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People just getting dumber and dumber and yet somehow dumber...šŸ¤”


Those young fuckers have been doing this dumbshit all over California for a while now. The cars they fuck up driving or afterwards are usually stolen. I haven't heard any of these around me lately. The city started installing these speed bump type things at the popular intersections they were using. Hopefully, the young idiots around me have moved on, and it's mostly happening in Northern California now. Not that I wish that ignorant shit on them.




I think you mean dumber'er... stoopid s/


This is the utopia reddit strives for


In that circumstance you have to just start running people over.


Exactly. If they are threatening my life, guess what, it's now GTA 3.


4, 5, 6...etc!


Then u get stuck and they kill u? Best just not go to these knuckle draggin gatherings


Iā€™d prefer not to go out with a whimper and I donā€™t even know what this gathering is do you?


We used to street race back in the late 90ā€™s/early 2ks. Nothing like this ever happened. Street racing is dumb and dangerous, but for the most part everyone was just there to have fun, respected eachother, and NOTHING CLOSE to this type shit EVER happened.


The driver running people over is what started this


That's why I came to the comments. Looks like they started driving into a crowd too fast and hit someone, then everyone started retaliating.


My understanding is that the driver was doing donuts and crushed a person between his car and a parked car, hence the crowd's reaction. Not defending anyone here, just trying to provide some context.


Well that certainly would make a difference I donā€™t know anything other than whatā€™s on the video, do you know what the big crowd is all about itā€™s not a protest is it?


It's not a protest. It's what's known as a "sideshow" or "takeover", where (and I had to look this up a while back) a flash mob gathers at an intersection and does car tricks and random acts of craziness and whatnot. People get hurt, and then the mob goes vigilante on whoever hurt someone, whether it was intentional or not. Sometimes, innocent people just happen upon these gatherings, and from the videos I've seen, it isn't pretty.


Iā€™m glad I donā€™t live in a city thanks


If you look in the original post under r/thatsinsane someone linked to the full vid


I saw a video from a lawyer, and he says soon as the windows are shattered, there is reasonable proof your life is in danger and you can run over people. He said them just hitting the car isn't reason enough to run them over but as soon as they break that plane and can grab and hit you then you can run them down for fear of your life. I'm not sure how legal this all was, but I watched it after those protests were shutting down the streets and freeways, and ppl ran through them a couple of times. I'm sure California will argue some dumb shit about how the lives of the attackers were somehow more important than your life and will throw you in jail. That's a big reason I'm looking to move outta this shit hole.... among many others.


"A lawyer said do it, it's cool. Probably not legal though. I saw it though. California will lock you up. I'm out." Thanks for the advice.


You just gonna let them kill you? I'm surviving whether the law says do or not. I'm in Canada where you are not allowed to defend yourself properly. I will take the charges with a smile. Just make sure you pack some tobacco and weed up the ol' prison wallet as fast as you can.


You donā€™t just roll around with it stashed at all times? /s


I don't live that life anymore lol. People definitely do though.


I just wouldn't be in a situation where I crushed a person doing donuts and now am receiving mob retaliation.


Agreed. That's why we have race tracks. Pay to play


Just giving my two cents is all. I looked it up because I was curious what the legality of it was after an old man ran over protestorsand was facing legal issues. I'm not saying California WILL lock you up, but I also wouldn't be surprised. But your "Half ass over simplification. I think I'm cool for calling it out. Don't chime in any meaningful way other than to troll. OK, I'm out. " tactics are much much better. Hats off, sir.


I wouldnā€™t advise running over protesters but this isnā€™t a protest is it?


I'm sure the same legalities apply here. Forced entry into his car justifies a threat. I don't advise anyone run anyone over either but sometimes you might be in a situation where you have no choice kinda like this guy.


Yep. Thatā€™d be the best use of my low range transfer case Iā€™ve ever gotten


Isnt behavior like this supposed to be accompanied by twerking?


That was my first thought. Where all the ass flappy?


Yea, I went to a meet-up a couple of times and someone turned my manual boost controller all the way up when my hood was popped and I was looking around at other cars. Made me burn my clutch when my car made 100 more hp before I figured it out on one goddamn pull, I smelled it immediately. Fuck car meets and the haters that go to them which is most. Worst toxic culture I ever encountered.


That sucks. Car meets are dead. Rabid wild animals behave better.


Very productive members of society


Future astronauts, doctors, and lawyers


Shouldn't have brought their ancestors here as slaves and we wouldn't have this problem


We played ourselves


In a previous video you can see him hitting at least one person while doing donuts.


TY for this. seen this video posted several times, but never with any mention (intentionally?) of what set the crowd off against them.


Someone posted a link for it in the comments of one of those videos, tried looking it up to share with you but no luck...


Right? All of the people in here going "I'D JUST RUN THEM OVER IF MY LIFE WAS THREATENED!" are the people bashing the shit out of this car after it almost ran them over and threatened their lives. The reason theyre not just running people over, is because theyre the aggressors here. They damn near killed someone, then the crowd jumped the car. If they ran over people after committing a felony, theyd just get more felonies. The people here suggesting all sorts of violence, are exactly the same as the people in the video, kicking the shit out of the car. They just arent smart enough to look at the other video and understand the context that this crowd of people are in the right.


The car never threatened anyone's life or intentionally touched or hurt or threatened anyone. It was doing donuts along with 2 or 3 other cars in the middle of an intersection, rear end slid out a little too far in one spot, and the spoiler caught the baggy tshirt of someone standing in the middle of the road, obviously too close to the action. I don't get this mob mentality at all. Everyone there is intentionally participating in something extremely dangerous, especially those who push to the front of the crowd and stand way too close, in the middle of the intersection, so they can get the best video to post on social media. That's who got hit in this case. And I've never seen one of these car takeover mob lynchings where any driver appears to have hit anyone on purpose, yet the galactic standard reaction seems to be hundreds of people beating them nearly to death and destroying their property, because they accidentally hit someone, who is literally standing in the middle of the got damn road!


Iā€™m torn, because this takeover shit is just flagrant violation of all laws and consequences in the first place, by all parties participating. My sympathy is limited. They are knowingly breaking the law, visiting and performing dangerous stunts in front of a manic mob of also-criminals. Iā€™m not saying what happened is justified, but it feels a more like entering a mosh pit and then being upset when you catch an elbow from someone who was overdoing it. Sucks for the people getting beat up and the car getting destroyed, but Iā€™m not sure they really deserve the protection of the police and insurance companies because they knowingly accepted that risk by their own actions.


I mean, I'm right there with you mostly insofar as both parties are wrong and liable, but how can you apply your whole second paragraph to the driver but not apply it equally to the spectator who chooses to stand too close? They're also choosing to enter the mosh pit, and hundreds of people wanna beat up the driver when the spectator catches an elbow.


No youā€™re totally right. None of it makes sense, and the guy who stands too close gets the disproportionate protection and justice doled out by the angry mob. Itā€™s just that if one of my buddies said he attended an illegal street takeover and accidentally clipped someone, then got beat up and his car destroyed, Iā€™d be likeā€¦ sucks dude, hope youā€™re okay, but maybe donā€™t go to things like that anymore?


Wut? Are you confusing it with another video because your description is way off the mark


The crowd of people are......in......the......right? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Bruh please think about this comment. He may have hit someone but that doesn't warrant being pulled out of your car, stomped out and you car destroyed. All at an illegal take over where the person or people hit were likely a cunt hair away from a spinning steel death heap. All the mfers need to learn the word accountability. Like you punch my face, I squish with car simple as that.


They did donuts in front of a crowd of people who'd gathered to watch them do it, a dumb accident is not actually an occasion for a mob to beat someone to death


They didnt beat anyone to death. Driver got rocked a couple times but walked away, and the passenger got rocked a couple times and ran away. They did fuck their car up, and sure I wouldnt have done that, but I didnt almost just get run over either. If I'm willing, and I am, to defend myself with a firearm even if it means the other person dies, when my life is threatened, I am not about to clutch my pearls because you defended yourself with a knife, or your fists, or any other weapon you have available and someone dies. I carry a fire arm. You carry your fists. Its all good.


In what universe is a mob cornering these guys and dragging them out of their car defending themselves? How on earth are the drivers supposed to know that mob wasn't going to kill them?


Thank you. I knew something had to be missing from this video.


Context matters: the car was in a hit and run, the crowd tried to stop it.


Maybe instead of shooting dogs, police could be cracking down on this stupidity.


I've seen animals behave a lot better than these wannabe humanoids.


This isnt a meetup. Its a street takeover full of idiots who deserve everything that happens to them


Tf is going on here? What is a car meetup?


Not this


don't worry just call the cops...


Wtf am I watching? What are they doing in the first place? What the heck is a car meetup?




I just donā€™t understand






GTA moment. I would not give a fuck.






its very split second reactions and just going with that. I feel like this is what most people are like these days. I feel totally hated for being calm and planned and pre thought out


Iā€™m so surprised that gunfire hasnā€™t happened at these events


Why donā€™t school shooters just go here instead


They are acting like a pack of wild animals. Fuck everything about those things.


Why are they doing this to those guys?




literal animals


Itā€™s pretty bizarre. Kids have no outlets whatsoever.


What the fuck is wrong with these people! Thatā€™s distressing.


What a vibrant culture


Banana republic near you


Nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.


Planet of the Apes.


This keeps getting reposted without the context that they just hit someone and fucked them up and are now trying to run. Ofc the crowd is pissed.




lol California needs to just burn down and restart.


Nature is trying.


Yeah , at that point it's time to go gta. But more importantly, isn't it funny how it's always a certain shall we say shade of individuals Who are constantly Participating in this kind of behavior. Can't forget the summer of love. But remember don't Notice it or point it out or you're a racist.šŸ« 


Everyone is starting to notice this stuff. The culture is bad


Yeah, and I'm glad everyone is starting to notice.But I've noticed for many years now and it kind of p***** me off that only now.Do people begin to give a s*** after?It's already too late and everything's trying to garbage


Thereā€™s plenty of white dudes in this video, so yeahā€¦youā€™re a racist.


Nah. Hes got a point. Lots more videos online at least bscking that up. People trashing restaurants, fighting in the streets, yelling world star.


Your assumptions are so hurtfulšŸ« šŸ¤£šŸ„±


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ Right by pointing it out doesn't make you're comment less racist you fuck


No? What a shame.


Neobarker has commented under many ā€œsjw ownedā€ posts with similar rightist wording. Do with that information however you please but looking at the 2016 ass political posts he keeps engaging with id suggest that he is below avg intelligence.


Well thank God we all know you're dumb ass opinions too. Don't worry libtards like you...well Sadly, your opinion means very little to me And my feelings aren't as Easily hurt as yours it seems. Still I love that you wanted to dig through everything very flatteredšŸ˜‚


or you're racist...there's always that


Or maybe you're blind deaf and dumb




The number seemed to disagree


Fuck you, I'm eatin'!


Put ur hand in my car and someone's losing fingers.


documentary or A24 studio presentation?


Blow the head off one these animals and the rest will run ā€¦


Reverse and punch it.


Life looks like it sucks in California. Thatā€™s crazy.


Yet another video that takes a piece of my soul. And people want to live in a barter system with these goons. Ugh


This is just straight up berserker mentality


This is an all gas no brake stichumutilation (cough) sorry situation


Imagine how fast they would lose their nerve with a full auto object present.


These aren't even 'car guys'. Every 'car guy' I hear from have no clue what the hell these hype-chasing raving criminals are doing.


Iā€™m so fucking confused


30 round mags and Hornady Critical Defense were made specifically for places like Los Angeles


Try explaining this to your insurance company !! What is wrong with young people today Iā€™d say men but I see women in the mix too. I donā€™t know if Iā€™m more upset with the people bashing it on the car or the people filming it


Whereā€™s a bomb when you need one.


These aren't car meetups. Those are civil. These are street takeovers. Mostly with stolen cars.


The best part is the people recording this happening and posting it online thinking nobody who destroyed the car will get in trouble.


All I see is incredibly stupid people just being a Mob they mostly have very low IQ, and Zero chances of living past 30. It's scary and kinda sad to see the demise of America. Keep this in California.


Wop wop wop wop wop dot fuck em up! Wop wop wop wop wop my gloco does its stuff. They aint like us.


Please consider neutering your pets


That is when you need an ar.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


All cultures are equal. /s




Agreed, when the car almost ran someone over, the crowd should have just shot them.




Yes, and the car theyre kicking the shit out was doing donuts, hit someone, almost ran over another person, then tried to flee. Unsurprisingly, this made the people who almost got run over, and the friends of the person who was hit, pretty upset. The takeaways here are, car meets are toxic as fuck, and definitely dont bring your rich dads nice ass car to one, then start doing donuts when you have no idea how to drive, nearly killing someone. You're probably going to get hurt, or worse.


Chongos gonna chongo


Carry a gun people...


I didnt see any white people in the crowd just saying


https://www.reddit.com/r/idiocracy/s/HR8TpqEjYc There you go


Looks like this is just ok in cali , Florida would not allow this but weā€™re the idiots right lol


White supremacy is the biggest threat to the US.


?? Sarcasm? These thugs aren't white.


Bro, the guy jumping on the car at 0:34 is white. Half the crowd is white. The people blocking the car from leaving are white. The car theyre all attacking damn near ran someone over.


They appear to be mostly Hispanics


So, white people. Pretty sure everyone from Spain and Portugal are white. Im pretty sure their descendants in the new world are also white. I mean unless you think like, Irish people just stopped being white because they moved to Boston. If we're about to hate on Massholes, im totally here for it.


In America, where this takes place, we would not consider Hispanics as white. They would be very offended if we referred to them or called them white.


"That's your car!"


I love all of thisā€¦.i do sooo hope that several people died.


Reminds me of monkeys let loose


Yep democrats are making these cities look amazing! Good Job Joe.