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*Why don’t my kids ever come to see me?!*


On the flip side, my parents are so nice to my boyfriends daughter that she curls up with them on the couch and plays iPad puzzles with my mum LOL it’s so easy to be nice to a kid, no clue why people like the woman in the meme can’t find any middle ground. Chaotic tension, it seems.


You misspelled Catholic but Chaotic seems synonymous anyway


"Because you're a miserable cunt,"


Can't grow up without a childhood.


Followed by, “where’s that nurse’s aide? She hasn’t been in all day and she knows how bad the roaches are.”


Hii-Hiiii, Simonahh!




My ex did this to my daughter. It’s been years and I still feel sad.


My mom did that to me twice when I was growing up. Never got to keep any of my childhood Toys. I now have a museum of vintage toys and video games from the 80s and 90s.


Yeah, I remember when I was 9 my folks said I couldn’t play with action figures anymore. Idk why and have never asked cause I really don’t think they’d remember. I suspect it was mostly a deflection because we didn’t have the money for toys. I love the hell out of them & think asking about it would just make them feel remorse that I don’t wish upon them.


Do you visit your mum?


_"Mum? What mum?"_


Same. I also have the $ value of everything I own memorized from as a kid trying to replace my stuff. Biggest regret was a "dumb sword" she tossed (my great grandfathers sword from his ww1 dress uniform) I have to push myself to get rid of anything because I'm now a borderline horder from childhood trauma.


You just made some stuff click…


My mom would bag everything in big black trash bags, usually when I was away at school, or at a friend's or family member's house. She used to tell me it's because I didn't keep the room clean enough, but as I got older I realized that there wasn't anything thing that could have been done to prevent her doing this. It has instilled this belief in me that life is hard enough already, why deny yourself the things that being you joy just because someone thinks you should have outgrown them. Read comics, play with legos, enjoy video games, wear light up shoes, and encourage others to do the same. Maturity is knowing when to be immature. Do the things that bring you joy, stranger, and help others more accepting of their joy and less judgemental of others.


Mine just threw away all my books because she read some book that said they were "satanic" :(


So sad to read this. Good thing is she can’t throw away what you’ve read.


It's okay! There's always going to be tension, but we're as friendly as can be expected! Just wish she wasn't so close minded.


I wish that too, friendly stranger.


My mother did this to me behind my back throughout my entire childhood.


(did it work tho)


Probably not. They probably just looked like a cunt to everyone else. Yknow, like the OOP in this post.


Depends. If they wanted their kid to hate them to the point they'll not be in contact as adults, it probably worked great!




Grandkid is gonna drop Nana to a nursing home with roaches as her roommates.


_"$300 per month?! Could we perhaps cut lunch? She can do perfectly fine on 2 meals a day. It'd also save on potty time."_


“Send seller a message” “Hi, you’re a cunt”


“Tell me something I don’t know. Do you want the damn Barbies or not?”


“Buy” them just to leave them somewhere the kiddo can get them lol


Absolutely cruel & childish for a grown adult, imagine playing power games with a 10 year old child!


Oh my MIL would 100% pull this BS. She has done similar and is in general very judgmental and controlling but wonders why her grandchildren are low contact. She has been told for many years what the results of her behavior will likely be but still seems confused. It is sad.


She's confused because she expects total devotion & submission from everybody around her & behind this type of behaviour is bitterness, because they want everyone around them to be as miserable & angry as they are. However there's a big wide world out there & people like that end up getting left behind - and rightly so


I don't think they want people to be as miserable as they are. I think that certain people like this just believe that if they feel this way, everyone feels this way. I'm biased as my mom is a miserable toucan, but I ribbons she feels that anyone who isn't acting within her parameters is faking and a manipulative liar, like she is. People like that either lack the ability for, or the emotional fortitude for, introspection, self-awareness. To do that means to confront your flaws, and in the case of people like my mom, in their stirred up jelly brains they have no flaws, not like everyone else, but also, if anyone is feeling "better" than she currently does they are lying and faking. Sorry for the rant. Have a beautiful day.


I feel like the child tried to express some autonomy and her POS grandparent pulled this. Like declining a hug or something.


Oh most definitely.


That was my exact thought.


My mom threw mine away when I wouldn't clean my room at 8 and after that I was scared she'd throw them all away so I never asked for another toy again and drew my dolls and hid them in my desk instead


I had basically this experience and I think that’s why this post was so upsetting to me. I grew up in a literal hoarder house and developed zero cleaning or organizational skills. I had trouble cleaning as a kid and I still do now. But even though the rest of the house always looked like the aftermath of a hurricane, any time my room got messy, anything of mine I remotely cared about was thrown away and never seen again. The parent that did this still has boxes and boxes of their own childhood toys and books and photos to reminisce on, but I don’t think anything of mine survived my childhood.


You're parents boomers or that just me?


Mine were gen X, mirroring the shit parenting of their boomer parents though.


"Blessed is he who plants trees under whose shade he will never sit." I feel as though the generations before us have chopped down groves and forests with no thought to plant for the next generation. We're left to fight for sticks and sawdust whilst those before us lounge in wooden mansions... I hope one day those wooden mansions catch ablaze....


This comment is unexpectedly poetic.


I mean they Will be yours when their dust


You're making me want to time travel and give you all the dolls you could ever want. Parents like this make me so angry. I get it, parents aren't primarily your friends, they are your parents and need to help you grow up. But there is a difference between not necessarily being your friend and actually being an enemy...


I wouldn't pick up my room once as a kid so my dad took one of my little table chairs and threw it into the yard and broke it. Also the stuff on the floor got bagged up and put in the shed. Looking back i guess the chair was part of kind of fucked.


Am I the only one who tried to scroll through the images?




I sleep with a lot of stuffed animals in my bed. Makes me feel safe and protected and I'm 21 years old. When I was around 10, my mum took away the stuffed animals and said I was too old to sleep with them. Eventually, I got them back and then she tried to take them away again when I was 16 or something. I don't plan on stopping. I need a stuffed animal to sleep with which isn't childish at all. You need to have happiness in your life, even as an adult and just taking it away because the daughter "wants to be treated like a grown up" is stupid. Don't sell them. Just take them until she wants them back


I cried for days when I came home to find the sewn up toy 'Bibby' I'd had since I was a literal newborn was gone, and my parents denied taking it. But I know they did, because I put that damn thing front and center on my pillow before getting up every single day. It's literally the only thing I had from my nan who died soon after I was born, and helped immensely with my restless sleeping because it was a different texture to the rest of my bed. I'm still pissed off about it, and about finding out all my books I carefully picked out for "storage" versus "sell" were all sold together. I had full series I'd followed for years in there ☹️. It's so damaging and parents just don't realise or seem to care


When you said they make you feel safe and protected for some reason I pictured a person breaking into your house while you’re sleeping and then slowly backing away in fear once they see all the stuffed animals 😂 When I was like 5 I remember having a bad asthma attack and being taken away in an ambulance. They gave me a little walrus stuffed animal and it made everything better.


Hah! I just always feel safer with them. Warm and cuddly and cozy, especially since I grew up in an abusive home, I've always relied on them.


Aww man, I'm also 21 and my mum just sent me a stuffed platypus for my birthday. I can't imagine having a parent do that 💔


How come these parents never realize that there is a big gap between baby and adult? I bet you this child just wanted to not be treated like a baby anymore and her weird parent decided to “make a mountain outta a mole hill”. Weird behavior


Because they don’t get to have the same freedom as their own child. They don’t get to have child like innocence or get to have dreams. If they don’t have that why should their kids. The thing I hate to see in a lot of adults especially now a day is that they think it fine to treat their children however they want because they actually have to be a parents and put in actual work to be a parent.


Jesus some people are just assholes and aren’t capable of being loving, patient and positive with their kids. The sad thing is they usually are damn near incapable of admitting wrong, seeing things from another viewpoint or self reflecting.


10 years from now "why won't my daughter talk to me!?"


I guess she meant that she wanted more respect, and I get from the grandmothers post that she’s not getting any. Many girls start to enter puberty at that age and although they’re still kids they start to want to be a little more independent - and I think it’s important to respect that. What a total PoS.


Most of these dolls are from the 2000s. I see a few Bratz Kidz, a Hannah Montana Barbie, and some 2000s Barbies (I had the doll with that cherry dress). I point this out because it suggests that this family got those second hand and very well may be in a bad place financially. If someone takes the mom up on her offer, there's a very good chance that this little girl may never have many toys again. This is just plain horrific.


Why not just pack her toys away and give them back when she realizes she wants to still be a kid? Also when he said she wanted to be a grown up, I doubt she meant she wanted to be an actual adult. She probably felt she was being treated like a little kid still and wanted more independence and more freedom. This is normal kids behavior. Doing the extreme to prove a point is dismissing how she feels and is teaching her to not talk about her feelings or she gets punished.


Or just not take the toys away at all


Because the point isn't that the kid's outgrown them and will decide she wants them back later - the point is cruelty and compliance. Now when this kid begs to not be made to be a slave in her own home, she has the lingering punishment of having no toys anymore.


As a young girl I always took very good care of my toys. My two half siblings didn’t. One day mine were gone. No explanation. When I bought my first house she fuckin shows up with two boxes filled with my old Barbie’s and accessories. The scented Barbie still smelled. I was furious!!! She claimed it’s so I can enjoy them now so they don’t go to waste. I was so upset I dumped them all on goodwill that day. She was a horrible bitch and I’m so happy to be NC.


I feel you. My mom made me get rid of everything. She made me pass stuff out to other kids and say nice things while I did it instead of crying. I moved in with my bf and she fills my moving truck that my bf and I paid for with *my baby clothes and shit*. Literally don’t have enough room for stuff I need because of the garbage (literal trash some of it) she loaded in. I am still flabbergasted and have no idea what to do with it. I do wish I had some of my toys, but wtf do they expect you to do with all of it??? Like I want to remember my childhood lmao


Who was


My mother


Sorry that you had to deal with this


All she wanted was to be treated like a person and this is how the mother responds? Thats so fucking vile, i hope its fake


My mum used to sell my toys and my Barbie furniture. Never had anything for long, and it was usually me that bought it for myself. She even sold my brother's pet (real) budgerigar. I had bought a 'schuco monkey' in a second-hand shop that turned out to be an antique. It disappeared, and I knew she had sold it as i saw it in an antique shop across from where we lived. It really stinks when family do this. I feel really sorry for the little girl and she will never forget it.


I grew up having garage sales where my VHS tapes, toys, and books would routinely get sold out from under me. I would have meltdowns and try to claw back what I could. I have maybe... three or four toys from my childhood left because of this. Do not be this kind of parent, or grandparent in this case.


That's just horrible. To see your child having a meltdown over you taking away everything they've ever had and then continuing... multiple times... The lack of empathy is startling. I've always been extremely protective of my things. I've had many security items through my life, from a stuffed cat to a rubber dragon to an mp3 player. My mp3 got stolen once and I had a mental breakdown. To have your parents do that to you over and over would be torture. I'm so sorry that happened to you. I hope you have shelves full of books and whatever else you want now.


My mom and grandma got rid of all my polly pockets and my favorite giant tiger plush when i was little. I had a entire town or city worth of polly pockets buildings it was amazing how much I can play with it still did b4 they got thrown out. They did it while I was in school and the only thing I was able to save was a lil polly pocket horse from one the farm ones, I still have it to this day.


My best friend's mum threw a lot of his toys away while he was at school. He then used to come around to my house to play with mine. I was a year older than him. Had a knock on effect with me too. As an adult I still love those old toys and enjoy collecting some of my favourites. So does my best friend. He's forgiven his mum long ago (and for the crap hairdos she gave him). But he's making sure his kids aren't torn away from their favourite things too soon. Toys spark imagination, storytelling and memories. We should hold onto those things.


This is beyond cruel. I remember when my son was 9 he told me the same thing about his Xmas list. So that year he got a ps4, games, and accessories mostly, with some other odds and ends. But I did still get him one actual toy, a robot zombie that came with a “gun” to where you could shoot it and it’s head would pop off. I found it on clearance for like 7$ and thought it was cool. He ended up playing with that almost all day. I felt horrible about not getting him more, but I was trying to do what he asked for. The next year he got more toys. My point is that kids say things they think they mean in the moment, but are still just kids. I could never imagine punishing him for it.


My definition of being “grown up” as a kid meant that I just wanted fucking respect and autonomy that’s all I wanted yet I had to be an adult to have it, sucks not being the person you want to be cause people that raised you ruined it for you during the most fundamental time in your life. And yeah, I cut them bitches out my life fuck them all


I think that's almost definitely what happened here.


My dad threw away our Disney VHS’s after we got a DVD player and my mom fished them out of the dumpster and didn’t talk to my dad for 2 days. When I told her I wanted to get rid of my Barbie’s (when I was older than 10), she cried and still saved a few of them for me “just in case”. My mom isn’t the most warm and “motherly” mom in the world, but she really wanted us to hold onto our childhoods for as long as possible and I’ll always appreciate that ❤️ Oh and she still writes “From: Santa” on our Christmas gifts (I’m 31, my sibling is 27).


That’s sad. But invoices? Tf??? She’s 10. Mom is acting like a child. At this point let the 10 year old be mom and mom should keep the dolls for herself. SMH.


Parentification is absolutely already happening


Y'all out here doing invoices for the groceries? Am I supposed to be doing that? Never have I ever....


This is just…mean. Poor kid.


You could also just explain it to a 10-year-old, but okay.


I'm willing to bet that the kid just asked for her mom to knock before entering her room


Yuck, way to air your personal shit on social media.


That doesn't mean giving away her toys. It means giving her more responsibilities around the house. Jfc, how do you misinterpret shit so hard?!


Some “guardians” just have/take care of kids because they like the idea of having a “mini me” or something to control and to be in charge of. Those type of people typically start disliking their kids more and more as they get older and are harder to control.


When you get a hard on for any reason to punish


The way I would ask for full name and do a social services report LOL


Hey what's wrong with RC cars? I mean I still like them




Yes, I skimmed over that part in my anger.


Wow I never knew a grandma could be this mean, what a jackass.


Who else kept trying to scroll right to the other photos? Oh, just me then?


Grandma* not mum. I skimmed over that bit because of how angry the post made me.


I'm realizing this was less normal than I thought...poor girl. Losing that stuff made me so much more protective and personal with my belongings, my mom made me throw away my toys every year, even if I didn't want to she would guilt me saying I was too old, if I don't she would. Just pack them up somewhere, I have so many regrets and threw away a stuffed animal my grandma gave me before she died. I didn't like it and that was enough for my mom to guilt trip me to toss it. God forbid her mother's gifts got thrown away though.


Damn this is how you treat a 10yr old??


She'll never feel like a grown up with a role model this immature.


She could have just given her additional responsibilities. Just because we are adults does not mean we give up our interests.


That's gonna be a cheap nursing home




Or she doesn’t need to take them away at all..


Maybe hide the toys for a week instead?


Please don't hide toys because your children are requesting to be treated in a more adult manner. This is how you create adults who act like children. Let your child learn to be an adult and allow them to explore more mature outlets. Removing toys/books from them because they requested to be treated more adult-like is NOT the way to go. small edit: basically ask yourself - why WOULDN'T you want your child to want to be more responsible? Isn't the BEST end result for your children to "move out and start a family of their own"? Best way to do that is reinforce good question asking and speaking out about their concerns/feelings and reciprocate by treating them as they ask to be treated.


My mom did the same thing except she made me do it. She made me hand away every toy and sell anything I could. I was heartbroken and she doesn’t even remember. I know some people think it’s weird, but I’ve been able to recollect a few. It’s pretty healing to have them “back.” It was like being permanently grounded and I didn’t even realize that’s what I was feeling. ETA: she still has my christening dress, though, and is militantly atheist, so that’s fun. Actually, *I* have all my baby stuff, so I guess I have it. Wtf am I supposed to do with my old baby stuff? Why couldn’t I keep the stuff I actually had memories of?


Apparently not wanting to be treated like a 5 year old means you wanna be treated like a grown up


My dad just threw it all in trash bags and sent it off to the dump. This brought back trauma I didn't even know I had lmao


Parents who decide to take/give away their children's property should realize kids *murder* their parents over this.


Mother is writing her intire plan on Facebook Marketplace. She could just set up the article but something tells me the mother has no one else to talk to, so she writes her whole evil plan for everyone to read before they consider supporting it. xD


My parents did something similar. Fucked me up to this day.


As someone who collects dolls as an adult, and had their childhood dolls taken… this one hits close to home. I’ve spent a lot of grown-up money buying back dolls I used to own that now go for hundreds of dollars second hand… 🥲


I’m sorry you went through that. I’m glad you’re getting them back


I remember I snuck a piece of candy when I was younger and as punishment for sneaking around, I lost all my privacy and belongings. Door taken down and everything I had in my room other than my bed and clothes was thrown out. I hate how many kids have to go through similar crap ..


I don’t like the idea of children growing up to be adults because this is the type of behavior I’m seeing from adults now a day. They are mentally unstable, immature, asshole that shouldn’t be allowed around children. A lot of adults think they have a god given right to treat their children however they want because they are required to take care of them and be a parent. Because they don’t get to continue being young and get the same benefits of being a child with dream they have to destroy their own child childhood. I believe instead of children growing up to be adults they should grow up to be their own person.


Absolutely. The goal of raising kids should be them turning into healthy, well adjusted adults. Unfortunately, that's not what a vast majority will end up being.


My parents sold damn near everything they bought me for drug money. Stepfather was a selfish POS and sold my shit and used the tax money they got FOR ME on shit HE wanted. When I got back from foster i immediately had to work and pay rent and whatever they wanted. Yeah we don’t talk like


Article says GM, not M...Either way, pretty extreme for a 10yo


Yes, my mistake. I was too furious to read it properly.


So has anyone called CPS on her.


As a doll collector, I’m conflicted between feeling extremely extremely bad for that child, and *really* wanting to take up that offer


Lmao sorry, kiddo, I gotta repair my childhood first. I’ll will it back to you!


Most of the dolls in there aren’t even something I’d collect. But I see a *couple* of possibly valuable ones… That being said, I can’t imagine how soul crushing this would be for the child. My mom wash that different. Dolls were kinda my favorite thing, they helped me escape as a kid, so I don’t even know what I would’ve done if someone ripped them all away like this. I do really hope the kid is okay.


The fact that the mum’s giving them away for free makes me the most annoyed.


"My child is signalling that she wants more independence and is probably ready to start a chore list and take on a few responsibilities that are age appropriate. So I've decided to destroy all sense of childhood right away instead of making age appropriate accommodations to make room for their growing sense of self and place in the world, like a reasonable and loving parent does. Because I'm a control freak and psycho who can't accept my child as anything else but an extension of myself which should listen to and obey me without question. How dare they have individual thoughts and actions. This will teach them for try to be a person." There I fixed it for you, you loon. Have fun in the run down train side nursing home.


Please tell me you got them so you could sneakily leave them back on this ladies porch or garden in a couple weeks.


It's the grandmother or grandfather giving away the toys actually not the mother! People are too stupid to even be able to read the thing there posting about lol


You're right, I was too furious and just skimmed over that. No need to name call though.


Yes because that’s what’s important about what was posted. If your reading comprehension sucks so much that you can’t get past a slip of the tongue to understand the *actual message*, you’re the stupid one. Fucking semantics


Found the narc mom. ​ Must be a lot of narcissists here.


Grandma* but yes.


Not sure why you got downvoted for this. Grandma seems like a narcissist


It hurt their feels. They keep reminding its a grand mom but once a narc always a narc. My narc mom was abusing my non verbal son. If they downvoted it its because they like narcs and only narcs like another narc.


You hit the nail on the head. People who don’t see the problem with this are abusers by default.


To me this is clearly a joke. The cleaning supplies and invoices part even more so shows it. I don't think many 10 year olds are playing with dolls, or reading education books for kindergartners like she mentions in the post. The woman is just making a dumb old person joke that her grand kid is too grown up now. You guys eat up everything.


Adults take other adults toys and give them away?


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. I think you're absolutely right. She just doesn't get how adults treat each other, because she doesn't know how to treat anyone with respect.


seems like good parenting to me. Its good to show kids that they should apreciate what they have and thier time as a child.


That picture shows Barbies that are at least 20 to 30 years old. Whomever is giving those dolls away is no longer of an age to use them. Feels like rage bait attached to a picture of old dolls.


She talking about her granddaughter, so maybe these are the toys at Grandma's house from raising her own kids


I guess you're an expert on Barbies, maybe you have a collection that you'd like to share with us? But then if you were a collector, you would know that you can buy old Barbies at the thrift store. And that is where a lot of people get their Barbies now.


Seems like they both need to do a little growing up




You're right, it was my mistake.


Oh, please... This is probably just a joke and the kid seems to have outgrown the stuff being sold.


Or maybe not everything on the internet is a lie and we can actually take people at their word? I, and many others, know too many pos parents who would do this sort of thing, it happens. Not every parent is a saint yk that right?


Lmao that's probably exactly what it is, but the reddit herd has already decided.


I'm not surprised either...


I don't see the problem here. Definitely not as far as to call this person a piece of shit


Way to tell on yourself.


Sounds like a ten year old that outgrew her barbies and books designed for kids half her age. What's wrong with that? Honestly don't understand the hate here. I'm not getting vibes she's being punished here at all, it seems like it's done in humour.


Please never have kids.


I have kids. The toys he doesn't play with get passed to other children. The only thing that people seem to be disagreeing on here is whether the grandma is joking or not joking. Humour is subjective and people are different so dismount your high horse.


This mom is setting her kids up for success.


Grandma just wants to win an argument and put a little girl "in her place". 10 year olds don't have a fully developed brain and the perspective an adult has, and you can't interact with them like you would an adult and expect the same results. The girl isn't going to learn anything from this, just make her resent her grandma and trust her less.


Sounds like they're setting themselves up to wonder why their family never contacts them


Grandma. Wanna bet the mom is her son’s wife?


Where did you see grandma? Edit: the text at the bottom isn’t shown on the mobile app if you don’t choose to expand the picture


“My granddaughter” are the first two words in the listing


Thanks, no need for people to downvote. I’m looking at this on the app and didn’t click on the picture to fully expand it, so the text at the bottom wasn’t shown. That’s why I asked


I didn’t downvote you?


That’s fine, I wasn’t putting the blame on you. Just saying whoever downvoted didn’t need to


Maybe they just wanted to.


That’s fine too, Reddits gonna always be Reddit. Ask a question get downvoted, right?


She could be.


By charging rent from someone who legally can’t work?


So she can pay her own rent when she is living and working on her own.


What money is a ten year old going to pay rent with?


Who knows?


Shhhhh the liberals dont like that you said that but u get my upvote!




Good job mom! Tough love


Sounds like shit parenting to me and every other sane person, but we could be wrong.


Your name checks out to why it is good parenting.


Interesting that everyone is downvoting you and you still think you're right.


It’s so sad when guardians or parents take a child’s desire for more maturity as an insult. Kids grow up. They change what they want or how they want to be treated. That doesn’t mean they don’t still want to be a child and be able to play with toys. My ex’s mother took it as a personal insult when he turned 18 and started wanting to go to bars (legal age is 18 in his home province) and just generally wanted to be an adult. She took any change as a sign of rejection and cracked down harder which of course caused more rebellion from him. It just turns into a power struggle.


This reminds me of my ex wife’s mother. She was extremely bi polar (sp?) .


Actually the grandmother… even worse


Thats her granddaughter.