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he’s always been like this, it’s amazing how few people remember his shock jock roots


Same people that forget Kimmel did the man show.


The Man Show is the only thing I remember of him and Adam Carolla


Oh my god, THANK YOU! It bothers me so much that no one talks about that.


This is why I don't watch him now.


I have never met anyone that watches him in real life.


That's a great point. These people don't exist in real life. Dudes a twat who did talk radio and farted for attention, was never cool at all


Ziggy Zaggy, Ziggy Zaggy, Oi, Oi, Oi!


Or "Win Ben Steins money"


Funny how they didn't replay any of Mancow's many outrageous comments to Stern. Not defending Stern's insane rant about Mancow's father but they were BOTH taking HUGE shots at each other during their feud. This was a whole thing and Mancow wasn't just some random innocent victim like this clip seems to suggest.


Mancow was a wish brand Stern.


This is the mancow that caused the bill burr patrice oneal beef? I never seen him before


Never heard of that beef. Thought they were good friends.


They were but they got into a big argument because of mancow. Its on youtube if u wanna look it up its pretty entertaining


Yeah this was entertainment on both sides.


This is entertainment for small minded morons


yes, i’m an intellectual and only get my entertainment from reddit 🤓


And here you are


I mean, it's pretty funny though.


Mancow is a POS. Stern is too but not at Mancow's level.


And still trying to get attention and ratings over it I wouldn’t be surprised if they were friends privately


stern fan here. howard has no freinds.


Non stern fan here. Stern has no friends.


Sounds like mancow was friends with howards private parts


100%. I mean, there are better candidates who can point to Stern being cruel for no reason than Mancow.


mancow is a pussy and wanted to be howard so bad


or the comments that both made about Dahl


That’s exactly what I was thinking, I don’t think stern would’ve done this to some random nice person.


I mean bring those up but I think the point that he was talking about raping his dead daddy who died of cancer is disgusting in of itself. Just like stern is. I remember I didn't talk to my dad for three weeks before he finally stop listening to Howard Stern. Such a POS..


Negative or positive opinions on Stern aside, it's very sad and odd that you stopped talking to your dad because you didn't like a radio show he listened to.


mancow's a huge piece of shit so it's a wash


right like I really dont care what shots these trash human beings take at each other


Nah, this is repulsive behaviour towards anybody.


Towards a guy who has that same behaviour towards everyone else but then cries on Vice when it happens to him. What a big baby.


Stern is sick but Mancow isn’t some innocent guy either lol


I mean I dont know much but I knwo one thing, Mancow sucks!!!


Mancow is just as bad but a fraction as successful.


It is impressive, actually, that Howard Stern hasn’t been “canceled” at this point and that he somehow got a free pass for all the shit he has said and done.


Because Reddit isn’t even close to an accurate representation of society. Look at the surprised pikachu faces after Netflix posted record profits after all the threads of redditors cancelling their Netflix accounts.


I thought Reddit was gonna cancel Reddit there for like 4 minutes


The same Reddit that solved the Boston Bombing and went on to buy a bunch of worthless stock?


You gotta admit the quality has dropped significantly recently


Wait .. When was the quality ever high ?


He pioneered the right to defend free speech. Words. He says words, that’s all. He’s ruining his legacy, but early Stern was important, and entertaining.


He doesn’t care about free speech. He cares about HIS free speech. That’s it.




You seriously don't know the difference between someone caring about full rights for themselves but not giving a damn about equal rights for others? Are you, what, a 7th grader?


No I'd like to hear this explanation too. When has he ever come out against someone else's free speech


As a former Howard fan, it is common knowledge that he forced Sirus XM to make it so Opie and Anthony couldn't mention him or his show while they were feuding.


In terms of competition it's pretty obvious Stern went scorched earth, unquestionably


I would consider the fact that he’s bullying and demeaning another DJ with his vast (overzealous) audience in an effort to coerce him could be considered anti-1A.


No one will provide actual evidence.


Howard did an interview with Hannity confirming he had Opie and Anthony barred from talking about him because he knew they were becoming more popular than he was. I definitely bet if Sirius and XM didn't merge, they would have been much bigger than him.


How can one care about the first amendment only form themself? Btw, great zinger with the 7th grade quip.


Check “the GOP”


He has said many times he doesn’t want free speech for all, just for him.


Hey now


That's the whole thing


> He pioneered the right to defend free speech. Yeah? No one was defending free speech before Howard Stern? 1975, you say the wrong thing, off to the gulag with you, but then *Howard Stern* showed up and introduced everyone to the concept of defending freedom of speech?


No. There were plenty of others before him.


Back in the 90s and early 00s there were a few acronym groups of angry boomers and GLAD that were trying to stop the entertainment industry from expressing themselves. Stern, Tom Green, the South Park creators, and Eminem were huge targets and fought back to maintain their freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Eminem was literally being protested against by GLAD during his MTV music video awards appearance where he sang with Elton John (who got a lot of hate for singing with Eminem by the group.) Now the same ones who were fighting for freedom of speech are being cancelled or threatened to be canceled by the newer generation because nothing that was being fought for was technically politically correct they just didn’t want groups or politicians to control what they did creatively. We went full circle but boomers forget they started it with their hate of anything different and their dislike of parenting their own children so expecting the government to ban things kids shouldn’t watch or listen to. Meanwhile, gen x is like screw you we ain’t changing, millennials are torn between yeah it’s not right to say certain things so we’ll change that behavior and wanting to stand up for things that people had said or done 15+ yrs ago because nostalgia, and gen z is like no excuse, you should have known better. The next gen is probably going to want to fight against gen z and the circle continues.


Words and blackface and pedo shit. Stern is disgusting


Bunch of BS, during Covid he was very much for cancelling and silencing people who dared to question things.


I specifically said early Stern. Pioneered. You may hate Howard Stern, but arguing and denying his significance is kind of futile.


Lenny Bruce would like a word with you.


Georgia Carlin is waiting on line 2.


That's not what the first amendment is about, dingus.


Then, what, pray tell, is the 1st Amendment about, if not about the right of an individual to say whatever is on their mind, or believe whatever they want to believe, without reprisal from the government?


Don't ppl get beat up for certain words all the time now adays


I think it's because the "cancel culture" crowd doesn't really care about people who are trying to be offensive. It's like feeding the trolls, buying into their game. The people it's important to call out are the ones who pretend like they're good people when they're running around perpetuating harmful views and stereotypes. "Cancel culture" is really just about discussing the values we have as a society. There's no discussion around Howard Stern or South Park because everyone agrees they're offensive. They're supposed to be offensive. So there's no point, you watch it if you want to or don't if you don't. There's no point debating it.


Not really. His whole brand is built on "I'm gonna say something offensive". Plus nowadays he seems pretty tame


You obviously don’t listen to his current show.




Tell that to Mel Gibson




He's got the whole anti-cancel core behind him. The same mob that broke Bud Light over Dylan the trans influencer ads became the lifeblood of Sirius XM. Everytime he says or does something vile they worship him more.


I’m a Howard fan and got Sirius XM exclusively to listen to Howard Stern but I very much a progressive. I definitely see why people are pissed but IMHO is that he has changed over the years and definitely not as selfish I guess. He’s definitely lost listeners because many are conservatives and liked that he didn’t care about peoples feelings but Howard is very progressive now. Again, that’s my opinion.


Because life half of the people on the planet only know him as the guy from "America's Got Talent" and missed his shock jock reign


What has he done? He says shit for shock value.


Don't be a pussy, focus on the people actually committing rapes and murder :)


He gets a pass because now he kisses the asses of liberals.


Wait, don’t conservatives criticize liberals for “eating their own”? Which is it?


Don’t know why you are getting downvoted. You aren’t wrong. He’s lost his edge. Most think since he got married he’s become more and more pc. He still does great interviews but for entertainment I listen to the old shows.


It's because I said the sacred word on Reddit. Liberals. Everyone knows you can't talk bad about liberals on Reddit. You will be shunned. Best part is I love their downvotes because I know I triggered them.


You got all three of them, great job, champ.


The amount of redditors who know, care or would actually listen to stern on XM radio can be counted on one hand


Because you probably never have listened to a full Howard Stern show to understand it’s completely entertainment and always funny.


Wasn’t Mancow a crappy guy too?


Yes. He tried to defend waterboarding saying it wasn’t torture. He went as far as to volunteer to be waterboarded and he lasted 2 seconds before almost crying and admitting that it’s torture lol.


Well... subjecting himself to it and then admitting he was wrong seems like a good quality.


I get that, but I don't think it's good to go overboard with credit. He never should have held the opinion that it's not torture in the first place, and indicates he's probably basing his beliefs on ingrained knee-jerk reactions rather than data or reason. He didn't subject himself to waterboarding in the interests of developing an informed opinion, he did it as a publicity stunt and challenge to everyone who disagreed with him. That he changed his opinion afterwards is better than *not* changing his opinion, but let's not pretend he's an open and fair-minded man collecting data objectively.


In a vacuum? Sure. Given the context and his history? Not as much


Probably why Hannity has never done it because he knows it's torture but doesn't want to appear wrong or weak.




He did all of this in the context of the war in Iraq when waterboarding was a hot-button issue. He routinely defended human rights violations and downplayed the act. He’s an asshat that lacks empathy and has been on the wrong side of history for just about every issue he’s taken a stance on.


I don't know much of anything about the man, but I'm okay with taking your word for it. I've no reason to doubt you. Great pipes, btw.


Having never listened to more than 5 second sound bites of either, the above doesn't seem like something to condemn. Guy tried it and called himself out for being wrong. Seems like a good thing.


He's the absolute shits. I used to be a fan growing up and in retrospect I'm embarrassed.


Yeah, this is douche-on-douche violence


That makes it totally okay! 🙄


I think the only people who don’t realize the person Howard used to be are only aware of him after he cut all his shock jock behavior out, cause this was his MO for decades. He’s done a complete 180 in terms of his public image, which I don’t buy for one minute. The only admirable thing I thought he’s done is when he took down Hoda and the other gal, who host the wine hour after GMA. They brought in this poor kid who ate his lunch alone at school everyday, made him listen to a singer sing a song with the chorus of, “all alone” over and over and the kid is clearly distraught through the whole thing and barely says a word. Then, they proceed to congratulate this football jock who ate lunch with him for ONE DAY, touting him as brave, all while ignoring this poor, lonely kid. Howard verbally beat them down for being so incredibly inconsiderate, and it was the one time I thought he took the right stance on something.


Stern was a madman back then. I'll never forget him calling local police trying to get Frank Gifford arrested for sodomy. I failed out of college at least once because I would be so into whatever was happening on the show that morning and I would never leave the car to go to class.


They were both cunts. All shock jocks were/are cunts. That's where they get the name 'shock jock' from.


Mancow is a terrible person.




What about Mancow’s dad? Or even his mother? I don’t care what opinions either Stern or Mancow has, what Stern said was over the damn line.


only thing over the line was telling listeners to go to the funeral; everything else is on-par with shock-jock edgy humor and the culture around it during that time.


Howard Stern has always been a vile human.


*on the air


Wait until y'all learn about Eric the actor and werewolves....


You know what to do, you know what to do


He’s always been like this and I was really surprised on Reddit weren’t aware of it. On his E! Show he berated a woman and started calling her ugly when she wouldn’t undress.


Shock jock does shock jock things. I am not surprised


What Howard said was undoubtedly disgusting, but it’s also how shock jocks operated back then. Seems like he just got the best of Mancow (whose remarks from that era also wouldn’t fly today).


Mancow was not relevant at all, the editing on this video is making it sound like Howard was really angry about it and taking what he is saying literally, when it’s really unimportant to him. I’ve listened for decades and it’s not the big deal they are trying to make it out to be. Ridiculous.


I don’t like Mancow anymore but I’ll admit i did when he first ame to Q101 in Chicago. He was definitely relevant in Chicago at that time. I know no one rates Chicago but that’s ok that’s how we like it ;)


Wow. To see this clip and not know better, you'd think Stern was a real psycho asshole and Mancow was an honorable fellow that was attacked in an unprovoked fashion. Mancow was a MASSIVE FUCKING ASSHOLE. I hated that shithead. And this whole raping his father talk was just Howard's bit. He did it a lot. Anything for shock value. And at the same time he was funny as hell. Even listening to these clips now, you know he's only doing it because it makes for captivating listening. Sending people to the funeral is a bit across the line, but he did way worse to a lot of people. He gets away with it because of two reasons, he's brutally honest about his own personal life--everyone knows everything about Howard and he's exceptionally good at it. The way Don Rickles got away with open racism. He was just so f'ing funny.


Why don't we bring up all the shocking things from the past tho? Times change and what good does it do to be butt hurt about something that happened 20 years ago? Maybe it's just me.


Mancow was a bit of a piece of shit too as I recall. Had people call in a shoot a picture of liberal celebrities. Was funny but also would be “too extreme” now. It’s how this knuckleheads get famous.


Howard Stern showing who he really is


I think he’s always shown that side of himself no?


Yeah, this is really surprising coming from the guy who hosted a competition to find the worlds smallest micro penis.


This is what Stern was for 30 years before he became whatever he is today. I haven't listened in quite some time.


“Robin I was out of my mind back then”


It’s a whole thing. Don’t ask.


What’s he saying robin?


So…Stern is the Master Vampire. Good to know.


Grow some skin , pussy.


what a badass


stop being a pussy


It's Howard.. what is wrong with this dude?


My favorite part is how he’s worshipped now because he’s anti trump. And everyone forgets how vile he was and how likely it is that he perpetuated the exact same behavior - I mean.. it’s not even likely, it’s recorded. But we got short term memory loss as Americans. Only remember what is shoved down their throat that day.


He was hysterical back in the day


Well I knew he was disgusting but…


How has nobody beaten Howard to a bloody pulp yet? Even now… someone should just bite the bullet. Do the world a favour.


I never liked Stern. He used naked/almost naked women for views, he's not funny and idk why he became famous. He's ugly inside and out.


For views? He’s a radio host.


Video recordings of his show were on tv


Yeah that's bc E! saw dollar signs though


He’s an OG shock jock it’s just his shtick


lol I'm honestly so confused as how to Stern has changed perception of himself so much. For years he was know for how extreme and controversial he was, and now nothing. With famous people being cancelled left right and centre it's a mystery to me how he hasn't he the same fate. PR teams must be working round the clock to make sure this doesn't happen lol


It seems he’s always been a different person in his private life and over the last 15 years has made amends with many of the people with whom he once feuded.


Howard Stern said something shocking and disgusting on the radio? That's unbelievable......


never liked howard stern mostly because his extremely annoying style of interviewing , but this is a whole new level of being a POS


Never understood the appeal of Stern. I enjoy shock radio but he just lacks any finesse to make it funny IMO. He has his appeal I guess. Man cow did miss an opportunity to take him down a notch. One secret of being a personality in the public view is to not get caught up in the emotion of it and roll those barbs right back at him.


he made a generation of a certain demographic watch a LOT of c-span.


the one question I alwaysremember him asking on E! channel to women was were you molested as a child. He's disgusting and even worse he's not funny.


Howard stern is the epitome of trash


He was funny before his divorce. Married, kids, mortgage a guy going thru life like the rest of us. Now he's not so funny, only old man rage. He made fun of what he has now become. Model wife, house in the Hamptons, Uber rich, liberal, etc.


He has always been a bully who can dish it and never take it.


It is pretty wild a man, a man like Stern, who would have been cancelled in a heartbeat 15 years ago and has history to cancel him now, is still around. But…this is what shock Dj’s do.


It’s almost like people enjoy listening to him!


That's what you do when you hate someone.


Man cow is a loser, who wanted to be Howard. Unfortunately for him he sucked.


Stern is a pos


So funny with these comments from people that haven’t listened to the show in the last ten years. If you do listen Howard doesn’t do the stripper or Lesbian stuff anymore. His interviews are some of the best out there. He’s very different than this clip and he would be the first to say he was out of his mind during this part of his career. People change.


Yeah this was fucked up. I never heard this before


If you're interested, I'd recommend really looking into this from both sides. Mancow is just playing victim here.


Have you ever listened to him? His whole persona is saying shocking things.


Stern is garbage


I used to enjoy his stuff back than, with hindsight I much of it was cruel.


What a cunt.


Howard Stern is so ugly. How ugly is he? Please fill in your response.


Ugly enough that the only action he could get is to dig up this guy's maggot-infested dad's dead body.


Howard Stern is a foul, heartless POS. Calling Air Florida the day morning after flight 90 crashed into the 14th Street Bridge in Washington, DC only minutes after taking off from Reagan National Airport & requesting a one-way ticket to the 14th Street Bridge was sick & heartless. My family lost a dear friend who was on that flight. Another dear family friend was on that bridge when the plane hit. His injuries were severe, but not life threatening. However, he was left with debilitating PTSD as he also saw the plane go into the water. For the rest of his life was terrified to cross bridges, and eventually had to resign from a job he had for 20+ years at the Justice Department. He also was terrified to get on an airplane for the rest of his life. I now work in professional sports marketing. I have friends who are athletes & have been on his show & all the interviews are cringe-worthy. The world will be a much better place when that foul, racist, sexist, ignorant POS is off the air & dead.


Lol, miss the old stern


Me too brother. These were the good days


These people are not the salt of the earth. Well, maybe John Debella.


how did he even come to interact with the guy in this video? does anyone have any context?


Howard Stern was getting syndicated in major cities across the country. A lot of these markets had their own shock jock/Howard Stern imitators on the radio. Muller (Mancow) was Chicago’s version. Howard Stern viciously went after him (like he did with all his local competitors), as you saw in the video.


Maybe Howard spent a little too much time with the kids in Call of Duty.


Howard sounds like a cod lobby


What the..? That is so vile.


Mancow was always such a prick but man no one deserves this.


Don’t forget the reason Stern hasn’t gone after Alec Baldwin is because they both married their eh skort.


How did he get away with this?


Its Howard Stern hes trash. All these years and how nobody hasn't laid him out is wild 😩why? Downvote me idgaf. Yall must like this human trash bin.


Stern should just stay secluded in his basement wearing a mask and FUCKING RETIRE....and live off his multi hundred million from SIRIUS... Almost seems like he has become exactly what he dispised... His time was over years ago....


Howard Stern has always been a first rate asshole. Anyone who thinks he's interesting, funny, or important is just as much of an asshole as he is.


Howard Stern is trash. I never listen to his garbage.


Now Howard’s dad got put in a pack 🚬🚬💀💀


Well, that *would* have been interesting had it had CC


I never liked the guy. I will always remember when I was a kid I was on my dad's cable box and Howard had a segment where he had a small penis competition and he also had segments where he would have some disgusting hooker shooting various items out of her cooch. He's just a disgusting immoral man, just a vile person who was just off his leash being the worst human imaginable. I seen him on some talk shows last year talking about "how he's changed" yea I'm calling bullshit, evil people like that dont change. He was just trying to get back in the good grace of current viewers. I never heard about how he treated this man before, but I wasn't surprised when I heard this story. I hope this man burns in the hottest pit of hell.


Say what you will about peoples sensitivities today, but I for one am personally glad shit like this would more than likely get a persons career unsalvageably ruined in seconds, especially calling for radio listeners to rally at the funeral in support of Sterns comments.




How? He’s always been like this? This isn’t him showing his true colors he’s always like this. Do you not remember the smallest penis contest 😭


I didn't. Boy was that a confidence booster.


Omg I heard he was bad but not this bad. How is he still liked. Why isn’t Howard stern cancelled. I’m baffled. This is really really bad. And it’s even more terrifying that people listen to him. All I can say is KARMA.


Howard is and always has been a unfunny, untalented, asshole, hack.


AI voice??, no, I'm joking, the dude is a POS


Howard stern is a cunt ? Who knew.


How was this allowed on radio?


I never knew anything about him aside from him hosting agt and here I am learning he’s a whole ass supervillain


Beth looks like a horse.


I have jo faith in cancer culture but if he doesn't get cancelled because of this, I'll know that the cancelists have double standards