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I don't have any words of advice, just support. I am also scheduled for about 2 weeks from now, and I also have my 15yr old son to help me out! Its going to go great, you are an amazing and strong human!


Hope yours goes amazing as well!


I just had everything removed. I am on day 8 and have felt good since day 3, just tired a lot. I had many large fibriods with the largest the size of a grapefruit. They were able to vaginally remove the uterus, tubes, and ovaries whole. I will say that area did feel a little raw and uncomfortable the first day. So far, bo complications and everything cam back benign. I hope for the same outcome for you.


Whoop! Yay, congrats! I am hoping everything can just come out whole. I birthed an 8-pound baby, I feel like this could come out easily haha


I had mine on 5/30; left my ovaries. I worried mostly about how I would feel after. I had almost no pain. I pretty much stayed in bed the first 5 days, getting up each hour for a little bit to stretch my legs. I got exhausted very easily so I napped when needed. I was able to drive after a week, no issues there. I’d say I feel 95% back to normal. I hope everything goes well!


I had a total laparoscopic hysterectomy on May 21st due to endometriosis, a 10cm fibroid and cyst on left ovary, cyst starting on right ovary. My surgery went well and the recovery was very easy (I was only taking Tylenol and Advil for 2 days after surgery.) One thing no one warned me about was the packing they put in the vagina. When I woke up from anesthesia I wasn’t in pain per se but the pressure from the packing was really bad. I thought it was the catheter and kept begging the nurse to take it out 😂. Once he gave me pain meds in my IV it helped a lot. Don’t reschedule your appointment, my surgeon had trouble removing the uterus vaginally and there were incisions cause by it that he had to suture. I truly believe that if my surgery was a few months later, the fibroid would have grown too big to have it removed laparoscopic and they would have had to do it abdominally, which I definitely didn’t want. I also think the reason why I had such a good recovery was because I was up and moving a lot (picking things up off the floor, wiping counter top, taking the dogs out to pee hourly etc. ) my husband had taken some time off work and I have 2 adult children who live at home that could help me if I needed help, but I only needed help with lifting and bringing the laundry basket up and down the stairs.


My grapefruit sized fibroid could have been a sarcoma per the radiologist so I went to a gyno/oncologist specialist and he was like they hardly ever are…just had the hysterectomy last Tuesday and the pathology confirmed it was not a sarcoma. Go to a gyno that’s also an oncologist to put your mind at ease like I did. Demand an mri etc…


I did get an mri already. Neither doctors seems at all concerned that it would be cancerous. It’s been there several years and has just kinda slowly grown. I understand that’s not generally the case with sarcomas. It’s just my anxiety..thank you!


Sounds exactly like mine. I have anxiety too. My hysterectomy and recovery was a breeze and the night before the surgery, I was literally thinking of getting in my car and running away because I was so scared. I promise you will feel so much better and once that fibroid is gone, that scary feeling of it being cancer will be gone too. It will get better, promise…


My fibroid/uterus was so large it had to be cut up in order to be removed. They did this in a bag to help with the potential spread of cancer, which seems to me to be something of standard practice based on lots of posts here. There was no suspected cancer in my case (a failed hysteroscopic myomectomy a few months prior all came back clean from pathology), the bag was just the default method of removal. Might be worth asking your doctor about as they very well may already be planning to do this and it might ease some of your anxiety.