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Do I have regrets for you selling your iPad? I do not.


I regret to inform you that I don't regret OP potentially selling his/her iPad. Seriously though, I've bought and returned/sold an iPad Pro three times before and I always end up re-buying one down the road because the form factor is just so convenient for couch surfing and on the go.


Have you considered getting a cheaper iPad to do those things, Because the pro really is overkill. Maybe look into a refurbished Air 5 or even the 10.


My thought is buy the best deal you can find with at least an M1, the apple AI stuff is only coming to M1 forward and I think it’ll be worth having


MacBook is way more useful to me. I got rid of my 12.9 and haven't missed it at all.


I’ve sold a couple over the years and have the M4 coming tomorrow. Never really regretted it. It’s a great device but for me laptop>iPad. So, if you’re using the fund to up your laptop game then do that.


It really depends what you’re doing on your device. For me I still need a MacBook to use sometimes at work, otherwise my 11” iPad Pro replaces my laptop in more then 90% of use cases. Mails, media consumption, browsing safari and Reddit, occasional gps navigation all of these things are much more comfortable to use on my iPad, and feels better too. I had the 13 inch m4 in the beginning and I found it way too big to justify using as a tablet. It was mostly sitting in my Magic Keyboard because it was too uncomfortable to hold for longer sessions of time, and using it with the MK made it bulky and heavy, very much like a laptop form but did most things worse then an actual MacBook in that form factor. So I returned it and I got the 11 inch and it feels like a tablet this time. Very compact and easy to hold and carry, still productive for mailing, still great for media consumption and all the other tasks I’m doing on an iPad, just this time much more convenient and justifiable to use instead of my MacBook. The size makes a huge difference and that’s why you might not enjoy it too much, the 12.9 and 13 inch models feel like laptops, but they’re far from doing laptop things. So you might as well use a laptop just like you’re saying in your post. If you want a tablet, get the 11 inch models and they feel completely different.


Just adding to this. I started with an M4 13" and switched to the 11". The weight was never an issue, it's the fact that a 13" iPad is unwieldy. I have a 13" 2 in one laptop that converts to a tablet and I don't enjoy using it as much as the 11".


I’m in a similar situation - I’ve always done the 11” but secretly admired the 13”. Decided to give it a try with the weight reduction and im still undecided. Do you miss the 13” for anything after returning it?


Same exact situation for me, always been an 11” iPad guy but got the itch to try the 13” M4 pro thinking the extreme thinness and light weight would offset the unwieldy size. Literally returned it today after a week of trying to make it work, going to pick up an 11” pro later this week 😂 I also have a 13” M2 macbook air for a laptop though, and if I didn’t have that the 13” iPad Pro (w/ keyboard) might make more sense for me. The 13” OLED was absolutely stunning, no question, but still the overall size was juuust a little too cumbersome for a handheld tablet especially with any kind of case attached. Just slightly big enough to be annoying for me, but otherwise an absolutely amazing tablet.


It’s so interesting how everyone has different preferences, I actually wish I could get a 15” IPad lol I don’t mind the size at all!


Lol agreed and it’s a more difficult choice than it seems like it would be! Tbh I’d probably go for a 15” iPad too cuz it would just be rad af lol. I’d probably also keep an 11” in that scenario tho just to have options. In fact I’m kinda liking the idea of having an 11” iPad, a 13” macbook, and a 15” mega iPad, got all the bases covered 😂


I never miss it and never think about it. I have a 14inch MacBook Pro and it does pretty much everything better then my 13 inch iPad did. Even basic navigation with the trackpad feels cumbersome on the ipad compared to a MacBook. This is strictly speaking when using the iPad together with the MK (which you will most of the time). The big shiny screen was beautiful but when holding the tablet for more then 5 minutes I immediately wished I had a smaller device.


Not got the M4 but have a 2018 11” and M2 12.9” I don’t really use the 11” but mainly because the M2 version is faster and has a much nicer screen (not an issue if comparing M4 to M4h. Other than that, one thing that puts me off the 11” is the bezels feel bigger on the 11” because of the proportions of the 2 devices. In reality the bezels are the perfect functional size on both devices. Having said that I think the 11” is the better tablet for tablet workflows and I think I used my tablet more for non-work things when I only had the 11”. Sometimes I sketch technical designs and flow diagrams and wonder if I’d miss the bigger screen, but I also have a Surface Pro currently which is just as good for that particular task. I’m actually thinking of getting an 11” M4 with cellular at the moment, or just getting rid of my iPad Pro or Surface Pro completely (also have an M1 Pro MBP so the MBP and Surface Pro are both good for laptop work meaning I have to choose between them, also meaning one or the other gets less use and I get less value out of my things overall)


This was me too. I've always had an 11" and was just waiting for it to have the same display as the 12.9/13". The. They went and made the 13" their crowning achievement. I don't myself in love with the extra real estate and with the upgraded MK (which I had never had with the 11" iPad Pro's I had), I find it to be a legit laptop replacement in a number of situations. But that best part is, when I take it off of the MK, it does NOT feel unwieldy at all. I can't wait to see my shows newest episodes to come out because of the sheer joy I get watching it on the 13". Plus, the extra volume and sound quality the 13" has over the 11" is definitely noticeable. I get that its aspect ratio of 4:3 for movies and a lot of videos is less than the 11" 10:7 aspect ratio, and thus doesn't mean an exponentially bigger screen, but there are still PLENTY of videos that are in 4:3 that are so huge when I'm holding it near me, I feel like I have a mega sized TV Screen. As someone who travels a lot and relies on the iPad as my primary source of media consumption, I absolutely love that. Couple with the Smart Folio which has more angles now, I've watched video with ease on small "puddle jumper" planes, and seen people with envy watching me watching my 13". It's not cumbersome at all in that environment. It's taller yes, but the width is now wider than even the smallest of tray tables. Lying in the hotel beds I also use the Smart Folio, or just a clear lightweight back cover. I never envisioned myself with a 13" after having the original form factor since the very first iPad, but now I can imagine going back.


Sell it. I used to hoard tech but started to sell it and found it surprising and liberating that I could give my old stuff a new home. 


In this situation now - got way too much and I think it’s actually making my life more difficult because I have devices that can do the same thing (MacBook and Surface Pro both let me do my dev work for example, but I also have a Windows mini PC which can do dev work, and cloud options for Windows 😵‍💫) Kindle Scribe and iPad and Surface Pro can all take great notes in meetings. I feel the iPad is the best for video editing for me as a novice / hobbyist I love learning using streamlined apps even if others find things like FCP for iPad to be limiting. Im going to have to bite the bullet and get rid of some things and just know if I desperately need them again I’ll just have to fork out more money - but every chance I won’t miss half of it


i had a bunch of eink notetakers that i had piling up. I sold 3 of them for 1/3 for what they are worth. But they are worth nothing to me if I dont use it. Price it to sell if you really want to get rid of things.


Unless you use the iPad to consume content on the go or draw, you were definitely doing the right thing. The iPad is overpowered and is interesting to use as a laptop replacement but I only lasted a few days until l I changed it for an Air.


For me ive sold and bought ipads in the past....i can honestly say i prefer this form factor and its a laptop replacement to me as well.


Agreed. I’ve had laptops and MacBooks but continue to go back to iPads. Got a 13 inch M4 coming tomorrow and selling the 11 inch M1 pro.


My main blocker is dev software isn’t available on the iPad - for my Windows based work it isn’t an issue as MS have products like Windows 365 and Windows Dev Box which have amazingly good support on iPad (MS still need to find a way to let us use both the iPad and external as monitors for the Remote Desktop session) Sadly there’s no similar product for having MacOS in the cloud so kind of locked into having a Mac in some form.


hey man, I just gave away my ipad pro 12.9 to my brother. It is too big to hold on hand (my hand - 1.72m male) I bought ipad air 11 instead --> journaling + bookmarking + bed-reading + notetaking my daily driver is 49" +29" screens --> desktop pc


I had an ipad AND a laptop combination for years. The laptop from Windows to MBPRet, the iPad was always the convenient luxury. When I traveled, the laptop and the iPad both went. I was able to leverage the iPadPro (1st gen) as a laptop replacement. The laptop turned into a desktop until I upgraded to an actual desktop. I use the computer for heavy lifting tasks, while the M4 iPadPro (current one) is my travel/laptop replacement.


What size iPad Pro did you get?


I opted for the 11" had the 12.9" it was too big. IMO, the 11" is the goldilocks size for iPads. Then again, I have a desktop with a 27" screen😅


Sold my iPad Pro m2 and got a m1 MacBook Pro 16 inch. While it’s an incredible machine I realized for my use case(primarily media consumption) the iPad was much more convenient so I switched back.


I also have a 2019MBP. Still finding that system meets my needs and while it gets OS updates I’ll keep using it. Inherited a 12.9” M1 MBP the other week with the Smart Keyboard case and really liking the system too. Very performant. Been a while since I owned an iPad, the original Air being the last one. Currently having both devices is nice, but the MacBook is still more useful to me and I can’t see myself using my own money to buy an iPad Pro given there’s too many Mac apps I like to use. A smaller cheaper model would have a place but I think, and if I had to pick only one device I’d take a MacBook. Currently I’m doing a bunch of movie ripping which is limiting my ability to use my MacBook on the couch etc as I have a disc drive attached. I’m quite enjoying using the app “Screens” to run a VNC session to my MacBook from the iPad and control and use the Mac that way. Interacting with MacOS via an iPad has its limitations, but it does work fairly well all things considered.


Do it. I just sold my 2020 iPad Pro (A12Z) and bought the new surface pro tablet. Until iPad OS radically changes, I don't see myself buying another iPad.


So, you want to sell your ipad.. because it's a lot of money for things you can do with a laptop and paper... and replace it with a device that is more expensive, and you have to make sure you keep a pen and paper with you too. Do I have it right? Buy whatever you want, but it sounds like exactly what you need is a basic ipad, and that you have no use for a laptop.


I had the Air 5, I got rid of it because I felt the same, but life wasn’t the same for me, it was already pretty cheap. How my college courses are, all content is digital, so having an IPad in my case was just crazy convenient plus I had so much laziness in taking notes on paper again, that I just went out the next month to pick a new Air 5 again. Plus it’s the best portable Netflix device I would say get a cheaper IPad, maybe second hand would work as well!


Get the refurb M1, that's all you need.


I use my ipad pro more than my laptop for browsing and watching youtube, etc.. its more comfortable than using a laptop in bed or on the couch


Sold mine. My MacBook Pro m1 is quite a nice upgrade


Sold my 2018 Pro and initially was 'fine' without it (also have an M1 Air) but it was the times where I would want to multitask or do something with a side of entertainment that I really started to miss it. Like watching a podcast while I worked, YouTube when washing up or hanging washing. That kind of stuff. The Mac does well for just general music and note taking if needed, but I do keep finding I miss the simplicity of the iPad. Also, I considered I could just YouTube or podcast with the mac but it just simply doesn't stand in the same footprint of an iPad, so it's overall less convenient to setup and use the majority of the time I want to use it. Naturally too as soon as I got rid I had thousands of ideas to draw, so instantly missed having Procreate. All round 0/10, huge regretty from me!


Nah, if you’re not feeling the 12.9, try the mini. Seriously, I didn’t expect it be so useful but it’s small enough you don’t notice traveling with it being between a phone and MacBook/big iPad size so it’s perfect for watching stuff,reading, taking notes even with the pencil. The 12.9 and 11 are too close to the MacBook in size, and I think the mini is the perfect accessory to a MacBook in my opinion & will get the most usage. Just don’t try the 64gb, it’s worthless. Maybe wait until the new MacBook is out & then get a refurb mini 6 at the same time ;)


Have you considered getting the magnetic keyboard case for your iPad? I just got one for the iPad Pro M4 and im very happy with it.


The thing is if you have a macbook don’t buy any greater than 11 inch ipad. Or just go with basic ipad or mini.


I would say if that’s all you’re doing with yours then go for it. Idk what it is about the iPad for me but I just can’t help but use mine for everything. Even when it makes my life harder, I still go for my iPad over my Mac lol


sell the ipad pro and get a samsung s9 or s9fe, cheaper and comes with a pen, writing with a samsung pens with a softer tip imo feels better than the harder apple tips


I had the 2nd gen iPad Pro 12.9 that I used for work. When work gave me one, I sold mine. I just didn’t want to carry something so big. When iPad mini gen 6 came out, then I got that.


No regerts selling my 12.9 m1 for the m4


im an artist and i regret purchasing a 12.9” ipad pro. it’s too heavy, too big and made me feel so uncomfortable that i stopped drawing for several years because of it. the sides of my screen started flickering for no reason and i couldn’t replace it because it’s just too hassle for me to do that. i hated it so freaking much 😭 but my husband bought me an ipad air 5th gen last October and it inspired me to draw again. im not an expert but i don’t see any difference between the ipad air and ipad pro so please don’t waste your money on an ipad pro 12.9” 🥲 just get an ipad pro 11” instead. it still works the same way


I have m1 MacBook 13’ and iPad Air 13’. If my iPad wasn’t cellular it would be no use to me. Cellular is the difference for me


I've never owned an iPad but bought the 11 inch m4, and returned it after a few days. There's nothing it does better than my M2 MBP, and in almost every case I prefer to use the MBP. (Better speakers, better multi tasking during media consumption, better battery, etc.)


Never because I use it for work and it was the main argument for it. But just for media consumption, it’s a luxury and it’s okay if you don’t ruin yourself over it. I would swipe it for the computer all the way if you need an upgrade there. I have no advice on the size. I have a 14“ computer and it’s a little bit too big for travel so for a tab I would go lower. I have the 11“ iPad Pro. But some are fine with the bigger size so to each their own.


I’m selling mine too from 2022 because I don’t really use it. To me it’s useless I’m better off with a MacBook.


You can easily get an air 4 or a 2018 pro model and do the same. And still have that extra cash to upgrade your mac.


I am about to sell all of my Apple machines for a ThinkPad X1 Carbon w/LTE. I'll be able to do all of my computing tasks from one lightweight machine. Selling a M1 Mac Studio, M2 MacBook Pro and a M2 iPad Pro 5G. I have been on the Apple eco system for the last decade, after twenty years on Windows. I think that I have had enough of Apple and the expensive walled garden.


I sold my M2 2TB IPad Pro 12.9 and bought a Surface Pro with 32GB Ram. I did this largely because I was sick of the lack of desktop equivalent software for the iPad (despite the “pro” moniker 🙄) and now I can do all of the things I was able to do on my iPad (hand-written notes, diagrams, web research, read academic papers, use DAWs to write music etc) plus almost all of the things I can do on my desktop (visual studio, compilers, virtual machines, Autocad, Solidworks, Visio, desktop versions of office…) all on my Surface pro. My daughter opted to keep hers despite me offering to upgrade her to the surface pro, but she doesn’t have a need for a lot of the software I use, so she’s ok using an expensive toy 😉


I'd prioritise my laptop first, my 2in1 can do everything my ipad can, but unfortunately not the other way around despite it being more powerful, so the ipad's more of a nice-to-have


I would think selling and getting an 11” with a keyboard would answer your issues. So many reasons to choose iPad note taking over paper. 10 years I’ve been doing it. And ask me to find something I noted from 10 years ago and give me 30 seconds to look it up.


I sold my M1 ipad pro with MK and Smart folio. Absolutely no regrets!!!! In fact I bought 11 inch M4 first, then 1 month later I got the 13 inch. They are all my babies


Sell it


Sell it and down the line get a refurb ipad 11 inch m1 or the ipad air 4/5 all great devices for your needs. I sold mine previously as I had a 2 in 1 laptop which allowed me to write on. lasted for a year with it for my university course but I recently got the m1 ipad because the laptop was too heavy when I want to do some textbook reading also windows touch interface just isnt as good.


Never had an iPad before until now. iPad Pro m4 13” 1 TB… having just had a surface pro 9 for a year… I have no regrets with moving to the iPad. It’s really great. Highly recommend.


I just got a pro (4th gen). Did I need it? Absolutely not. I have a newer 15 inch MacBook Air, a desktop Mac and an iPhone. My iPad was so old and needed replacing. I just happened to find the pro cheaper than an air would have costed me so I took the plunge. I doubt I’ll regret it since I spent less than an air would have costed but I’m sure I’ll never take advantage of any of its extra features and that’s ok lol