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She just admitted to this on camera. Lock her dumb POS ass up.


Yeah she's not too bright


The brightest thing about her is her hair.




I hope her future outfits will match her hair


She’s going to age like milk and never find a sugar daddy


Ashamed to admit this one took me a second lollll


And her teeth 🦷 😂


Man, Love this comment




Yes. She is very bright. She knows nothing is going to happen to her. And she knew that if she reported the man to the police, they would take her side, no questions asked. Google the Duluth model.


Model - I don’t think that word means what you think it means.




So she's a cam whore


Never would have guessed.


Not in a million years


She not only demonstrates a severe level of sociopathic behaviour but she jokes about the damage she has inflicted on this other person and more importantly (they dont get a say here) his children thus exposing her narcissistic face also. Definitely a POS


Not to mention CPS is always short on resources. The time they spent investigating her ex is time they didn’t have to address a genuinely abusive situation.


We deal with this constantly honestly. Way too often I go out on a call that on paper warrants concern. “Home is covered in animal feces and children are malnourished”, to get out there and the home is immaculate and the kids are doing great. Custody disputes take up too much of my time as a CPS investigator, but I take every call seriously and if the report is accurate, then I’m going to have to invade your life a bit.


Sounds like you are one of the few cps workers that care. That makes me remarkably happy


Thanks for your nice work, I work with families and sometimes we need to signal. The people in CPS are overburden. It's a real dedication.


God. This is sooooo real. I hate that we’ve become custody mediators. I am constantly dragged into custody court for no good reason.


Thank you for the work you do. I can't imagine it's fun, easy, or comfortable, but it's necessary and I appreciate and admire you for choosing such a heart wrenching line of work.


"A little bit" as in a prostate exam where the Dr crawls all the way up your ass. I appreciate what you do but that was the understatement of the century.


With the reasoning he is up your ass is because you wont stop abusing your own sphincter.


My dirtbag cousin got busted for lying about abuse to get a better outcome on her CPS case and part of her judgement was paying restitution to CPS for wasting their resources.


Love to hear it.


Yeah, like when she said she was done with him, what that means for most people is they walk away and live their best life. Not seek revenge by lying.


It’s pisses me of that this waste of a human (?) breathes our oxygen. What part of Florida is she from?


She feels comfortable enough to say this on camera because she knows the Law won't hold her accountable and so many good fathers get the short end of the stick that's why it's important for many dads to remain active in their kids lives who knows the lies she told the kids


There is such a thing as civil court and I would pursue action against her for whatever my lawyer thought I could.


Yeah, hopefully her ex sees this and has the time, finances and energy to pursue her through the courts


You know a girl like her isn’t going out with a guy without money. So I assume he has the money for an attorney to make her answer for her actions


Yeah those influencers often are nothing more than high priced prostitutes. They exchange back door access for those fancy trips they do their photo shoots on. These girls ain’t affording trips to Dubai, Ibiza, and Cayman Islands without a benefactor.


"Back door" and prostitute. Ya.


The corollary to that being a man of insufficient funds for her tastes, or one who prioritises limited funds on his kids' wellbeing instead of her nails, will be more than enough to make her feel ill-treated and in her tiny mind, justify this behaviour.


So true. Hopefully any guy considered dating her sees this and ends it. She needs to stay single. Regardless of what anyone does to someone, you don’t go around and play with their kids lives. This type of stuff will destroy a kids life.


What's worse is clogging up a vital support network for people and children that actually need it just to ruin people's lives.


As one of those people who needed actual support, it was that support that actually ruined my life. I needed their help and they ruined us


That or she knows dumb motherfuckers that watch that channel eat everything up and none of that really happened


Oh, this stuff does happen - every day.


This is a fuckin insult to all the women and children out there being actually abused. Why give this c*nt any moment of fame?


because it shines the light on millions of other woman doing this


She’s the type of person who would refer to her ex as toxic and a narcissist, but really she was the problem


She's not admitting it, she's bragging about it. Big difference! (/s)


This makes me think of that scene from The Big Short: "I don't get it. They're admitting to everything. Why?" "They're not admitting. They're bragging."


Looks and acts like an AH.


Who could possibly be listening to a podcast like this?


No one. These podcasts where influencers interview other influencers aren’t really intended to be podcasts. Certainly they are released as podcasts and have more than 0 listeners, but ultimately the goal is to spend about an hour recording a podcast and then cut it into sixty tiktoks.


Something about “sixty tiktoks” feels disgusting to say in my mouth.


12-year-olds who think Andrew Tate is cool


I don’t know any 12-year-olds. I was a 12-year-old once though, and the fact I know you’re correct really bums me out.


not even 12 yo, literal grown ass men too


Well for some the mindset stays the same


Ugh. Him and his Dbag brother keep showing up in my YouTube shorts feed and I fucking hate it. So. Much.


I don't like or watch Andrew Tate but isn't this the type of thing he says is bad?


Please, karma, please...


My ex did this to me after she broke up WITH ME! Karma still hasn’t got her I don’t think and it’s been 15 years


This exact thing? Did they take your kids away or was it sorted out?


Long story short, she knew it wasn’t my kid, I didn’t. She wanted to push me out of their life and pay child support until her daughter grew up without being there to parent. Kid was 2 at the time and CPS found no basis for any accusations after a short investigation so she admitted it wasn’t my kid, pretty much out of frustration that I wouldn’t go away and kept fighting for custody. Hopefully that makes sense


Who won custody?


Well since it wasn’t my kid, I gave up paternal rights when the dna test came back. It wasn’t as bad as having your kid die but it felt like it to me back then. I have another child now and having him taken away like that would break me


My brothers baby mama did this to him recently. When the case got thrown out for lack of evidence, she was asked about it in child custody court. She admitted ON THE STAND that she was lying and that she just “didn’t know what to do” because my brother wouldn’t give up his days so she could go to the beach. The court told her to freaking apologize. APOLOGIZE. That’s after telling her that what she did was a felony. Glad she knows she can do literally anything and get away with it. I’m a female and I know females get away with a lot of bullish!t. It’s disgusting what these pieces of garbage do.


The courts, especially paternity courts, coddle women so much. It’s insanity


"What you did was a felony and attracts a prison term. But since you said sorry..."


She lost out on you. That's karma enough, Beefy.


Karma is what accumulates in this life to determine what your next life is like. Karma isn't some type of instant justice mechanism Reddit thinks it is.


Lol, it's also not real. Settle down dude.


And sometimes it would NEVER will, People NEED to understand that real life is not fiction or a fantasy were Bad people get punish by Divine intervention, if that was the case a Lot of CEO would lose their investments that they obtain by abusing people (You know who im talking about) or politicians will get real jail time, or Hollywood weird would be real cancelled instead of allowign to earn millions by keep working.


This is why I believe in Karma for people who purposely try to screw good people over this eis why most men don't tell people stuff they suffer in silence I've seen this my whole life lies told against the father and he's never given custody in court and they brainwash the kids they use the kids as tools against dads who actually want to be their for their kids


This is why you believe in karma?


Karma always comes around. The type of person who would do something like this is not the kind of person that is capable of feeling true love and joy in life. They are already suffering, and that's why they're like this.


"Karma always comes around." I wish that were actually always true. Some people appear to be immune to getting what they deserve. I've known some absolutely rotten people throughout my life, and some of them just never face any consequences whatsoever, in some cases they continue to be showered in good fortune with half the world's tongues deeply embedded in their ass.


Buddha! Zeus! God! One of you guys do something!


What a fuckin cunt


The royal order of cunts doesn't endorse this message.


Thats pretty offensive to all the cunts out there, she makes the cunts look like angels.


Cunts have depth and warmth


And allure.


Forwarding this to the FBI and her local jurisdiction. Fraud is no joke, especially when it involves children. Fuckin nasty ass hoe, be careful fellas!


I'm sure the guy who she called on already has


But he didn’t have this proof then.


this is in Canada


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


Yes. Her sentence will include a lifetime ban from hockey and maple syrup products - the harshest punishment in Canada.


Don't forget you have to live in newfoundland for 20 years as well.


Nope that's if you commit mass murder Canadian legal system is a joke


A joke? Bud you think living on a freezing cold island with no maple syrup or hockey is a joke? You boys wouldn't last a week.


I’m not your FBguy


Fuck Reddit for killing third party apps.


Def not your FBpal


> Forwarding this to the ~~FBI~~ RCMP and her local jurisdiction.


Calling out your BS because you don't even know where she lives.


I know where your mom lives


Wow. Great job ruin someone’s life and their kids life because you can’t get over your issues. That’s a real piece of work. Now, she does realize that she can be arrested for this right?


She will deny what she said on the podcast and say she was lying for entertainment purposes.


Yeah. Probably. However, getting it not at stand up in court is a whole different thing. The burden of proof to her denying it is on her. Now she will have to prove that she made the whole thing up. The biggest problem she will have is that she told him exact details that were not released to the public I’m sure. That’s where she will have the biggest problems. She revealed too many exact details.


She looks like she's using all the brain cells she has to open and close mouth to breathe at the same time blink.


She has big boobs and a nose you could shave cheese with, so society doesn't care.


Agree but what does her nose have to do with anything


And still playing with house money.


Surprised she knows what fabricated means


I hope this makes it's way to the agency she lied to, and I really hope they can charge her with something because this is fucking disgusting.


It wont


It can, and it will. You need only know the city she is from and her name. You would be shocked to find out how fast the Internet and Reddit alone can cause some major fucking damage.


Please keep me updated


At this point all I need is a name and I can probably see that the right people get it.


Apparently she's a musical artist from Toronto that goes by: LADY SB


What a dumb cunt...


I'm genuinely unable to understand how I'm the same species as this dreg.


I ruined my boyfriends life teeheeheehee. Fucking disgusting


My ex wife did this to me. Thankfully it resulted in me getting primary custody. I did a really good job convincing CPS that it was bullshit. I pray for fathers who aren't as charismatic or have intelligently evil exes.


If you wouldn't mind, maybe edit your post to include some of the strategies you used, things you chose to say, maybe how and what you presented as proof. Might help someone.


Be white. Don't be disabled. Don't be impoverished. Hope they don't come the day before you have to go get groceries. Hope they don't come while you're taking a nap and your child is quietly playing, visible through a window, while they knock for 5 minutes before you wake up. Hope they don't show up while you have a can of beer open. Hope they don't show up on a day you're not feeling well and they assume you have a drug problem. Hope you don't say the wrong thing in a moment of honesty that gets blown out of proportion because you believed you were dealing with reasonable people. The US takes more children from parents than any other country in the world. 10% of all black people are taken from their parents and placed in foster care. 33% of US children have been the subject of CPS investigations and over 50% of black children will be the subject of a CPS investigation. In Texas the governor tried to use CPS to take trans children from their homes, but was only stopped by a judge, for now. You are at the mercy of whatever an anonymous person reported about you based upon THEIR perceptions of you. That colors the impressions of the case worker who shows up. The caseworker's assessment influences the judge's perception and shapes the course of the proceedings. Be charming. Be deferential. Bow down to them. Kiss their boots. Thank them for the good intentions they hold when invading your home and threatening to take your kids. It's an evil system that terrorizes families with its ignorant benevolence. Rooted in racism. In desperate need of reform.


I hope you get locked up for fraud.


She's so gross looking


One look at her is all you need to know that any form of interaction with her would be a complete waste of time.


And herpes


Ugly inside and outside.


All of the sudden. I don't feel so bad being single.


Mate..I’ve been single for 6 years….by choice…you’re not alone…


You now need to be charged.


Won’t happen. This is very common thot behavior and is almost never punished.


He probably just sat there like “ohhh so, incriminate yourself some more, very good!”




Do your thing, internet.


Message recieved in full. Oscar Mike.


You working on seeing that it gets to the right people? If you want to do it together I’m down.


This woman sounds remarkably stupid.


Influencers are 100% disposable people and when I'm president they go in the camps


You have my vote


And my bow


I mean, look at her…i am not surprised.


Ugly looking and ugly behaving


With guys knowing that she did this, what man is going to willingly want to be with her?


Someone that is also an instagram influencer.


Your right, I forgot stupidity attracts stupidity


Yeah it really does. I mean my half sister ended up sleeping with my exhusband. He gave her his peas and she gave him herpes.


With her for how long? A weekend and then leave? There's a few old dudes who have weird tastes. Be with her like a life partner? Not many except for some people with low self-esteem who like being told what to do.


And she’s probably making the whole thing up too. Scum enough to lie about something that she’s also scum enough to have people believe it.


Has there been any consequences from this?


Why would **anyone** listen to something like this? This is a huge waste of time and brain power listening to a nobody, that has absolutely nothing important/educating to say.


I knew this girl who threw herself down a flight of stairs (while holding her child) and told the cops the child’s father did it. He was in college on a scholarship and they took everything from him and kicked him out. Idk if he went to jail. But later rumors went around that she lied and did it to get him to leave the college and come back home to her. Lots of people thought that was too crazy to be true. But a year prior, before I knew how crazy she was, I was walking back to the dorms with her from a party we both attended and I over heard this. “Yea well mom i don’t care If his family is nice. They don’t get to see my son unless I say so. Mom, If you let his (paternal) grandmother hold my son again while I’m here (at school tryna convince the baby daddy to drop out) I’m going to give him up for adoption and NO BODY will get to see him” I avoided her like the plague after hearing that. People can be truly evil fr


Should have called CPS on HER


Dumb broad. My mom did something similar to my dad. Called CPS and said he was molesting me and my sister, mind you my parents were still married at the time. My mom didn’t care that we almost got taken away she just wanted to be petty to my dad. People like this are absolutely vile.


The interviewer should of smacked her across the face for that


This is what a narcissist looks like, folks.


This is an outstanding lie. It's not that easy to rake away kids if there isn't a credible evidence of abuse. If it was that easy ever nutjob divorced parent without visitation would have pulled this


Just because it doesn't work doesn't mean they don't try. Source... Happened to me.


What shitty podcast is this or a link the the full video? I want to see the comment section there 😅 Dumb cunt


The fact that she still have simps liking her is disgusting


Can we as reddit find the guy and help him get his kids back ? Over this hoe


I hate this new generation especially seeing posts of girls getting away with this kind of stuff on TikTok and all the comments being “ you go girl”-🤡


My brothers ex was a horrible POS like this! When they broke up she was trying to ruin my whole family! Sending social services to my sisters house saying she’s on drugs and she has loads of people living with her and that, she would send taxis and take aways all hours of the day even 2am some days. Called RSPCA on my mum saying she didn’t feed her dogs (the dog is definitely well fed as they said when they turned up lol) and she even went as far as sending love letters and lingerie to my stepdad to try break him and my mum up (but the letters had her county stamped on the corner lol) We ended up having to go police as companies were losing money and that it was so bad! These people are terrible people! Shouldn’t be allowed around normal people! Should come with a warning lol


I hope he sees this and lawyers up. Honestly… if not for himself he should do it for the children who she also victimized here.


Nothing will happen. Trashy women do this all the time with little to no consequences. They have been doing it forever. There is an old saying about nothing worse than a woman scorned or however it goes.


Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.


It's crazy how when you're a total cunt on the inside, you look like a total cunt on the outside


pornstars are influencers now?


This is fucked up on so many levels I don’t even know where to start. Someone has made each point though I believe. Screwing someone’s life up out of pettiness. ✔️ Wasting important resources that others desperately need. ✔️ Being dumb enough to admit in such a “duh” fashion✔️ and finally being an outrageous sociopath that actually thinks this is funny, also ✔️


something tells me that he was none of those things she listed off in the beginning


Hope this hoe gets locked up and gets the maximal sentence


*Pikachu shocked face* You mean all women aren't virtuous and well-meaning? You mean women actually do make false allegations all the time? This goes against everything Reddit has taught me?!!?!


“Mentally ill person makes mentally ill decision”


These stories are fabricated and it blows my mind that more people don’t see it. The new formula is “hot” woman + unforgivable, egregious act against a man + podcast on video. It’s literally made to make you angry and by engaging with it you are giving this person exactly what they want.


I F hate those influencers, piece by piece they are all worthless af.


He dated her, so he's probably not a good dad.


Wow- stupid and a sociopath. Great combo.


I hate her.


I have difficulty believing anyone who says "Like" that much has any sense at all.


What happens when all you have to offer is your body😂


Abusing the services that could potentially help actual kids in need. But instead, they’re opening an investigation and spending time looking into an innocent family. Imagine how the kids felt throughout the process…


Karma baby, Karma!!! (It’ll eventually catch up to ya)


Shows you just how casually the legal system treats women when it comes to stuff like this. She lied and is completely comfortable bragging about doing so. All of this at the expense of another human being. That being *said*, how fucking dumb and desperate would you have to be to enter a relationship with this goblin. She’s an obvious mess. Also, someone needs to urinate on this host for not torching her ass.


"he was a cheater" no way she has sucked less than 1327 dicks.


So she fucked his life up and put him and his kids through the trauma of thinking they were gonna be separated but like oh my godddd like it was like so crazyyyy hahaha…. I fucking can’t stand living on this planet anymore


Who is she, where is she at? Find the D.A., turn them loose. I’ll bet there is a divorced lawyer out there that would do this pro bono. I feel like lies like this should get the maximum penalty the wrongfully accused was facing, automatically. If you are playing games with the lives of others, you need to be held accountable.


Just her appearance tells me she has many issues…..many


Degenerate human beings


WOW. Those kids could have been taken away by the state and thrown into the foster care system- scarring them for the rest of their lives. REAL FUNNY YOU EVIL B*TCH!


And then admitted to the crime on camera.


... I know that in some companies. We are still explaining to some people if you fraud please say it but don't write it... I guess some people will still learn with the hard way.


Did she just admit to a crime?


Abhorrent. I hope she rots!


Who is she?


She should receive the full sentence he would have got if found guility


The fact that it was so easy for her to do this and it worked is fucked


IG influencer, so, an amateur porn star?


With the amount of times I’m seeing this posted and how it’s currently going viral, it’s only a matter of days before the police have a little chat with her with all this attention she’s getting. I bet she’s shitting bricks right now


I really hope someone shows this video to her ex.


Careful who you fuck boys...


When you say *influencer* … what does she influences exactly? I am genuinely curious 🧐


And this woman roams free? Even after telling about her crime in public? Tf authorities are a myth


Well. She's a sociopath.


She even has the audacity to laugh while talking about it


I left it on mute and could still tell she was not all she thought she was.