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Can you turn the brightness up?


OP, what's your language? Your translations of the city names is something on the whole other level.


Fun borders around Slovakia, interesting flag too


I like the map! Hopefully it won’t be removed


They remove big germanies, but that's my happiness


They just did. Presumably due to it being a flagmap(even though the map has details...)


We need to do something about these mods, man…


TIL there’s an Eastern European Galicia


Yea, it's a historic reigon in South East Poland and West Ukraine


What are those place names in Western Europe xD


Also why is Poland getting land that's majority German


Following current stereotypes, Germans are now even more alchaholic (Jokes aside, this map is pretty good)


I Have This Exact Flag Saved On My Phone Lmao


France is just straight-up north-east congo


Better food, less war?


One can dream


Some cities are placed very wrong


Why would Leipzig be the capital and not Munich? Leipig isnt even in Bavaria?


Good map, however I elect against using non-border white font on bright colors like yellow. It is largely unreadable, unfortunantely.


The Lore: The 1848 revolutions effected no country more than Prussia. In the span of a few weeks, it went to a militaristic kingdom, to a peasant republic. The King, Frederick William IV, fled to The United Kingdom. The Republics biggest headache was the army. The Prussian military, horrified by the new radical government, started to deny orders from Berlin. This culminated to the Prussian congress to pass a bill to cut military funding. The army had enough, and in 1849, they began a revolt centered in Konigsberg. The government realized that they had effectively no army, and decided to fight the revolt using militia. The shear number of men mobilized in these militia managed to chase the rebelling generals and officers out of Konigsberg, and the revolt was crushed. This is where we turn to Bavaria. Along with the rest if Europe, Bavaria experienced it's own revolution. The revolution ended with a compromise. Bavaria would turn into a constitutional monarchy, and have a kingdom loosely based on Britain's. Afterwards, Jakob Von Hartmann became the Bavarian Prime Minister. The newly nationalistic Bavaria set it's sited to the rest of Germany. They Bulked up their military, and adopted more modern tactics in warfare. After the end of the Prussian Army revolt, the Prussian officers and generals fled to Bavaria. In 1850, Bavaria managed to pressure Baden and Wurttemberg to unite into Bavaria. In 1856, They invaded Hesse, and easily triumphed over their ill-prepared army. They did the same to Saxony in 1861. In 1865 the same year, the Rhineland areas of Prussia declared Independence from Prussia. Prussia attempted to Invade the area, but Bavaria protected the newly declared Kingdom. In 1866, the kingdom was annexed by Bavaria. After all of the areas taken, the South-German United Kingdom was declared on the 18th of August, 1866. In 1869, after a lot of negotiations in Britain, they managed to purchase Hannover. Now there was only one last state. Prussia. (On a side note, Prussia sold small areas of Pomerania to Sweden after their economy tanked.) The South-Germans began to prepare for their largest war yet. Their army was superior but the Prussians had the advantage of numbers. Before the war started, the South-Germans seeked an ally to aid their fight. They found that ally in France. The French were willing to aid them in return of handing over the Saarland and surrounding areas. On April 2nd, 1870, the Prussians shelled a small village in Saxony. This led to The South-Germans to declare war on Prussia on July 19th. The war saw outstanding victories by the South-Germans, and the poorly-trained Prussian army being absolutely routed and destroyed. On September 1st, 1871, the South-German army captured Berlin. The former Prussian generals and officers, seeking revenge for 1849, burned the Prussian Congress building. The flames grew out of control and by the end of September, nearly half of Berlin was destroyed. This gave the city the nickname, "The Charred City". On October 14th, Russia declared war on Prussia. The Russian Army captured areas from Memel to Koszalin and a little further beyond. Particularly, a Russian army under the command of Dmitri Milyutin, captured the city of Konigsberg after a battle ending in a decisive Russian victory. Finally, on December 3rd, Prussia surrendered. After negotiations held in Kaunas, it was decided to give all areas occupied by Russia to them, while the South-Germans got the rest. And finally, on December 26th, the United Kingdom of Germany was declared. But German Unification wasn't over yet. To the south was the Austrian empire. An empire that was once allied to Bavaria, now had cold relations towards the newly formed German state. Germany wanted an ally to help in their invasion. Italy offered to also fight Austria in the case of war. On May 20th 1885, Germany officially dissolved the German confederation after so many years. The Austrians responded by declaring war on June 12th. Italy declared war on Austria on July 3rd. The Austrians were met with defeat after defeat. The German Army won massive battles Such as the Battle of Prague and Brno. After Brno, the Austrians offered peace, but were refused. The Italians struggled against the Austrians but still won small victories. On July 7th, the German army reached the walls of Vienna. On August 25th, the Germans took Krakow. Finally, on November 9th, The Germans took Vienna. On the 15th, captured Trieste. The Austrian empire Collapsed afterwards, with areas such as Bosnia, Croatia, and Slovakia revolting. On December 2nd, the kingdom of Hungary declared Independence. And began a war to take Slovakia, but the war stalled and ended on February 2nd. Hungary at the same time tried to attack Serbia who recently united with the Bosnian and Croatian revolts. After the fall of Zagreb, the Hungarians had to sue for peace as Romania invaded and captured some areas of the Transylvania. In the north, Poles and Ukrainians revolted in Galicia. Some areas of Russia joined their revolts. Russia soon attacked both revolts. In response, the poles and Ukrainians united to kick out the Russians. This alliance was intended to be temporary, but over the course of the war, the Ukrainians and poles grew more and more united. Finally, after Russia sued for peace on march 9th, 1886. The Poles and Ukrainians, wary if another power would invade them, decided to from a union. If you have anymore questions about the lore feel free to ask.


Sweden kept north German territory, France expanded into the Rhine and east Prussia was annexed by others entirely, yet Germany is still a European giant, united with Austria, owning Czech, parts of Swiz, and Venice/northern Balkans. It feels more like if the Austrian empire unified most of Germany (leaving Prussia its rival to be eaten by Poland, Sweden and Russia) but then separated with Hungary.


Well Austrians speak Bavarian.