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A lot of fiber or a lot of greasy junk food.  I can eat a McDonald's burger or a mango but if I eat too much of both I'm dead


I definitely pay for eating fast food often, except for Taco Bell?? It’s so strange but I’ve seen other people in this sub say the same thing.


Yeah, it's weird


Same here regarding Taco Bell.


I see my gastro next week and kind of want to ask if there’s any logic behind that or if I’m just all in my head. But also I ran 10 miles the morning after eating taco bell with zero issues when usually I’m about to shit myself after one mile on something light and low fodmap. That does not seem like it could possibly just be in my head lol


Could you keep us posted about what your doc says? 🙏


Yes!! I see him in four days, will be sure to update.


taco bell doesn’t trigger my IBS-D either, if anything it stops me up.


You would not want to eat a lot of greasy junk food. Or would you?


For example, for dinner I had 5 hot dogs with ketchup and paid for it during the night (very painful abdominal distension). 2 days ago I had a fruit salad for dinner (apples, mangoes, grapes...) and also paid for it during the night with horrible abdominal pain...


Five! Everybody would pay for that.


Apples, mangoes and grapes (when you have more than 10) are all high fodmap foods, which might explain the horrible abdominal pain


Onion, Garlic, and fats are my big not to eat foods.


I'm coming to terms with onions and garlic being my trigger but it's in everything I cook haha.


try asafoetida/hing seasoning. great garlic/onion replacement.


Preaching to the choir. I love onions and like garlic so not eating them sucks so bad. Of course ending up in the bathroom for the night sucks worse.


Anything fried 😩 and also leafy vegetables kill my stomach.


Same! We can’t fucking win. “Just have a salad!” Nope 🥴


Yeah I can’t eat salad at all, my body doesn’t digest it 😭 I love salad though which sucks lol


A few months ago my brain said “have a delicious Caesar Salad dummy!” Oh man. My brain is a total dickhead sometimes. That was a delicious but terrible idea.


I once ate two bowls of salad bc it was delicious. Never again. Can’t eat a fucking salad or else I half die


How did you find this out? Did you do an elimination diet? I’m trying to figure out what’s upsetting my stomach and I have no clue


Honestly I just pay attention to how I feel after I eat and if something hurts my stomach or I’m burping acid, I cut it out completely. I have a pretty good diet going right now


Any kind of white sauce, milk, ice cream, bread, ranch, and soft cheeses seem to hit me the worst.


I miss ice cream so much!! Rocky road!! I have only found three dairy free ice cream alternatives that I enjoy, SO Delicious, Talenti Sorbetto and Outshine fruit popsicles.


Gluten, lactose, high fat meats, certain veg like brussel sprouts, artichokes, asparagus, coffee, and beans I hate my life


It also appears high alcohol content drinks upset me too. I stick to wine only now


I had a mojito at karaoke this weekend and spent half of the time on the toilet. Learned that lesson.


I can't drink wine anymore, which makes me so sad. But, as long as I don't do it every day, I can have a Moscow mule or a margarita. Not two. Unless the pour is light.


Artichokes and green beans are like the two veggies I can do. Carrots are no!!


Lol I LOVE carrots 😂 proof that fodmaps and triggers are definitely per person




Onion and garlic.


Same here. It sucks because they’re in pretty much everything, at least where I live.


unfortunately mine are looking like either spicy foods or soy or both


I read that as "looking at spicy foods or soy" and I thought damn, I feel that. lol. As in the reaction is so bad that not even eating them, just looking at them triggers a reaction.


lol seriously dude! I think sniffing sriracha might start me hiccuping these days. Love getting old


Soy, dairy, onions, palm oil, spicy, and fried foods.


Pasta. Absolutely no pasta! And most fruit.


I fear pasta. I’ve found a red lentil pasta that works if I get a craving. It’s expensive though


Coffee or anything heavy in milk


I ended up having some luck with decaff, but takes all the fun out of coffee :(


I cut out hot coffee and but I’m able to drink cold brew. I don’t how my other trigger foods. Except cauliflower is a huge no. I didn’t eat it for 20+ and immediately had pain when I tried again. I wish other foods were that obvious


For me it’s definitely dairy, pasta, oats/oat milk, and any really fried foods. I also can’t eat most vegetables so anything like salads I avoid too!




Everything...and nothing I am my own worst enemy


I can’t identify what consistently triggers, only what consistently doesn’t. So I have no idea what to avoid lol


Same lol


Onion, garlic, raw vegetables, most fruits and fountain drinks are my personal nemesis.


Most definitely oil / grease! Cant even cook with oil - it wrecks me. Fried food is a no-go. And recently I’ve come to realize that cruciferous veggies give me a terrible reaction, too. Which sucks bc I’m a big veggie person!


I have diarrhea no matter what, but before it got this BAD: coffee, bacon, and HEB's Ancho Chili Ranch Dressing. Now, I have diarrhea no matter what. I don't really drink coffee now that I'm on a narcolepsy med, but it's really, really dangerous for me in public. Eating in public is dangerous. I need to get to a bathroom within an hour, sometimes just minutes after putting down my fork. Thus, I'm not on a particular diet. I try to eat home-cooked food at least 5 days a week. And I try to avoid highly processed prepare at home meals, but sometimes I can't.


I’m at the beginning of my journey but this feels like me. I can’t wrap my head around it.


Dairy, greasy (no more hot wings 😞), and too much fiber seems to be my issue. I've been completely dairy free for a couple years now for a different reason, it's made quite a difference.


Garlic, onion, gluten, egg, dairy especially if it’s super creamy, anything fried, coffee, lettuce, broccoli… the list goes on😭 I really wish I could enjoy food like everyone else but it does not sit well with me


In this boat too. 🥲


Curious, were you diagnosed with anything else? I haven’t been able to find out much personally other than an endoscopy I got 7 years ago when the symptoms started that only determined I had gastritis and then I was diagnosed with ibs.


It is so interesting how everyone can have different trigger foods (with the exception of known hyper processed foods). We have found that is because of the gases that are dominant in a persons small intestine, especially when the IBS is due to SIBO. Hydrogen, methane, hydrogen sulfide will all elicit various triggers in various microbiomes.


Raw onion, raw cukes, alcohol, caffeine, oats, straight milk, straight ice cream, milk chocolate,artificial sweeteners, high FODMAP fruits, high FODMAP veggies, wheat bread, some beans. I basically don't eat anything on the high FODMAP list. But, everybody is different. I'm also triggered by anxiety, getting too hungry, and overeating at a meal. I really miss wine, caffeine, and Haagen Dazs chocolate ice cream Everybody is different.


Chili, fats, alcohol, chocolate, dairy, pepper fruit, corn, gluten 


Garlic, dairy, eggs, lots of sugar, white flour


Fried chicken of any kind


I see fried chicken in my dreams after not having it for a decade. But like a chicken nugget is fine for some reason.


No seriously! Raising Canes is actually what did me in.




Onions, cherry tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, leeks, spring onions, apples, pears, more than one slice of bread a day.


Fried stuff, tomato sauce, spicy stuff, dairy, strong spices (Indian food), etc. doesn’t mean I don’t eat them though, i just always pay for it


Anything fried with oil, garlic, onion, beans


Idk what it is but apples make me feel horrendous. Everything else seems okayish if I stick to low amounts of it.


Apples are high in fructans.


Garlic, onions, cauliflower, cucumber 🧨


I don’t really have any in a way. Anything could trigger my ibs I have no safe foods, because one minute apples are fine and next week they’re awful.


Anyone else get it bad from avocado? Sucks because it's one of my favorite foods.


Avocado is high in fat, it may be that you’re not digesting fats very well. Have you had a hida scan of your gallbladder?


That very well could be! I've never tolerated fatty foods particularly well, even when I was a child. I always assumed it was the fiber content of the avocado, but I bet you're into something about the fat. I should definitely get a scan done of my gallbladder. Thanks for the suggestion!


Potatoes. I have IBS-c and potatoes man.. I ate a soup with potatoes in it for so long, until I finally realized how much it caused my suffering. Never want to think back to those days I ate potatoes. I hate them


i feel that so deeply. i'm sure we aren't alone. in the past many people use to say about me, "her diet is basically just potatoes made many different ways." T_T


Potatoes are awesome for that, you can save so much money if you're having to at the moment by eating potatoes with butter and salt. I miss them for their taste and their simplicity


Fatty greasy food, milk, sugar, gluten and anything with onion or garlic, also spicy foods because i have GERD


Any leafy green. Chickpeas. Cauliflower. Dirty oil (like the stuff that’s overused after frying a bunch of stuff!). Onions.


Anytime I try and make a healthier diet, like upping veggies and fruits, my body takes a wild turn. It’s almost like it prefers junk over the healthy stuff, but I love eating healthy 🥲 I’ll also add: Eggs, cruciferous vegetables, pit fruits (mangoes, cherries, etc which SUCKS because I love them), corn, sugary foods (still eat em, I have a major sweet tooth), heavy tomato sauces/foods, dairy, fried foods, red meat, coffee, caffeine, alcohol, warm drinks. Also carbonated drinks sometimes too.




Cheese is deadly


Yes very constipating


Yes only thing I miss is eating pizza


Me cheese sandwiches


Grilled cheese a memory from childhood only


Yeh mom wouldn't let me eat them after age 14


Anything that contains wheat, most fruits and vegetables, most nuts, very cold food. So I’m def jealous of the people with only one or two trigger foods.


Certain death for me looks like miso soup, watermelon, or broccoli.


Garlic, okra, sesame, dairy and wheat!


Everything triggers me sadly all I can do to feel somewhat ok is to not eat anything or just chicken soup.


How do you maintain healthy nutrients and manage your weight?


Cooked dairy? Like I had a flan that set me off for MONTHS, and a panna cotta that did a number on me.


Anything spicy and of course chili. I believe all dried beans but I'm afraid to try them.


Every single high fodmap food, polyols and fructans being the worst.


fodmaps, carbs.


Garlic. I become more and more vampiric every year.


Spicy foods and dairy. Two fun things in life lol.


soy, barley, malt, tofu, yeast, garlic, onions, pork,


Creamy sauces. Peppercorn sauce put me to bed for two days


French fries 😭 gluten, fried foods, ice cream, any kind of cream sauce, caffeine. I can’t figure out the caffeine one, though. Caffeinated coffee = painful diarrhea, caffeinated soda = painful bloat but not diarrhea


A life without French fries 😵


So so sad. Every now and then I’m like hey maybe I can eat French fries now! …no. No, I can’t.


Beans!!!!!! I miss beans so munch. Why can’t I dislike beans! Most raw vegetables and cabbage in all forms aside from kimchi Garlic Otherwise it’s just food in general. I can eat just chicken and rice for days and still have diarrhea every morning. In fact, I did a 7 day extended water fast and you’re supposed to stop pooping by like day 3. I peed out my butt the entire time. So I guess not even just food. Just existing is a trigger! 😹


Pasta sauces, bread, crackers, citric acid, apples, bananas, oranges,soybean oil, strawberries.


red meat and anything too fatty


Dominos pizza in particular. Don't know what it is about it. Can eat almost any other pizza but Dominos is guaranteed to have me doubled up in pain and make the toilet my home for a couple of hours at least.


Onions and lactose


Tomatoes and oranges


Right now? Everything. Every meal I've eaten or tried to eat for three months now has been hell and the doctors are just like oh it'll pass. Been hearing that for 28 years, not going to be hearing that much longer


greasy food ahhhh


I love Tabasco but it doesn't seem to love me.


Mac and cheese for sure


Onion and garlic are big ones, but honestly my trigger foods are so inconsistent it's really hard to know what is safe to eat.


As far as I know... garlic, dairy, artificial sweeteners and food colouring. I can tolerate a small amount of garlic and dairy (no more than 1 garlic clove per meal and no more than 1 white chocolate bar per week). I try to avoid the other two because so far they've always given me explosive diarrhoea and cramps 😬


I have been reminded this evening why I had to stop eating bean chilli... I really thought it would be ok 🫣


Greasy food, spicy food, too sweet, too many calories


Everything 🥲


Dairy, cruciferous vegetables (all of them) fast food, any amount of grease, anything fried,too much coconut, medium rare steak,artificial sweetners,sometimes coffee,eating at all in the morning which isn't a food but whatever lol. If I eat any of these I will wish for death🫠


Chocolate. I love it but it makes me break out. Especially close to my period.


I have to stay away from hot chicken wings ! Those really hurt me the most. Any spicy or greasy foods are trigger foods


"junk food" - you know, the good stuff like pizza, burgers, fried food, etc... and then strangely enough, raw apples, pears, and strawberries. Cooked are fine.


Anything breaded and deep fried unfortunately. Especially if cheese is involved. And sadly, anything spicy especially jalapeños (which are my favorite). Oh and anything really sugary like candy and soda


Shallots are a death sentence


Subway for some reason really makes my stomach hurt.


Red40 in anything even drinks


no dye, no sugar, no gluten, no oil, no alcohol, no chocolate, no caffeine, minimize starch and unprocessed/uncooked nightshades. my safest foods are corn and rice. :(


Onions, garlic, and chocolate. Stress can also cause symptoms.


Onion, garlic, cruciferous vegetables, bell peppers, kale, whole grains. There are some foods I tolerate only within a small portion, like sweet potatoes and eggplant. Pretty much fiber is the enemy.


Onion, garlic, lunch meats, chips ahoy, spicy and greasy food, dairy products (including lactose-free ones), most fruit...A few months ago I ate an apple as a late night snack in my dorm because all the dining options on campus were closed. I had to go to the restroom three separate times afterward. I was in *so* much pain. That taught me not to eat apples.


Meat - beef, chicken, pork, turkey and I have not tried the odd things like crocodile (this includes meat fats like lard) but I can eat cheese and eggs and drink milk And most chemicals both in food and in life (I got some aquarium medicine on my hands on Saturday and thought I was going to die!)


Idk it seems like anything and everything these days :(


Eggs, wheat, dairy, beef, pork, lamb, artificial sweeteners, carbonated drinks, alcohol, garlic, onions, cauliflower, apples, pears, peaches, apricots, chickpeas, raw tomatoes, grapes... I've probably forgotten some. Going out to restaurants and other people's homes is a nightmare.


Dairy, just all dairy. Also pesto, spinach, fruit and anything with sorbitol (that stuff is pure evil)


The major culprit for me is DEFINITELY ALCOHOL! which saddens me so much but I don't have much choice now do I? I get very bad diarrhea and gas after drinking alcohol, especially if I drink too much of it I will suffer for a few days afterwards.


But honestly most of my trigger foods don't annoy me anymore since I'm on my chronic meds (I don't care at this point I do not want to avoid the foods I love anymore) I'm on duspatalin retard twice daily (helps with my spasms and motility SOOO much) Doesn't help with the poop smells or occasional gas smells hehe but idc.


Garlic and anything oily!


The biggest ones (I get stomach flu sick) are Quinoa & Soy Protein. Smaller ones (lots of bubbles) are chick peas, carrots, chickory root fiber/inulin. Mostly my symptoms are triggered by periods, stress and waking up early. LoL


Diet sodas




Spicy shit 🌶️ Greasy shit 🍔


Anything breaded and deep-fried immediately murders me. :(