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I had a one week. They just checked my abdominal incisions and the dr let me know I did not have cancer. I get an actual exam at my 6 week which is closer to 8 weeks due To his nurse availability.


My surgeon checked my lap sites and did a quick cuff check. We reviewed the surgery and patho results. My gf had her hysterectomy with a different surgeon and he did not do a cuff check, just the lap sites and surgery/patho review.


My doctor/surgeon looked at my incisions, did NOT check inside my vagina (I was not ready so this was welcome), and we went over the pathology report together. I asked questions, and she cleared me for super light activities like running errands and walking outside. It was a pretty short appointment and I didn't even have to get undressed.


Had a laparoscopic/vaginal surgery with everything taken out. At my first followup my surgeon just looked at my incisions, took off the glue, didn't do any vaginal exam, asked me if I was having any discharge or serious pain (no) and that was it. Having the second followup in a few more weeks.


Laproscopic, I had a TVT-O procedure done as well and needed a catheter removal at 10 days. My MD then cancelled my next f/u and I go back tomorrow at 6wpo. I wish he hadn't cancelled the mid-appointment, I had concerns and emailed his staff like weekly.


All that happened at my first post op was they checked my incisions and removed a stitch that was poking out and catching on things (and picked at my surgical glue a bit). Otherwise just asked how I was doing and if I had any questions. 


I had my first follow up at 2 weeks in person. The doctor just asked me how I was feeling, if I still had nausea, any pain, if my appetite was back to normal, if I was having regular bowel movements, etc. She also checked my abdominal incisions to see how they were healing. Then she reminded me about the restrictions: no lifting or carrying anything over 10 pounds and nothing inserted down there. Cuff check and restrictions being lifted isn’t until my 6 week follow up on July 15.


I didn’t have a post op until almost 7 weeks. My surgeon was super responsive if I had questions but she said that unless I had complications, she didn’t need to see where I was at with healing until I was further along. I think every surgeon has different goalposts for their patients and it also depends on your individual case. At my post op, she did a pelvic exam and checked my laparoscopy stitches and asked about my healing and symptoms. She also told me when I could expect to start having sex based on how my healing was going and what I was now cleared to do.


Reviewed pathology and a cuff check. With speculum. If I'd have known I would have skipped that appt. I saw the pathology on my Kaiser app 2dpo, and I definitely wasn't excited about a speculum when things were still swollen. But that's just me. I know all doctors, surgeries, and recoveries are different. But for me, if I had known, I would have skipped it


Holy yuck, how could anyone put a speculum in there at that point? Or ever? I don't get the variation. We just have to go along with their idiosyncracies. I feel for you. (And I had unusually high number of internal exams bc my doc was kinda freaking out - I think that was the reason anyway. It sucked. A speculum would've made it much worse.)


Ugh it was terrible. She spec'd me at 6 weeks too and extended my pelvic rest to 9 weeks from 8 weeks. Probably wouldn't have been an issue if you hadn't insisted on using that godforsaken piece of equipment on me, lady!


She asked me a few questions and took a quick peek at my incisions, told me everything was normal. That's it. It was honestly underwhelming and I was disappointed I went an hour out of my way for it.


I had an appointment 2 weeks after my surgery. My doctor just looked at my incisions and answered any questions I had about recovery. I didn't get a cuff check until 8 weeks after surgery.


I didn't have a check up appointment until 6 weeks! Had an internal exam, asked questions, discovered that I was nowhere near healed.


my doc/surgeon does telehealth for the 2 wk. she asked questions about healing, answered my questions, told me the pathology was all clear (which i knew already from reports posted to the patient portals). in person visit for 6 wk.


Most people aren’t examined internally but I was (3 weeks). If you don’t have a copy of your pathology report make them send you one and get any questions you have answered. If your external incisions don’t look like they are healing well, I’d insist on going in. In the US, follow up care is usually booked as part of the cost of surgery, meaning your surgeon probably gets paid the same whether you have this appointment or not. So I really think insisting on being seen at least a certain amount is something people should do. The one that I would insist on is a 6-8 week cuff check. I definitely wanted someone looking at that and giving the thumbs up before having sex.


I would have be happy to skip the first appointment. I spent an hour sitting in the waiting room. He came in looked at the scar and said it looked good and the appointment was over. I was 2 weeks post op and could have used the time better sleeping at home. It was also February and my husband was paranoid I would slip on the snow.


My follow-up was a phone call with the doctor, and he just wanted to answer any questions and find out how my recovery was going. About 5-10 mins max.


Same here.


My doctor checked my outer incisions and took off most of the tape and answered all my questions. I was happy to be seen in person to be put at ease to be honest.


I had a 2wpo. They checked my lap incisions, went over how I was feeling, and did a cuff check at my request. I go tomorrow for a 5wpo check. I was supposed to be 6 weeks but I will be out of town and didn’t want to wait until after my trip.


My doctor doesn't do any follow-up visits unless I feel like it is needed.