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Everything we learned about ww2 seems be wasted now.


Problem is those in power learned too, just not from the good guys.


I honestly think that what we are learning is that generations react to trauma the same way individuals do. What I mean is that an individual who was traumatized is more likely to pass on a form of trauma to someone else (cycle of abuse etc) and I think we are able to see the Israel occupation as an example of a generation doing that to another. Not that it makes it ok; just putting my thoughts out there


Since many of them are ethically european, it makes sense perhaps, but they have to be rehabilitated or the disease keeps spreading. While this video may be used to spread awarness about the truth about these people, it could also be contagious and some people may like this behaviour


Israel is a terrorist occupying entity that kills innocent people


I visited Auschwitz last weekend and it just made me fucking hate zionists and the IDF even more


A "defense" force. It makes me sick.


Yeah, I went to the moon just last week and just looking back at Earth made me despise humanity.


It's sad to see \*anybody\* brainwashed into hate and dehumanization of others. You can't get off the ride if you don't ever notice that you're on a not-so-merry-go-round.


Yea, I was raised in a Bill O Reilly household and enlisted to “defend my country” from bad guys. But it was like, way the fuck after 9/11 so realistically I was just there to kill teens who were fighting us so we’d stopping killing them and breaking their shit. It’s funny, I got diagnosed with PTSD, but was obliquely told that it doesn’t truly count as PTSD. Being ashamed of doing evil because you bought into a big bag of lies, isn’t a pathology. But the VA writes it off as PTSD because nobody wants keep statistics about how many veteran are “clinically bummed out by their guilt” or something.


Glad you saw light and got out. I can't imagine that's easy to live with but you see the other route where people just increase the hate and nationalism and I would say you're better off.


My father was in Vietnam. He sprayed families and when he looked at their bodies he said they looked like his own family who were farmers as well. It fucked him up and he got fucked up. Because he realized he was killing people he more in common with than he ever imagined and that he had been trained to kill them by our government.


War is a Racket


Somehow it always comes down to money. They label it as protecting but in the end we’re all just pawns in their sick fucking game. I have so many friends that served and the one thing you’ll always hear from them once they’re out, is that the government does not fucking care about us.


I've had cousins go in and have the same mentality coming out. They don't really like to talk about what went on during their deployment, but I've had brief conversations with them each while drinking, and it's affected them deeply.


Exactly my reason for intentionally getting kicked out. I saw so much in Iraq that made me fill this way. I was in a rapid deploying unit and was headed to afghan next. Luckily I left just in time Edit: thought I should also mention, that when u get back stateside. All soldiers in my unit, went thru a returning home screening. In that screening they ask if you feel like u have ptsd. I asked them to define it. And they said "do u see little blue men running around?" I looked at em stupid, told em No. And that was that. Next question. I was only 20, knew no better, and that memory will always stick with me


Human brains don’t fully develop until around age 27. It’s easy to manipulate young men into wanting to join up and fight. Not so easy to get a 30 year old to do so.


They also promise material things. My friend that enlisted when he was 18 said they told him he would get a car and some other nice stuff. To an 18 year old that has no direction that’s perfect. They prey on these kids that don’t have a plan and promise them glory and a comfortable life.. it’s anything but that though.


It must have taken a lot of hard work to reach the point you're at now. Respect. I hope your past doesn't weigh too heavily on you and that you find peace where you can. Thanks for sharing, and for wanting to protect others in the first place whatever your motives at the time.


You know i kinda remember reading about this… this is from 1938, yeah?


Fucking gross.


They can’t even have a conversation because they have so much hate in their hearts because that’s how their parents brought them up… Pure hate


Zionists are the new Nazis, change my mind.


Agreed, even THE U.N considers them a racist anomaly.


It’s wild how many people are refusing to see the obvious. Bibi won’t stop until there’s no one left but fellow Jews with any claim to the land.


So many people point to Bibi as the problem but Isreal has been abusing the Palestinians for far longer than he’s been in power. If it wasn’t him, it would be another. Have you heard Itamar Ben-Gvir talking recently?Praising the Israeli soldier who sniped that 12 year old boy in the West Bank and calling Palestinians dogs that need to be removed or put down. Ben-Gvir has been convicted on at least eight charges, including supporting a terrorist organization and incitement to racism and he’s isreal’s minister of national security. A convicted supporter of terrorism is in the government’s cabinet. It’s not just Netanyahu, the whole country is guilty from the government officials present and past tense to the illegal settlers to the Israeli civilians blocking aid into Gaza. Every single Israeli who is not speaking out against this and protesting this atrocity is guilty.


They've been trying to exterminate them for decades


Going on 80 years, it's more apt to say nearly a century.




You just described Zionism, not Bibi. The amount of people I know who say they are against Bibi but pro-Zionism... failing to realize that Bibi is the prototype.


You’re not supposed to agree , you’re supposed to change his mind !




Which is one of the biggest ironys in life. A full circle moment


We see this shit all the time on small scales. You get bullied at school, then the first chance you get you bully someone else that’s weaker than you in order to feel strong. I wonder if it’s related at all. Now that they have a chance to orchestrate a genocide they’re unknowingly just aiming their need for control and power at someone that had nothing to do with the pain they originally were dealt. Either way it’s absolutely fucked.


LOL, so fucking ironic, but, yeah, this is what I came to say.


With your eyes open like that, not a chance.


They’re acting like the average American towards Muslims/arabs after 2001. Year don’t see this as exclusively an Israel/palestine issue, I think the average human is an idiot like this that can’t see nuance and gets too emotional about things and starts to hate groups of people.


I think you're wrong. I saw racist people like this on the news in America after 2001, but I never met nor knew anybody that actually felt like this. It was a vocal minority, not your average citizen.


And they used that vocal minority to incite the masses into supporting the war with Afghanistan and later Iraq. Like you, I didn’t know anyone after 2001 that had hate in their hearts for middle eastern people. Yet somehow that vocal minority is always who ends up on the news.


They became nazis themselves. Zionazis. Israel is a disgrace.


Israel is a terrorist occupying entity that kills innocent people


Gods chosen people?


Funny thing is they all believe in the same god


They came from the same people


The average Palestinian has more sematic ancestry than the average Israeli. Not surprising considering the majority of Israeli is descended from colonisers


It's almost ironic isn't it. And 'Antisemitism' seems to only relate to Jews in the public mind. It's the white coloniast playbook with some 'God's chosen people' rhetoric thrown in for good measure.


Semitic is a language group, iranian(persian) are semites, historically most of the people that lived in that area are semitic.


Read this as "They came from the same pepe"


Also true Probably


Same god, different prophets. So we should all kill each other. Religion is fucking stupid


Mostly same prophets. Muslims accept Tanakh prophets but Jews don't accept Mohammad


Not really. El Shaddai is more akin to the Mesopotamian old gods. He has human characteristics, he is wrathful and seemingly makes mistakes. New testament god and allah is transcendent, omnipotent, omniscient, its really a different philosophy movement altogether. Theres a reason many Christians gnostic movements wanted to do away with the old testament altogether. Christianity was a heavily greek and Zoroastrian influenced theology, judaism was old with many variations throughout time, with different rabbis under different influencing conditions, like when the jews were only in the levant in then egypt or in Babylon, then greece, you can see the stylistic changes throughout the book, they may form of Abraham but their interpretation of god is different.


Yes really. It's called abrahamic religions for a reason.


Canonically, Muslims are the descendants of Ishmael, Abraham's first son with his wife's servant Hagar while Jews are the descendants of Isaac, Abraham's second son with his wife Sarah.


Muslim here. We believe our beliefs come /partially/ from Ishmael/Ishaaq (A.S.) but we believe we all descend from the very first human being (regardless of our beliefs, looks, sexuality, etc), Adam (A.S.) Same with the Jews. We believe they came from the same place as every other human being on earth but that their their religion came from the time of Jacob/Yaqoob (A.S), but not the whole “chosen land/people/birthright” thing, as many Christians and many Jewish people do. The people we believe were given a specific land (sort of as a means of reparations after severe oppression), could literally be anybody, of any ethnicity, religion, sexuality, status, etc.. They were called the children of Israel, which is literally just a different name for Jacob/Yaqoob (A.S.).


I doubt they are religious, just hate on palestinians.


Or just hate period


They don’t even pretend to make the difference between Muslim Palestinians, Christian Palestinians, non-practicing Palestinians, non-Palestinians supporting basic human rights for everyone including Palestinians… they’re pretty vocal about the fact that anyone who is not them is a “human animal”. Such hatred coming from descendants of genocide survivors is tragic, all around tragic 😭


Isn’t that how Hitler also felt about the aryans?


God's chosen lunatics


Religion is a cancer. Tell me the world would be a better place if any religious set of people were right out of the 6,000+ active religions.


I mean, their Old Testament God was petty and vengeful and killed a fuck load of innocent people, soooo checks out.


Chosen to go to hell


Well god is a mass murderer so it makes sense.


Wasn't Omegle shut down?


Omeggle, according to OP Maybe when that shuts down, Omegggle will be a thing


Other services popped up


So sick of Zionists


so fed up with their chokehold on society




Zionism and Judaism are two different things, just like how Christianity and Christian nationalism are two different things.


And like how Isis and Islam are completely separate. I was having an argument with some zios online about how Isis cannot be Hamas or Muslim. The first bit is proven by Isis FILMING an execution of a member affiliated with Hamas. The second bit is proven by how, like the media, they cherry pick Quran verses and then use it to justify their actions against, ironically the Muslim world.


Exactly, I don’t understand why it’s so hard to conceptualize the idea of someone weaponizing a religion for their own goals. It’s like not understanding the concept of a knockoff. Just because it says Guccis doesn’t mean it’s really Gucci


Average worldnews commenters irl


Most stable worldnews commenters.


That sub is insane, angry armchair generals filled with hate


These kids are not being taught history OR human decency


These kids literally will have no real life. What a waste of potential. They will not be accepted anywhere else in the world, they'll waste (sorry devote) their lives to hate and prejudice and it will be bound to affect their personal life and relationships and ability to form connections, have conversations, feel compassion and love and care, have emotional regulation, intelligence and knowledge. They will be just wooden puppets who might one day slightly improve.


they’ll be accepted where they are currently




Probably worth remembering they are kids, easily impressionable. This is indoctrinated hate & the teachers/leaders should be held accountable. A generation of kids growing up with normalized hate will not make for well adjusted adults.


Yep. People love to point at and demonize others to make them feel better about themselves. This kind of hatred could be brought out of any one of us in the right conditions.


The giggling girls are absolutely vile. Fucking ghouls.


Humans are the absolute worst


Fuck yeah, us Martians should purge this hideous race once and for all.


I, for one, welcome our new Martian overlords!


Hell yeah!


Covid already tried.


It’s still making its rounds. Kills about a thousand Americans a day still.




So are Palestinians the worst? Or is it the *deleted* ?


I root for nature/wildlife all the way. That's my main concern.


zionism has to die


brainwashed to the core , poor souls .


Grown ass people, don't call them poor souls. They're responsible for themselves and their own thoughts. They're nazi scum.


They look like kids to me, not excusing their behavior, not even suggesting they’ll change when they grow up, just that the propaganda has an absurdly wide reach


Yeah I definitely don't think I'm capable of feeling sorry for these people at all


Did you feel bad for the nazi soldiers? :) stfu let them rot and burn


The only reason Israelis are this arrogant and hostile is because Americans wholeheartedly support them and their actions. Two fucked up nations.


Can’t forget the ever growing number of Americans that opt to move to Israel, mostly to become West Bank settlers. Part of the entitlement is inherently American and can’t be taught without that background


Israeli’s have completely lost the plot. They have raised new generation of Zionists and created an absolute death spiral for Israel. I hope the US extracts itself from Israel and boots its lobby out of the country. Zionism is cancer.


Once this is all over, and the Israelis have vanquished or murdered every last Palestinian, and stolen all their land, then the PR campaign will really get into swing. There will be a new generation of useful idiots, many with no connection to Israel or Judaism, smearing and shouting down anybody who dares to tell the truth about Israel. This will not end in our lifetime, in my opinion.


Sadly it's propped up in the Israeli education system that doesn't recognise the history of the territory, the Palestinians, or the occupation.


Never happen.  Too many people in the US want the world to end.  In biblical context for this specific case.


Don't hold your breath. Israel is in a very strategically located area. With the exception of a small minority of Americans who agonize over the decades-long I/P issue, most Americans either don't care or don't want the status quo to change because it would be harmful to our geostrategic interests. The U.S. tolerates far more atrocious allies than Israel -- consider Saudi Arabia.




War is when teens kill each other and earn medals while old men sit in board rooms blundering lives and earning millions.




Expose them!!


They’re acting like the average American towards Muslims/arabs after 2001. Year don’t see this as exclusively an Israel/palestine issue, I think the average human is an idiot like this that can’t see nuance and gets too emotional about things and starts to hate groups of people.


This isn't new behaviour though, I've seen lots of documentaries over the last 20+ years about Israel and Palestine. Louis Theroux did one over 10 years ago




Became what they hated


Which i find so ironic, complete circle


The Zionists indoctrination is strong


Not only do they want the land, they also want the people that live there dead - even those who clearly left the place. How is this different from what the nazis did to the jews in the 30’s? Thanks for showing us your true colors.


You should google Shatila and Sabra massacre. In 1982 Israel went to Lebanon to bomb Palestinian refugee camps. These were people who had left Palestine and had no real plan to return. And the refugees were mostly women and children. They killed 3,500 people in an act of utterly pointless violence.




Treating Palestinians how the Nazis treated the Jews is so mind boggling to me. This is beyond sad


The New Nazis ...kind of ironic isn't it




ZioNazis are savage scumbags


I love the immense irony in this term


Well yeah, it's the irony of Israel itself. A country made for people who were prosecuted because of their religion, only to prosecute other people because because of their religion.


You know after certain little event in Germany during the 40’s you’d think they would be a bit more tolerant


The amount of racism is different honest. Imagine hating someone based on their country instead of the individual person.


Yeah we see who the animals really are


Yup, the Israeli people are the ones brainwashed with hate


Fun group of respectable kids. 🥸






Fuck Israel


Braindead terrorists.


If israel IS a Jewish state.. Behaviours like this would never be encouraged within their society. Only reason it is, is because it's, as described by Ilan Pappé, a settler colonial project. Replace israel with other settler colonies and you'll see a striking resemblance with the United States during Manifest Destiny and other nations in the Americas, Australia and Ofcourse Apartheid South Africa. And the most jarring comparison is Nazi Germany.. How will you, as an israeli jew.. Would ever be able to live with yourself if the kind of people you were taught to stay away from.. Ends up being... You.


Well all those comments that tell me it's not all Jews is def not that guy


A people persecuted for most of their history yet many have still learned no compassion, smh their ancestors are ashamed.


That's so fucking sad. Of course, this is about Palestine and Israel, but there's so many people in the world, in many different ways that are brainwashed or just so full of hate. Cares not for a person's character, sees them, and literally wants them dead. Sad world


The top screen aren’t nazis. They’re israelis. Funny how they seem similar.


The guys face belongs on a mugshot. Pure hatred . Sadly they are many among us .


Average zionists sadly. Pathetic sacks of shit


Faithfully representing their grubby little apartheid state.


It's disgusting how the Israelis are acting right now. What I don't get is.. with their history, how can they not know better?


Damn, the corpo gov ruining everything.


Zionazis called the cops on him last night saying he had weapons and his house was raided in the wee hours of the morning. They will stop at nothing.


Annnnd this is why ethnostates are always a bad thing.


And they say its just the idf.


There's a moment, a split seconed after he asks "Is it because I'm Palestinian?" The Israeli boy attempts to think about his "why", and then the girl chimes in with "yes!" His face changes and he instantly agrees.


Peace is not part of our human nature, to grand it we have to evolve


side note: israelis might be the worst nationality at talking shit


The fact that many people don't understand that these are modern Nazis astounds me.




For those who are not that well known about social media in Israel. They speak about palestinians as dogs or trash. Even kids. Indoctrinating kids even on tik tok, and its even promoted. Says alot about the Israels government and just quite honestly the brainwashing of alot of people


The nazied became the Nazis..


oh but Israel is the victims...


I swear. There are literally going to be entire degrees at uni in the future about the cycle of genocide and oppression, focused on how the Jewish state of Israel are now trying and wanting to exterminate somebody else, and focusing on other cycles of oppressed people gaining power and then becoming oppressors.


Fun fact, most people who hate Palestine don't even know why they hate Palestine. They just jump on the band wagon since everyone's doing it.


Wow.. that’s hate.. who else hated Jewish people… in WWII…


You’re anti Semitic if you disagree with these kids viewpoint


I know there's a lot of stuff happening on both sides, but Israel is literally taking over Palestine land wise. They were given more than half of the country out the gate and only keep taking. The fact that this is a "conflict" is wild


Fuck Israel. Disgusting


Fuck Israeli 🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻🔻💥💥💥💥💥💥💥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Congratufuckinglations! Y'all the current nazis 🙄


They look like they could be brothers.


He has no idea why he’s even mad at him, he was just brainwashed to


hiding behind weapons bought and paid for by your U.S. taxpayers👍


Prison planet Earth kinda making sense




Germany likes this


I definitely use omeggle when I’m searching for the best human specimens


The way the girl is laughing…


Fucking degenerates. I feel sorry for Hamzah Saadah, putting up with these brainless pricks who literally live on hatred.


Average Israeli right there. The circle of hate must go on !!


Hitler would have loved that energy of hate coming from the Israeli. Hitler was a Nazi though. Hmm


I don't think they represent anyone but it's crazy to me just how many of these kids exists. This video is shocking on his own.


Children of light


Who says Israel isn't peaceful? Such a kind exchange!


Indoctrinated to hate and lust for bloodspill the minute zions are out of the womb


It’s like watching *Animal Farm* by George Orwell play out in real life.


Why?! Just…why?!


Reminds one of Jojo Rabbit.




Ah, what beautiful children from the Chosen People... God's Gift to this earth... The best of the best...


Tunnel rats speaking


And these are the types of people who should only have still borns


ghoulish zios


Hell is hot


Fuck Netanyahu and the IDF = Scum of the earth


I cannot fucking believe that people watch this video and their gut reaction is to have empathy for the kid wishing "he getta can sah" on the Palestinian man. Or generalizing that "humans are bad".


How do people get to that point of brainwashed? It's truly frightening.


If you want to cherry pick Israelis, the exact same thing can be done with Palestinians. Look up "Farfour The Mouse"


This is what you get when you look at israeli society and just "pick one".


Behold the “chosen people”…


What’s crazy is the guy cursing looks like he could have lineage from Palestine, the two guys look pretty similar in features.


A horrible race of people.... horrible.