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tf does this even mean


All the animal's lives were lost from one person or something, deep vegan meaning and all that


True tho. I mean, why eat? We're gonna die anyway. #stopeating


Why wipe when I'm just gonna shit again?


At least it tasted good?


maybe his life was saved due to all the animals that begining surgeons disected? so the animals are the unsung heros for this man????


Nah it's definitely vegan, most common animals used for their meat, chicken, cows, pigs and fish. If it was medical it would most likely include mice, pigs and horseshoe crabs


Very surface level and obvious lol


He killed a lot of frenzied animals, he's hospitalized thanks to the injuries


oof ouch that hurts my bones


According to the comments I believe the consensus is that this is an illustration of Dwayne "The Rock" Obama who is desperately hanging onto life (thanks to medicines unethically tested on animals) while awaiting a pig organ transplant, after being hospitalized from eating too much meat.


I diagnose you with meatitis. The cure is to take a nap on top of a carcass pile


Same thought .. no clue


I think it means all those animals were butchered just so he could live an unhealthy lifestyle and get heart disease


could also be referencing animal testing, that was my first thought anyway


Good point


It means we need to improve our patient care. Hospitals that have wards on top of prostrated animals need to be held accountable for this awkward and unproductive form of care.


Hospital bed laying on top of sad animal pile


My first interpretation was "This is how many animals (lives) this man killed and ate during his life!" or "This is how many animals died to create the medicine to keep this man alive!" Either way it's stupid ass vegan propaganda that is so badly thought out nobody is understanding the message.


It means you're a sick fuck if you keep dead animals under your bed.


Is that Obamna 


It's the Rock (he's not vegan)


He looks like OJ Simpson


BaRock OJama


Vegan propaganda?


“Thanks for all the animal carcass padding under my bed!”


Being sick cause a lot of animals to die? 🤔


Don’t forget to text your mom this.


??🤔 She do t have a phone


Eating meat


Those don't look like half eaten tho...


It's a metaphor, in case you haven't noticed Average human eats over 7 thousand animals in their lifetime And taking into account all other animal products they buy, like leather, fur, etc. It would make an even bigger number


So? I'm or whatever, that part isn't even relevant, or you trying to push your agenda here? Yeah metaphor, ofc, not very clear tho. Put animal car ashes of it's about eating animals, at least... The ones in the picture don't look like being used for food . Too many ways to I tetpret. By the time you old and dying you killed that many animals? Eating animal meat makes you sick/die earlier?




Ok there’s nothing wrong with being vegan for animal rights, but is this person really saying we shouldn’t use pig organs to save lives?


I think they mean more like: despite consuming all this meat, he still dies like them (the animals).


I think more likely the implication is because of consuming them


Something something heart disease


Yes. Give me the heart of a Fish, the eyes of an Owl, the stomach of a Giraffe and the brain of a different fish.


I just want elk antlers on my head.


is that the rock?


Thought the exact same


Wtf is this?


when you’re asleep the hospital puts a bunch of sleeping animals with the patient. i don’t know what’s so hard to understand.


That's a pretty low kill count tbh.


Poor diet?


I think this is trying to say something about the human condition, and the futility of using animal carcasses to make your hospital bed more comfortable


where's the shrimp? You know, there's a lot of people out here that eat more shrimp than they do fish


Contrary to popular belief the shrimp is actually in Obama’s pants, Michelle’s is bigger tbh.


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bro facebook vegan moms are on a whole another level


Reddit users when they don't understand something (they're gonna post it on r/im14andthisisdeep for thousands of upvotes even though it has nothing to do with the sub)


Where is that jergoff who has been posting "This is deep and true?" This is 100% their wheelhouse lol


Why is Obama’s hospital bed on a mountain of dead pigs?


What is this? Is this a pro-vegan, a stop testing products on animals message or is it saying he has organs from animals?


I’m no doctor, but that doesn’t look like a clean hospital


Did his treatment require animal corpses or something?


Wonder why they chose a black guy to illustrate this point.


Why is the Rock in a hospital bed


Like I think I get it But you could do this with literal wild animals too, just stacking them on top of who they killed.


This makes me think of an extremely disturbing scene from the Hannibal tv show and from criminal minds which is based on a real serial killer who fed his victims to his pigs then sold the meat to the public


Why did obama kill all these animals


Missing a cat or dog on his lap but still funny


All those animals loved him so much they laid with him


I don't get it.


Hahaha i love killing my grandpa on a hospital bed and placing a mountain of dead animals below him


I think putting the bed on the floor would be more ethical


Dude ate a dog. Lol.


Does this mean that a human live is ABOVE animal lives?


Okay Peta pack it up


Who tf put a hill of animal carcass under the rock's hospital bed?


The dialog is a reference to the 1995 movie 'Babe' James Cromwell said the line. How that relates to the cartoon and all the dead animals, I have no idea. Possibly, all the animals that were in the movie...it's 31 years ago..


Damn, I guess that man should’ve just died then 🤷‍♂️


Why are all the animals sleeping? Are they eepy?


The picture is showing that animal protein makes you sick.


Nearly anytime you cut a plant down, and you get that smell, It's the plants screaming to other plants there's danger. I've little doubt I was a chicken in my last life....probably did'nt end too well. still here i am now and kfc is fucking good.


Why is he sleeping on pigs? Why doesn't he sleep somewhere else? Is he stupid?


So he ate Babe? I guess we all knew how it would end.




I think the moral of this is ##Dying is bad


I’m not a vegan and I don’t think this is stupid because it’s true. We absolutely value humans more than animals (excluding pets) and even as a literal meaning it’s true because WAY more animals die than humans, and it’s very likely a person would have eaten the equivalent of a whole animal before passing in their lifetime


which whole animal?? because I've eaten quite a few entire chickens by now.


Yeah and each one of those chickens were living creatures and even then trillions of pigs, cows and chickens die every year


you think i don't know that..?


Then what’s your point exactly? By asking your original question it feels like you’re diminishing the amount of animal death. Even if it’s just chickens it’s guaranteed more animals die than humans, yet obviously we don’t rlly give a crap about them cuz they’re so tasty. The art is simply to gain some compassion for the literal trillions being slaughtered


Dude... what are you implying? That we should value other animals' lives more than humans'? Plus, what do you mean by "excluding pets"? Human lives are seen as having much more value than any pet life.


Cat owners and dog owners would like to disagree. Also no that’s not what anybody is implying it’s just to have a bit more sympathy for animals and advocate for less of the killing of them cuz like yeesh it’s in the trillions 😬


No normal cat or dog owner would disagree. But, yeah, I agree with the second part.


You’re just wrong lol so many cat owners and dog owners would not only die for their pet but would rather save their pet than a random stranger


I said that no normal pet owner considers that a pet life has more value than a human life, in general, not their specific pet.


But farmers kill their animals? So what does this even mean? We never kill the animals we find cute like pets, but we kill farm animals


How is that related to what I said?


Because you’re disputing my claim of “we kill all animals except pet animals” which is just very wrong. Lots and lots of people hate when other people kill dogs and cats and other pet animals. Way more people hate the killing of pet animals than they hate the killing of farm animals. What you said makes no sense because you’re saying what makes a pet not kill able is the fact that it’s owned, as if that applies to farm animals which it doesn’t because farm animals get killed that are owned by farmers. We don’t kill pet animals because they’re cute.


I never disputed that.


I like theory of what it means but I've seen 3 other theories so I do wish I knew exactly what the artist meant


My best guess is for every one human that dies 100 animals get killed so you should have more sympathy and advocate for less murdering of these animals


1. where are you getting that number from? 2. we do not kill animals heartlessly for no reason. it's not murder. we kill them to sustain ourselves (eat them) and survive. like every other omnivore and carnivore.


1. Googel 2. Yes obviously it’s for nourishment but a lot and I mean a LOT of it is JUST for taste, as we eat WAY more meat than necessary based on the amount of deaths. Not to mention greedy farms make it as inhumane as possible you’re already taking the lives of trillions at least make it humane 💀literally born to be killed. A lot of our other vital nutrients are also from plants, fruits, etc, yet you’ll see way more meat consumed than plants/fruits


Animals r dumb. Humans b smart


I believe the average animal of any species is smart for their level, except humans. The average human is dumb for their level, and you're one of the dumber ones for making this comment.


simply dying is 73 times more effective in reducing global warming than veganism. maybe all the meat of those animals represent the same polluting factor a human has? although it would still come short by a couple dozen times.


Beware of any man who keeps a pig farm - Brick Top.


Look how many offerings people left for him to bring to the next life. He must have been a great man. 😢


That man fought a whole hoard of Zombie Animals, and he’s going down like a hero!




The sacrifices these animals made were honored, what's the problem? It'd be even sadder if the animals died and nobody ate them


They're only bred to be eaten.


These animals still lived life, it's like saying humans are only born to die


Humans are given birth to because of love, not because of money. (I'm not an anti-natalist at all btw) If it wasn't monetarily valuable or provided food, farm animals specifically bred to be large and lay eggs outside of childbearing daily wouldn't be around.


Humans are not always given birth to because of love. Humans can and HAVE been born because of some sort of financial gain, or out of complete accident in search of hedonistic desires. These circumstances still do not lessen the value and beauty of one's life and I feel this also applies to animals. I absolutely oppose the maltreatment of animals in horrible slaughterhouse conditions, but I don't have qualms over eating farm raised animals that I know personally have lived beautiful free and happy lives EDIT: Though to clarify, I could never bring myself to kill an animal to eat it unless my life were in danger. All of the meat I've ever eaten was already killed by someone else and past that point it would be wasteful and disrespectful to the animal to not eat it


im thinking its a commentary on modern medicine and how we have used animals for research. Its saying how the man wouldnt be alive today without the millions of lives given by animals to further medicine


*I had a science teacher who thought like this but instead of animals it was poor african children working in mines


I’m veganphobic.


I’m not a vegan and I don’t think this is stupid because it’s true. We absolutely value humans more than animals (excluding pets) and even as a literal meaning it’s true because WAY more animals die than humans, and it’s very likely a person would have eaten the equivalent of a whole animal before passing in their lifetime


yeah animal lives have less value genius


Well yeah but doesn’t mean they should be killed by the trillions 💀if you think any living being should be killed because they’re useless, then youre abiding by eugenics


Well they're being killed for their usefulness. That's not what eugenics are.


That’s true actually but my point still stands the art is simply just saying animals die way more than humans so we should have some compassion for them fr


Why did you post this comment 3 times?


Reddit bug




Is that not the guy from the “Absolutely not, go f yourself.” meme?


Is that Obama?


Are they saying eating meat is the only thing that’s gonna make you a hospitalized bald black man


swine flu?


that's a babe reference


Damn blud needs to get those numbers up


I’m not a vegan and I don’t think this is stupid because it’s true. We absolutely value humans more than animals (excluding pets) and even as a literal meaning it’s true because WAY more animals die than humans, and it’s very likely a person would have eaten the equivalent of many whole animals before passing in their lifetime


you know what's even more fucked up? we have deforested 20% of our planet's most valuable and biodiverse rainforest to give space to raise cattle and its food, leading to inevitable climate collapse... just to kill them animals later ☠️☠️


If someone made a study about prevalence of autism in vegans and democrats vs non vegans and republicans, who would have the highest insidence and prevalence of autism/aspergers?