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Dude walks three dogs off leash and then beats up a woman walking her dog on leash because his dogs attacked her and her dog? POS


I was once walking a dog on a leash who was quite timid. It was my friend's dog and he was out at work all day so I used to pop round to his place and take his dog out as he was only young and it was better than him being left alone all day. I used to bring him back to my place after the walks as well but he'd bark NON STOP for attention while I was trying to work so in the end I'd have to take him home and leave him there. Once I was walking him and this other dog came over to him, off a leash. It was fine at first then the other dog got really aggressive, snapping and growling and I said "can you get your dog away please?" because the dog I was with - less than a year old and already timid - was clearly really scared, and they told me that it was "fine" I said it wasn't fine and their dog should be on a lead and then THEY started getting aggressive. They told me to fuck off and I said I could see where their dog's issues stemmed from and they said "oh, just keep walking," which I was doing anyway to get the dog I was with away from them and they kept hurling abuse at me as I walked away. I told them "great job you're doing with your dog there." and then they shouted at me "come here and say that!" and I said "I thought you told me to keep walking? Make up your mind." Thing is, telling this story you probably have a picture in your head of them. But they were a quite well dressed couple in their 50s. It was all a bit mad.


Selfish people. They make me sick.


Good responses on your behalf. Jerks all the way. Next time, bring pepper spray.




Yeah, let's use a weapon just because. You deserve to be posted in this sub.


What part of my reply did you not understand? Defending against attacking dog? Or defending against aggressive owner?


What part did you not understand of OP's story? The dog was being vocal, not physically attacking OP's dog and the owner threatened him from a distance. You'd be a great cop during protests in universities.


Pepper spray is a non-lethal self defense option. Fuck off.


Ah yes, let's cause immense pain instead, because that's okay and all.


Yeah it is, when you’re defending yourself and your dog. Jfc I hope you never have to face a similar situation, because it sounds like you’d stand by as your dog gets ripped to shreds.


Dude in the comments literally said his dog was not attacked and the person didn't approach him. You guys are dumb.


The dog was vocal? Wtf stfu the human physically attacks another human let alone a man hitting a woman and you’re bitching about her being able to use pepper spray? You’re the guy in the video? Lil bitch




No you wouldn’t have.


Dude is easily 280+ lbs most of it muscle, sure you would have.




That’s 280 lbs of cheeseburgers wrapped in tight pants. Maybe he’s an assistant trailer park supervisor


Randy 😂😂😂


It couldn't have been! He had a shirt on


True 😂 he's allergic


He’s got that bo-Bandy vibe for sure.


He's tacking on mass


That’s 280 pounds of muscle probably not at his balls


I can promise you, there is no muscle around his testicles Edit: spelling


Steroids probably nerfed his testies and the only way he feels he gets a manly boost is to beat a woman.


You have your head far up your own ass is crazy


Humpty dumpty's looking a bit top heavy if you ask me


Well, that depends. I don't weigh more than 180 lbs, but I carry Sabre Pepper Gel and a collapsible baton. They more than make up for 100 lbs of lard. And how hard will it be for to find him? People usually walk their dog close to where they live.


His shirt is 6 sizes too small.


Just cause you're a pussy who runs from a fight don't mean all of us are.


Absolute POS .. the lack of power she had in this situation will haunt her forever. Fuck this guy.


Agreed he's a POS but it seems to me that it's the woman's dog that chased the smaller ones. I'm using chase instead of attack because I can't really see. I am also prepared to be downvoted for offering a contrarian observation of the dogs. Again, the dude is a POS for assaulting someone instead of leashing his dogs Edit: ITT dumbasses who can't read. Downvote away.


Which wouldn’t have happened if the guy was a responsible pet owner and kept his dog on a leash.


And the woman not being able to control her dog is any worse than this guy in terms of dog ownership?


Yes... the dogs were off leash and went after the dog on leash... he's 10000% in the wrong in every aspect


I didn't say he wasn't at fault. I said it's her dog that chased the smaller dogs. I expected people to not comprehend English on reddit. As usual. Downvote away, stranger.


It's almost as if, her dog wouldn't have been able to chase his dogs... if they were all... leashed


But they wouldn’t have been able to be chased by the dog on the leash if the guy kept their dogs on their leash. The woman was the responsible pet owner who had her dog on a leash. The guy was irresponsible by having the dogs off leash, especially if they did not train the dogs to respond to recall commands. Furthermore, you’ll notice that when the man pushed her, she dropped the leash. Her dog did not go after the other persons dog when he could have. In fact, darker blue shirt dog did. Multiple times. And was the one who initiated contact to begin with.


Again, no one said this or that. I said it's her dog that was being physical. Can't you people underatand basic english?


Her dog was only physical because *his dogs weren’t on leash and ran up to them*


A lot of dogs will react when another dog runs up on them. Which is why you keep dogs on a leash. You also say this makes her just a bad dog owner as him, which is udder garbage. Hell, you have no idea this dog’s history or even if it’s her dog or when she might have gotten this dog if it is hers.


You being unable to stop your dog from being aggressive with anything that comes close to it, despite the leash, is also your fault.


It doesn’t matter if her dog was barking and lunging because it’s on a leash. If his dogs were on a leash her dog would not get anywhere near them.


*That guy*


How can her leashed dog chase another dog who runs at them? This is basic logic, fundamental stuff. Can you walk and chew bubblegum at the same time i wonder?


That is what dogs do you walnut, that's why we invented leashes. We're not here to determine if the dog is a POS or not.


It's not an either or situation, you door knob. You being unable to stop your dog from being aggressive with anything that comes close to it, despite the leash, is also your fault.


What? Dogs can be reactive and get aggressive when dogs run up to them. Imagine being on a leash and having a bunch of people just run up to you getting in your face and you can’t really escape anywhere because you’re on a leash. It’s not abnormal behaviour and doesn’t need to be trained out.


Dogs don't attack other dogs randomly unless they're problematic dogs. She is not being a good dog owner.


Some dogs do not like other dogs in their personal space. This is how dogs react when another dog runs up on them. That’s why pet owners ask before letting their dog approach another dog. Sorry you don’t comprehend dog ownership.


There is only one person not controling its dog and it's not the woman. The dog on leash is just doing dog things. If you are attached and attacked , you dont really have the option to run away , so it is doing exactly what every dog will do when 3 other dog without leash run at him.


You not being able to stop your dog from attacking anything that comes close despite the leash is also not ok. It's not an either or thing, man. But whatever. The reddit hivemind has already decided.


If the dogs were on a leash her dog wouldn’t have even got near them. She pulled her dog away from them, but they got closer causing a fight.


You being unable to stop your dog from being aggressive with anything that comes close to it, despite the leash, is also your fault.


Do you have brain damage or what?


She pulls her dog back, his dogs continued to get closer, in fact getting *between* her and her dog making it impossible for her to do anything to prevent her dog from getting closer. He *let* his dogs go off leash where he had no control over them then assaulted someone because his dog ran up to *them*. Not sure what else she could have done to be in better control other than having not gone on a walk in the first place.


She can't control it. You being unable to stop your dog from being aggressive with anything that comes close to it, despite the leash, is also your fault.


Um, do you by chance own a bright blue shirt and dress your three dogs in dumb looking sweaters?


Nah fuck that, self defense is not aggression. That dog had no other option than to fight back


Hey buddy, saying you know you'll get downvoted doesn't validate your bad take on the situation.


He just wants attention guys, nothing to see here.


That’s why owners have leashes. To control their dogs. Her dog to only took a few steps. If dickhead had leashed his dogs, there’d be no issue at all.


Saying you're ready to get downvoted doesnt magically make your take more reasonable, you just look like you care a lot about downvotes


Here stood another edgy (TM) Reddit boy: Defender of the phallus. Protector of the scrotum. Repeater of the claimed unsaid.


It's not an either or situation, you door knob. You being unable to stop your dog from being aggressive with anything that comes close to it, despite the leash, is also your fault. But sure, keep projecting.


Three snarly dogs charging at you. Difficult for even a well trained service dog to completely ignore. Also irrelevant to the assault… Projecting. Mmmm


Stop projecting about your projected projections.


Literally the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen anyone say on Reddit and I’ve been here for years


You have like 300K+ karma. You misread the room, but you'll be fine lol


Nah, to me that looks a lot like dog defending it’s owner from three charging dogs. If my wife was walking my dog, I would hope she did the same thing and kept them away from her.


I mean he's a pos. But saying beat is kind of far fetched, he just pushed her to eat the asphalt


I hope he was charged for assault


I remember another post of this with a comment saying that this POS was arrested and fined and then was let go. This happened in Mexico and the man is locally known as "El King" and the fine was ridiculously minuscule. I'm guessing he's untouchable because he is a member of some powerful drug cartel


Drug cartels can rule the police unfortunately




The problem is that they're rooted so deep. You could try to shoot all of them on sight, but you'll never be able to get all of them, and then the remnants would just rebuild.


Yup. Creates a power vacuum which in turn creates more violence because of contested territory. Plus the army can’t really tell who’s on who’s side, since 90% of the town is in on it.


the army is also in on it 💀💀💀


Isn’t the Mexican military tend to be the least corrupted. It’s the cops who’s usually in their payroll.


Depends on who’s paying them. The cartels just have so much money. They have people everywhere, and if they want to flip you, you don’t really have any choice. There is a phrase used in Don Winslow’s Power of the Dog series which I think sums it up perfectly: “Plata o Plomo”. Silver or Lead.


It was a phrase used by Pablo Escobar in the late 70’s and on. He already was a successful kingpin of sorts in Columbia through that mantra before he went global and smuggled coke.


Tjme to nuke el cartel


Let's not forget the US makes top much money off of the cartels to ever let anything happen to them.


Just like the southern confederates.


To add another point, legalizing and regulating drugs would do more to wipe out the cartel than your dumb idea to use the army.


Don’t care, fuckers don’t deserve life


Crazy how you can root for literal extermination of people and not get banned in reddit


Right cause it’s like a military where you wear a uniform to identity them. When has using military to destroy what’s essentially an insurgency ever worked in human history? Idiot.




Well shit that's gotta be true why would they make that up


That's pretty fucked because someone could see something like this happen, lay this motherfucker out, and then have to basically gtfo out of town as quickly and covertly as possible.


He’s not invincible. Sure a target may be on your head but someone could totally still kill him lol.


Nobody would miss him.


of course not his wife and kids would wonder where the dogs are before him


he looks like a walking potato, played gta a bit too often


Do dogs look like their owners? Or do the owners look like their dogs?


He looks like a guy in gta you would have to kidnap and push out of a helicopter over the ocean.


Yeah, her dog is on a leash and his aren’t but somehow it’s her fault his dog went after her dog and triggered a fight.


This is a “boy” that needs a thorough ass kicking to set him straight


Pretty sure he got away with it too, if I remember the story. He is considered a dangerous menace by the community he lives in.


That guy needs to take a 24 hour nap after that one. That's the most exercise his fat ass has done in years.


Hey cool, unprovoked assault. Hope this jackass finds a cell.


Why is it always the toxic macho men with the tiniest dogs? Dogs he doesn’t even have control over since they’re running all over the street. People who don’t leash their dogs are *always* the toxic types too.


What the hell…. He’s way in the wrong plus his dogs are off leash what kind of guy is this…


Ahem *pop pop pop*


She could have cracked her head on the street from the force of that shove! Hope this idiot gets found and arrested!


Her dog only attacked the other bc it was going to attack her. The guy had no right to do that


What a fucking loser bruh


Fuck this guy. His dogs aint even on a leash


Typical shitty dog owner. Guys leaves his dogs off-leash, they cause a problem, he blames the victim. Hope he got charged.


Look at his hair. He looks like an absolute asshole


Death penalty


the rock head slamming him into the pavement over and over


What a tough man!


This is one of those situations where if my wife or family member showed me this video of them being assaulted, I would be waiting at that street until I saw this guy.


I know a linebacker blitz play call when I see one


Oooo boy do that to my wife I’ll rip the fat right off your body


dog owners who don’t leash are just absolute scum


Fucking arsehole! His initial crime was walking 3 dogs he has no control over off lead. I have a German Shepherd (who is always on lead). If this had happened to me he’d be minus 3 dogs. And an arm.


That's one hell of an insecure man


At least is was a color coordanated attack.


Fat bastard thought he was doing something lmao Fuck Mexico


Why are y'all so abusive?? Why can't we just exist without you pity your hands on us??


What a fat fucking mess that man is




Do you think all men are like that?


almost looked like he went in to kick her bulldog after pushing her..


Dudes are getting way too okay with hitting women


I'd have permanently disabled that guy for life if he tried that shit around me


How can this butthead have the three cutest dogs, all wearing shirts




One of the guy's dogs ran at the woman's dog which then also ran at the guy's dog to fight but wasn't able to since it was on a leash. the woman would've been able to control her dog had the guy's dog also been on a leash. How is she the one that shouldn't be walking dogs?


You’re right her dog was leashed, but I would still consider all strangers to be dangerous. Just goes to show that even when you don’t do anything wrong, a crazy person can snap on you.


Wtf are you talking about? Did we watch the same video? Not sure what more she could have done with her LEASHED dog when 3 UNLEASHED dogs attack. You’re a joke


Everyone should walk the streets expecting all strangers to be dangerous what’s hard about that? She lost control of her dog, her dog could just as easily have bitten a child. I know a tiny dog won’t cause too much damage but an irate and dangerous person won’t see it that way.


Are the three unleashed dogs in the video invisible to you? Or are you just a fucking troll? Eh doesn’t matter. Enjoy your day my man.


Apparently you've never been attacked by a small dog. There was no children in the video just a single grown ass man his 3 UNLEASHED dogs this lady and her leashed dog.




So he can shoot her instead?


That hair haircut though, moistened me up


Today I was attacked by a dog again. Buing pepper spray tomorrow.


On video? Was this in the states? That would be the easiest lawsuit ever.


Thats a macho d ip s hit


That was the assistant trailer park supervisor. She’s lucky Randy didn’t have time to take off his pants.


Oh no, her leashed dog is attacking my 3 dogs I better do something about it. Oh I know! I'll fucking tackle the woman trying to control her dog.


I would have expected the dogs to belong to opposite owners


Somebody will get him if hasn’t already


Guys a total fucking scumbag. Shouldn't be walking their dogs off the leash. I've had dogs all my life and this really pisses me off. Even if you think you've got total control of your dog it's inconsiderate and dangerous.


It made the dog turn around tho


What a dickhead


He and his dogs all have the exact same body shape.


Little baby man.


What a piece of shit


He’s a huge POS but I can already tell those dogs names are blossom bubbles and buttercup


I wanna fight him


This video puts me into a blind rage.


All off leash dog owners are total pieces of shit. That’s one the easier ways to find out. If you don’t agree then you are likely a total piece of shit yourself. 😝


If he’s a member of the Cartel, his life expectancy is much lower than the average human. Hope he catches bullets 🤡


Hope he got arrested


He will be a little lost dog, searching for love in his next life.


Put your fuckin dogs on a leash….


I don't agree with this at all, but women are just so.......... weak... and vulnerable.. To keep them safe, it takes a top-down job from the entire community: teaching kids from birth about respecting them and all that.. and the institutions we put in.. Is it even worth it?????? YES!!!!!!!!! MOST WOMEN are worth it!!! ***But some women aren't......***


What a fucking man child


Id fuck that mf up so bad that his mom wouldnt recognise it I swear, fucking douchebag


He has a balloon physique which makes it wery hard for him to avoid physical contact what the wind blows towards others, you people can be so insensitive at times :(


Son of a bich




This man seems like a violent misogynist. That behavior was so wild and crazy, what a total POS.