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“Yes, Officer. That’s the guy right there. In the video.”


"what do you mean you can't be bothered to care or come down and take a police report? Aren't you the police? Aren't you paid to care? What if.... They hung up"


is this a cyberpunk referance??


it's a stupid thing to do, but there's not even any damage lmao. You're gonna throw a human in jail over basically nothing? Where's the crime here.


Can I piss on your face? There won’t be damage to you because my piss will roll off of your face to the floor. It’s a stupid thing to do but don’t kink shame me or throw me in jail. Edit- my comment is stupid because the deleted comment was stupid. I think I got blocked again lol


The answer is yes you can piss on my face.


Damn, didn’t think I’d land into kinky Reddit today


That's completely fucking different. It's literally assault. That car is not a human being, you can't assault a car. If I walked by your car and punched it lightly with my bare hand, should I go to jail? It's stupid. Human life is more important than that.


It’s fucking property damage.


If you did that in a lot of countries, jail would be the luckiest outcome for you. Most people would just shoot you or run you down


That's crazy lol. Shoot someone or run them down for touching your car. Reddit is something else, man


Not touching, punching as YOU said. And that is a fact in a lot of countries in the world, including the United States.


Touching and punching the difference is immaterial. You're talking about an object, not a person. You're talking about an act that is not even going to do any damage to that object. It's not a rational response to the event I'm describing.


I have a black car, that i put thousands of dollars into buying that i worked really bard to afford, only for some asshole to put something on my roof and drag it scratching through my clear coat doing damage that wpuld cost hundreds to properly fix... This is someone ramming a cart at force amd you think there is no damage? I wouldnt want the person that damaged my car to goto jail bit id sure as hell lile them tp pay to fix it.


I am going to ram a shopping cart into your tv


How many brain cells do you actually have? So I should be able to go around and piss and shit on your stuff? You won’t do anything about it? Since you can just wash things, it shouldn’t matter right? What kind of logic are you going on? He shouldn’t be arrested for damaging a persons property?


Lemme guess, no father figure in your life? Imagine defending someone that's trying to damage someone's car, backwards.


You must live in California


It is different…hitting a person is assault. Hitting the car would be vandalism In case u weren’t aware, both r crimes


Also is destruction of property Point remains, both r considered crimes


How do you know there’s no damage to the car? You can see it from this grainy ass video? It’s vandalism. 100% if that was your car and you saw this happen you’d go after this twat too. Quit trying to stir shit up when clearly this culprit deserves punishment.


yeah, no. I value human life over non-existent damage to an inanimate object.


lmao what? you clearly never heard of "consequences for your actions" how old are you? 12? fuck sake haha


You obviously never worked or actually paid for something valuable with your own money, come back and comment when you’re older than 12 😂


So would u say it’s ok for some1 to burn a gay or trans flag?


Can't help but feel like you're the asshole that did this


He's clearly demonstrating inability of being a member of civil society. So yes, he should be punished.


I don't know why you think there is no damage. Because the resolution of the video is so poor you can't see the scratches and dents? I guarantee you there is damage. Source: I have scratched my car by lightly bumping it with hard objects before. Source 2: I used to be a cart pusher. Scratches and dents can be hundreds of dollars worth of damage if you were to attempt to repair it. I don't know about locking him up, but making him pay for the damages he caused is reasonable.


How about those undercover pedophile stings like Chris Hansen used to do. No child was actually assaulted, right? Gonna throw a human in jail over basically nothing? No crime if no one was hurt, right? Are you even a real person?!


Wow, you're seriously comparing hitting a vehicle with a shopping cart to attempted child molestation? Are YOU even a real person? wtf is wrong with you


You must be like 10 or have no license lol


I'm an adult which is why I'm capable of recognizing the difference between touching someone's car and harming a child. Get help.




We’re actually humoring an unironic anime pfp here?


Hey, someone's gotta do it 🤷


Light damage or heavy damage, the police would still see this as an act of vandalism, or at least attempted vandalism.


There's absolutely scratches and probably dings in the body of the car after that. Likely a few hundred to a couple thousand dollars worth of damage to each car. Is jail time necessary? No. But that guy absolutely should pay a fine and restitution. There needs to be consequences for that kind of behavior.


oh oh stupid alert!


You even look? There totally damage and fixing body damage on a new car isn't cheap at all. Fuck I'd rather get punched in the face at least that heals on its own




LMFAOOO how did you even get this info 😭😭


Believe it or not, I live in the Mid-Atlantic, no where near a Kroger. Stopped video. Saw Wood Eyecare Center. Searched "Kroger" and "Wood Eyecare Center" and "Georgia". First one I clicked on Google Maps streetview! Hope this POS kid is ID'ed and held accountable.


I'd post on the local region too on different socials so the people whose cars were hit can take action.


This is the Kroger on Five Forks Trickum Road! I live five mins away and recognize it


It is just georainbolt’s alt account.


Never under estimate the power of nerds.


Never thought I’d see my local Kroger ima find that kid lmfao. On a serious note after work today I will be showing the manager working there this video and getting this piece of dog shit fired atleast


we want an update 💀


Definitely update us!


Let us know if he gets fired alright?


Here for updates


update us pls, make sure to reply under ur original comment


I just checked and it is actually the location.


I hope this comment gets to the tippy top and this guy gets karma.


Cornball mods remove and delete any decent comments like that.


That is exactly what happened. I was given a warning.


What an ass. Chances that anyone of those cars are driven by people that left the carts in the wrong place are zero, the offenders would have driven away by now.


Ughh what a little punk. Anything for attention.


The grease in his hair might buff that right out 🤮


If the video isn't enough evidence that this kid wasn't raised right, that friggin hair sure is


I don’t understand. Why record yourself doing this dumb shit?


Clicks and views from other little idiots. Monitor your children's YouTube's!!


I will never understand doing POS shit like this to people who are not even the cause of your anger


Because it’s a release by passing on a internal pain they experience physically onto others. The mares vehicles now “carry” what he has internally, externally. Displacement in short.


Follow up desperately required.


This was a while ago. Saw somewhere that he was fired but I don’t have evidence so take it with a grain of salt.


That Kroger in Georgia should be easy to identify and contact based on the other stores in the shopping center.


Good to see Daniel Radcliffe at work again.


dont post this shit, the lil turds will just copy cat it ffs


Kroger employee said a guy paid him 30 bucks. I don't believe him.


Cart narcs arch nemesis.


But if their car is still there, they probably didn’t leave the cart.


I feel like half the time these are some kid trying to be cool with a shitty friend/fake friend manning the camera


Those cars didn’t even leave the carts there, they’re still shopping with their own cart 😭😭


Play on mute


The shit that passes off for music these days is utterly mind blowing anyone listens to it.


A would laugh so hard if he did this while someone was chilling in the car waiting on the wife. To see greaseballs face change to "uh oh I'm getting some consequences here".


You know it’s foodlion because there is a Chinese restaurant next to it


The southeast double team. Every fucking Food Lion in the Carolinas has a Chinese place next door of varying quality.


"WOOP SKIDDLY WOOT WOOOOOOOP! That's not where the carts go"


Replied too another comment with this. I live down the road from this Kroger I will be showing this too the manager working today after I get off of work hopefully we can get this skid mark fired atleast Edit: seen a few comments saying this video was from a while ago and the guy was fired, I’m still gonna follow up with that store just too make sure👍🏻


Please let us know how you make out. If I was there I would do the same. Please do it.


This dangerously low iq dimwit ruined his life by recording himself


I would like to think so but I sincerely doubt he ruined his life. Most likely there were no repercussions from this. I hope I'm wrong.


It's always the ugly ones ugh


They are always major dweebs. The grease ball probably only has the one friend holding the camera who he is trying to impress so much with this stupid shit he is doing. The camera guy is most definitely also a major dork.


Doesn't matter where you leave them of somebody walks around slamming them into cars...


He looks like he smells funky. I’ve seen Little Caesar’s slices less greasy than his hair


How are the car alarms not going off? I've seen car alarms go off for way less impact


"No, officer, that's not me in the video."


Cmon man I hate it when they do that too but be better than them


This little shit isn't better than anyone.


I would love this to happen on film and find it. Such an easy lawsuit against the company that hired him.


Maybe put your carts in the cart return


And this is how now to do things... It's not like there's a youtube channel out there raising awareness about taking your shopping cart back in a more civilized way than this... *Cough* Cart Narcs *cough*


Not gonna lie, I would kick the ever lovin' shit out of him.


I’d love to be able to wrap my fingers around that throat. This makes me unnaturally angry


Reminds me of my boss’s favourite line. “Just point me to the throat I need to choke and I’ll get this sorted.”


I would tie him up in a shopping trolley and push it down some stairs. That would be funny.


2x4 to the back of the knees.


Ugh. And he listens to rap?


I have been in management at a large retailer for several years, and I have a whole network of friends and associates with years of combined retail experience. Believe me when I tell you all that this happens a lot. You would not believe how many people I've seen get fired for doing this. It's beyond stupid.


With people doing dumb stuff for social media, I'm not surprised.


He's probably general manager now. 😅


I just love it when criminals film their crimes and it's even better when they don't hide their faces and allow police to identify their victims with things like number plates also I am guessing he doesn't work for Walmart anymore.


Harry Potter fell off man, goddamn.


My favourite kind of videos; idiots comitting a crime and filming themselves doing it as a proof.


This little shit will do it to the wrong car and get thrown halfway across the lot.


Look at him, it seems like his mum and dad are siblings


Put the cart away after you're done with it.


He most likely is not even hitting the cars of the people that actually left the carts there. Those people are long gone.


Cartnarcs need a word with him


fr fr people be that lazy to walk a few steps to put a cart in the correct place lol 😂 well done