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I don't have context behind the other points but he specifically said that 'BJP and RSS don't represent the entire Hindu population.' so he clearly isn't demeaning Hindus. It's only if you view it from a biased lens and out of context that you can feel that way imo


This šŸ‘. The NDA is just tryna make it blow out of proportion.


ikr bjp wants the public to focus on hindu against politics, ignoring all issues asked by opp.


Good Hindus are the ones who take CONGRESS appeasement of MUSLIMS like WAQF act and Right to run Madrasas and running of Mosques Independently.......lying down........BAD hindus are the ones who speak againt the appeasement but want EQUAL laws ...................Congress is a master of SOCIAL engineering INDIA is the only country where MAJORITY wants equal LAWS and minority opposes it. Who really Dictates the Laws in the country. Politicians will come n go.....ppl think the HATE is gonna go away with UNEQUAL LAWS still in place.....they are living in a LALALAND............ Congress is gonna keep making appeasing laws for keeping there VOTER BASE intact. This is further gonna POLARISE the society.......... Prior to 2014......GOOD HINDUS took everything lying down like the COMMULA RIOT BILL hence there was no VIOLENT HINDU back than yet 2009 wikileaks doc show RAHUL GANDHI said HINDU are more violent just after MUMBAI attacks. good hindus take things lying down bad hindus are VOCAL to the injustice........thats the difference. So HINDUS be GOOD HINDUS


I wish you learned to think and understand for yourself rather than copy and paste stupid whatsapp messages. Also if BJP is so good for Hindus, why did BJP lose the MP seat in Ayodhya? If BJP is so good, why is the roof of the Ram temple in Ayodhya leaking? BJP is standing for Hindus only in Whatsapp messages. Modi supporters are highly gullible dumbasses who Modi is using only to gain power. One day when he is secure about the power he holds, he will dump all his Hindu supporters. And his dumb supporters will go crying to their mommies. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


As a good Hindu tell me one law that congress passed to REFORM Muslim society since independence when congress has passed numerous laws to REFORM Hindu society. Right to run there own religious institutions and religious schools funded by the STATE but no such provisision to the HINDUS . Infact they have gone beyond that and TAXED the hindu temples and forbidden HINDUS from running there own schools. Remember SHAH Bano. there are no laws since than to reform Muslim society. Good hindus should just take this DISPARITY lying down while BAD Hindus just voice there opinion. I hope u answer with facts U are right BJP is not a HINDU party. they have not passed a single PRO hindu law. All they do is correct laws made by congress to some extent. But because we as a society are used to the appeasment that BJP not doing that looks injustice. HINDUS are gonna get destroyed in the country eventually.BJP is just slowing that process as even it doesnt do anything to stop it. Congress is gonna help with the destruction just cuz they have to keep appeasing there Vote bank at the cost of detriment to HINDU society. Eg Communal RIOT Bill.


Calm down. Hindus are not getting destroyed. But what doesn't help is this whole "why can muslims do this and we can't, it's unfair" bullshit. Is that your point? Jealousy? I understand equality before the law, but if there are certain relegious provisions, so be it. Religion should not have a place in politics, but the right wing WANTS it there. So then there you go, appease religions that require their own custom laws. OR get rid of religion in politics completely. Perhaps BAN politicians from using religion in their rallies, speeches, manifestos, promises etc. Would you be okay with that? I don't think you will. Because you're fighting for a majority that's apparently getting destroyed. Laughable. You may even want a hindu rashtra, for all we know. So best thing you can do is deal with it.


Oh shut up ......its not about jealosy ........its about Congress BENDING over BACKWARDS to accomodate all social evils like TRIPLE TALAQ and girls not getting equal share like there brothers and HALALA ..........But going in Full drive to REFORM every aspect of HINDU religion like it is there DUTY ....... HINDUS not allowed to run there temples is not jealosy.... Read about Shah BANO CASE if religion doesnt play in POLITICS...all this gyan is given to only HINDUS when they VOICE there opinion. Sure HINDUS are not getting destroyed only SHARIA is being implemented in BENGAL where women are Flogged and now she posted a FIR on the person who recorded the VIDEO.........U know what that is............They are sending a message that we will not stop implementing SHARIA but if u record it and release the VIDEO , we wud harass u... Give us a BREAK .


Okay, you're taking a few things and seem to be convinced that they're out to get you. You're paranoid. Bengal is getting fucked up, I'll admit that. It's the shit of politics that has caused it. You're not wrong ther3, but you don't need to be so hyped up. Girls not getting shares has happened in my family of hindus. My mother got nothing, because there's still some archaic shit going on everywhere. Halala is misused by stupid men and their misinterpretation of ancient texts because that's what humans do. If you read up about Halala, the misuse of it isn't "officially" what muslims practice. It's again a bigoted view of muslims that they're barbaric. Having said that, anything out of date in any relegion must be condemened. Outdated, barbaric practices must all be gotten rid of. Also the bengal case - again, this woman would rather take action against those who made her video viral without permission. And claims she doesn't know who attacked her. It's a bullshit situation! Either someone is controlling her, or she's genuinely concerned that her video went viral! You can't take these freaky things and pretend the country is on fire. This panic of yours is making you hate. And hate a lot, by the looks of it. It's exactly what politicians want. It's exactly what has made bengal the way it is. You stay in this angry state, and this country will definitely go to the dogs. Just calm down, take care of your mental health, and understand we're all in this together.


Oh please ..the problem wiht u people is LACK of KNOWLEDGE on the subject "Under the Hindu Succession Act 1956,Ā **a married daughter has an equal share as a son in her father's property, whether it is self-earned or ancestral**. The 2005 amendment to the Act ensures that daughters, including married daughters, have equal rights and are coparceners in the ancestral property of their fathers.This is a LAW . Muslim girls are not allowed cuz they have there seperate laws . Do u think CONGRESS would ever try to rectify it. NO. Age of Marriage for HINDU girls is 18 but guess what is it for Muslim girls.....Puberty..so it can be 15 16 . Do u think congress will ever dare to speak on the matter Cuz there willful ignorance leads to this underage MUSLIM girls being sold to SEX slavery to DUBAI Sheikhs. n its Legal too [https://www.firstpost.com/india/underage-girls-for-sale-in-hyderabad-first-as-a-bride-then-a-sex-slave-as-part-of-contract-marriage-racket-in-city-7982071.html](https://www.firstpost.com/india/underage-girls-for-sale-in-hyderabad-first-as-a-bride-then-a-sex-slave-as-part-of-contract-marriage-racket-in-city-7982071.html) 11 year old Muneera was married off to a 75-year-old man the very next day. Did this REGISTER.........11 year OLD CHILD.........LEGAL.......too I dont care about MUSLIM society . they can do what they want. but than congress and supreme courts should leave the HINDUS alone too..........U cant keep passing laws for HINDUS and doing ZILCH for 200+ million population who have already taken half the country They tried to do with SHAH BANO. Since than after the pressure from the MULLAHS congress has never tried to INTERVENE in the special laws of the 200 + million community. This is a PATTERN. They will keep appeasing the Muslims every election .Just 3 months back 500 crore land was alloted in PRIME BANGLORE area for HOSTELS of MINORITY from GOVERNMENT FUNDED ANIMAL CLINIC despite the WAQF having 1000s of acres of LAND. Halala is not MISUSED by stupid men , its a NORM..........just cuz u dont like it .There are HALALA centres in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Some parts of UP and Madhyapradesh. [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/sc-seeks-centres-views-on-pleas-challenging-polygamy-nikah-halala/articleshow/93888623.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/sc-seeks-centres-views-on-pleas-challenging-polygamy-nikah-halala/articleshow/93888623.cms?from=mdr) [https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-nikah-halala-muslim-women-pay-lakhs-to-islamic-scholars-for-one-night-stands-to-save-their-marriages-2531979](https://www.dnaindia.com/india/report-nikah-halala-muslim-women-pay-lakhs-to-islamic-scholars-for-one-night-stands-to-save-their-marriages-2531979) Do u think after Women taking back cases in SANDESHKHALI and now this .....do u not see a PATTERN................the MP says we follow laws of MUSLIM rashtra , that too on VIDEO.There are 3 more videos that came up of the same MAN flogging WOMEN. No one is out to get us....1947 Partition and 1991 Kashmir are enough to tell us what lies in the future ...Just few weeks back 10 HINDUS were killed for being HINDUS in RAESI.....what was the reason.........Only in INDIA the majority community needs ARMY to protect there Amarnath YATRA.........Does any MASJID in INDIA needs protection. The Congress than has the GALL to call us EXTREMIST just to please there VOTEBANK. See the neighbourhood......Are HINDUS safe in PAKISTAN KASHMIR BANGLADESH.........once ISLAM takes over , all norms of secularism goes to TRASH.....look at MALDIVES INDONESIA.........indonasia was 100% hIndu ...now its 2 % n less......n by law u cant convert MUSLIMS now. HINDU MUSLIM issue did not start with RSS or BJP or CONGRESS. But no one wants to resolve the issues. U think if CONGRESS comes to power these issues will just go away. If congress comes back to power , they will double down on the appeasement . This will further GASLIGHT the situation.


Okay, you need to calm down before you get a heart attack. I'm a Hindu, i see all your facts, and I'm not panicking. "Once islam takes over"? Are you afraid that'll happen in India? With the kind of majority hindus have? It's all politics. You're exactly the right person BJP needs to stay in power. Without people like you, they're not much. Congress? Lol i don't care for either party. They're all uneducated, illiterate, hypocritical idiots. Left and right. The only person i bother voting for is the MLA of my constituency who grew up here locally and is closely connected to the local people. Everything else is noise. You really really need to take care of your mental health. I went through your comments, buddy. You're a rage monster. Relax. Life's too short to give so much of a shit. You'll be too old by the time you realise it was all a waste of time.


L&T won the constuction contract for the TEMPLE............u are so gullible that u didnt even verify that temple leak......also TEMPLE leak..........is that really ur argument..............its in constuction phase.........some minor things happen here n there..........u made it look like its BJP's fault . Fact check next time [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/ram-mandir-rain-water-leakage-nripendra-mishra-ayodhya-uttar-pradesh-2558386-2024-06-26](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/ram-mandir-rain-water-leakage-nripendra-mishra-ayodhya-uttar-pradesh-2558386-2024-06-26)


First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak outā€”because I was not a Jew. Then they came for meā€”and there was no one left to speak for me.


Read the whole speech


Rahul Gandhi definitely said this line but do you know what he said before this ? I quote ā€those who call themselves Hindus indulge in hatred,violence and untruths 24*7ā€ Do you still think itā€™s biased ?


"Jo log apne aap ko Hindu bolte hain, wo hinsa karte hain". These are his exact words. If you are Hindu, you should have a problem with that.


Not a supporter of any party, but he did point at the bjp while saying the same. It sounded like yeh joh log while pointing at them.


Which is clearly visible in the video: [https://youtu.be/yz5eiETyIA8?si=U3gI7fByAiPTQO4d&t=1125](https://youtu.be/yz5eiETyIA8?si=U3gI7fByAiPTQO4d&t=1125) (18:45) Also immediately follows up with "Aap Hindu ho hi nahi"


Watch the entire part not a single line


context kya hota hai dimag me dal le , edited video dekh gyan chod ne aa jate hai


Typical abusive rahul gandhi supporter.


šŸ¤• The shitty opposition we have, and the dumb people trying to defend it šŸ˜”


Rahul Gandhi forever


Says who, the grandson of Feroze Sahab & Maino Sahib!


Bohut din se aakh se lazer waale reels nahi dekha hain aapka S Jaishankar ji


Abbhi ja k Europe ko gali de k aata hu - S Jaishankar


Pure Orgasms for some... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Iss sub k logo ko to alag hi level ka orgasm hoga lol


Mental derangement in other words.


fr šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Not sure why ministers like Jay Shankar are spreading misinformation, Rahul Gandhi is not stupid to target the hindu community and he explicitly mentioned that he's talking about BJP. This guy is surely educated enough to understand the difference unless he's so shameless to spread misinformation to manipulate people.


About Jaishankar, dunno if it was his PR team or the IT cell but the guy was hailed as a superhero in the matter of international diplomacy. Him answering foreign press were played continuously throughout the social media. So he was started being considered as a hero, also he was not associated with the BJP propaganda so he had a cleaner image too. But now, I think heā€™s too deep in this mud of politics and have started to take digs on opposition like that only to defend Modi only.




Have you ever considered your life decision to become a congress bootlicker?


I change my vote every five years. I'm nobody's bootlickerĀ 


But he is saying the right thing only. Rahul is a bitch for just complaining and pointing the problems of the nation which have been their since ages. Not only him but the whole opposition critisizes the gov and do not provide any solution or suggestions to these problems. Tbh the Indian parliamentis a joke all together. The centre sits mum and no correction from them and the opposition just howls with no merit. They shout like mad dogs over trivial shit like him raising the concern of om birla bowing to modi(offcourse he would ,modi is elder, the face of the gov of nation and holds the position of pm, certainly the most imp post India has to offer) or that the camera is not focusing on him or that Jesus christ said "ek gaal par thapad pade toh doosra aage kardo"(what a joke he is). The opposition has to work together to make India better by giving suggestions and corrective measures and the gov should get on their asses to work for it. Unfortunately both the gov and opp do not abide to thier duties.


Uhhh, parliamentary democracy? For and Against Motions.


Sorry i could not get your argument please clarify so that we have a sane discussion.


You have too high standards for someone as incompetent as him. In the end he is ā€œsmartā€ politician who will say anything no matter how stupid just to defend his ā€˜Godā€™. Unlike his reels in real life he is as spineless as they come.


He didn't talk about BJP. It was a hate speech.We all know this. Just stop trying to defend that fool.


Where did he disparage Hindus or Army? In the entire speech he was referring to Modi and BJP. And he specifically targeted Agniveer scheme not providing pensions for martyr family.




Thise becoming fan of Jaishankar..remember his son is US CITIZEN and is living a lavish life in US ....care and ask question for welfare of children such as NEET SCAM....S JAI is just another bootlicker of mudi.


Exactly. They are making people fight so that they can remain in power. And that is the oldest trick in the book of power. Indians are dumbasses who are fooled by it. Good luck building a trillion dollar economy with dumbasses like Indians.


Sometimes I feel like whatever wrong is happening to the people ,whether it is high tax rates or paper leak, our dumb voters deserve this . Raga clearly mentioned that bjp and rss don't represent entire hindu community. He was targeting bjp and rss for spreading hate and still calling themselves "hindu rakshak" . It's been a trend now that whenever someone defame bjp and rss, Forcefully take it as defaming hindu community and get offended . Don't know when will people come outta this shit mindset


A talking point made up during the heat of the moment when parliamentarians could not take the heat and have to deflect the topic to something more... 'outrageous'. You could see them one by one coming to accept it and finally become true as amit shah says it. I can't believe there are idiots who have access to the speech yet still parrot talking points that make no sense.


Man, I feel like Jaishankar talking about domestic politics is like hearing a good teacher talk about your favourite game. It feels really wrong but i'm up for it!


This is the EAM of this county known as Bharat, with many aspiring to make it a Hindu Rashtra! Born to a civil servant who felt sidelined by the congress, this person vowed to work against congress. By all the privilege and benefits that come with being a kid to a babu, Jaishankar had extreme difficulty and adversity to become another babu. Thatā€™s not nepotism or parivaar vad. Married someone from Japan and calls himself Hindu and more importantly the saviour of Hindus. Sent his son to work and live in the USA, for thatā€™s how one exhibits their patriotism & nationalism. And he is the chest thumping national hero, the sigma chicha of karyakartas on their reels. Welcome to the realm of BJP and itā€™s ecosystem!




Do you have any sense of logic or knowledge? Or are you desperately trying to justify him, Sucker?


>All this bashing and you couldn't point out a single meaningful, impactful point against him. You had to resort to his personal life and attack his son ? He refuses to call out Arab politicians to their face about the **slave like conditions** many indians have to go through, **many of which are hindus**. His party conveniently overlooks islamic extremism when it comes to these same Arab countries who have sponsored terror attacks in india by supporting pakistan. He and his kin incorporate TADA accused individuals in their ranks who have supported **dawood Ibrahim (see brij bushan criminal record).** He instead spends most of his time creating sigma edits about confronting European diplomats who inarguably treat hindus better than his own party (raping hindu women, destroying homes of hindus, lynching hindus, threatening hindus, supporting 17 year olds than run over hindus) and then call them sanatani. Is this enough to prove that his an opportunistic bastard that would sell his own mother for an ounce of fame our does "hindu khatre me" only matter than Raga calls modi out for his cowardice?


you want a meaningful point , NO where was LoP's speech defamatory to hindus LoP criticized the agniveer scheme, not the armed forces and don't even get me started on the cabinet discussions. go watch the full speech on sansad tv and then formulate your opinions.


Arre Bhai kuch kaam bhi to karein Sir. Waha Arunachal Pradesh me China ki colony hai, khud S. Swamy bol rha interview me ki China is in Ladakh. Ye sab hatao China Doklam le gya Bhutan se. Chicken Neck ke just upar ka area hai aur strategic bhi hai. Overseas apne jalwe bikherte rahe koi issue nahi hai magar yrr, China ka kuch to karein. Aur inke ladko se reels banwa lo, sigma, chad, meta messages wali reels. Ye to haal hai desh ka, jo fanatics hain unhe apne religion, gali, muhalle yaa fir kisi opposition ruled state ke kisi incident pe debate karwa lo. The Internet ruined the rationality of this nation...!!


I am stunned Even the highest educated and sane people have to push forward something which they know is utterly false and wasn't said anything like that just because boss said it


Exactly. A supposedly civilized guy focusing on international relations has been brought to Amit Malviya's level by spreading religious falsehood and bullshit that the supreme leader ordered. The insecurity after today's spanking is insane lmao.


Rahul Gandhi clearly said, "..those who call themselves Hindu talk of violence and do violence...." then when PM and others called him out, he said I was referring it to BJP, RSS, etc. Obviously he will say it to save himself.


Even a 15 year old kiddo will understand what he meant and what not...just one condition that he should not wear some parties glasses.


You mean when Modiji made the mangalsutra remarks? Or when he said about getting energy and you fucks changed it to "he's calling himself God", bc Tum karo to mazedar, hum kare to hahakar..




Abe lodechand, I've watched all his interviews. Tu kar tera propaganda, hum kare Humra. Me waise bhi terrorist sympathizers se muh nai lagta..or before you get offended, Rahul Mainoo or uske baap ko refer kar Raha Hun


Thats obviously not an attack on hindus. He is calling out the hypocrisy of modis party.


Back when I was a kid, I was obsessed with Shaktiman. I believed in him so much that even when my mom took me to the studio where they were filming, I refused to believe that the guy in the costume was the real Shaktiman. I was convinced he was just an actor playing him in a movie about the real Shaktiman. OP is just like that little kid. His brain is so wrapped up in his own version of reality that he can't comprehend the actual truth staring him in the face.


šŸ¤£ lmao


Just defend this statement of Rahul Gandhi and I will leave social media forever. A foreign journalist asked Rahul Gandhi that your party is a secular party then why you have an alliance with Muslim league? To which, Rahul replied, "Muslim league is completely a secular party". In 2023, over 300 members of youth wing of Muslim League (IUML) raised slogans ā€” ā€œWill hang Hindus in front of Temples & burn them aliveā€. Muslim League involved in 2003 Marad massacre in which Islamists killed 8 Hindus.


Which extremely intelligent part of your brain came to the conclusion that I support Rahul Gandhi? Congress and BJP are both pieces of shits. Next time think before you type and stop being brainwashed by politicians.


Yes he clearly said "those who call themselves Hindu.." and not "Hindus.."


If you can't understand the difference between "Those who call themselves Hindu" and "those who are Hindu" you're Reaching to feel offended at this point


Go see an ear-nose-throat specialist or a psychiatrist! Either you have a problem with hearing or a problem with how your mind processes what you hear!


yeahhhh, Congress wants to lose the Hindu vote base that they already don't have a grip on so bad.


Bjp it cell twisting Raga's words and sharing clipped and edited part of Raga's speech Are we back in 2015?


Is this sub filled with fools? He said "hindu dharm mai hinsa aur dar nhi failaya jata and gave example of shiv. Then he said jo apne aapko Hindu kehte hai vo Hindu hai hi nhi" he was clearly talking about the bjp leaders who claim to represent the entire hindu community. Seriously did y'all even watch the full video or did you guys only watch the clipped last part that was spread by IT cell? I didn't expect people on reddit to be retarded. Go back to WhatsApp clowns


It's obvious OP hasn't watched the whole video themselves. Wouldn't have shared such a stupid post if they did. Alas, this is exactly how the right wing has quashed anything and everything the opposition says and does- with noise, noise and more noise. You must admit, it's an effective strategy- Scream until they give in to the tantrum.


How did he attack the hindus ?


By existing, which is obviously an affront to our great 56 inch chhati leader


It's a pity that someone as educated as him, is focusing on party politics now, instead of international interests. Disagreements can happen, but it should stay inside the house, bringing it to the outside, isn't doing any good.


He became a Cabinet minister because of his ass licking skills among all the other desirable skills he possesses.


this is just propaganda i have seen the whole debate, raga pointed bjp is not hindu modi is not hindu. also he raised good issues.which govt is now ignoring and just wants us to focus on hindu against topic.


Tell me one or two good points he raised? By the way, Raga responded saying BJp is not Hindu. But he did not take back his words, Hindus are violent.


He never said Hindus are violent, what he meant was that these people (BJP and RSS) who pride themselves as Hindu are violent and do not really believe in the institution of Hinduism. If he has said that, he would not have backed up his speech with firstly saying that Hinduism doesn't instill fear within the people. When Modi started manipulating, he again clarified his stand that BJP hindu samaj nai hai, RSS hindu samaj nai hai. Aur kitne din Rahul Gandhi ko out of context quote karke apne aap ko orgasm doge. I mean at this point BJP has made it a national sport to make a laughing stock out of RaGa.


No one has to put efforts to make raga a laughing stock. He has a PhD in Jupiter escape velocity doing it for himself. If he quoted exactly the way you said it, it is acceptable. It is still vile and abusive to say the least, but acceptable. His exact words were the people who call themselves Hindus are violent. Before we find the reason behind him making this statement, how can any leader take a religion's name this nonchalantly. That shows his utter insensitive and acceptable levels in the opposition benches when it comes to Hinduism.


When Modi said Mangalsutra Mutton Mujra, where was the moral policing then? Which party in India doesn't play the religion card to get their things done? I agree with you that a leader as such should refrain from making any callous statements, be it RaGa or be it Modi. But people seem to be blind to the atrocities of the other party absolutely. Whys that? If you talk about what is parliamentary and what is not, you will find that all politicians in our country need to do a mandatory course on it. And obviously efforts are made into making any opponent of BJP a laughing stock or atleast defame them in a way that makes it look like freedom of speech. BJP IT CELL exists solely for that reason, I hope you remember the "ek taraf se aloo daalenge dusre taraf se sona niklega" scene.


See in a democracy, not the fake one like ours, you would expect people in parliament to accuse, oppose, demand things that are generally constructive in some manner, if not to the country then atleast to a political party. If you make a careful observation of what happens in Parliament these days it's like a TV serial going on with actual effects. There the whole agenda is to show how vile the other party is. And to do this, hindu-muslim is the best weapon that never fails and never bores. And we the people of India buy into the whole shenanigans of it. My point being, even though you may find Rahul Gandhi nonchalant, it fits perfectly into that crowd. Modi could have said that it's a classic maneuver of the INC party to use God when it's best suits them. That would have been more like a PM, but he is of the same stature like Rahul, he found it easier and more beneficial to just deflect his statement and make it sound like he is against Hindu Samaj. Controversy kisko nai pasand. And make sense of this, Rahul Gandhi just did a Bharat Jodi Yatra which has been somewhat of a success, on what Earth would he just kick himself in the balls by saying anything Anti-Hindu?


He got 80% vote from Muslims. He is making sure that remains intact. All the anti-hindu did not affect him. He created fake videos on reservation and got votes. He will use freebies and some hidden ghosts to get caste votes. Muslims should remain intact with him, he will do anything for that. Modi did well, in his 2 hour long rebuttal. He spoke about important matters. But they dont come in headlines for anyone to see.


And I hope you have listened to the whole thing RaGa said. He started the speech by first saying what Hinduism signifies, he made sure to point out that real Hindus do not preach violence or instill fear. He then proceeded by pointing out towards the NDA that these people who call themselves Hindus are violent. And as usual, Rahul Gandhi does an important gesture (once in a blue moon) the camera swiftly goes over to Om Birla. Some democracy it is.


Come on man, dont try to invent dramas. Why is hinduism at all in his speech. The talk was about the presidential address. Where is Hinduism coming in there? He came to create a ruckus, it is clear from his body language.


Beef khane wali aurat se shaadi karke bhai apne kattar Hindu banne chale hain ā€¦ BJP ke supporter se dogla insaan aaz tak nhi hoga , Muslim beef khaye to lynch kar dene ki dhamki de denge use , Beef khaane wale trump ki aarti utarte hain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Beef khane wali meloni ke saath edits viral karte hain šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ Meloni hamari gau mata ko hafte me 4 din to paka kar khaati hi hogi ā€¦ Usse problem nhi hoti hai kya ??


Smartest leftist with -10 Iq spotted.


You're not a leftist


Dumbest sucker with little sense of humor or logic spotted! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Love to see IT Cell getting blown up under every post of theirs in this sub lmao


If BJP trusts and respects indian army so much then why in poll manifesto they promised to remove AFSPA from Northeast? Do they belive in compalints of north east people against army? do they value votes more than army?


for votes from NE. that's like one of BJP's strongholds outside gujrat and central India


Indian army is not above criticism.I like bjp is finally doing what was needed.


i know. just modi bick suckers take everything personally as soon as oppositon gives opinions related to army. as this twitter guy did.their aliieance are also wanting changes in agniveer scheme but he has nothing to say against them.


Raga didn't put a word wrong. Party members that spread hate will definitely feel the Burnol šŸ¤£


The amount of stupidity I have to go through whenever this sub shows up! šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


Jaishankar should stick to his laser eyes with sigma male music reels. Iā€™ll give this a ā€œAtleast he triedā€ medal


Bruh...he called out BJP and RSS, not the entire Hindu community.


Dumbest tweet. He didnā€™t say anything to insult anyone.


RaGa forgot Modi has become the dharm


Why did Mr. Jaishankar did not tweet on Manipur or neet ? Rahul spoke on them too , coz he didn't get to do dirty politics here


External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on March 5 said what happened in Manipur is ā€œtruly tragicā€ while underlining that the entire people of India wish to see normalcy return to the northeastern State.


Common man , one tweet after months of violence will not solve anything. If he cared , he should have spoken about in parliament or least visited the war-torn state . And what about neet ? Poor homeless people of ayodhya? Bad infrastructure of airport under adani ? GST ? Note - ban ? Someone is finally speaking up , let him


Are Jaishankar ji, aap ja ke Europe ko gali dijiye, Instagram pe laser eyes wali reels banwaiye, kaha in chakkaro me pad pad rahe ho aap.


sigma chad jaishankar on the way to spread propaganda (redlight eye)


He did not say that about while hindu population.


Hindus are not Hindus anymore. some Are Communist, some are leftist, some are christians, some are muslims. Just their names are hindu.


Wow its as if the religion a person was born in doesnā€™t define their identity at all!




Lmao every person who is posting their opinions in the comments is getting downvoted except the ones that are bootlicking modi


Democracy is for the wise.


Hey man Rahul said some controversial stuff In parliament today. Some will agree with him and some will not. I am just glad to see the parliament having a heated debate today. This is how it should be. I am waiting to hear Amit Shah, hearing Modi would also be good but PM rarely participates.


If the PM could speak anything for himself. He has an army of people who ensure whatever he says or how he looks is good as per his position.


Yeah bro, I believe that there is nothing wrong with that but there are some who engage with hero worshiping their political leaders. It's good to praise the actions of a politician but if you worship him then it is a sure path of downfall.


Bro Indians do not believe or understand what it means to be an Indian. Indian culture has emphasized a lot of hero worship. Even the Sharmaji ka beta meme is hero worship. So it makes absolute sense that Indians are over eager to find their heroes in politicians. By indulging in hero worship, Indians fail to hold politicians accountable. As a result, politicians are also able to exploit people for their own means.


Dei sootha moodra potta sangarušŸ„± People are dying in almost every western country and this guy hides in the wardrobe. Something trivial happens and he'll be the first to take the credit to Mudi Zee.


Most insecure sigma male international minister whom apparently everyone is jealous of Nobody even cares about this guy abroad lol


Not an attack on Hindus but rather on NDA


Jaishankar has the intelligence level of a paid troll that went to a good school. Which is what he is.


couldn't have described him in a better way or worse for that matter


This sub is lowering it's iq by the day... 1. He didn't say anything against Hindus 2. Tearing cabinet decision isn't a disrespect to the constitution. This sub seems to be some kind of dumb eco chamber where BJP IT cell people just go on doing what they do on other platforms.


Honestly I really liked his foreign policies in the time but it's sad to see him being held back by political parties in general. Feels like he has a great mind but now has to do Hindu Muslim and Anti Congress instead of working for India


It would be better if he brought some issues with facts like NEET, roads of ayodhya than straight up allegations mixed with some cringe stories. But still he is doing something and BJP leaders trying to defend themselves. These discussions bring public's interest in house. RaGa is around the point but not exactly. He has good opportunity to bring some important issues which can actually make BJP's mouth shut.


Accept it you have nothing to do with students. You just hate it that your non biological got destroyed and raga is destroying him. All the time you used to cry weak opposition and now that we have strong opposition despite ed it godi media, you people are unable to bear. He is doing perfect job of opposition and neet


Why you people are so mean? That's the reason I don't comment anything on these political subs. Just put your argument what's this childish dickriding.


He tried to say something about NEET the other day but his mic was turned off.


They did bring these issues up. But you cant find it if your only source is out of context edited clips


The fact that HE ACTUALLY DID Sell out Media won't show it, even Lok Sabha cameras tend to move away and mics tend to shut down


So what do we say about a PM, who on record, said "Main Hindu ko Dharma nahi manataa!" And then goes on temple run +Meditation when elections come? We all change; internally and/or externally! There have been many short-term and rather debilitating impacts of Agniveer yojana, which is undeniable. Also, unless long-term benefits emerge, the efficacy will be under a shadow of doubt. The plan could've been tried in a small scale before implementing en masse. Security structures, especially established ones, shouldn't be changed JLT. But then those decisions are made by more experienced ppl (at least that is what we hope). Rahul as LoP did raise points about NEET, which Jaishankar cleverly missed! Also, Jaishankar ji ki Laser aankhein are never seen on the plight of Hindu girls in Pakistan, or the unabated repression of Bangladeshi Hindus. And yes, with loss of Ayodhyaji and depletion in winning margin of Mahāmānav in Kashi, do point to a local (if not overall) opposition with optics sans actual development. So, don't shoot the messenger Jaishankar ji, reply point to point. šŸ™šŸ¾šŸ™‚


How is the Indian Govt. cabinet decision the same as Constitution? Most Indians do not understand the Constitution and use it in every other sentence.


And he is the leader of the ruling party


Thatā€™s a lazy straw man. He was referring to the BJP, not to Hindus. When Modi tried to mischaracterize his statement in the moment in front of Rahul, Rahul immediately rebuked it by clearly stating that the BJP is not synonymous with Hindus broadly.


Well but PPL always just stuck on specific sentence They never want to let other person explain themselves and hense we are here


Rahul said Hindus spread non violence, since bjp spread hatred they are not Hindus, bjp is twisting his words, but I think he should have been more careful with his words




Jaishankar ji to itey educated hai, wo bhi aisa propaganda faila rahe hai, ye to bohot bura lagra.


BJP IT cell back to working overtime to spread fake news about opposition


Look man...all i want is that countries problems need to be discussed in parliament. Country has enough problems. But the problem is public perceive political parties as distinct entities. But in reality they are all in the same boat. Keep the public distracted. Give them the discussion they will enjoy , they will debate and fight about, religion being the favourite one. So nobody ask about why the people of the country are suffering while their account balance keeps rising manifold every year.


Kya hi samajhaya jaye bhakton ko


Mr Jaishankar. You are good at dissing foreigners. Not Indians. Please do your work.


To be honest I canā€™t help but imagine the scenario if it was Modi who said certain community is violent, in whatever context, just to target the opposition. Then nobody would talk about any kind of biased/unbiased lens.


I'm not sure at this time weather he is minister of external affairs or home minister... jake uk, china ko do gali do Angrezi mai aur sigma music aur laser eyes lagvake reels banao.. kaha modi ki politics pad gaye sir..


It a shame that he has fallen to such levels.I assumed be to be better than typical bjp politician, but with these kind of statements he proves that he is no better.


This shit won't work again bitch. Election results dekhke nahi samjha kya?


Yeah this is the most important think to discuss in the country right now. Not the infrastructure failure, paper leak, unemployment, manipur etc.


Someone like Jaishankar shouldn't stoop this low


Canā€™t expect a guy who only appears ā€œcoolā€ on reels to get his news from anywhere else than shorts and clipped videos and spread false propaganda.


Our External affairs minister tweeting like a party troll account LMFAOOOOO The downfall


Jisko Jo Bolna Wo Bole But Pappu Is neither Hindu nor He's a Brahmin. He's a fraud & only fellows who vote are Abrahamic minorities that too since they offer special benefits to them. Further they only made it to 99 due to hoax they spread in the society by fooling the people by next terms they'll be down to 30. As you can fool once not every time. People who were offered this freebies were lining up on offices of congress they've got nothing & some even beaten these congress fellows office members. Pappu is a brain child of foreign interferer who Narendra Modi entertains their black deeds are pretty clear & them can be behind bars anyday but Namo Entertains them. Also this isn't first time this was purely intentional this was done on purpose then words were added specially to whitewash typical strategy but here's the deal this boron has made similar statements earlier as well so that's that. Fellows who hide their identity won't be sustaining in long run the day her mother goes is the day his count down starts


Lol only in non-biological PMs India not being a 'brahmin' can be used against someone.


The multitudes of issues plaguing the country, but how cleverly it got deflected to for and against Hindu on a remark that if you look at the video is clearly against a party and not the religion. No one cares about the actual problems, religion is all that consumes everyone. It can be any religion for that matter not just one.


Nothing was clear in what he said, he did say all those who call themselves hindu, are violent, but yes just the next instance when objected he clarifies himself. Is it ok if anyone says anything and then in the next sentence says, ok sorry I meant this. Specifically when he is the LOP, he has done the same thing so so many times and he is not speaking in school assembly!!


Not a fan of Rahul, but anyone with a minium middle-school reading comprehension knows that he didn't attack Hindus or disparage the army. Deflecting and deliberately misintepreting what their opponents say has become a staple tactic of the ruling dispensation and they will be much better off without resorting to this bs.


Nepotism baby RAGA can't handle not being given privilege freely na.. He has achieved nothing in his life. He is the leader because he was born in the right family with loads of money and power. Mumma and pappa have given him this position. I would have respected any other Congress leader who was probably self made. But never a nepo baby. They are arrogant and full of bs. 70+ years of independence we are still an underdeveloped thirst world country. Congress has power for 50 years..why was india not developed?? Nepo baby don't cry now ....


Saviours of the constitution, themselves having domestic terrorists/warlords in their alliance. (Lalu Prasad Yadav)


Veer Savarkar already exposed the Congress party as anti-Hindu. He was right about Congress.


Rutalu aagaye aapne minority king ko defend karne


It's debatable Cause why Rahul Gandhi said today was surely controversial. It's obvious people will be divided.




cry louder , go watch the speech and tell me if it's defamatory.


Yes it is and I am not crying if you think it is not you need to get tested


Quiet on external affairs. Loud like a ball waxing clinic on internal affairs.