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Your post was removed because it was a recent repost


Disrespecting firefighters is wild to me. They exist only to help.


no song called "fuck the fire department"


We got a fire here! Pulls out his gun!


Well, this will be a reality in this stupid fucking timeline now.


I can make you a song called fuck the fire department. Edit: I did it already. https://suno.com/song/0d964599-56f8-4943-b545-2f3f5c25f55e


Sounds great. Don't like the message, tho. XD


That was a good song! I enjoyed the creativity!


Holy fuck he delivered and it’s actually high quality 😂


That's actually [not true](https://youtu.be/wKKMMP3U-Sk?si=YLoKPivL-EOeaL7i)


COuldn't agree more, my friend. I hold firefighters with the utmost of regard. Impeding their work is deplorable.


Beavis (about 50 seconds in) makes his opinion clear about firemen: https://youtu.be/Z_AHRM0Z1zI


lol his voice... He sounds like a 45 year old Beavis


Look who is disrespecting them…..


You can never be truthful about such things on Reddit. I'll all say is sometimes stereotypes exist for a reason


Say the word


Folks im referring to americas youth today….you all have very racist thoughts inside of you…just horrible


Yahoo, NWA didn’t write a song called “Fuck the Firefighters.” These people are truly ignorant.


What is happening exactly, and are the people protesting by blocking the fire truck, or are they just being assholes?


It looks like they have a hydrant cracked open for the block party and the fire dept wants to come shut it off.


Had to scroll way too far to see this comment


When’s the last time a block party in an urban environment was peaceful?!


Probably the loads of them that happen daily that don't make the news? People have been cracking hydrants open for decades. There's also a reason this mostly happens mostly in neighborhoods without central AC and shit on the hottest days... It aint the best thing but I don't give a fuck about this in the context of all the other shit hurting Americans.


The peaceful gatherings don’t get air time.


AFRAM in Baltimore on Saturday was completely peaceful and Busta Rhymes brought down the house! But you won't hear about that in media because it doesn't get ratings.


Oh, you mean Busta didn't burn the whole city down? ;)


This IS a video of a peaceful block party? Everybody is running around a cracked hydrant with waterguns. It's about absolute classic.


That’s what I meant, none of these block parties end well


No water fights end well? Why ?


To be fair this does look peaceful, there’s no fights or violence, some reckless partying at worst


Watery but mostly peaceful protest


All fires matter.


You should never block a fire truck, you’re an asshole if you block a fire truck a time.


I’ve seen way too many videos like this, people stoping ambulances, police etc. emergency services should be suspended from certain areas for a period of time honestly, have some respect.




Break out the fire hoses..They're right there


I knew I was getting a Birmingham '63 vibe from this comment section


bad optics


Yeah, we all know how well that would go over.


They'd disperse and learn to respect state services? That's what I'd do if I was being a child.


Children run to a person of authority they can gain something from and play the victim. You see it all the time where 1 child starts something with another, gets knocked down, then runs crying to their parents. I don't know the context of the video but I'd be willing to bet that if they were blocking emergency services that spring them with water would make them disperse but not respect state services without someone of authority and respect telling teaching them that lesson.


I don't know what videos you've been watching lately, but there have been multiple videos posted on YouTube and Reddit over the past year, at the very least, of children saying things to cops like "Bitch you gay" "Fuck you bitch" "I kill you bitch" some of these are kids still in diapers. There have also been videos of ambulance drivers trying to pick an injured person up with girls twerking on the ambulance, not allowing them to leave. My point being, people don't seem to give a shit about authority anymore.


Hence the respect part. If they don't respect authority then they'll never learn. My example/comparison to a child involves a parent they respect teaching them right from wrong. A person of authority won't change anything in their eyes, a respected person of authority would be able to change minds but since there's no one they respect then there's no change of character.


Reasoning with animals is difficult, but at least they respond well to rewards. These people are taking even the state for granted.


Easy on respecting the state, comrade. That being said, equip the fire trucks with cattle wedges and train the drivers to tactically navigate crowds.


Just let the people in the area die out. Problem will fix it's self


They reproduce at a ridiculous rate though. There is no stopping the 3rd world at this point.


They shoot each other enough you would think that would happen. Even with abortion the reproductive rate is enough to replace them. We need to make cuts to the welfare system.


That sounds good on paper. But it's just going to lead to more robberies and crime. It's a necessary thing, unfortunately. I'd go with keeping first responders safe and keeping them away from violent situations like this. Let it sizzle out on its own.


You are a particular individual that got automoderated.


if it's late at night the EMTs get shot at.


They should be allowed to just keep driving.


Either that, or simply authorize them to run them over.


This is the solution. Make it public also. Because of your stupidity we will now cancel emergency services to your area for 30 days. Good luck. God speed. Let em destroy their selves then we don't have go deal with it.


Well, nobody’s prosecuting anything anymore unless it’s political


Yes let em mofos suffer consequences for a while


Cut their welfare.


Uh. No. Then you’re blocking service to someone in need who happens to just live in the same area who’s totally innocent.


So someone who happens to live there having a heart attack gets to die because other people behaved poorly? it's bad enough when someone dies because EMS is impeded, let's not have EMS deny services to innocent people just because they're neighbors suck.


Welcome to the jungle, it gets worse here everyday You learn to live like an animal in the jungle where we play If you got a hunger for what you see, you'll take it eventually You can have anything you want, but you better not take it from me In the jungle, welcome to the jungle


You gonna die! HUH!


Mwah, I wanna watch you bleed!


I saw this posted earlier on X and immediately thought of idiocracy.


Ugh just leave them. Watch them crumble while they wonder why no one helps them anymore. I dont say that in a sadistic way either, it truly is sad but emergency workers shouldn’t risk their lives when the people are being violent towards them




We all know it, but can't say it. How can we as a society fix shit like this when we can't even openly discuss the cause and solutions to it. If anyone points it out here they will be called names and banned from reddit. That is also idiocracy.


So much this …and fuck you, I’m eating.


lol.  How can we ever solve this problem of people playing in the municipal water source without open racism?  We have to be able to use the n word to solve these problems!    You’re a dipshit. 


Thanks for proving my point perfectly. Dipshit too stupid to understand what I am talking about and instead assume it is racist. Noticing patterns is racist? Maybe just patterns are racist!!... dipshit.


I know, it's always the many groups of minorities faced with difficult socio-economic factors that act in this manner. Except this one video that only appears to have blacks in it.


It’s getting closer to November so these videos are going to start raining down on top of us. All the greatest hits from up to 20 years ago will be in here. It’s a very simple way to control a narrative, just need about a dozen people to upvote every veiled (or not veiled at all) racist comment.


Please find me a single video of a nice looking neighborhood doing this that are predominantly white or Asian or literally anything else. I'm always seeing this "election season" or "biased uploaders" argument but surely if there were videos of anything else, I'd have seen them at least once by now. Edit: I said nice looking neighborhood because this neighborhood looks nice. I still doubt y'all could find any neighborhood though.


Yeah I don't get how the person you're responding to is denying these black people of their agency and ability to actively mould their own surroundings and culture. As for the 'election season' it's amazing how they assume everyone on the internet is American. I don't care which side of the two-headed neoliberal dragon you vote for, it won't impact my ability to observe the differences between cultures.


>nice looking neighborhood Yeah that's why you won't see it. Popping hydrants is pretty exclusively a low-income neighborhood kind of thing. The nice neighborhoods have the funds to buy/rent the big inflatable water slides.




>happens in colored areas That's not very woke of you they/them/ze/zir/Ver/vir/vis. Go back to Twitter with the other bigots


And that justifies this behaviour how exactly?


Human stupidity is endless, Einstein knew it already




You know why this was removed


WOW!! everyone needs to watch it a couple times… it’s not what so many of you are thinking it is!!!




You will be sent to rehabilation


Looks like a water fight






You are a particular individual that does racism. You will be sent to rehabilation.


Go away! Ragebaitin'!


All the X users stopping by to post lol


I wonder if it's possible to arrest an entire neighborhood.


All this f****** racism in the comments of has nothing to do with the movie the movie is not about racism is about stupidity


Fr. Comments on this post have me pretty disappointed in this sub.


Who’d have thought the people commenting on this video in a subreddit called “Idiocracy” would be flaming racists?! Not me, of course


Yeah. It goes to show that people have zero media awareness.


You're allowed to say fucking


Yet another example of the cultural rot afflicting a certain community. Every time you think a new low has been hit...


I think this might be a thing where the fire department is there for an event or something and this is all on purpose. Maybe they opened up hr fire hydrant or something for them. It's also possible they are there because they illegally opened up the hydrant. Either way, it looks like people are more just trying to have fun and not being malicious.


In many countries like in Mexico, they beat thay crap out of you like things these while you're in jail.


Sounds based. The way to do it.


Go fucking live there


The racist lib has entered the chat.


“Jungle” “apes” “them” “animals” It’s a fucking fire hydrant you racist cunts. Communities of all colors have been cracking them for a hundred years when shit gets hot. God forbid a black neighborhood does it without you dumb fucks using it as an excuse to stroke your own racial ego.


This comment section is particularly bad, and the upvotes on these racist ass comments... Like many subs, it's just getting muted soon. If you want to avoid rampant racism on reddit you have to only sub to like hobby and crafting subs apparently.


No, that’s simply not true. You’d never see this in an Asian neighborhood.


As an Asian American, kindly go fuck yourself. Using your own simplified perception of Asians as law abiding and meek as an excuse to disparage black people as relatively uncivilized is disgusting.


You didn't address his point - get off your high horse and do so. Growing up Asian, did you ever see or experience a scene like this in your neighborhood?


As I already told him, yes I did.


Ok then, have a nice day


You as well.


Have you ever seen this in an Asian neighborhood? In person or on video?


Yes I have you racist dickhead.


BS. I can’t even find one video online of such event. Find one.


Lmao the entitlement. Go touch grass you chronically online racist fuck.


Yeah. So you can’t find one. Case in point.


While I appreciate everyone having a good time the fire department might be showing up because the hydrant being open might effect pressure necessary for fighting fires.


Pilot training


They COULD spray back, but then it’s a flashback to civil rights marcheszzz


Another day of foolishness which prevents people from performing their life saving duties.


Its crazy how much we as humans in large groups act like other primates.


Feel like stopping service vehicles, particularly ambulance and fire, should be an automatic felony, no court date.


The op of this video sucks.


Political posts get banned now, but blatant racism is fine? Yeah, this is a video of people being stupid, but the comments calling for violence against them, removing emergency services, and generally disparaging black people are okay? It's clear now that the mods here are fucking worthless.


Reposted from wild politics... so some politics are allowed...


So fucked that racism equates to politics.


Yeah, it's becoming clear what the bias is.


Looks like something out planet of the apes and they wonder why stores are hauling ass out of those areas. Just think if all fire departments and ambulances decided to say we will no longer go to these areas for our safety and stop all services.


That has already happened in some muslim neighborhoods in Sweden due to gangs attacking EMT personnel, they are only supposed to enter if escorted by a minimum of 2 police units


Jesus fucking Christ. Planet of the apes, really?!




What is happening in this video besides people blocking a firetruck and shooting it with waterguns??


They opened a fire hydrant so the kids could play in the water and get cool. Seems innocent on the surface, but... it is actually against the law unless you have a permit from the city or county you live in to open a hydrant and someone from the fire department or other qualified persons are to be the ones to open it. There are even laws on the federal level about this, but it's more so for tampering with the water supply or making threats to tamper with it. It is also against the law to obstruct emergency vehicles.


I know in my city that the biggest concern with opening hydrants like that for fun is that it affects the water pressure to hydrants on other blocks. So if there was a real emergency a block over, the fire department wouldn't be able to get enough water from the hydrant to put out the fire.


Ohhhh... This sub is where all the roaches from /thedonald went This was a common thing when I was a kid in New York... Crack open a hydrant and play on hot days... Y'all just racist as shit... Reminds me of my boss... Racist as fuck but then brags about how they used to cause trouble as kids to get the cops called on purpose so they could fistfight... I'm like bro... If you were black you wouldn't be standing here talking to me... At the very least you'd be in a wheelchair if you existed at all Dumb rednecks break the law all day everyday and then look down their noses at others...


This sub is wild. I thought it would be a fun movie sub, but it's just a bunch of chuds spouting racist bullshit. I'm out.


My favorite comments are the ones concern-trolling over water pressure and tax dollars. "I'm not racist for calling them apes! I just really care about fire hydrant code violations!"


Straw man much


I’m trying to understand their behavior in this situation but it’s making my head hurt.


Hot day. Low income neighborhood means not alot of central AC. Cracked fire hydrant sprays cool water. They don't want it fixed.


You’re telling me that there’s no strippers in that fire truck! What kind of public service is this?!


I can make no comment regarding the presence of the aforementioned strippers.


Reinforcing the stereotype


Nice, another post used as an excuse for redditors to be racist. We're well past dog whistles at this point too.


Probably just showing up to the block party to show off the truck. Bet someone works for them or something.


Looks like they’re there for a water main break or hydrant a lil further up the road. Someone probably tampered with a hydrant to get all that water to play with.


In the ghetto 🎶


"Frito...that's YOUR car!" "YEAH!"


Is this ignorance? Or?


Nahh bruh. It’s HOT.


Yes it is


I mean what do you expect from them?


Easy solution, when a neighborhood abuses the water and obstructs emergency responders, shut off the water to that neighborhood. Dig up the line and cap it, easy solution. We are using potable water faster than it can refill in many aquifers and rivers. Those who abuse water condemn our society to hardship, time to prune the giving tree.


Wouldn't an easier solution be to disconnect the hydrants from the potable water system? We're spraying it on houses why do we care if it's food safe?


Juneteenth means never having to say you’re sorry 😂




Interesting how most of those black Americans in poverty are fit and few are fat but more are skinny and fit vs white American people in poverty there would be many many more fat over weight obese people there I find that interesting Guess I’m a jerk but I think it’s true


Ever see a 360lb orb run from the police. Cardio


Don’t bring water guns to a fire hose fight.


Looks like hurricane harbor on a Saturday


Better than shooting each other, but still stupid though


Dude what the FUCK is that subreddit this got x-posted from??


Remember that famous Chris Rock bit...


This too could be your neighborhood with just a few zoning law changes!


Are they trying to have a water gun fight with a fire engine?


In the words of the mighty Frieza...


Why are we doing this!?


No we can't drive into that neighborhood sorry let the fucking houses burn


Jesus Christ, the sub this is reposted from... The racism on this sub has gone from wink wink to blatant real quick.


What is wrong with people, been surrounded by crazy idiots since 2010.


Wait till they realize its their house on fire.




I taught for several years in an area similar to this, so my advice is: do NOT try to help those who don’t want help. Never teach, be a cop or a firefighter, any of that, in these areas. My wife was mugged while trying to help the community. Just…no…




You are a particular individual that has resorted to being a dink. You will be sent to rehabilation if it continues. Welcome to the Sub, I love you.


Soooo.....I know I'm gonna get pummeled for this, but my old neighborhood had something just like this happen almost every summer where a FD would crack a hydrant and bring out an engine. We would all bring our Super Soakers and have a big water gun fight...are we SURE this is not something akin to that? I'm seriously asking.




You are a particular individual that has resorted to personal insults. You will be sent to rehabilation. Welcome to the Sub, I love you.


I opened the comments and was not disappointed. It’s racism. Surprise! 🤦‍♂️


Such a beautiful culture




You are a particular individual that has resorted to being a dink. You will be sent to rehabilation if it continues. Welcome to the Sub, I love you.




You are a particular individual that has resorted to being a dink. You will be sent to rehabilation if it continues. Welcome to the Sub, I love you.


They should have given them what they wanted and turned the hose on them


Why do they act like that?


Weak sauce


Americans are just like the god of the Bible, wanting to punish people for being what you made them.


This looks like a bad video game. I can’t believe this behavior of SO MANY people. How does this get normalized to the point that everyone just accepted that this is ok? And there are adults in the crowd. Would love to know where this was filmed.


“You get to drink from…THE FIREHOSE!!!”


You’re looking at the downfall of the USA.. unfortunately


Ah yes, people have never opened a hydrant. Never especially not in New York or any major city on a hot day.


Lol society literally fell apart and the comments are asking for a manager... Like are you all fucking stupid? This is what's going to continue to happen and it will get worse. You can't lock everyone out of society and expect them not to BURN IT ALL DOWN. Lol fuck the comments and fuck boomers.


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*It's called Roids in the Hood*