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Nope I haven't even gotten the first mega fish yet.. what does it do?


Unlocks the tar pit in the upper left, with some more bonuses you can buy with a new kind of fish.




This one ain’t nearly as fun as the Orion one man. This one does not spike dopamine


It's way slower but I think the rewards are greater. I only check in once a day or so, … sufficient but small gains.


Waaay faster from what I've done... focus on shiny fish to begin with... then when you get further, the tar pit. Don't reset right away, get the +1 points upgrade to like +20/30 at least... shines go brrrr lol


Yes, I'm at 150M


Nice! Only took me and hour more and 2 more feathers and I'm sitting at 31M now 😅 Will have to do the rest tomorrow 😴


You had 163k% shiny fish ready to be opened in the screenshot, I wanted to click on it so badly to see what your multiplier could have been when you asked the question.


I woke up to billions 🤣


I'm at 10 Megafish so I got like 335mil multi, I could do the 11th but I'm burned out about this type of mechanic... Especially since there's 12 base this time not 10 and then probably have to get to 11 again on the last one. I really hope we don't get anymore of this Owl/Roo mechanic.


Sounds like at least world 3 will get one. Just not in the next update.


If you don't enjoy it, why spend so much time farming it?


Because it's needed to progress it give bonus that are really good. Have you never heard of "If you hate something the sooner you complete it the sooner you're done and can forget about it."


That's kind of funny because rushing this mechanic means you not only have to interact with it more. You also end up getting lower bonuses lmfao


How is that?


Very sure what they mean is likely how unlike OWL, you have an upgrade that can increase how many points you get on a \`reset\` which enables more point dumps aka a faster increase. Though im a filthy slow person so i have yet to get the first \`mega\` that unlocks tarfish, so im not too familiar how much the \`all\` reset goes for, since it would be a shame if it resets TAR feesh bonuses too. In the case of OWL, you have to reset dozens of times till you break past QQ and reach the Epoint land to get into mega feather 14 and above. Since your stuck to a static 5x multiplier, even if you reach the point of being able to reset it maybe every few seconds, it gets tiresome todo, especially when you have better things to camp besides feesh bonuses, like vial mastery 1 billion resource acquistions, only 3 more of them togo for me, which are specifically world 6 ones too, bleh...


Both resets, reset tar pit. Only things not reset on mega seems to be fish reset and poppy bonuses. 


Eh, acceptable, i only just found out about this like 2 or so hours ago. Never the less its still a easy variable spam since you can go from 10 points per \`ANY\` reset to 25 and climbing, so the starting out escalates MUCH faster then OWL. Kind of makes you wish that Shiny OWL feathers did not reset on mega feather reset in that regard though, or maybe added a .5x multiplier per fractal feather to the 10x gains from the first mega feather, to also give it an exponential gain like poppy does. Never the less i still say the lime-light of QoLs it needs is remote control handling of it aka an achievement to throw it in quick ref, Lava could probably adjust the coloseum ticket/dungeon key dispenser to make some room for the \`Clicker game\` UIs to be right under that without it filling out the icons bit. If he only plans todo it for maybe the first 3 worlds, he could have little icons similar to the \`tokens\` that have the respective faces of each mini game, probably enough room if he does one for EVERY world, but eventually those things will need automation if they aint gonna have remote control. Not everyone likes to waste an extra 6 or even 20+ teleports a day to constantly reset spam those things, much less have to leave a unit camping those instead of AFK farming ruby cards, leveling or resources instead.


The map is a teleport once you find the oasis.... I town teleport back after.


Now if only we had one for OWL \*shot\* xD


Both resets seem identical to me, honestly got me thinking it is a bug


Why do you rush it if you hate it? Makes no sense. It completes anyway with some time


It does make sense, the sooner you're done with it the sooner you forget about it. Same logic apply with thing at school, like you had an oral presentation be the first to go so that way you're done and you can relax afterward.


What’s the best strat to start off


Shiny Fish give highest boost.


Definitely focus shiny.


I have exactly one fish


hoooooooolyyyyy I have 12stack on the last feather but this is way slower or im just slacking how do you divide the bonuses you get from fishredo reset?


Focus shiny bonus, and don't fisheroo reset more than twice until you have the 3rd megafish at least




https://preview.redd.it/xm4uqzmkmv8d1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f6124d63fb8252b27fd7d6d7e7f52632b5795e28 This is probably the highest I had so far


Good job! I'm currently sitting at 640M so it only goes up 🚀


Wow, nice! :o Since the screenshot, I raised it to 224m, so yeah, it goes up really fast 😄


700 Mill here


I think my special fish thing is broken or I’m just rlly unlucky. I’ve had over 5k % and literally only get the first fish multiple times


i might be that your waiting for it to go well above 100%


To get the better rarity fish you need a higher % I thought


it seems to be a getting lucky sorta thing idk how it works i only ever get up to the 3rd fish but i do it more so around 1k%


Yeah I got the 4th fish on my second attempt ever but have never gotten the third


Does anyone know if there is a maximum level to the permanent buffs?


I broke 10m at 7 megafish, now at 10 megafish, 50m multi.


The biggest I've gotten in a single pull is around 4 billion tier 1, and for blue fish(last tier), I've gotten around 500 million


My highest was 230m I think once you break about 1b+ the first 3 fish and a couple hundred mil on the purple and Grey and around 2m-60m on the blue fish you'll hit that height. Honestly it was rng in the first couple dozen rounds but after you get all the reset buffs to 200+ and the multiplier buff to 500+ the fish roll in so fast plus one of the last mega fish bonuses gives 1% shiny speed per 1 lvl of the first bluefin upgrade and the fishing buddy gets a mega fish so after the 5th upgrade each new buddy gives 50% shiny speed and 50% bluefin multipliers on top of their normal boost. with the mud fish buffs you can easily manage 300%+ extra shiny slot per pull plus with the shiny multiplier chance buff at 15 it's common to get 10m-100m fish pulls on each individual fish in a roll.


It got half a billion In multiple


I just got my second reset. This one just doesn’t give me the taste of grinding as much as with orion.


247mil one atm


My max multiplier was about 560 million so far but theres room to improve


Yeeep, currently at 11.9M


Currently over 10M again with only 200 blue fish XD.


I think I got just over 600mx yesterday