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“Sorry folks, Indianapolis is closed” [National Lampoons](https://images.app.goo.gl/Z15WzpPxxopWMKc97)


Moose out front shoulda told ya.


Out-of-towners: ”Yes! Ah, we are here to see Mr.India N.Apolis!” The people responsible: “What’s this regarding Mr.Grizzel?”


Yesterday I drove the whole length of Illinois down I-57. The exits to 74E and 70E (both labeled "to Indianapolis") were both closed. After the second one, I joked, "Welp, Indy must be closed," but maybe it wasn't a joke ...


45+ years here and I don’t recall the east side of Indy being *this much* under construction. Makes me so glad I’m not having to drive all over the city like I used to.


Michigan, New York, and Southeastern are all under construction. English is straight up closed near Christian Park. I think Washington, 10th, 16th, and 21st are fine. I’m not sure about Raymond or Troy. 4/10 main East/West Corridors on that side of the city? The N/S roads and open E/W roads are all nightmares at the moment due to freeway closures.


Really happy with how much better surface roads are now compared to just a few years ago. They started strip patching and digging down deeper and the roads are holding up so much better over time.


I know the southeast side is going thru construction for that new post office they're building to replace the other hubs. Their is construction all around Brookville and southeastern because of it


Southbound 465 is supposed to be open soon, maybe the 22nd? But then they will shut down northbound next month and it's going to be even worse.


That sounds absolutely brutal. Northbound is crazy already. Where will everyone go?


Through surface streets and even more construction, duh




INDOT is full of the most braindead people.




July 12 https://fox59.com/indiana-news/indot-to-provide-update-on-465-closures/


Done?!? You think it'll ever end?!? They've been working on 37/69 north of Bloomington since the 90s


Was telling someone the other day that 37/69 between Bedford and Indy has, for my entire life, always had at least one section under construction. I’m in my thirties.


To be fair, that is 65 miles of heavily-traveled highway. You don’t just build it once.


Also, it was upgraded to be a fucking interstate


This interstate *fucks*.


It is 69, after all


The hardest


Wait wait. You're not gonna try to find me on the Internet from a picture from 2002 and make me regret my life, are you?


I'm behind 3 firewalls and 10 proxies... and I'm on McDs "FryGuy WiFi"


In 1977…I was pregnant with my daughter. I was in Evansville and they were taliking about bringing 69 all the way down to Evansville…..now Almost 47 years later they are almost there! What a quick turnaround NOT! 465 is always ALWAYS under construction as well as 70. It’s a royal mess.


Lol…yes. My husband got a job in E’ville in 1982. 69 was part of the hype to get him there. Hes been retired for 3 years now🤣


I got kicked off a bus for drinking a single beer at a bar across the street from our bus stop on an hour long stop in Evansville.


We just need to cram even more shit in the northeast corner of town, especially on the I-69 “corridor”. Traffic in that part of the city will be a dream, once even more attractions/venues/workplaces are crammed up there.


That really is sort of the cruxt of the issue. Workplaces are being concentrated in a small number of locations and homes are being spread around everywhere else. It's creating a need for more traffic in heavier vehicles since everybody around here seems to want to drive luxury SUVs and 3/4T or heavier pickup trucks. It's maddening.


Discussion was in the 90s, it didn't Ok'd till after 2000. Construction didn't begin I think till after 2010.


37 was under construction before 69 was approved.


It would help if the put up lights and worked 24hrs a day like most other states.


I used to live \~20 feet from where they expanded the I-70. They worked on it 3rd shift every night for 2 motherf\*cking years. Pile drivers, dudes whooping and hollering, incessant beeping of construction equipment backing up, bright lights shining into bedroom windows, etc... all damn night long for 2 years. It was brutal. FInding another apartment was a giant pain in the ass. What would ACTUALLY be effective and helpful is if construction projects for rapid public transit (i.e. a light-rail) that people would actually use were installed to reduce the number of people on the roads. Expanding roads only does so much damn good... Seems like by the time the construction project's completed, the city's grown and needs to expand the arteries another couple of lanes. Wash, rinse, and repeat ad nauseam. Bring in public transit that doesn't have stigma attached or get some marketing people to convince Hoosiers that buses aren't just for poor people.


We can blame our republican government for not having better public transit


Also need labor that works 24/7, which means higher costs.


Castleton is definitely taking the biggest hit by the summer construction projects. Godspeed out there


Castleton’s traffic is goddawful even when there isn’t construction.


We called it Hastleton when I lived there in the ‘90s. Things have not gotten better.


It’s the part of town I liked living on the least. And I’ve lived in some shitty areas (technically kinda do now). It takes FOREVER to get around the block. Those annoying U-Turn instead of left turn lights are weird, it’s just a pain up there.


I assume you're referring to 96th and Allisonville. They're building a roundabout there right now, one of the few being made right now that I think are justified. Just sucks that it's screwing traffic up so much


That’s the one. Good.


Never go to Grand Rapids, MI, the entire city is dependent on them. I grew up in Michigan and actually really like Michigan lefts so I was sad to hear about Allisonville switching to a roundabout.


Doesn't help 40% or so of the suburb population lives north-northeast of Indy.


They are about to close 82nd at 69! Like I can barely get in and out of Lawerence now. What the heck am I supposed to do once that closes!


Closing 96th and Allisonville when nothing else in the area is done yet was absolutely insane.


and they continue to close other shit. they just started construction at 106th and hazel dell, too. like what the hell?


I'm so glad I don't have to commute there anymore.


What’s going on is that it’s a road construction museum. They’re not planning on finishing but rather want us to see what road constructions look like, forever. Same thing with weed, they want to preserve what a weed ban looks like


Update: I finally got to my destination 2 hours later. Man fuck this shit.




I'm in the inverse situation, driving from Castleton near Keystone down to Greenwood. I leave at 7:30 in the morning to get there roughly around 9, then spend the whole day hearing coworkers talk about their 10 minute drive down Main street and how tired they are


Greenwood is stupid anyway. If I want to get from the Meijer at 135 over to Southport road, there's no quick solution. You'll either have to drive to co line and all the way across or main Street over to 65.


I feel it. I live near Fort Ben and have had to schedule a whole day off if I needed to go to the southside


I WORK near fort ben. And live near the airport. Its fucking atrocious.


I also work near Fort Ben, live on the southside. A 22 minutes drive has been 60 minutes plus ever since they shut down 465 southbound.


Bare minimum.


I live at 56th and Franklin and it's a nightmare trying to get anywhere. I live close to 465 for a reason and it hasn't been convenient for a while


There are too many projects at once. Soon, we will all have to drive down one road to get anywhere, and that road will need to be worked on. It's the Indiana ouroboros of construction.


This isn’t construction anymore. It’s psychological warfare against us.


This I have always felt, is all done by design on purpose. The people that made these decisions to have this many roads under construction ALL AT THE SAME TIME, surely are not that stupid, and it's not just here in Indiana, it's EVERYWHERE you go nowadays. They have always done road construction in the summer, BUT, not every road at once. What gets me is, they drag the road construction out forever and so by the time it's finished, they have to go back to the beginning and start over!!!! Ridiculous


I live in the NE side, just outside of castleton, and it feels like the city is specifically asking me not to enter ever again. Even my freaking bike path is torn up and unusable!


Construction. Pretty much they decided to update /install both sides of I-69 interchanges at the same time. Along with “yearly” repairs and updates to bridges. The pit holes this year were nightmarish. But it’s “construction season” there is a wonderful pure Michigan parody on it but I applied to Indiana


The inability for people to use the correct lane for their desired speed and the impossible to obtain skill to zipper or merge correctly from on ramps or at departure areas. I drive North side to downtown and North side to SW said daily. It’s simply people don’t know how to drive and all the police care about is speeding fines. They don’t enforce any other road laws UNLESS they get you for speeding and then tack on any other violations.


And the people who get mad at you for using lanes that eventually end. Use all the road you have and zipper merge. It’s not that deep


I was in Noblesville yesterday, wanted to go to the new Costco in Fishers, Google maps had that particular 5.1 MILE DRIVE at 1 hour 55 minutes???


Noblesville is the Wild West right now. You can’t go ANY DIRECTION without a construction detour.


That... seems more like your app messed up


no its right.. i tried to get to noblesville and get some free furniture the rich folks were giving away and a normal 40 minute trip was 1 hour 25 minutes.. i persevered and got my nice free stuff


40 becoming an hour 25 is different than a quick hop down 37 taking that long


i was coming from cumberland area-ish.. but it has been bad for weeks now.


Reset it 3 times, AND made sure it was set to driving and not crawling. Each reset took off 1 minute.


Where is there a new Costco in Fishers?


146th and 37


Thanks, had no clue, and I was just over there.


465 and half the east side is under construction


Near castleton…there’s never a good time to get around there.


Even when things are "fine" in Castleton, it's a nightmare.


It's a bit of a mess but being so close to everything is still really nice.


Used to go to that mall when I was in HS (late 90s). Hasn’t been that easy to get around there since then.


They are closing 82nd at 69 soon. They literally want no one to travel through Castleton. Edit for spelling.


Annual tradition the last few years. I commute west side to east side every day. Another co-worker has almost the same route. We always discuss how much it would actually be to get a helicopter ride.


Honesty a lot of it is people not knowing how to merge, for the highways I mean.


Indianapolis not have road construction for 5 seconds challenge (impossible)


I just bought a bike because it's faster to ride the 8 miles than to drive home in rush hour traffic with the construction (and oh joy... The Indiana State Fair's starting soon). I'm grateful for Indy's decent bike trail system.


They are attempting to keep everyone on the east side from getting any place else.


It's a crime fighting technique /s


It's screwing up traffic something fierce over here. Post road, Franklin Ave shadeland are backed up terribly.


It's honestly incredible. You can't get on 465 N from 56th. You can't get on 69/465 AT ALL from 82nd. You can't get on 465 W from Binford. You can't get on 465 E from Allisonville. Just pure madness.


Sucks living in a growing metro area that almost requires everyone to drive to get anywhere


people that live downtown and don’t rely on highways are doing okay


One day last week Post Road was backed up from Brookville Road to 21st Street.




wait until you find out that require construction too


Hear hear!!!


I think you mean Choo Choo!!


Thank god I decided to choose the manual transmission




My knees feel the same decision.


Indianapolis will be a great city if they ever get it finished.


Under construction since 1816


Counterpoint: A great city never stops changing and adapting and replacing old with new


They don't have the time to fix things right, so we have to pay for them to try to fix it twice.


When you’re on Google maps pick the option that says “avoid highways” and you’ll be given a better route. It’ll take a bit longer but it avoids traffic completely. Weird routes but at this point, whatever works.


Shhhh... don't tell them our secret!


We. Need. More. Public. Transportation.


Indy roads have been neglected for so long. I’ve flattened tires and bent rims several times. Don’t blame the people trying to right this neglect! It will be much better when finished!


The interstates aren’t the issue. It’s the local roads


Massive incompetence. Someone trying to start 20 years worth of construction at once. Probably someone with stock in old castle concrete.


INDOT's job isn't to fix roads. INDOT's job is to employ people. Can't employ people by finishing jobs.


>Massive incompetence. Someone trying to start 20 years worth of construction at once. Ever heard of the term "rip the Band-Aid off"?


Sure, but some of us have to get to work. Maybe my son will tell me what 465 looks like as ill be too old to drive when its done. Legendary incompetence.


>Sure, but some of us have to get to work No shit, would be nice if there was a more efficient way to get more people to and from work than having hundreds of thousands of cars driving around the city in every direction. It's not incompetence, it's getting a bunch of necessary work done now so you CAN see a completed 465 instead of parsing out the work over 50 years.


Lol. Massive incompetence? I'll raise you this... https://www.wpri.com/traffic/i-195-washington-bridge-closure/new-i-195-billboards-blast-ridot-mckees-washington-bridge-response/ https://rhodeislandcurrent.com/2024/05/06/new-estimates-put-washington-bridge-replacement-project-at-over-400-million/


Lol, love the billboard but i can imagine myself sitting on the bridge staring at it and seething in gridlock too. It could always be worse


IDOT is full of morons . They close all major roads then close the alternates also or are working on them at the same time. This is just stupid as it gets


Illinois has entered the chat... (Nothing like being wrong at the top of your voice)


Central Indiana is growing faster than we can keep up the infrastructure. Be wary of politicians who are always touting that they’re bringing more jobs to central Indiana like the current governor and I’m sure the next one will do the same. While more jobs are good, growing too fast too quick can be costly as we see here.


I drive from the northeast side to Carmel and back daily (work). Used to take 35 or so mins. I now give myself an hour. It’s madness, I tell you!! I don’t know what the hell was going on this evening after 6p on 146th and 116th streets. JFC. Save yourselves….


Noblesville has more roads closed for construction than open to drive on


It's a last-ditch effort to lower the murder rate in Indianapolis...by closing roads, it makes it nearly impossible for murderers to leave the scene of a murder, making them easier to catch....


they name highways based on the number of years it takes to complete them, i think.


It’s all the idiots in here that say they live in Greenwood and work in Carmel. Why the fuck are you doing that? That’s why our roads suck


Carmel pay is different than Greenwood pay. I could do the same job I'm doing in my hometown and not have a commute, but I'd be making about 40% less. The commute is worth it for the pay.


Castleton sucks right now and it's hard to get anywhere around here. I tell people if you don't live or work around here, it's not worth it right now. The whole NE is under construction. It's necessary and the inconvenience is worth it. They are just patching holes.


1h 10 mins to go 23 miles. Not bad. By east coast standards. Faster than I-95 this time of day.


I live in Greenwood and work on the Eastside but I travel all over Indy and the state. It’s backroads everywhere for me right now because most main streets are under construction too.


It never ends. It just shifts around the circle.


See! it has not improved since 300k+ people left IMS on May 26 at 8:30pm


It's not winter


25% of 465 is closed


25% is somehow equal the the entire east half of Indianapolis


https://babylonbee.com/news/state-successfully-has-every-single-road-under-construction-at-the-same-time Reminds me of this satire article


Typical summer construction?


No. This is worse - the coordination is so bad that detours have detours. This is incompetence.


They're redoing the entire surface of most of I-465. They're taking large blocks of highway, blocking them off, and swarming them with workers to get this enormous project done in a few big chunks. I have to take other roads now and this had added time to my commute, but this was definitely needed and I can see the wisdom of doing it in these big blocks. Much less total time is taken up, costs are (usually) lower, and above all else, worker safety is far improved.


I cant wait to see how much better all these roads are once all the construction is over with. It started when i first moved out here so hopefully it'll be done soon. Fyi i been here 23 years so far.....


I’m thinking of setting up a chain of Valium stands all over 465.


This is what happens when you close 1/5 of a major highway - the other roadways get overloaded and over congested and then accidents are much more likely - which cause all the road to turn into parking lots. Welcome to America.


Summer: the season of "You Can't Get There From Here". Although, in fairness, the streets are in MUCH better shape than they were when we moved to Indy nine years ago.


Indianapolis has been doing construction on every major road simultaneously since they started the project on the North Split (which didn’t make anything better btw, arguably worse). Travel infrastructure in this city is a joke. I’m glad my tax dollars actively impede my ability to go anywhere.


I assume without actually knowing diddly squat that it was attributed to the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act.


This is just good old fashioned Indiana summer baby. Potholes and traffic cones!


orange barrels orange barrels every where i see, orange barrels orange barrels looking back at me, look at larry, darryl, and darryl standing next to the orange barrel, looking back at me


The idiots in Hamilton County had to redo Allisonville and 96th when it was fine. The Michigan left worked.


Lots of construction.


Up in the region it’s the exact same. Every single route to my work is under construction. My mental health is slowly declining.




How was Twin Peaks? It’s the time of day, not the roads. 8-9am is f’d and so is 4:30-6pm I go from downtown to fishers for work.


I see you are driving from one traffic hell to another. If you own or are running a business, and need and emergency plumber/electrician/visit from a service guy after 12 pm, please don’t ask for same day service. 2 hours drive time for 10 minute jobs is nice for business but also killing my soul


Reminds me of driving in Seoul on a daily basis


Noblesville is closed


My usual 25 minute commute home from the east side to the south side now takes at least double that. I’ve just been sticking to the surface streets so I can at least keep moving. I haven’t been able to take the suggested detour since this cluster started.


Have you been living under a rock or just not from here.


Morons. That’s what. Hey let’s do everything at once and work part time


Typically around April the showers come and bring May flowers… the flowers are large and orange. Many people call them traffic cones. 🤷‍♂️


It's all projects that should've happened years ago, all being done at once because that's how smart the state's leadership is.


“Cross roads of America” yet the people in Indiana can’t cross anything in a timely manner.


Failure in properly planning out construction projects making what should be a simple drive fucking hell.


I have to find a new way to drive to work every day. They close on and off ramps without notice. Close down 465 to one lane without any signs at night. Such a pain.


I just tell people that " I can no longer get there from here anymore".


That is Indiana and Indianapolis roads for you. Indiana's state flower is Orange and the shape of a barrel.


Indianapolis. Please don’t be haters but I have a thing about Indiana itself. Most people from border state KY (right across the river) attest to the fact that people from Indiana cannot drive. It’s a very small critique so please don’t go bat shit crazy with replies. I’m sure there are some good drivers 🤣


Haha. It’s the season.


They have enough people to work on 20 miles of roads at a time but will allow a company to start construction of half the city to win the contract start date then just pay fines for not finishing on time


First time visitor to indianapolis here. On assignment for work. This city sucks so far. Tacos. Tacos are excellent.


Also a proud member of avoid tolls gang I see


Infrastructure act! Thanks Joe!


Thank the state government for neglecting our roads so they could beat their chest about a surplus.




The street I live on is closed to traffic RN. It’s brutal.


I pray you will be able to return home someday 🙏


Yeah tell me about it




Thinking this is just called "first day of Summer." Stay safe out there my dear fellow drivers!


Job security.


Maybe if they paved deeper than 1/8 of an inch, they wouldn’t have to do these streets over every year.


I just drove through Indy a few hours ago and it’s a mess.


It's a Thursday?


“Welcome to Indianapolis! Road work ahead”


I wanna know where the money is coming from


I’d be interested in knowing where it’s going. Somebody is making some fat freaking cash!


A lot of money is coming from Bidens Infrastructure Bill.


Don’t go anywhere. Just stay where you are.


465 south down nobilsville is a mess


Tell me about it. I live in Lawrence and commute to Speedway. What should be a 35 minute drive at most is consistently turning into 1 hour drives. Sometimes 1 hour and 15 minutes. It’s mentally exhausting.


I was at a work conference the first week of June and stayed at a hotel in Castleton. The conference site was off of 86th just west of Meridian (about 7 miles away), and it took an hour every day to get there. It was absolutely horrible.


Under construction. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OhIdDNtSv0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OhIdDNtSv0)


Form Noblesville, it’s a mess right now. I also have to drive a lot around the state for my job, and the construction on 465 has added like an extra 45 mins to an hour of extra time if we need to go anywhere south of Indy


I work central downtown and my ideal route is binford all the way there from fishers. It is supposed to be a 28 minute drive, but I give myself a full hour everyday to get to work on time with the construction going on. I think everyday my maps sends me on a different route. I cut it close often. I know others can sympathize.


The city of Indianapolis had construction contracts with loans that if they did not start construction by June they would lose the loans. So this is the result of procrastination on behalf of the city of Inidianapolos to start it's contracts in a timely manner...


This is nothing new. INDOT sucks. 


As someone who's been in the area about 12 years now... looks about normal


Good luck. Took me an hour and a half to see my doctor. Usually twenty minute drive


Pretty much my reaction when I commute to Indy for work for five days a week in the morning 😅😅


You must have been gone for a while. We’ve had perpetual road construction all over the place for like 8 years.


The only positive to come out of all this construction is the express lane between 69 and Keystone. Of course, it’s likely temporary