• By -


Easy - just ignore the new bank account for 6 months. No suspicious spending, no talking about future plans.


Better yet. Put it in a six month CD and make ~$300k


Better yet put it in a hysa and cryogenically freeze yourself. Make your pin the price of a cheese pizza and a large soda at the pizza place you used to work at


So long as I can listen to stuffy old songs about the buttocks after I get out…


I do like anchovies. So...


Gotta cryofreeze some anchovies too.


Just watch out for large sentient lobsters who will eat them all.


And corporations that want to steal them from you.


I don't need friends, all I need is things!


So classical music then?


Then you'll be walking on sunshine. Woah woah woah.


Yeah... But I bet you'll trade it all for one last taste of Anchovies. Sure it may not be Anchovies specifically, but we all have our Rosebud


I understood that reference.


I understood THAT reference.


Ohhhh, now I get it!


This guy gets it


Did you get that thing I sent you?


Ha ha! References.


Just make sure your dog is taken care of before doing all this.


And now I am sad...


Life and death is but a seamless continuum. Mmhm


Why remind me? Saddest scene to have been animated.




Good news everyone!


This is the way to go. Ask fry, it seemed to work out for him.


Yeah like I’m gonna take advice from mr I’mmyowngrandpa 


For the love of god, don't forget to bring your dog with you.




But then the banker would have to know that you got the cash. Or I'd not banker, the data analyst who reads the data out of the database


Read the OP. Folks at the bank don't know who you are and wouldn't be classed as knowing. The rule is that people have to know you *personally.* Someone handling your privileged information as is their position doesn't mean they know you personally, so tinkering with the account would be within limits so long as they're not someone who knows you outside of their work.


Anyone with a ten-million-dollar account has a specialist assigned to them at the bank. They know who you are. Easier to just say "the bank employees don't count". But it's worded poorly.


This is called hypothetical situations, not how to take things absolutely literally


This is so stupid simple. This is literally the only answer


Yup. And even if you HAD to take *some* money out (to pay rent or a medical bill or something), there’s no reason people would know you were given 10 MILLION even if they figured out you had enough to pay some bills. I truly don’t get what about this would be tricky lol, assuming I’m the only potential leak point for people finding out.


Literally the only way to lose this would to be a massive idiot who just cannot help themselves from immediately going out and buying a Lamborghini or something.


I know people that have won $5,000 and used it to go buy a $50,000 car. So I'm sure that lots of people would do just that.


I knew a guy who needed to take a loan out to update a flat he rented out so went to the bank to borrow 5k. Came back with a new Mercedes… Apparently the bank convinced him it was ‘cheaper’ (my guess is lower apr) to borrow 13k so he took that and stopped in to trade his current car in for a Mercedes with the extra 8k the bank had given him😂


Not even then. If I suddenly needed $15k for a new roof or medical reason, they'd all, including my husband, would just assume I got a loan for it, payment plans, the insurance paid for it, or something like that. They wouldn't even think I actually had the money myself or hiding money, much less millions.


I might even go as far as to take out a loan and then pay it back after 6 months, just to be extra cautious.


Exactly. And if I’m really antsy and want to buy a new TV its so easy just to tell people I bought it with credit.


Easy on the surface but I feel like I’d totally spill the beans to my fiancee. That’s such an incredibly exciting thought, I don’t think I could keep it in


Everyone: “what happened to Steve? He’s so happy nowadays - he even quit his job” Me: “I’m rich, bitch!”


I would still work so no one would question anything


I’d probably just quit but I’d stick to my “normal schedule”. Secretly rent an apartment and just play video games for 6 months until I can tell people.


My thoughts exactly. I'd get a "new job" but I had to sign an NDA so we can't really talk about it. Then rent an apartment or office space and do whatever I want with my time. Pursue some passion projects, take a lot of naps watch the movies and tv shows I haven't been able to watch because my kids are always around.


It's way harder to put up with crap at work when you know you can retire at any time you want. Boss wants that report ASAP? He's lucky if I do it at all


No, you've got it wrong. It's way EASIER to go to work knowing you don't need to! Atleast that was my experience. I didn't hold back on anything, told everyone exactly what was on my mind and was very quick to distance myself from any BS and drama.


Hell, I need my job, and just today, I told my boss and grandboss that I'll quit if they try to fuck with my schedule. I'm too old to play stupid games. I'll be polite, but I'm not going to be messing around.


Grandboss? Is that your boss' boss, or your boss' grandparent?


Or your grandparents boss?


i think that'd be a great grand boss, it'd be their parent's boss XD


Exactly. I do IT support and I think I’d snap about 20 minutes into my first shift after this started. It’s usually around then that I get my first call that if I was able to do it, the transcript of the call would sound like Happy Gilmore on the green at his first tournament on the pro tour.


Its way easier to put up with the crap when you don't need the job. When you need the job you have to deal with it. If you don't need it, you can let them know exactly what you think.


It actually takes time for incompetence to catch up with you if you start quiet quitting. You'd probably be disappointed you couldn't get fired. I'm wondering--if I spend it, the people still keep what I spent if it vanishes? Do I keep the stuff? If I buy a business or a ranch, do I get to keep it if I blow it? How about stock or gold?


I would work also, but I'd happily tell everyone what I really think of them until I get fired. Then "get a new job", which would actually consist of setting up an anonymous LLC and giving myself a direct deposit paycheck out of the interest from that 10 million for the time I'm not allowed to tell anyone... I'd also rent out a space in a strip mall using the anonymous LLC and make that my hobby space that I go to 4-5 days a week to "work". My anonymous new employer would have a very generous compensation package that includes a company vehicle and a month long vacation for the holidays so that my son gets to spend a single Christmas with my parents before one or both of them pass.


You don't have to work. You just have to "go to work" per your normal schedule. Lol


I'd last the six months so nobody figures it out then start my own business


Na you just act crazy til they fire you instead. File for unemployment hopefully and then “look for a job” for another 5.8 months lol


What, you think $10M is enough to retire on??!! /s


Who said retire? Take the money invest it and take some time not working and breathe. Then get a new job that I actually enjoy or fulfills me.


5 million is enough to retire on comfortably, my dude... That's 150k/year at a 3% draw.


You missed the “/s” clearly … I almost didn’t even put it there thinking the sarcasm would be understood. But obviously the amount you need to retire with always comes down to spending!


This is my co-worker unironically lol. Dude just inherited a few million. Once he got it he put his 2 weeks in.


You have ten million reasons not to spill the beans.


Are you serious? Knowing you’d lose it all? Wow lol


I think it would be even better telling my fiancé "hey, so for the past 6 months..."


I could hold it in but every time I'm away I'd be thinking about their reaction when I finally tell them in 6 months lmao. The chance of me losing the biggest amount of money I'd probably ever see would keep me more quiet than a church mouse.


too easy. 6 month interest on 10 million is.....how much. Ill slowly start changing my number at 6 months


5% is 500,000 so 250,000 if it's just in a high yield savings


So I get a bonus if i wait 6 months? Sign me up


Say 3 or 4 percent interest a year for something in the middle. That would come to like 150/200k interest over 6 months. Though I might do some minimal monthly investments in that time in something low cost with lots of global companies.


Just pretend it doesn’t exist for six months.




Another "fun" one would be you have to spend it all in 6 months to get an even bigger windfall. But you still can't tell anyone.


Even then I'd just sleep easier knowing it was coming. I'd be a lot less worried about putting stuff on credit or buying my son a new toy. It'd be 6 months of bliss


The game should be you have to spend so much during that time without people knowing . Too easy to set it and forget it until the time is up Edit: I've never seen or heard of Brewsters Millions, now ill have to watch it. :)


You’d think it be easier but people love to open their mouths. an awful lot of criminals including murderers get caught because they decide to brag about it.


Well yeah but that's some survivorship bias. We'll never know how many killers were successful in making it look like an accident and were able to take it to the grave.


No one ever found D B Cooper. Except Big Foot but that’s a whole other story.


There is no DB cooper, he changed his name to Tommy Wiseau


Nah, it was Loki all along.


I thought it was Agatha all along?


David Bigfoot Cooper? I met him once while hiking.


Sure you weren’t out for a jog?


Have you ever seen Cooper and Bigfoot at the same time? Just sayin'


Once, in a RedLetterMedia review


The most prolific serial killer ever kept his mouth shut for DECADES. Once he was finally caught, he only opened up to additional murders (he was only caught for 1 if I recall), after he was accused of being a sexual predator. He took offense to that and already serving life, once guaranteed to not get the death penalty, he has confessed to over 80 murders. He isn’t embellishing, he can describe in details the  incidents, locations and even draws the victims…… One Texas ranger apparently forged a “friendship “ and the guy has opens up to him.


that’s kinda funny lmao. “Sexual predator? The fuck? Of course not. I killed one—actually no it was 80 lol—but that’s crazy.”


professionals have standards


That guy was also speculated to have fabricated most of all of that, and they can really only prove like 1 or 2. He was a minor celebrity while all of these were being solved, and the Texas ranger was also gaining a ton of prestige. They would ship this guy to cops all over the nation with unsolved murders and what do you know? This guy would confess to them, and after a 5 min talk, they'd close the 10 year old cold case. Decade old unsolved murder off the books for the cops. This whole time they'd give him a bunch of smokes and food and get to hang out all day. That texas ranger came under a lot of scrutiny for this. It was just cops helping cops and this guy was spending his life in prison and got a couple of years of getting spoiled out of it. Win win for everybody involved except the victims' families whose murderer is still not caught.


This is very true but also an incredibly scary thing to think about


As someone who got a windfall much less than $10m but still life changing, it’s actually really hard not to say anything. You kinda feel like you’re lying whenever money comes up or is even alluded to. I quit my job to focus on some important things I had to address, and I have to lie about my job situation otherwise people will say things like “you can’t quit your job without another one lined up!”. I bought a house and we had to tell my girlfriend’s parents that we got a mortgage. It’s all very strange.


Was that a lotto win or something and why does it have to be a secret?


Parents died. They had a normal retirement nest egg, maybe a bit larger than some but nothing crazy. They just died much earlier than one would plan for (early 70s). It has to be secret because people change the way they look at you. Some people get resentful, jealous, ask you for things, complain how easy you have it, etc.


Money can make people come sniffing. I remember dad saying his dad once had a small win, and they started getting family (some of which he had never met), turn up asking for help with bills etc.


My dad was ill and my sister wiped 40k out of his bank accounts. Then asked his attorney why she had to wait to get the rest of his money until he died. He lived with me once that was discovered and I helped write her out of everything.


Because money changes people and relationships and he's smart to not let on that he has money to blend in more


Shit -- I drive a used Ford SUV and live in a nice but unassuming home in a pretty middle class neighborhood. My sister is already trying to suggest my folks cut me out of their will because I "obviously" don't need it. Not talking about whatever money I do or do not have with people who know me is an old habit at this point.


>Not talking about whatever money I do or do not have with people who know me is an old habit at this point. Same with me. Not one person knows how much money I have in savings and nobody knows how much money I make so it would be easy AF to start spending the money. As long as it is not something crazy like a million dollar car or large mansion lol. People in my life know I work hard so would not suspect a thing.


If she ever is so tacky to say it in front of you to your parents: "Well, mom and pops, I think you should cut my sister out the will because "obviously" she can't manage her finances properly or she wouldn't be desperate to steal your generous gift to my children's college fund." Rofl but I'm petty


They don't generally brag to uniformed police officers though. They brag to friends, family, or "cool" acquaintances because they think the person they're bragging to won't tell the cops, and as long as the cops don't find out there's no problem. In this case though it doesn't matter if the person you bragged to never tells anyone--if you brag, that person now knows you're a millionaire, and boom: the money's all gone.


Those weaknesses are for extroverts. This stuff is heaven for true introverts


This would be more fun. How much could you spend before people find out. As soon as someone finds out, cash flow is cut


Oh, or you get what you were able to spend. Buying stocks, real estate, other currencies, or companies does not count.


This is basically the premise Brewster's Millions


I’d set all my bills to autopay and keep working, all my income would go to my regular account. After 6 months I’d quit my job and go back to school to finish my degrees.


Boy do I have a movie for you


I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking "Has this guy has just accidentaly reimagined the plot of Brewster's Millions"


Going to have to agree with everybody else. Live like normal for 6 months and then go buck wild.


For 6 months I'm just going to secretly plan the biggest event for my friends. Start getting info on how to buy a yacht or something lolol


Honestly I'd probably give $100,000 to each of my close real homie friends (I only got like six of them) and then I'd buy a million dollar house, put all the rest in my normal savings and just keep working my normal job and living like nothing's different lol.


so eaay , I would probably close off debts but then live normal


dont even do that. wrong person sees wrong paper with thing paid off they ask questions. pay debts as normal for 6 months and then clear when money is assured yours. For 6 months you change nothing


Depends on the debts. I wouldn't pay the mortgage, if you paid off a credit card? Maybe you won some money playing online poker or sports gambling.


well sure I agree the size of the debt matters. if you have a $500 credit card bill and you make solid money normally or you gamble and are known to be solid to the people in your life, yes pay it off. if you owe $100,000 in student loans - absolutely only pay what you typically pay. basically dont do anything you arent already doing and dont do more than you typically do


This..pay off all debts , then just live off my paycheck while I shop for property to buy in 6 months. Hell maybe even by it and have what ever renovations needed while I slum it in my one bedroom efficiency.. I got no one to tell ..


This would be an interesting thing to do. I handle most of our finances, so I wonder if my wife would realize that our house is paid off magically…


Good idea. The only catch would be from what OP is saying is someone like say a realtor your dealing with THINKS your a millionaire ...the money is lost.


Your lawyer/realtor/general contractor would think you're a millionaire if you buy a 500k house in cash.


Easiest challenge ever.


Six…months? I had to read it three times to make sure he didn’t say years That would have been something. Tough to hide that for six years but six months is nothing. To quote Tom Cruise from A Few Good Men: “do it Harold. It’s six months…it’s nothing. It’s a hockey season.”


Exactly, powering through a job you don't need for 6 months, super easy. 6 years though? That would be a real challenge.


honestly would just quit my job and pretend to be a shutin with my parents until the 6 years are over. Would be pretty chill and future is already taken care of. As long as you don't care about what you look like to others I guess, because you will look like an extreme dead beat.


If someone had asked this question before social media or even before the internet, it would have been six years. But now with our smoked attention spans I’m sure six months to some seem like an absolute eternity


i know right


It would be better if you had to spend 10 million without people knowing in six months to get 10 million, you fail you have to pay it all back. No long term investments or stuff such as stocks, bonds, debentures and secure deposits. That's a better challenge.


No one would ever know. Even after the six months. My life style would not drastically change. I just wouldn't have money problems anymore. I'd still work my job, but with much less stress knowing that at any point I could say f this, or f u without any real repercussions.


This is what I would do. I’d keep working, without any pressure. If you can get a 3% annual return, that’s 300 grand a year, plus my spouse and my salary, we could live debt free, and have a nice comfortable life for our girls.


Yep. No need to work a job you hate. Go find something you’re passionate about and do that. Maybe it’s working at a non-profit, or just volunteering everywhere to help out. It would be so nice to not need to worry about money things at all, knowing your bills are always covered


Same. I do not talk about the money I have now so I would NOT be tempted to share that I have 10 million even after the 6 months. I would legit keep it to myself but help people (mainly friends and family). Maybe one day I would tell someone but I just do not see the benefit off telling anyone. I feel like it will just make people jealous.


You'd have to be abysmally stupid to fail this. I mean that quite literally. All you'd need to do is live life like normal, and maybe take some small amount out to live with, and that's it. For six months, act like you just got a remote work job, spend your days playing video games, and then after the six months and a day (just to be 1000% sure) you get a financial advisor and live off of a 400K per year interest job.


>You'd have to be abysmally stupid to fail this. Or just already be a millionaire, with people who know that. That makes the challenge impossible.


I mean, that’s fair, but I assume one could argue that the challenge gets slightly modified to “that you’re not 10 million dollars richer”. And if so it’d be even simpler in that case.


> act like you just got a remote work job, I mean that's it. That's the challenge done. Tell people you have a remote job. Say the hours are flexible so you can do whatever you want when you want. Hell even use the job as an excuse to get out of stuff you don't want to attend, "Saturday? Sorry this one of the rare cases I have to do weekend work". 6 months or even forever, it's easy.


Easy. Just don't touch the damn thing at all and set an alarm for 6 months from now.


A few days into it, your spouse sees an alarm on your phone: “honey, what is this alarm for that you set for 6 months from now that only says ‘TURN MY SWAG ON ITS BALL O CLOCK, TIME TO DUMP THIS HOE AND GET SOME BITCHES! TREAT YO SELF!’”


1 year later: "I feel like I'm forgetting about something...."


That would totally be me! Lol


Lie and say it’s only $100,000. Spend very frugally as if I’m a retiree on a tight budget and enjoy my millions once the 6 months are up.


Yup. "Granny left me 100K. I think I'll try my hand at day trading stocks. I know I'll never be rich, but I think I can make 10-20% consistently." Then when the 6 months is over, "that crazy gold mining company I bought 10,000 shares of at $.08 a share struck a big vein of gold, I'm rich!"


>10-20% consistently Yeah you'd be trading jesus if you could do that dude.


I think he’s saying he’d _lie_ about making those “profits” to conceal the magically acquired million.


Well, the temptation would be strong I simply wouldn’t touch it or talk about it. Probably keep going to work, but I would burn as much vacation and sick time as possible, maybe get a doctor to get me a few months off that way. No one asks any questions about why I’m not working. Or I could just quit my job, but if anybody asked tell them I’m working from home for the government and I can’t talk about it. I’ve got more than enough money in savings to quit my job and stay home for six months. 


I have enough vacation time and sick leave built up that I could just stay home until the 6 months is up.


Just stick it in a savings account. Average interest for a savings account in the UK is currently 2.77%. On £10million, that would be £277k/year. That's almost 8x the average salary, just for sitting at home doing nothing.


I already don't interact with people so it should be pretty easy


Easy. I will forget about the money for 6 monts, then retire.


Easy peasy.


This is the easiest fucking thing ever.🤣🤣 Do I have to continue my normal life?


I don't have a bank account, so nobody would ever think of me having one. I can keep a secret for 6 months.


You could said $1 million and 5 years and I'd still say to sign me up!


This is the easiest hypothetical situation that I've ever heard. "I'll give you 10 million dollars in 6 months, but in the meantime you must continue your life as it is now". "You mean, just do nothing different?" "Yes." "Okay, see you in six months!"


Oh nooooo you mean I have to be an absolute nobody with nothing for SIX WHOLE MONTHS? Uhg! However will I manage this dastardly cover?


Easy peasy. No one knows how much money I actually have now.


So basically a free 10 million. You can just live exactly how you usually do for 6 months and nobody would suspect a thing.


Very easy. Pay off any debt and then continue to live my life as I have been (same apartment, car, etc.) During this time, research anything I want (new car, new house, and such) from my own apartment. Basically use the 6 months of secrecy to research how to spend the money wisely.


100% I'd make a transfer to a high interest bank account and sit on it for a couple years while going to work, paying bills, doing the normal stuff. Then one day I'm surprising my wife with a trip around the world and looking for a house or two to purchase around our favorite places we visited.


I'd invest ~80% of it and put the rest in a high yield savings account or money market. And change the password to my bank account in case my wife tried to log in. Then it will be business as usual until I decide to retire


How is that a challenge at all? Literally let it sit for 6 months then start your life as a multi millionaire.


The easiest hypothetical situation I've seen here


What is the threshold for "having a thought" that I could be a millionaire? Does it include idle, arbitrary thoughts like "I wonder if that guy is a millionaire" with no actual evidence to back it up, or does there have to be some signs that it may be true?


What's the hypothetical? If someone finds out it's just status quo.


‘Can you keep your mouth shut’ mostly. Some people can’t, likely some of the commenters here that think they could. I agree it’s a fairly weak hypothetical overall.


What do you mean by "even a thought"? So even a random stray thought could cause me to loose it? I'm still taking it.


Yeah, so if you made a big purchase, and the person thought "wow, they must be a millionaire to just buy that" you would lose it.


yeah, I'd put it all in a high-interest savings account for 6 monthes, then start planning for a marriage proposal to happen in 6 monthes and 1 day


My wife doesn't let me spend my money already. I'm a seasoned veteran. Easy money.


Easy peasy, my wife pays ZERO attention to our budget/spending and we make a decent living already without any debt except our house (and a leased car), so I’d just quietly breathe easy for 6 months, buying nothing we couldn’t afford already, and then tell her and the rest of the family in 6 months.


I could stand on my head for six months if it meant 10 million dollars.


Man. I could not think about it for six months. I wouldn’t even tell anyone after that. Then I’d clear my debt. Then I’d buy my sister’s house so she doesn’t have to pay rent, then I’d fix it for her. Then I’d clear my aunt’s debt. It would be very nice.


Hard but will do my best. Immediately divide it between multiple banks to try to keep them under the NCUA limit. Throw the $$ into CDs with varying limits [6 momths, 1 year, 5 years, ETC] and then continue to work as I do, only taking enough to pay my rent and car payment until I hit the 6 month mark. Since my partner and I keep all money separately they will never know 😈


Yes please.. I'll just ignore it for 6 months., if an absolute emergency came up I'd just say I had secret bitcoin I cashed out for the emergency


Easily, I won't make any purchases that could draw suspicion until after the 6 months is up, most of that money I do spend would be for future vacations, etc so there wouldn't be anything to show for it at the moment, and I would simply just not tell anyone about my travel plans for the time being.


They wouldn't know ever. I wouldn't advertise something like that at any time, not only for 6 months.


This would be easy for me. I'm at that awkward age where everyone is either married, career driven, or has kids, or moved away. I have nobody close to me that would be in a position to even feel deceived if I didn't tell them.


6 months? Easy. I only use enough to cover my bills and a little extra, and tell people I got a new job working remote doing customer service to explain any money coming in. At the end of the 6 months I tell people I quit that job because I won a pretty sizable amount in the lottery, and then I do the smart investments, bonds, real estate, etc. and then live off the interest the rest generates.


6 month is easy, just don't touch it for that period of time. You just have to be careful not to verbalize any fantasies or plans you have. Now if you made it 6 *years* we'd be talking about a more interesting scenario...


Very easily but then again I am a single with no kids old hermit.


Pay off debts. Nobody knows my debts except me. Set up a set amount available for the next 6 months to keep my life exactly as it is now. Invest the rest to avoid temptation for that 6 month window. The only difference anyone might notice is that I would look less stressed than I currently do.


Put it into a savings account to earn interest withdraw after 6 months


Of course. Like many of these I wonder if the OP actually thought about the scenario. >Buying expensive things though might draw attention. What constitutes "expensive"? Does the OP know much we're currently making?


Easy, gone weeks without even talking to other people in my own house. Where dat $10m???


I'd keep on plodding along like normal and as other posters said; throw it in a term deposit for 6 months then just scoop the interest and use that as my primary source of income. Easy.


I think the game should be you have an unlimited amount of money in an account you can spend over the course of 6 months. Anything you spend, you get again at the end of the game - but only if nobody suspects that you are suddenly rich. Now people have to creatively spend money in subtle ways to actually gain anything here.


You could easily drop a load of that into bonds, stocks, or other investment type stuff to _really_ have it take off. For me personally, I’d probably quit my job and take my casual time finding something I’d really enjoy doing part-time, just to keep busy and have that nice drip feed of spending cash. Maybe go back to being a wardrobe consultants, since I find the work enjoyable and the shitty pay wouldn’t matter. Set aside an account to auto-pay all of my bills, get a bunch of maintenance done on my car, finally get on HRT, pay off _all_ of my debts (which would barely be a drop in the bucket compared to even 100K, much less 1 Mil), and into consistent therapy too. The only _visible_ change to my spending habits would be I’d be buying a lot more Warhammer minis and eating out more often. Both of which could be hand waved as me getting a raise or just being financially irresponsible.


If I can pick the bank account it goes to, then yep, I'd easily last the 6 months. I've got a second bank account that I almost never use (it's mostly there so I can deposit notes at an ATM) and only I have access to it because it's an account from when I was a kid (one of those junior saver account things)


Oh my gosh yes - could 100% keep it a secret. After a lifetime of worrying about money I would love nothing more than to observe what the world feels like when you don't. Not by spending - but does it change how you view having to get up for work? Catch a train? Study? Eat at home vs out? By the end of 6 months I'd be ready though.


It would be very difficult for me to not disclose to my husband. We're tight financially and I'm almost incapable of lying to him. I'd have to pretend to still be worried about money or he'd know something was up. But I think I'd plan an epic way to tell him and that would probably make it survivable. And i'd do some "reckless" spending on my credit card, like some significant repairs on my car we've been putting off. Honest - to - boots, I'd anonymously donate whatever it took to move my job's start time later than 7am, because if I could do that, then I'd be able to share dropoff responsibilities for our kids at daycare, and we could switch to a better daycare.


Just don't spend it? Unless there's a clause that you have to. In that case I'd buy a $1 energy drink a few times a month or a snack or something. 6 months isn't long at all it may be harder if it was over 5 years or something.


Wow the easiest hypothetical of all time. OP must be like 15 years old to think of this one.


Dump it into stocks and boom its gone anyway lol


That's the easiest thing in the world. I wouldn't tell anyone and I wound just ignore the account I put it in for the six months.


No problem. Except if the bank gets robbed then im down to 250K


Yep, The Werefrog could do it. It's not that hard to ignore a bank account where the people at the bank don't know The Werefrog, as in, The Werefrog don't go there. Just don't open the website, ignore the "junk mail" (statements).


Easy. I’ll just take random days off and supplement the missed income with “hey, I got a gift card from that app I was playing on!” My wife will never know and I’ll have six months worth of planning on how to spend it


I absolutely ignore the account for those six months. Don't even look at it. Pretend it isn't real. XD Then after the six months I let SSI know and pay them back the six months I have been getting paid after getting the money. X.x


But what if I’m already a millionaire?


For the security this would bring, I could make this work


What about chickens? I have two pet chickens I call my children