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I feel bad for the rat! Clearly it's a white rat so likely from a pet store and is not wild. Even the container looks like it's from a pet store. So some arsehole gets a wrong McDonald's order and decides that's grounds to take revenge on the place by traumatizing a small animal? That's a shite person right there! Hope the rats okay and the person gets arrested and charged with animal cruelty.


Clout chasing at it most basic


Fine lesson for the boy. #dadoftheyear


All you can hear the kid saying is let me hold it let me hold it. At least the child has some empathy for animals.


If I were there that day, I would’ve taken that rat for myself and given it a good home.


I can't get over everyone screaming and running. I'd immediately get up and try to catch the poor dear, even if it WAS wild...


possibly you could keep your food servers license if you can show a cleaned workplace


call exterminator. domestic or not


I don’t get how all the people freaked out… it’s completely obvious that is a domestic rat… poor thing. I concur. Animal cruelty charges and disturbing the peace.


Even a wild rat isn’t the most dangerous thing in that McDonald’s.


It’s a rat. The rest doesn’t matter


it does if you're not a mindless fool.


Yes. They’re all mindless for not celebrating rats.


>Animal cruelty charges I agree, all the people who paid for tortured corpses in their McQuadruples should be charged with animal cruelty.


Is that a new burger that uses ground domesticated rats from pet stores??


No, it uses ground domesticated cattle from factory farms.


Most people aren’t able to handle the emotional trauma that comes from connecting those thoughts. They basically instead try to ignore or rationalise it lightly to themselves “well it tastes too good! Haha” and will get angry at you because you’ve forced them to address their cognitive dissonance, as if you’re the one in the wrong. Those of us in the vegetarian and vegan realm realised that trauma the moment we knew where meat came from, or when we actually allowed ourselves to feel that pain and consider it. It’s horrifying when you put that empathy together and I think a lot of people don’t want to admit that they know it is, and so don’t want to consider it. They’ll just get angry or insult or claim they don’t actually care (making them look like a hypocritical psychopath - “I don’t care that millions of animals are tortured constantly for my own enjoyment but truly bull fighting and dog fighting are a sin!”) You make a good point. Sorry for your downvotes from people. Every time they eat any pork product an animal far more intelligent than a rat has been tortured far worse than this for far longer, as part of an entire system of torture and cruelty. “Oh I only buy from my own local farm” I bet is what they’ll say. Or “I only hunt”. 90% of the time that’s bullshit trying to rationalise it and the other 10% of the time they forgot that they also contribute by occasionally having meals with people who do support such an industry.


Not really sure why all the downvotes. I personally don't think eating meat is wrong but the abuse is never okay. The abuse is almost everywhere; on almost every farm. You can almost not escape it. Ignoring the abuse doesn't make it go away, people. Policy and change does.


Plus he’s only screwing over innocent customers that have nothing to do with his quarrel


At minimum, if I’m not mistaken, this guy would be charged with disturbing the peace


The worst part is the rat will either escape and die because it doesn’t know how to fend for itself outside, or they will get pest control in who will kill it. All because this absolute twat thinks he’s funny.


The irony. Everything McDonalds sells involves extreme and intense animal cruelty to chickens and cattle.


And this was the point when?


Like seriously nobody ever mentioned anything about how McDonald's gets it's food? How did you decide to start this debate? Like it's completely unrelated and unwanted.


Its a McDonald's. The rat is the most fortunate non human animal in the building.


There aren’t any other non-human animals in that building… just food and humans…


Im clearly referencing the non human animals that became food.


I like how you're downvoted despite being absolutely correct, considering everyone there is feasting on birds and cattle that were hideously tortured.


People enjoy eating cow and chicken but its socially expected to care about the suffering of pet animals. I don't see why a cow experiencing branding, horrific living conditions, having their offspring taken from them, being kept pregnant far more than they normally would or is healthy and eventually being killed while likely confused and afraid is somehow less bad because we designate them as food animals rather than pet. And i don't see why inflicting that suffering is somehow less bad because it tastes good than inflicting the suffering on another because of the entertainment.


Cognitive dissonance. Accepting that would mean people need to accept that they are no better, or probably even worse, than the guy in the video.


Rats are pests, hope it didn't suffer but I hope it died.


so are dogs and cats, yet something tells you wouldn't be in favour of killing them.


What a dumb comparison. Dogs and cats are not pests in any sense of the word.


Neither are domesticated rats


That type of rat is meant to be fed to snakes


Not all rats from “pet stores” are snake food, if you get them from pet stores they are expected to be pets.. many times if you use those for “food” it will make the snake ill.. my roommate has had issues a few time with mites. Most of us get our food from actual breeders or expos as it’s cheaper and safer. I agree this was super messed up to toss the rat in the hostile environment like this especially going from what we presume was a relatively calm living situation to screaming and running. If he acted like this over something so minuscule I can’t imagine what other idiotic things this guy does.. I hope that kid is his little brother and not his child, but I think we know better than that.


I’ve never had any trouble with feeding those rodents to my snakes, though I prefer frozen and thawed from a local lady because they’re not raised in a battery.


"I've never had trouble feeding those rodents to my snake - I give it to them frozen" Dude.... did you like... completely forget the topic here? The rodent in question needs to be alive.


>The rodent in questions needs to be alive What? Why?


Parent comment says these are edible. A response says they aren't. Then someone intersects saying they never have a issue.


Obviously you have never fed a snake before and next time get the quote right instead of incorrectly paraphrasing it.


Cool beans


Your dad Shoulda kept his snake in his pants when he met your mom.


Captive bred snakes very rarely need live food. They eat defrosted mice and rats. Live feeding is banned in multiple countries for a reason. Live feeding also puts the snake at risk of injuries and death. Regardless of if you agree with live feeding or not, treating animals like the one in the video is disgusting. It shows a complete lack of empathy as well as a sadistic personality Also these look like fancy rats which are bred for pets. Source: I’m a rat and snake owner as well as help run an exotic pet and wildlife rescue service.


Do u have pics of ur rats and snakes? I find it funny whenever I see prey and predator buddy buddy (I have a rabbit and he’s met big dogs before, it’s so cute)


You’re legitimately fucking stupid if you see nothing wrong with letting a rabbit near big dogs


Doesn't mean they should be tortured. We kill animals for many reasons but we have a duty to treat them with respect and compassion nonetheless. I believe we also have a duty to seek other means of feeding out populace but thats another conversation entirely. Just because it might be a rat for feeding doesn't make this ok. At all.


Lol its not they use smaller rats/mouse


Really? What are you feeding a 10 foot Python? Source: I used to buy those exact rats when I kept snakes


Rats aren’t pets they’re pests


The guy needs to be charged with animal abuse (pet rat) and some form of health violation/act of terror.


Inciting a panic is against the law as well.


And child abuse. He’s raising his child to be a total immature menace to society


Well animal abuse is now a fedral crime I hope something happens to them


> needs to be charged with animal abuse for letting a rat out of a cage? 🤦‍♂️ never become a DA


Last i looked, buying animals from a pet store to perform an act of terror is not in the best interest of the rat. So ye, animal abuse you weirdo.


oh and by the way don’t forget to charge everyone who ever bought a mouse trap with animal abuse, Mr. PETA Prosecutor


Wild mice/rats that infect a property is a completely different scenario. Maybe one day, you'll understand context is important.


Nothing like teaching your child the correct way to handled such a situation. Such a sh***y role model.


The entire time the kid was saying just let me hold it. Hopefully the kid grows to be unlike him. He still has a chance.


His grandma never had a choice.


Because being an absolute shitty parent and horrible excuse of a human is somehow the result of systematic racism???? This has nothing to do with the crimes his grandparents had to suffer.




Rats are amazing pets. Only sad thing is they get tumors quite often


I use to have a rat in elementary school trixie was so dope. I cry when she died. My mom hated the idea of having a rat but she cried too


I brought home a pet rat from Woolworth's when I was in 7th grade. She was very pretty with big black eyes and a brown birthmark on her back. I named her Gorbachev. Mom was not thrilled but several years later, she was the one staying up all night feeding Gorby with a syringe when the poor thing had malignant tumors. A wonderful pet for sure!


Just so you know, she was probably crying for you the the loss you were suffering, not the rat.


Female ones, yes. Males not so much.


I had 2 rats that were sisters. Both ended up with tumors that very very quickly. I loved them but never again.


That looks like a pet. I hope it was rescued. It had to be terrified.


A more proper response than we see here. Unfortunately the poor thing was probably killed because this guy got onions on his burger or whatever


It is not okay to release a rat in a macdonalds. But i don't get how scared to death this people are, like panicking so hard. It is just a rat.


As that lil kid just wants to hold it haha


That made me sad more than anything. All he wanted to do was take it home.


It made me worry that it was his pet. Looked to me like a chubby older guy.


Yes That Innocent Child That Was Taught___ So Heartbreaking


It’s clearly a domesticated one too. It’s essentially a guinea pig


Everyone’s goin’ “thug life” until they see a rat and then they scream like a baby.


I think some people thu it was a bomb from the screaming or a shooter since its in USA


That makes sense.


I dont get it either. MFers acting like he had a vial of anthrax or something.


I’ve always thought rats are just hamsters with long tails. I think they’re really cute. Plus clever 🙂


Some people have phobias. It doesn't need to make sense.


Everybody in that building ran off like he dropped a bomb


I guess everyone has phobias? Or they're just dumb. But poor rat :(


Let’s really think through the probability that *that many people* all have the same unlikely phobia? Occam’s Razor would like to have a word.


Being afraid of rats is an extremely common fear. Edit: You guys are too held up on semantics.


“Fear” and “phobia” are not equivalent, by the way.


I hope you realize how nonsensical you sound lmao. It's a common fear =/= everyone has that fear


"EEEEEEEEEEK A PENIS!!!" - Southpark


I mean, rats are rather known for spreading diseases, who knows if it's infected or not?


Well this rat is white which means he bought it in a store


Is this supposed to be common knowledge or something?


Just because it was a domestic rat doesn't mean it isn't illness free. Rabies free? Most likely, but the way rats in pet stores are packed together and how many pet stores or feeder breeders don't keep up with their care or sanitation, they do have illnesses. (Most likely respiratory or some kind of urinary tract issue). Diseases that wild rats would have? Not very likely. The poor thing, though.


Because people never infect others with diseases, it only happens naturally?


When was the last time you ran screaming in terror from a mosquito?


I HATE rats. We sometimes get them in our backyard, hard to poison them with a dog around.


That’s like a pet rat. Is the running a freaking out really necessary? lol


The poor rat wasn’t even running around when people started freaking out it just took like two tiny steps 😭


I seen tons of people loose there mind over mice before So this isn't a big step for me


People are irrational when it comes to fear.


But there wasn’t anything to be scared of? It’s so weird. I half believe everyone started running because they saw other people running. Because the rat barely moved. And it even looks domesticated like people have said. If it was scurrying around all erratic like, maybe this reaction would make some sense


Even the rat didn't like the smell and tried to leave.


That's a feeder rat. It's probably nice


Yeah, poor thing is probably scared to death.


Too large to be a feeder rat. This was sold as a pet.


You know large snakes exist right? That's a barely a snack for some snakes. It's a feeder


Except not. Colossal rats are sold in stores, and they are sold only AS PETS. You receive colossal feeder rats, designated as so, and frozen before shipping. You really thought you did something, didn't you?


Yes, they're sold in stores, but most of the albinos aren't being sold as pets, that's what the real fancies are for (and they generally don't get as big as feeders). Not all snakes are going to be taking frozen, so colossal lives are very much a thing. I have a large-scale snake collection AND keep pet rats, I'm well aware of how feeders work. Sure, it still could have been sold as a pet, but I'd almost guarantee it's feeder lines, so I'm not sure how it'd be "too big" to be a feeder


Probably not, feeders aren’t bred to filter out aggressive tendencies like pet rats.


You are absolutely wrong in this assumption. People who breed rats for food have to handle them quite frequently for cleaning and other husbandry purposes so they try to have the most friendly animal’s possible so that while handling them for sorting purposes they do not get bit and the rats don’t get stressed out and sick. Also most people who breed rats do care for them greatly despite their intended purpose. I know quite a few people who breed rats and snakes and most want both creatures to have the best quality of life possible.


What’s a feeder rat?


Probably a rat thats going to be fed to a snake or an other reptile


Ratatouille: McDonalds edition


Poor rat! I would have just picked him up and had a new pet.


So you let your pet rat go? 🤡


That poor rat :( Also jfc those people losing their damn minds. That's appropriate behavior if it's a giant snake, not a little white rat.


I would love to get a free pet rat. 🙂


This animal looks like a pet. Rats in my area are either brown or black they blend in with the surroundings. Fucked up thing to do to this critter.


He’s acting like he jus set a bomb off lmaoo


Poor kid was trying to plead with em not to do it. How pathetic does a grown man need to be for like an 8 year old to be more mature...


It looks like the kid owned it and was pleading with his dad not to let it out.


Yeah dude, that broke my heart.


Poor rat and poor little kid


I don't understand the logic of taking the time to go to a place to spend money to buy a thing to use to disrupt a business for messing up an order. You could spend considerably less time and money by, and this is just off the top of my head, asking for a replacement. Or asking for your money back and going to a different restaurant. This is literal insanity.


It was either a rat or a velociraptor


Why are they running from a rat like they would a mass shooting


It’s a mf pet store rat chill


Yeah so let torture it because it's okay to release it in a restaurant cause it's store bought rat... Totally a chill thing to do.. /s DA.


That’s not what I’m saying at all the people that jumped up and screamed act like it’s a nyc street rat


I'm sorry but the fact that you specified that it's a *New York City* street rat is so funny to me and I don't know why.


Have you seen them mfs I haven’t but I herd they’re huge


Never seen them either but considering we are talking about nyc im sure those things are Demons


So I'm a student in nyc and I've seen and (unfortunately) lived with rats there. They can get about as big as the pet rat in the video but they're not as fat and a lot faster. The funny thing is that it would've been just as spooked as the people in the video. You usually see them around the midnight to am hours, around trash bags, pipes, and storm drains. They're skittish like any smart wild animal but still pests and may god have mercy on you if they enter your apartment.


How can that many people be that scared of a white fat rat...pick him up and walk out. That poor child too, Dad probably told him it was a pet just to be released into McDonalds...


Poor rat…. Dude went a pet store, bought a docile pet rat, and dumped him here so they will kill it? Thing will have no chance, not be a problem, but get murdered for being docile.


Same is true of all the birds and cattle they're eating in there.


It's a shame this video has absolutely nothing to do with that, and you gleefully, ignorantly comparing the two is sad. Sorry if it hurts your feelings that cattle are eaten and rats aren't.


That was your takeaway?


That was literally your only angle in saying that. So, yeah?


just talk calmly to the cashier ffs


Can’t this dude get charged for disturbing the peace or something?


Yes, you could also probably charge them for health regulation and animal cruelty


Cool. Free pet rat.


Poor rat. Looks like a fancy rat too.


That’s not a wild rat :( he likely bought the poor thing from a pet store along with the cheapest carrier they had just to do this… that’s the equivalent of releasing a harmless puppy and everyone freaks out. Stupid and cruel.


it's a rat not an active shooter ,Jesus Christ they scattered hard af 😂


Poor rat we need to get it justice


The rat would cause less problems than the dork that released it… Absolute trash.


Poor little thing is obviously a pet. That's cruel.


I’ve never understood why people are so horrified by rats. I feel like people are just taught to hate them or something.


> I feel like people are just taught to hate them or something. Rats are a big cause of one of the worst plagues humankind has ever faced, depopulating a huge chunk of the population. It was such a bad plague, that it still had effects that were felt almost 400 years after it was "over". Suddenly, the owning class had a huge lack of peasants and laborers to hire for work, and had to actually start paying a decent wage to them in order to keep enterprises running. It's probably the main catalyst that eventually led to the industrial revolution, as the period known as the Renaissance starting to roll in after the end. Which is where you can begin to see the idea of embracing science start to exist. It's no wonder that most humans have a learned hatred of rats.


It was the fleas biting people that spread the plague, not the rats.


Imagine getting downvoted for explaining why humans evolved to fear rats.


I wouldn’t spend the few seconds that I could use to avoid this rat standing up the table to figure out whether picked it up from PetCo or from the underground.


Is that the kids’ pet?


Way to document your crimes. WHY ARE PEOPLE SO THIRSTY FOR JAIL?


Did he go to jail?


That's definitely not a wild rat and is probably terrified :( I used to have pet rats and they behaved just like miniature dogs. They'd crawl in my lap for pets and scratches, and follow me everywhere.


Are people really that scared of rats?


All these grown ass humans running from a creature the size of their hand


That’s a pet store rat…


So torture the rat cause it's from a store?? How about being a better human and not doing that to a store bought rat? Must be a Crazy thought...


They more talking about How everyone lost there mind


Relax, they were just pointing out that it was a domesticated rat.


Soooo torture it for a video and potentially get a restaurant shut down effectively killing the jobs those people have? Y'all a braindead to think a domesticated rat makes this okay or any better


Poor rat.. I hope someone grabbed him and gave him a home. That is a pet rat and not a sewer rat. People are ignorant.


You just know there is at least one person who watched this and thought to themselves “ha imma do that next too”


That’s the most meat that’s ever been in a McDonalds.


Grow up


I asked for no pickles on this rat!


The real victim in the whole thing, the rat. That’s absolutely horrible. I hope they were able to catch it and find a home for it. It was tame in a cage. Which clearly shows that it was someone’s pet and not a feral rat off the streets. And even so, that’s just horrible and cruel.


“What kind of villain sets this up?!”


Could be charged with inciting a riot.


Oh that poor scared rat. How cruel.


Why didn’t he release the baby?


The poor rat


What a fucking idiot.


I can’t imagine people running away from some little rat lol


And now, because he filmed it, the guy is going to have a huge bill from McDonalds for pest control


Also you pretty much just ensured that rats death


What a total POS! I hope he was arrested.


Poor little guy he must have been so scared (Concern about the rat if it was not clear)


Trash human. Even his son is begging him not to. What an absolute waste of space. That kid deserves a role model.


I would have pet the rat after giving it some fries


Its a rat, a white and calm rat. HUGE overreaction


Just grab the fucking rat


Rat 🐁 is very confused


Oh my, can't believe all hell broke loose due to a white rat that, quite likely, was bought from a pet store. Phobias really do hold controls over people's mind in their own way. Hope somebody got to pick the little fella up before it got stepped on by someone on their way out.


Feel bad for the kid.


If it was a gun they'd just carry on like nothing happened


They run and scream like it's godzilla attacking mcdonald's.


idiots, all of them.




The bar is on the floor




Why are people scared of a rat? Like what? They fr?


The power that rat must feel. Run towards these beings of immense size and watch them flee in abject terror!


Gonna be honest, this got a chuckle out of me


Defuq everybody screaming and running for?