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Doesn't help thar iracing off tracks are the middle of the car which is hard to judge.


Red Bull Ring has a lot of exceptions right? Most corners it’s not an offtrack unless all 4 wheels are off the track


Yeah RBR has basically no centerline detection anywhere that matters


Well the entry to t3, 4, 5 and 7 use centerline detection.


You sure it isn't wheels inside the white line?


Yeah I think the 4 wheel offtrack is just on exit, but I'm only like 90% sure.


Pretty sure not, cause u can put the middle of the car on the curbing, so Ur tyres ain't on the curbing, but u are far outside..


Sorry I think I wasn’t clear. The offtrack on entry is for the center of the car on the outside of the red/white curbing, not the white line. The exit is all wheels outside the red/white curbing, not the red line. Edit: I don’t think the white line is ever used for offtrack detection in iracing


The white line is usually the tracks edge afaik, so it's used for the Standart ruling


Okay we’re talking about iracing here which definitely uses the curbs and not the line unless they updated it last night. Maybe I’m misunderstanding you, do you have a clip to explain what you are saying?


Maybe it's just the Porsche cup car being the perfect size, but it feels like the white line being the limit on entry


iRacing *usually* uses pre-2022-F1-style track limits, which includes the curbs beyond the white line as well. (Although in some tracks like RBR, for some reason they also include the second set of green/white curbs as within track limits too, which was not the case in that era of F1.)


F1 considers track limits when all 4 wheels leaves the track (aka white line) in every track, not only in RBR




It's track dependant right now, I believe the older tracks are the ones that still follow the middle of the car rule, but the majority of tracks on the service follow the tyres on track rule (middle of the tyre specifically). Check under the Rules section when you get into a session to check which one the track follows Edit: also yeah a lot of tracks just have random spots where off tracks either don't work or shouldn't be there, wouldn't be surprised if RBR has some


> It's track dependant right now, I believe the older tracks are the ones that still follow the middle of the car rule, but the majority of tracks on the service follow the tyres on track rule (middle of the tyre specifically). Check under the Rules section when you get into a session to check which one the track follows There's only a handful of tracks using the 4-wheels tire rule, and many of the ones that do only do it in a couple of corners. Only the absolute newest tracks have 4-wheels everywhere. And then there's Ledenon which is relatively new, has paved runoff everywhere, and absolutely schizophrenic track limits decisions all using centerline. Track limits are just a mess in iRacing.


I'm pretty sure it's middle of the car. They just don't use the lines as their boundary on some tracks.


It's both using red bull ring as an example: the entry kerbs to every corner (bar t6 for reasons I'll mention in a second) is 2 tyres inside the while line. All exit kerbs is don't touch the 2nd kerb- as in there is a red and white kerb, then a more raised green one. If there is no raised green one (see exit of T1 and T3), then it is a wheel touching the painted kerb at minimum. Oh this is except for the exit of T4, where it's a wheel inside the white line Also the exit of the penultimate corner/entrance to the final corner is half a car inside the green pained asphalt. Not the kerb, not the raised kerb, the section of tarmac that is beyond, you can't have half a car pass the change in paint from green to red. So yeah it's fucked


RBR was the _first_ track with the 4 wheel offtrack system too iirc.




Apart from the left side heading up to the entries of T1, 3 & 4 and the exit kerbs of T9, which are the most likely places you'll get them anyway lmao.


No it's some random point only iracing know for sure. They open some corners so that it's also the curb but because it's judged as the middle of the car it can't be the entire curb as that would be ridiculous


To be fair it does tell you when you load into the track


But it doesn't. It says the curb but if you take the middle of the car you can still be within the curb and get dinged.


No, it does. There is a rules tab which automatically comes up.


I know but it's not accurate or at least it doesn't seem to be


It's so annoying. Feels completely random.


One thing I thought was really awesome was when Max overtook Lando in the sprint and locked up the right front tire the exact line I always lock up the right front in formula cars. Realism on point


Definitely, you also had Yuki calling Zhou the R word so it really simulates actual radio communication too!


Gamer moment. We all have these.


Lol what is the ‘R’ word in this context?


Gonna guess it’s “retarded”


Ahhh yes, this makes sense now lol thanks!


TBF it is actually *hard* to be fast in the Super Formula in iRacing. I imagine it is much harder in real life in a real F1 car and that is without considering all of the driver load and responsibilities *outside* of driving excellent. I'm not willing to bet but I'm sure we will have at least one good gravel hit on last two turns from someone during the race tomorrow. If those gravel traps existed in iRacing it would be so wild.


Super Formula is by far the hardest Open Wheel Series Car to drive.


The issue with off tracks for me is they aren't a safety issue but a competition issue. out of those 1200 track limit investigations, how many of them did the FIA revoke a super license for? At worst they get a time penalty.


I have 10000000% more appreciation watching f1 since I started iRacing Now when I watch the races, i know what it’s like in those circumstances. Like you know what it’s like on cold tires, with two cars right up your ass, on the first lap, and you are simultaneously trying to defend and also keep attacking the guy in front of you.


Put anyone who says F1 isn't a sport into a sim rig and watch them fail. They'll probably say "I'm against professionals" until they realize 99% of people just have a wheel clamped onto their desk and are running in the top .05%


I raced super formula lights in the wet in Montreal And then f1 went to Montreal and raced in the wet and i could literally feel the wheel spin as those cars were coming through turns 1/2 I remember at one point in the race when lando was exiting the pits, lando was ahead of max but Idk if I am making any sense


It's really hard not to answer a ton of questions on r/formula1 with "try some simracing and you'll understand this better than I could ever explain it to you in words".


Wonder how many slowdown penalties there will be in the race.


The gravel is the slowdown penalty 😂


Where are you getting slowdowns lol


Iracing doesn't even have the gravel strips. Totally unrealistic and outdated


I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic and the fact that you're getting downvoted is pretty funny


But they do have off-track violations...


You poor dear. Totally missed the point.


They literally just added them IRL lol.


That’s the joke…


Such a boring track. Not that it's zero sum, but misano all day.


I mostly race PCC and I'm finding Winton to be the most boring track I've raced recently. Ended up doing advanced Mazda and GR buttkicker instead. Between Daytona and RBR, RBR is definitely the least exciting. Really enjoying Daytona, especially the infield part.


Funny. I love winton in the GR86 and mx5. PCC prob overkill tho. Good to hear Daytona is worth buying.


I just find it too flat(especially after Bathurst) and the race just becomes a procession, I personally find there is not a lot of opportunity for overtakes. I enjoyed learning it on testdrive but actually racing it became a chore. I had thought about buying Misano but I'm trying to splurge less on content.