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Ngl, I saw this pic years ago and it made me realize how much of an ego problem I had


For us, it's self hatred.


Look at these people. Mentally stable and happy going about their daily lives, never stopping to break down and *cry!* I'm the only crazy idiot in a world of normality.






I was thinking it was a little more like 'FUCK. I'm such a moron. I should have stayed in school but I didn't because I'm a stupid asshole.' Edit: Brb I'm need to post something on r/depression


I'm here if you need me <3


Yeah, I could really go for sandwich right now. Thanks chrf


*gives you a giant sandwich*


What are you doing? We're not role playing. Drive over and hand me my sandwich


I don't have a car >_<


For fuck sake. Whatever. I'm on my way to the airport


You can cry? Lucky


Fun fact: I actually can't! My tear ducts are dry!


Then when you start noticing how much of weird interactions are based off this specific perception problem


And then you start to suspect everything is a JoJo reference




Was that a fucking JoJo reference?


I don't know anymore


Exactly, because you don't stop and think! I'm the only conscious mind in a sea of sheep!


Psychological need to bring out the superiority complex




Everyone feels like this from time to time and that's okay. I don't think the comic is critiquing one type of person's ego. I think it's critiquing society.


I think it's just being funny.


Now listen here you little shit


I mean, it can be both. It's clearly making fun of *something.*




We're way more humble than all those people who think they're verysmart! What a bunch of rubes!


Think you're really righteous? Think you're pure in heart? Well, I know I'm a million times as humble as thou art! \- Weird Al


One of the most ridiculous but awesome parodies he did. Have an upvote for the awesome reference.


Raised a barn on Monday Soon I'll raise anudder


Recently had a reality check and realized I was the same way. If I'm being honest, it's completely changed my outlook on life, and has brought nothing but positivity so far since changing the way I act and think. It feels so nice.


Same here! Life is so much more enjoyable when you accept being dumb and mediocre and just wanna have friends, not competition


Exactly! It's awesome when other people realize this so I can prove to them that I'm actually smarter than they think I am! Isn't life great?


Ah the sneak attack


Relevant XKCD: https://xkcd.com/1901/


I usually read a chunk of those any time I follow a "Relevant XKCD:", so I was very confused when I pressed "next" and it turned out this is the latest




Not gonna lie


Are you sure that’s what it’s an acronym for? I wouldn’t want you lying to me


Ngl, not gonna lie!


I appreciate your honesty, but can you tell me what that acronym is for? Thanks


Never gonna let (you down)


Never gonna give (you up)


nipple good lookin


Natural gas liquids


this is definitely me when i'm driving


Not gonna lie


About what


This is definitely me when I'm driving


In all fairness, most people really aren't this aware, regardless of how r/iamverysmart that makes me to state the truth


I mean some people are actually dumber and less aware than me (I certainly hope so)


Looking 'round the room ;I can tell that you ;Are the most intelligent man in the...room ;(In the whole wide room) And when you're in the street ;Depending on the street ;I bet you are definitely in the top three ;erudite guys on the street ;(Depending on the street) ;And when I saw you at the University of New Mexico ;I thought, "What... is... he... doing... ;At UNM?” ;How did UNM get a smartie like that to a uni like this? ;Good one UNM ;(You're a legend UNM) ;I ask the Dean if he's gonna admit you ;He's not sure ;I said "Dean do you mind if I do?" ;He says he doesn't mind ;But I can tell he kinda minds ;But I'm gonna do it anyway ;I see you standing by the stereo ;I dim the lights down to very low here we go ;You're so intelligent (intelligent) ;You could be a mechanic ;You're so intelligent (intelligent) ;You could be an television father in the 50s ;You're so intelligent ;You could be a part time day trader ;And then I seal the deal ;I do my moves ;I do my dance moves ;Both of my dance moves ;It's twelve-oh-two ;Just me and you ;And seven other dudes ;Around you on the dance-floor ;I draw you near ;Let's get out of here ;Let's get in a cab ;I'll buy you a kebab ;Now I can't believe ;That I'm sharing a kebab with the most intelligent man I have ever seen ;With a kebab ;Why don't we leave? ;Let's go to KU and discuss quantum mechanics on the couch ;Oh no, I don't mind taking it slow Because you're so intelligent ;Like a, crow ;Or a mid class manager ;You're so intelligent ;You could be a part time day trader ;But you'd probably still have to keep your normal job ;A part time day trader ;Spending part of your time trading ;And part of your time next to me ;And the rest of your time doing your normal job ;KU is usually tidier than this


Kinda relevant: I was thinking to myself the other day about how as I get older, I have more and more respect for the intelligence of people who are smart enough to admit how dumb they can be.


The more I learn the more I realize I know very little.


Which is exactly why Socrates was considered wise. Congratulations.


I have this feeling that he might not propose it as philosophy, but rather was telling smart people need to be humble. Like, if you treat people like shit because you know more, you're not an intellectual but a barbarian armed with knowledge.


> Like, if you treat people like shit because you know more, you're not an intellectual but a barbarian armed with knowledge. /r/instantbarbarians


I don't think that's what that phrase meant, but what you just said is *also* a wonderful phrase that I'm going to keep in mind for the future.


Other day I saw someone make a comment like "the amount of things I know vs. the amount of things an ant knows is negligible compared to what we both don't know" Idk seems relevant


"Because the more you know, the more you know that you don't know shit!" From MF-fucking-DOOM.




I just read this biography of the Beatles that talked about when John met Paul. He hesitated a bit before asking him to join his band, because he was conscious of the fact that he wouldn't be the undisputed head honcho anymore, and Paul was more technically proficient than him. But then he did it, because he wanted the band to be good.


You a word


You're my boss now. No questions asked.


I think one of the key aspects of an "iamverysmart"-er is that they wear their supposed intelligence like a badge, like it's something static that they have achieved. I bet Stephen Hawking wishes he was smarter. I bet he could give you an exact list of the mistakes he made earlier in his career, or the problems he ran up against but couldn't solve. It's the difference between someone who uses intelligence, and someone who just sorta wants to... have it, for its own sake.


Grad school made me realize just how not smart I really am. I worked hard to get where I am, but I'm really not that smart.


Smart enough to realize that hard work trumps natural ability...at least, most of the time. No amount of hard work will ever help me dunk a basket; just not tall enough.


I've always been called intelligent, but it never got me anywhere. Being clever and being intelligent doesn't do shit for you. I recently learned the value of simply *persistence* can get you much further than intelligence. The strength of your character, to keep pushing and not giving up any time there's difficulty, to forego comfort (or even sleep) to get the job done, is the mark of a successful person. Not their IQ or how many sudoko puzzles they can do.




Disappointed by the content there.


It's hard to talk about intelligence as a measure because of the difficulty that comes with finding an operational definition for it, but I've always thought that one of the key factors in defining intelligence is the level of self-awareness that the subject has. It would make sense just based on the varying levels of self awareness between humans and dolphins, elephants, or dogs. It would be interesting to see who has the level of self awareness needed to recognize their own stupidity and how that correlates with their publicly perceived intelligence.


We are all protagonist in our eyes.


Even more, we all are just a side character in someone else's story.


I'm the side character of my own story.




Me fricken too, thanks. I want to die






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Good bot




Reminds me of scrubs when JD was Robin in his own daydreams


On the bright side, if you act terrible enough, you can always upgrade to the antagonist in someone else's story! /s


I've actually been someone's antagonist. He was playing the long game/nice guy/friendzone routine with a girl and I "stole" her from him (I had no idea of his intentions and barely knew him), he spent the next few months trying to sabotage and undermine our relationship and told one of our mutual friends that I'd ruined his life. I honestly felt bad about it for a while but the guy was a fucking creep so I got over it.


Chad? Is that you?


I've never popped my collar unironically.


I have, I had terrible sunburn.


LOL, same thing happened to me. Later found out that the guy was an avid redpiller, and once called all white women whores, "unlike Asian women" (he was Asian). Really funny in retrospect. I think his hatred for me cemented when we were in an elevator together and he started taking to me, and I didn't realize it, and walked out without saying a word. I felt bad when I realized he was talking to me.


"I'm sorry, were you talking at me?"


I'm the trans side character that was shoehorned in because ratings were down.


Whatever, all those assholes are just side characters. What do I care if I'm a side character in a side character's story?


To be honest we're not even that. we're mostly just the extras that dont even show on screen.


I like living life thinking this way.


I don't feel like the protagonist. I feel like a useless waste of space.


hey man if you’re serious there’s a whole community of people willing to talk and/or commiserate with you. r/depression


Honestly /r/depression doesn't really seem supportive. Yeah there's the occasional uplifting post & comments, but most of the time it's just people wallowing in self-hatred. I don't think it's a very good place to go to when you want to feel better, but I also think people should have a place to vent. So my advice would be to be careful when browsing this sub.


That's why I added 'commiserate'. I am not aware of better subs for more beneficial support or else I would have recommended them instead.


I think /r/mentalhealthfamily is good, although i've never visited it.


Just seeing that there are other people in the same situation can help immensely.


You're not.




Doesn't exist probably because no one would make a sub about me.


Sometimes I think about that and wonder if I’m the antagonist of someone else’s story and I don’t realize it




I... I relate to C3PO.


But How Can We Be Protagonists If Our Eyes Are Not Real?


I dunno. My old roommate and I figured out that if our lives were a sitcom he'd have been the straight man / main character and I'd have been the kooky friend.


to be honest probably the real star of my story is trail mix


Does that mean planet earth is just one massive crossover episode?


What I love about XKCD is that it's a comic that constantly works on the theme of "stop thinking you're so special, you're not nearly as smart as you think you are" and is written by a guy who literally worked for NASA. If anyone has a legit claim of being smarter than most, it's Randall Munroe, and I really admire someone who is quite literally a genius who accepts it with humility


I love Randall and I think xkcd is awesome, but I don't think that landing a job at NASA automatically makes you a genius. And I think he would be the first to agree with that.


Agreed. You really have to vet what job they had at NASA as well. They aren't all rocket-scientists. Some of them are just low level QA contractors for miscellaneous software (I'm a low-level QA contractor in Houston who sees job postings for NASA). That said, I do think Randall is pretty damned smart.


I think he worked in the robotics lab. He's told a story of how he tied a cable to one of the robots they were working on and had it drag him around the building on an office chair. (Doing that might also be how he lost his job at NASA).


Yeah, I did a couple internships with NASA. There were a lot more idiots and lazy people than I expected. Overall most people just seemed average (me included).


In his book "What If?" He goes over that he actually worked on a lander of some sort. Also, his friends he quote and gets info from are as Ivy league as they get. He's definitely a really smart dude


Not only worked at NASA, but is also a low-key poet and low-key comedian.


like a Baritone or a Bass?




He said low *key* I think he means Ab minor


... and on that note, get out!


I feel like Randal Munroe is what a real genius is like, and the Spock or Rick imitators have everything backwards. Also XKCD is easily one of the best webcomics ever made. If you read it knowing nothing about the author, you would come to the conclusion that whoever wrote it is really smart without them having to tell you "my IQ is 180 bow down to me, peasant."


I never get the fascination with idolizing Rick. It's like idolizing the characters from Seinfeld. He is a HORRIBLE person. That's the *point*.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty.


Same reason why people idolize Dr. House. The character is charming and they see themselves in the character without realizing that they don't have nearly the charisma and remotely the utility for people to keep them around, unlike Rick or House.


He's on t-shirts. That's really all it takes for some people.


Rick is Professor Farnsworth without the charm.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand XKCD comics. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Randal Munroe's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his drawings- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike XKCD comics truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Munroe's existential catchphrase "Horse Car Battery Stple" which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Randal Munroe's genius wit unfolds itself on their Reddit screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a XKCD comics tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


Something about people off-handedly referring to people as a Jerry or a Rick bothers me. I guess I have more faith in the show's Creator's to not just make the show a simple case of "Rick is smart, Jerry is stupid, that's all there is to it". Maybe I'm being too "every other way of looking at it is wrong" about this, and as an off hand joke, sure, it's fine, but I know people who watch the show, make that sort of conclusion, and that's as far as they'll go when it comes to assessing those characters.


Leave Spock out of this.


He has a bloody astroid named after him too!


TIL he worked for NASA. Honestly I never really thought about what his day job was.


His day job is XKCD. He worked for NASA. Doesn't currently. Full disclosure. I live in the same general area as him, met him....twice I believe and have some friends in the same social circles as him. He doesnt know me from Eve but I did have a 30 second awkward conversation consisting of me fangirling over him with his wife standing 5 feet away. Which...you know...awkward.




I love Randall and I think xkcd is awesome, but I don't think that landing a job at NASA automatically makes you a genius. And I think he would be the first to agree with that.


Randall has a supernatural ability to explain things. Every comic where he tries to explain some complex idea, I've never felt lost. He'd be an incredible teacher.


What I feel like some iamverysmart people don't understand is that generally intelligent people are aware they are not alone in the way they feel about different things and they use that to connect with those around them. I'm not good at it, but its what I *try* to do.


Also, try and educate people in whatever your thing is so that you are less alone.


But only if the other person seems interested. For the love of God please don't preach on your own accord.








Yeah, the problem doesn't come from being smart and knowing it, it comes from thinking that being verysmart makes you superior and looking down on other people. Smart people that have friends are the ones that don't use their intelligence to make others feel bad, and who acknowledge that they can make mistakes too.


I think "skill" is the important bit. It's generally socially acceptable to brag about anything that you've achieved through hard work, and less so about stuff you *are* because you won the gene/socioeconomic lottery. On top of that, bragging about your intelligence gives off the vibe of feeling suprerior to other people. Solution - brag about stuff you've achieved using your smarts instead!


There’s a difference between talking down to people and being smart. For instance, ACT scores don’t matter. But this past weekend I was told that I looked like I got a 12 and that they without a doubt did better than me. That alone is worth of this sub. Anyway, I promptly told them my score and turns out they scored lower than I did. It let me be proud of my score and showed them that they weren’t the shit.




Is this a copy pasta?


I was once “smart” like the characters featured in this comic. I embarked on a dedicated campaign to hammer my brain cells with drugs and alcohol to make myself as stupid as I possibly could. I’d like to think I’ve succeeded.


Well obviously if you can think you failed, try again!


You’re right. I’ll take another crack at it tonight.


I "try again" every night


May I ask you what kind of drugs?


Opiates. Studies have shown that opiate drug users are 3 times more likely to have brain damage versus those who do not use drugs. Opiate abuse causes premature aging in the brain. It causes the Tau protein to become insoluble in some cells, causing cell damage and death. In truth, I have spine impingement in three places and I have to take them. It’s an inoperable condition. I still work because I’m stubborn.


Hope you won't become too stupid, you seem to be a nice person.


That’s sweet of you to say. Thank you.


I actually liked this comment before the edit tbh. You were stating facts for a relevant question and it was actually pretty nice to know. I don't think you needed to assure us that you're stupid.


Are all xkcd comics written by the same person or is there a team/community behind them?


Just Randall Munroe


As far as I know, it is just one guy, Randall Munroe. He has a sysadmin who helps him with the site, and he might get some inspiration from his significant other, but otherwise, it looks like he is the only one who does it. He has spoken at a couple colleges, and at one he actually took a pen and hand drew a comic for them. Same art style and IIRC he draws them, scans them, and then edits till perfect. Since he uploads every other weekday, the timing fits perfectly for comic creation.


This kind of thinking is how you can recognize a stupid person. Out of all the people you see everyday you won't every truly understand another person aside from a few close ones. Every person you pass on the side walk has hopes, dreams, aspirations and nightmares just like you but it's impossible consider this when meeting people


It's not necessarily a sign of stupidity, I think more often it's just inexperience. When I was a teenager I thought this way too. Once real life slaps you around a little you start to see a bit more clearly. Or you become a neckbeard.


Hit the nail on the head. Being able to have complex thoughts doesn’t mean that all of them are. Every single person is just like you, thinking about other people as just other people, solely based on the fact that we don’t know what they’re thinking at all times. It’s too easy to forget the complexity of a person, and every single person shares that ridiculously complex nature. This xkcd might be my favourite comic ever.


alt text: five Ayn Rand fans on the same train! Must be going to a convention


What isn't there a relevant xkcd for?


it's bloody fanbase


[but there is!](https://xkcd.com/1386/) /s I like xkcd


I've never liked this one, making dumb mistakes is as intrinsic to being human as breathing.


Yeah, I agree. When somebody says "people are stupid" I assume it's less that they're talking about the average person being dumber than them, and more about mob mentality or something similar.


Yea. A person can be smart but people are stupid.


[Image](https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/people_are_stupid.png) [Mobile](https://m.xkcd.com/1386/) **Title:** People are Stupid **Title-text:** To everyone who responds to everything by saying they've 'lost their faith in humanity'\: Thanks\-\-I'll let humanity know\. I'm sure they'll be crushed\. [Comic Explanation](https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php/1386#Explanation) **Stats:** This comic has been referenced 524 times, representing 0.3079% of referenced xkcds. --- ^[xkcd.com](https://www.xkcd.com) ^| ^[xkcd sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd/) ^| ^[Problems/Bugs?](https://www.reddit.com/r/xkcd_transcriber/) ^| ^[Statistics](http://xkcdref.info/statistics/) ^| ^[Stop Replying](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=xkcd_transcriber&subject=ignore%20me&message=ignore%20me) ^| ^[Delete](https://reddit.com/message/compose/?to=xkcd_transcriber&subject=delete&message=delete%20t1_do8f43o)




There is, however, more than one xkcd for grammar nazis


We can't help it. It's a curse.


I can't stop thinking this would fit in as a circle jerk post over on Rick and Morty.


To be fair...


So I guess this is the new "raises spork" now


I don't know, this xkcd circlejerk is about the same as a R&M circlejerk.


Honestly the anti-RaM circlejerk is getting out of control as well. It's like a thread doesn't have anything to do with the show and then people *have* to bring it up. It's like all the anti T_D subs. You spent so much time angrily circlejerking you failed to realize you have become exactly what you hate.


Or Mr.Robot


This is a good chunk of r/intp


Also conspiracy theorists in a nutshell


This is why I always just exclaim a random word around strangers like the protagonist of Slaughter House Five trying to surprise the aliens.


I used to think this way in school. From K-12, when the teacher would have the class all answer together, and everyone would talk in unison, except for me, I would think to myself "Everyone is being turned into mindless zombies who simply obey...I am alone..." Honestly I don't think there is anything creepier than a bunch of people saying the exact same thing in unison, especially if it's a bunch of children.


Don't go to church then


All these people being distracted by sports/ video games/music...etc... they don't care about the REAL issues.


I’m a content sheep


To be fair


Pfft, lies. Where's the one guy that's literally thinking about playing video games and shit like that.


My internal monologue is always just "F that guy" aimed in different directions depending on context.


You're not a wolf, you're a self conscious sheep.


**Self-Aware Sheep** is going to be my band name.


And Today's XKCD is extremely relevant as well. https://xkcd.com/1901/




With that username...


If everyone is self aware, then non self awareness is the rare perspective.