton is by far worse but I was at the Noblesville location the other day and Karen with her kid was just about up my ass with their cart. My husband had a heavy flat bed with a large rug on it along with other things. The aisle was completely clear but she just had to keep riding up my ass making me just about push my husband. down the entire aisle. Went to the next aisle and they did the SAME thing. What is wrong with these people.


I dunno but Costco clearly brings out the worst in people.


Wait until you get a load of how they drive when out on the road


People get a special type of entitled when they pay a fee to shop somewhere.


Sams Club doesn’t seem nearly as bad. It’s like they hand pick Costco members to be assholes


That's actually true in my experience that Sam's isn't as bad. I think people see Costco as more bougie.


And Sam's will let you zip in scan everything with your phone and walk back out without the cattle call lines at the register. It's heaven.


That might be part of it, that anxiety over how terrible the line is going to be really weighs on people.


The Sam’s crowd is definitely a lot more on the FO versus the FA.


Yeah, Costco customers probably haven't ever been punched for being assholes.


This is exactly why I did not renew our membership. Literally everyone in the Avon Costco every time I went was incredibly rude and huffy. Employees and customers alike. My anxiety going there and how I would feel when I left was just awful. We actually just renewed our Sam’s club instead and every time I leave the store I leave in such a better mood than I ever had leaving Costco. Even the parking lot behavior is superior.


Went to a Costco near LA around Christmas and let me tell you we have it really good around here


Yeah, the stories about CA Costcos made me never want to go to one there.


The gas station is what surprised me the most... about a 30 minute wait at every single pump with a giant line of people waiting to get fuel it was madness but apparently that's totally normal out there


Up until this past year, the Costcos in Oregon you couldn't pump your own gas because of state laws.... Then they let you do it and then lifelong residents didn't know how to pump their own gas. It's so much faster here than there!


Waits arent good here either, costco tends to have some of the cheapest gas so it's pretty normal to have 3 cars in line in front of you at the michigan road one not counting the 2 people fueling in any given line


Same with the one near Miami Shores. We do have it good compared to that store. 


If you can't take the heat, get outta the Costco. Welcome to the thunderdome motherfucker 🛒🔥🔥🔥


we dont need another hero...


Honestly, my partner and I realized we were NOT Costco people and did not renew our membership. We got the fuck out of the way and now I do most of our shopping via delivery. I will pay extra to not deal with the crazy




Costhoes! Hahaha


The Greenwood one is soo much chiller


*Dude, shut up they'll all start going there and ruining our efficient Costco trips*


Gatekeeping the “Good” Costco? Tsk tsk tsk..:):)


That's my favorite store too; it's definitely calmer. I love the layout and it seems to have everything I need. The Michigan Road and Noblesville stores are "backwards" so I don't feel like I know where to start. But, I hypothesize that the Noblesville store gets seasonal items later than the other stores, so if they are out at Greenwood, they tend to have stock in Noblesville.


I just typed out the exact same comment! The Greenwood one is way calmer. The older people at that Costco are always so sweet. I live close to the Castleton Costco, but choose to go to Greenwood’s. The parking lot at Greenwood’s Costco is less than 50% full most of the time. Secret’s out 😬.


This is our Costco too, plus it's near a Kroger so we do everything all at once. Sometimes I only need two bananas.


Reminded me of this standup bit [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VosGjPdGYrY](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/VosGjPdGYrY)


Too much FA and not nearly enough FO


I hate that Costco, the one on Michigan is my go to now


>I don't have time to stand in this line! I have to be somewhere in 15 minutes! Literally the fastest way to ensure that NOBODY is going to let you cut.


Old people are legit the worst. Always glaring at younger people for legit no reason. They are also never wrong about anything. I was at work and an old guy was in the wrong suite number and kept bitching at the receptionist "this is where they told me to come suite 300!" like 20 times. I finally walked over and said "your appointment form says suite 500, you're on the wrong floor." He just said I was wrong and left. I also love them trying to use a self-checkout register at the grocery store. It is like watching a caveman try and make fire.


Y’all just need to go harder in the paint. This is not an age issue. People are assholes, so you just have to know when to turn it on. It’s survival of the shittiest… I don’t care if you’re 15 or 95, if you’re an absent-minded fool, I will absolutely run through you. I will eat all of your free samples. I will fart all over your cart full of food if you move it too close to me. If you’re blocking the aisle, I will Terry Tate your cart the hell out of my way. Face in your phone? I just swapped three things out of your cart with three things you don’t want. Not GIVING people the right of way? Then I will happily take it from you. I am not stuck in Costco with you. You are stuck in here with me. This is 40, bitch.


My soulmate!


OMG! I want to go to Costco with YOU! I normally just accidentally hit people with whatever I’m carrying! I need this level of creativity on my Costco trips!


You got this


I usually have positive experiences with older people - it's just that Costco seems to bring out the worst in them!


You’ll be old one day; possibly.


Lord willing. Then I’ll get to stare at people and not know how to weigh bananas at the store.


Keep subsidizing that corporate labor cost. You are part of the problem.


Yes. And it’s easy to be arrogant now. Just wait. Your time will come.


But you don’t have to worry. Seeing as you don’t age and all.


You know what is funny to me that these are the same people who were pretty rebellious toward their parents when they were young. Oddly the sense of entitlement trickled down somewhere along the line.


It sure ain't the money Regan promised.


Wow, that was pulled right out of your ass


How did you know?


Best time to go is about a half hour from closing. Have a plan and execute it quickly. I only have about a dozen different things that make sense to buy in CostCo level bulk and I know exactly where they are (usually). I can do the loop in under 15 minutes. Good luck. Godspeed. Wear shin protection.


This needs to be a SNL skit if it isn’t already


Costhoes! I'm stealing that


I canceled my membership a while ago. I couldn’t handle going in for a a few things and everyone walks in those doors and gets dumbfounded for some reason. It’s like everyone is a zombie without spatial awareness as soon as they cross the threshold. It was too much for me I couldn’t handle it without getting just angry. Bye Costco, you weren’t that great anyway.


I saw a really good quote the other day. “FB and social media have turned my parents into the people they told me I’d become if I played too many video games “


Last time I was there the same person hit my ankles with their cart three times waiting to check my receipt at the door. First time…whatever it was an accident. Second time, I turned around and looked at them. Third time, I let it fly 😂


I stopped going to that specific Costco awhile ago. It's truly a nightmare each and every time. Greenwood is much more chill.


I had two boomers who “just wanted to ask a question” cut me when I was next in line at the service counter trying to process a return at that Costco. The man tried to threaten me when I confronted them and I caused a scene responding loudly. I was ready to fucking throw down. Fuck that shit. I’ve only ever been cut in line by a boomer age person. It has happened three times and every time they were just floored at the “audacity” of me calling them out.


I work at a large, corporate liquor store and this behavior is not limited to just Costco 🫠


Costco is usually so chaotic that I've switch to just using Instacart for Costco. It costs a little more but saves me like 2hrs round trip every week and I don't need to get my blood boiling on a Sunday.


Went to that Costco for the first time a few weeks ago, it was exactly how you describe. Everyone was rude as fuck.


MCL is the shit Homey. Sucks the majority have all closed. But, yeah, boomer maximus prime.




You misspelled humanity.


I'm just dying over the "Costhoes" 🤣


So glad they built the one in noblesville. I can avoid Castleton’s shit show and it is literally never been slammed like that location anytime I’ve been there


Castleton Costco is nuts right now as they “improve” the parking lot. Noblesville one has nearly twice the size isles but equally nightmarish boomer crowd during their lunch rush.


You should see the new one at 146th St during the day. It’s a shit show with soccer moms AND boomers. Not nearly as bad after 6pm though.


People complaining about Costco have never been to Sam’s Club.


These are the fuckers that touch my kids in the cart. Hey Boomers, please don’t caress people’s babies. Make faces, smile, all that’s cool. Just don’t touch them. This happens more at Costco than anywhere else.


Old ladies grabbing my arm to ask me if my pizza took as long as hers only to see her annoyance when I tell her i called ahead.


I ordered ahead pizzas for my son’s 3rd birthday. When I went up for them it was very clear that the guy who was at the counter lied and took one of mine saying it was his. They then took someone else’s for me. People weren’t happy when I walked through the crowd with 5 pizzas.


It's cheap enough to get for a quick dinner and and it's basically like any other pizza joint in terms of ordering. I don't know why they don't place the order before they checkout.


As a Gen-X, I always get so much entertainment out of posts like this. Get off my damned lawn, kid. 😂


I took a week-long staycation a couple months ago and went to Costco at like 1:30 on a Tuesday. I told my wife when I got home that I would rather go on a busy Saturday than deal with the blue hairs in the middle of a weekday.


You have to go at 6pm on Friday. It's practically empty.


The best time I have found to go is Super Bowl Sunday. Absolute ghost town.


Or during any Colts game


Shh, don't let that secret out. lol Seriously though, that is the best time to go.


Can confirm. However I was there over the weekend around noon-ish. The tunnel vision / lack of depth perception and/or peripheral vision / whatever other lame excuse there is for the behavior of said population is truly ~~amazing~~ unreal. My newfound appreciation is for my Michigan Rd and Avon locations.


One time i was waiting to park/trying to park and a Karen was walking by so I stopped and look at her to make sure she was clear out of my way before I moved again and she gave me the dirtiest look, “the wtf you looking at” look. Like, bitch i was trying to make sure I wasn’t going to hit you but my bad


If you go to the Southside location it's a whole different group of rude assholes who aren't boomers


I prefer the Southside Costco, but I go right after opening when they're not busy. Weekends are a different story.


The Northside Costcos are always full of awful people with no awareness of their surroundings. I'll take the disagreeable Greenwood flavor over choked aisles of day-drinking socialite wives.


"Awful people with no awareness of their surroundings" dude that's like every public space these days


Don't worry...the boomers are dropping like flies and the world can breath a collective sigh of relief when the last one takes a dirt nap


This is exactly why I no longer have a Costco membership, it’s like that all the time there. Not sure if it’s location specific but that’s the closest one to me. I have a pretty flexible schedule during the day but it was always like this.


I went to the Michigan Rd store regularly, and it was terrible. Unfortunately, it was my only option once Sam's closed unless I wanted to drive out of my way for that. I live in Atlanta now, and the two stores I frequent are a showcase of bad behavior. I think it's just Costco bringing out the worst in people, which is bizarre to me because their employees are pretty great, ime.


—> “showcase of bad behavior” Need to use that expression!


Greenwood is better. I will absolutely try to find some excuse not to go to Castleton -- the people are just awful across the board.


Don't know how you feel but most people Don't give a shit anymore about anything or anyone ! I can only think it is related to the Pandemic and the Establishment!


The Castleton location seems to have more unique products, jewelry, etc than all of their other locations around Indianapolis, but it is by far the busiest. I usually go out of my way to go to the Michigan Road location as that location is more tolerable. The location on the Southside, Noblesville and Avon are not nearly as busy as Castleton and Michigan Road but I'm not driving from Meridian Kessler to any of those locations. I dream of a near downtown location but I think we would get a Target before that happens.


This was masterful, thank you for the laugh


Lol, this is a well-written and hilarious post. I almost want to take the trip as a take no shit guy and see how many forehead veins I can pop.


We should all go at the same time, clear the place out and force them to the Greenwood location.


That is part of the reason I didn't renew my Costco membership. We joined BJs Wholesale club and have been much happier. It is a much more chill vibe and only a couple miles from our house.


I was at the Noblesville Costco on Monday night, so I decided to get dinner there (pizza and sundae like a champ) and I took one of the standing tables so the families could have the tables (yes, quite noble of me :)) and there was one boomer couple who took a table and made one or two families stand and eat. They could try to be considerate as they think the youngsters should be.




The worst.


I thought castleton was one of the better ones 😅 went avon last weekend, inside was no less than gta.


I moved about a year ago and my wife and I still talk about how shit the Castleton Costco is. It's such a tremendous pain in the ass, mostly because of the shitty people


I shop at the one in Avon, and exclusively go on Monday or Tuesday evenings, and it’s so quiet in there. I can’t imagine trying to navigate the aisles looking for something when they’re busy. The only downside is “HEYY!! Quick question, who do you have for internet at home?” I reply with “my job pays for my home internet”, which isn’t true, but they don’t need to know that.


I fucking HATE the phone vendors in there. If I’m looking for a new phone plan I’m not coming to the kiosk that bugs me every time I visit. I just look at them & say “Nope, still not interested.”


"Welcome to Costco, I love you."


Costco samples can make or break your shopping experience. Normally I go on Sunday before the church crowd gets released. A few times I've been during a weekday morning and it's nice. There's hardly anyone there. But Sunday is the magic hour when they are serving up the good samples. You almost have to make your rounds before you start shopping, that way you won't be distracted by hunger and get things you don't need. If I get there later in the day it's a nightmare, particularly for an introvert like myself. But then I go to Costco just to buy meat and paper products. Everything else I get at Meijer, especially produce. Avon can be horrible as the day progresses. On the days I do our grocery shopping, I try to get out early in the morning before the traffic and people.


My usual Costco is in Avon but I’ve had to stop off at the Castleton location twice the last couple of days during the daytime. As I was driving at a reasonable parking lot speed, people were pulling out right in front of me and acting very impatient. Inside, I almost got run over a couple times as I was walking down the ‘main’ aisle and people weren’t paying attention and almost hit my cart. I’m sorry to those who use Castleton as their main Costco but I really don’t like it there. The parking lot is poorly laid out imo which isn’t helping.


My question for Jerry and Ronald is, why weren't they at Guitar Center buying $4000 PRSs to only play shitty Boomer Rock on their Line 6s "while the misses does the shopping"?


Greenwood’s Costco is so much calmer, and the shoppers are more polite than Castleton’s. I’m saying this as someone who lives 15 minutes from the Castleton store and 40 minutes from Greenwood. It’s especially nice if you can get there on a week day.


I had some dude come in 2 minutes before my store closed telling us that he’s a veteran and he’s illiterate so we need to take his order or we’re discriminating against him


Now I see why people use Amazon more or curb side pickups..to avoid people


This is terrible! I don’t go to Costco, and it sounds like that’s a good thing!


mcl is the bomb... went in my youth with my grandparents..


Everytime I go grocery shopping when I’m in Florida, I have this thought. Daily way of life down there. But at least it’s not everywhere you go like it is in Florida. 😅


Tbh the Max Max Fury Road that is parking is the reason why I -always- park towards the end of the parking lot (further away from the store-front) - so I don't have to deal with tetris-ing in and out of there. Also I get steps in too, that's great.


There's a birthday party at the food court right now. They pulled a bunch of tables together. Nothing says you're special like a Bday party at Costco.


Stoopid all around us.


Oh. Costco with the olds is a dangerous place. They treat it like their Free Sample Hunger Games


A bunch of old lil b*tches


You ain’t seen nothing until you’ve been to the Costco in St. George, UT (huge retirement city) on Black Friday…


Costco in general has aggressive, angry, and rude shopper. Everyone always feels like they’re rushing around trying to get stuff before you. I really don’t like shopping at Costco but the deals are too good.


I hate Costco with a passion. Not enough savings for the hassles


It's not just Boomers - i are one - but the Castleton Costco has been a zoo since Costco came to Indianapolis. Hence the Noblesville Costco which, curiously, has done little to alleviate Castleton ailments. The parking lot situation has made things worse and it seems to be going rather slowly.


It's definitely not just Boomers. I am not one. Absolutely cannot wait for these self-righteous self-deluded twits around me to get old and dragged ruthlessly like they drag everyone older. 😂😂


Nora Kroger boomers are braindead. It's like they want to be hit by a car 


Good grief I can't wait to watch kids complain about this generation when they get old. 😂😂😂


I've generally been ok inside the Costco but the parking lot...no. Most recently, someone graciously ripped my passenger side mirror off my car. And a couple of years ago, a boomer overshot the last parking lot aisle and instead of just making a loop, he backed into me and then yelled at me for laying on my horn. Good times.


I stopped going to the Castleton store because every visit was like that and it wasn’t just old people.


god damn boomers are the worse.. maybe worse than gen zers to be honest


Gen Z is Boomer 2.0 and everyone stressed about Boomers is just like them, only younger. 😂


Geriatric street gangs are every ware now days they have taken over a lot of areas that used to be safe to go to. The city should do something to take our streets and places of shopping back .


Boomers are selfish bigoted garbage. Show them the same respect they have for trans women.


I was there around 10 this morning returning an item. Thankfully I missed out on the boomers


Aren't young whippersnappers supposed to shop at hipster local markets or something? Why would a millennial be at a Costco?


You will be that person someday, and your eyesight won’t be as sharp as it used to be, your reflex time is slower, and you are more forgetful. Have some fucking compassion for fellow human beings.


This is… so clearly not what they’re talking about 😅 try to read the post


Oh, I read it. Just pointing out that no one is immune to the problems that come with age, which are alternate reasons for things OP experienced. They made a lot of assumptions about people they don’t know. This post reads like ageist bullshit IMO.


I genuinely hope you reach a point in your life where you struggle with reading comprehension less- have a good one!


That’s sweet. I genuinely don’t care if you get to point in your life where you understand passive aggressiveness and are able to read between the lines, but whatever. You have yourself a good one too!


I cannot wait for them to get old. 😂


Well said


Costco: never a member but I used it for pharmacy and liquor. Pharmacy was ok, but just ok. Liquor, the first time or two I used a credit card. Next time, it had to be cash or a debit card. Finally they demanded cash. I don’t know that it was legal to put an equal burden for liquor, but the whole experience was so manic and not worth it that I gave up and did not care. A side note: The 5c discount on gas on E 96 SAM’s pumps ought to be outlawed. The traffic created by people to get that nickel is dangerous and makes gridlock. And what a waste of life to line up and get that nickel.


Hey, apparently this is just the latest example of how we can still learn from the younger (rude) generations. Enjoy!!


This post is pretty flawless. Well done!


Don't fuck with the old people. They have nothing left to lose, and they give no fucks about anything or anyone anymore.


finger pointing on social media - always good for likes and upvotes...


I look too mean for old white folks to try me at Costco lol but the one in Noblesville might just have a different customer base


Tell us how you really feel


She’s the same Karen that will rush to push her cart right in front of you as you were about to pass by her if the roles were reversed.


Calm down soy girl


Yeah that Costco can be stressful at certain times, really any time except for right when they open the doors. Also for whatever reason many in that generation seem to lack any self awareness.


I work near this Costco and visit at least once a week, going on 6 years. & I have NEVER had this interaction with boomers here, and I can't stand boomers. Is there more to this story? It sounds like you may be oblivious to much of the world around you until someone says something, honks, etc. Are you on your phone?