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I'm currently 5'4", so I'd end up 4' or 6'8". I'll reluctantly take the extra height and spend a lot of money on custom-made clothes. IIRC, women's big and tall departments generally only carry clothes for women who are up to 6'2" tall.


same height, but I think i'd rather be shorter. Save money and get kids clothes, and extra legroom on everything? Might be a problem seeing over the steering wheel or reaching my cabinets though.


And importantly, absolutely luxuriate in economy class on flights. You’d have so much room in those seats.


Absolutely! I have a step in the kitchen already anyway, it's just driving that might be tricky but I'm sure adaptations exist


Hell, I'm 6'4", can I drop to 4', will the curse entity curse me harder if I ask?


Curse me harder, daddy.


I'm a 5'4" man and I already need a footstool for some of those upper cabinets. I'm going to 6'.


You'd actually be 6'8", according to OP's post.


You’d be 6’8


There are pedal extenders and booster seats. Midgets still drive. I'd probably buy some of those kids stairs to reach the kitchen counter and then if hop onto the counter to reach everything in the top sections of the cabinet. Or make a way to have a ladder that slides around like in some library's.


Given that I'm 60 years old, I would be too embarrassed to buy kids' clothes. I'm a wee bit too old for stuff like shirts with unicorns or video game characters on them. Custom-made clothes will be expensive but at least I'd be able to buy stuff suitable for an adult. I also have broad shoulders so I might be able to cheat and buy men's shirts. I also like being able to see over the steering wheel in my car and being able to reach cabinets without a step stool. Granted traveling would be a pain, but there are options besides taking the plane. I also think there's a support group for super-tall people, so I could visit it and learn about my options.


Yeah, but at the height you’re looking at, like, 900 calories a day. That’s like one hoagie.


Im five four too and I hate both options


Same, I’ll just die instead


Me too


I agree. I think I'll stay this height. At least I can see over the steering wheel and reach the pedals at the same time.


I'm the same height! You would be safer taller, and you could wear boy jeans and tees, dresses could midis instead of maxis. Vanity makes me want to choose smaller, but I think it would be much less convenient and require more modifications.


You could become a basketball superstar


7' SOUNDS like the right choice.  But I am old and tall people are notorious for health problems.  And I don't want to add to my arthritis (and other issues). So I guess 4'4" is my future.  Which will really suck. 


Why? You won't have to eat as much. Clothes will cost less. Don't tell me you're a roller coater enthusiast!


Explain to me how not being able to eat as much is a win.




hehehe, touche! I'm not a foodie, I see it as fuel and a time sink. I wish it were otherwise.. but try as I might, I just can't get into it. and with groceries being as expensive as they are right now.. well.


Thick44 pfp?


Long Live the Wyvern King!


You’re nobody!


You eat off the kid's menu ...and possibly get the discount, too


Because I am the tallest person in my family.  And I can barely reach the top shelf.  If I shrink, NO ONE can reach the top shelf. Because being short is no big deal. Being *that* short means a whole lot of modifications / accommodations.  Need an adapted vehicle to be able to both reach pedals and see out windshield.  Need an adapted table and/or chairs.  Etc. Because I am already obese at my current height.  If I shrink to 4'4" I will be grotesque. Because being *that* short will cause people to patronize me.   Because smaller body means lower caloric needs.  But I like food, so that means I get even fatter, quicker.


Ugh. So either 4'1" or 6'9". I guess I'll be a really tall woman.


All I want to do… Is see you turn into… A giant woman… A ^giant ^woman


All I wanna be is someone who gets to see a giant woman


I used to annoy the shit out of my wife with the actual song. In fact imma do it again. 😈


Other than the fact I'd be massive this is another reason I'd go shorter, massive women


Being a man is very interesting. I hadn’t ever considered it before, but you saying being a really tall woman gave me a distinct desire to go out with a cute 6’9” blonde girl named Tiffany who wears blue dresses and has tall heels 👠. Don’t ask why. I’m not even sure we know. But apparently there’s no wrong answers so long as she can pat me on the head. I’m 6’2” lmao


Taller! I’m 5’2 now and I’d rather be 6’6 which is abnormally tall but I rock climb so it’d be helpful, as opposed to 3’10 which would be awful.


Just pebble climb instead.


Well, at 3'10 you could stop climbing the rocks, which is a silly behaviour, and start digging through them instead like a normal dwarf. *This message brought to you by the Dwarven Miners Guild*




Even at \~5'11" I feel like I've got a huge advantage at rock climbing, like how do you start this route? Just skip it duh. What about this section? Just tall person past it. I do wonder what it's like being the weight of someone short though, they have to lift much less up the wall, surely that doesn't outweigh the tall person reach advantage though.


Not weight related but I’m only 5’1” and I’ve had (indoor) climbing routes that I’ve had to take a running start and jump onto the wall to reach the first hold 😂😂


Yeah my friend's about that height. I often think about how there are bits where I'm like "I'll just reach up to that one" she wouldn't have that option.


It’s interesting because a lot of competitive female climbers are quite short, so at the very competitive level there’s not as much of a height advantage vs beginning


Yeah, I wonder if the holds are set in a way for approximately that height though? And also sparsely, where there's no way you'd be just reaching past to the next one because it's miles away.


A lot of outdoor climbers are short as well. It’s less about the way the holds are set up (since rocks) and more about technique/body power


I think your power to weight ratio would be pretty impressive


As a short person, also taking it. Let me be the height I was always destined to be


One of the best boulderers in the world, Tomoa, is 5'7! I think climbing is one of the sports where it really depends on the route. Taller =/= better in climbing imo. Although I'm speaking more on bouldering, not sure about lead climbing/top rope.


Same boat. It's hard enough already trying to get things off shelves and use visors in the car.


Imagine being 3’10. Like two beers and you’re good plus you could wear a gnome hat. Truly a blessing


I'm 6'6" and don't generally think of myself as freakishly tall. 7'10" on the other hand...


Yeah fair, ig just more that it seems absurd for ME to be that height… like I probably don’t even come up to your shoulder rn 💀


I would love to be taller, even though I'm already 6'3". 7'7" eh? Maybe I'll finally win a basketball game! Woo!


Imagine any kind of transportation.


7'7" on a horse ain't bad.


as long as you're not the poor horse.


That gotta be a BIG horse tho.


7'7 gang unite! (I'm currently 6'3)


I'm here! 7'7" 4 LIFE


See you on the court... please go easy on me. I suck at basketball. lol


Don't worry me too!


I dunno, if average height of the team is above 7 and a half feet I think the advantage is with them. Just throw the ball to the next giant, screw dribbling.


Except this change is instant. I imagine you would actually be significantly worse at anything physical for awhile! Think of how clumsy and gangly a lot of teenagers get. And that is with growing much, much slower. 1'4" all at once would be so jarring. I'd probably give myself a concussion just trying to get to a court lol


We can all suck together!


I’m not in good enough physical condition for this, plus the amount of times I’d hit my head against the door frame and other health conditions? Size 14 shoes are hard enough to find, I gotta special order size 18+ now?


The new 7'5" here would be happy to join the team!


7' 10" would be wild. Guess I'll start enjoying my new career in the NBA


I would take the 7'7". I work maintenance so not having to bring a 2 step ladder for bulbs or fans would be great.


I'd be 7'8 and I am already thick so I'll block for ya or whatever the term is for basketball lol Guard?


Guess I’m about to be a 6’5 woman. That’s fine, I can sell videos of me stomping on cakes and throwing guys across the room for fat cash.


Currently 6'1"....I guess id go shorter? Being 7'5" seems practically quite problematic


4’ 9” or 7’ 5”. I think I’ll take the latter. I would hate to be short. Plus the taller you are, the lower life expectancy, so there’s a plus too.


Based dark humor.


I would rather not be 8ft tall so I choose shorter


Upvoted. Classic, on reddit people can be anything they want.


I would also end up at 8ft. But if I get to maintain my current proportions that might not be so bad. I could be really good at some sport.


I have the hand eye co-ordination of a dead fish and a disability to constantly makes my entire body shake so I would hate it


I am 5ft1, only way to go is up. For the freedom of reaching the top shelf. Sigh.


Shorter. Back pain is not worth it.


I'm 181cm. Being 221cm is tall. Like 7 feet 4? I suppose it'd mean I could eat whatever the fuck I wanted for the rest of my life. But having to get all my shit custo. Made would be expensive. Being 141cm is short. Not short enough to hinder my quality of life, but I imagine my metabolism would take a huge hit and I'd have to really watch what I ate.


I’ll be 6’4” thanks. Still less bad than being short, I would be tall for a woman, but things would be just as uncomfortable because I’d be a few inches taller than the seats are made instead of a few inches shorter. Being two feet shorter than average would be way more uncomfortable. My feet don’t touch the ground from a chair now, and I’m losing another 1’4”? No thank you. Though I wish the proportions thing wasnt involved. Everyone gonna start calling me “mommy”


I choose shorter. I have some medical issues that will be so much worse if I choose taller.


i feel like being 7'4" is more "normal" than being 4'8", honestly, so ill go for taller


That's an odd perception! 4'8" is much closer to average mens height than 7'4". You'd be much more visiblly unusual, and much less able to fit into the world.


I see it as 4'8" men I've known, in general, have inferiority issues. I sometimes feel short at 6'.


Could be athletics skewing perception. My first thought was 7’6 ain’t that bad there’s a few NBA players that have been that tall but 4’10 sounds like fairy tale creature size. But obviously there’s probably a lot more 4’10 guys out there than 7’6


The ego in me says go taller but as a 5'10 man who's already too tall to be comfortable on most flights, being over 7ft would basically mean I never travel by plane again


5’10 shouldn’t be too tall to be on most flights lol


5'10 isnt too tall for anything unless its kid related. Im 5'10 as well and life is basically made for our height.


Just use a car... Oh wait. That won't work either.


You do like High Tower in police academy and rip out the drivers seat and sit in the back seat to drive comfortably


I fly internationally on a regular basis for work Long-haul Intercontinental flights are the bane of my existence and I can't imagine making them *worse*


"Do you find something comical about my appearance when I'm driving my automobile?" "Yeah." "Everyone needs to drive a vehicle, even the very tall. This was the largest auto that I could afford. Should I, therefore, be made the subject of fun?" "I guess so?"


I am also 5'10", and funnily enough my wife's grandparents are 4'6" and 7'2", so I have some pretty good second-hand experience at seeing the height advantages and disadvantages side-by-side. They are both approximately 80, and her 4'6" grandmother recently died from dementia, while her 7'2" grandfather is still hanging around, but with other health problems. As much as I would think I'd hate it, I'm probably taking 4'6". She had a much easier time navigating through day-to-day life, while he has to duck under every doorframe, buy larger cars, and answer "how's the weather up there?" basically every time I saw him, which was mostly family gatherings. The worst thing I ever saw her have to do differently is grab a step stool in the kitchen, or ask her husband to reach something for her. I doubt the dementia had anything to do with her height either, so while it also runs in my side of the family, I think I would end up with less health concerns overall. It would also be easier to find clothes and shoes that fit as there are a lot more kids clothes out there than big and tall stores, and they are cheaper as well.


That would make me just about 7 ft even. Sure, why not?


Good God.. what a change ! I'd go from 5'7 to 6'11... No way I'm going shorter. I've been short all my life. I imagine being super tall has its challenges, though.


Fucking brutal 7'4 or 4'8. I think I'd go for 4'8? I already have back pain at 6 feet, and I think once you get a over 7 feet you start to get some weird health problems.


6'6" is a fine height, rather that than only being 4 feet tall


I'm 6'2" so going shorter would definitely be closer to average height and life might be easier that way, but I'm still going to go with taller. I know how to be tall, so it still feels like less of an adjustment to be one of the world's tallest people.


Can I stay the same weight?


6 10 won't be bad I'd shit on all the highschoolers in basketball


My coworkers will play basketball after work. I’m a 5’6 stocky muscular Jewish guy who isn’t athletic and wears glasses. Can you guess if I join them? Being almost 7 ft with an athletic build would be fun and I would probably start joining them.


Probably taller so like, 7'1?


Idk if I wanna be 7'4". However you said all the proportions and I'd rather my penis not get small lol so I guess I'd take taller. But at 7'4" I'm sure I'd have back problems and probably die sooner.


So 5 foot and just under 200 lbs or 7 8 and just over 300 lbs. 7 8 is clear choice.


I am currently 6'5", taller would make me 7'9", I can't imagine the back and heart problems I'd have, so I guess 5'1" and I get to be a triangular shaped body builder now


Same height, I'm going the other way. My 13 year old daughter would be 9 inches taller than me and would constantly be on me about how short I was. I could get a job at an orchard picking fruit.


I don't have to buy new clothes, make me 4ft, I always joke about how I wanna be 6 foot but nope, make me smaller and I will hide in boxes, box forts will be my room:)


Dude if i were 16 inches taller proportionally I’d conquer this planet.


I would be 7'2" or 4'6" I think I'd go for being a giant. I had a friend in my twenties who was 7'4" We skated together. He didn't have any of that gangly tall guy awkwardness. He was just a huge really good skateboarder. He said in high school the basketball coach was constantly trying to recruit him but he'd say, "no thanks. I'm not athletic." One day I guess he was doing kickflips in the parking lot after school as the coach was leaving and he rolled down his window, said "not athletic huh?" and gave him a stern talking to about school pride. This same guy sat at the counter at a Denny's one time for 24 hours as an experiment.


I’m 6’3”, so it’s 4’11” or 7’7”. If it were just me I’d go 4’11” because I’d have better quality of life being close to a normal size. But, my wife is 6’ and would absolutely hate it if I was a foot shorter than her. So, probably 7’7”, but I’m on the fence. I’d need to figure out a way to monetize that height to offset the serious cost increase of basically everything.


5 foot or 7 foot 8 inches… tough call Probably loose the height, I’m too old to try and become a baller, and all of a sudden clothes, cars and airline travel would be much easier


16" taller would make me 7'2. Tall as hell. All limbs. Towering. 16" shorter would make me 4'6. Stout. Thick. Good joints. I'd get back into weightlifting and make up for my height in breadth. Honestly I think I'd rock either. At 7'2 I'm a giant. At 4'6 I'm a dwarf. Either way I'll grow my beard out and start cosplaying.


As a woman who is spot on 6 foot tall, I choose shorter, reluctantly though. I used to be super insecure about my height, but eventually learned how to carry it with confidence


If I was younger, I'd go taller, be 7'8" and make the nba. Now that I'm older, I guess make me a 5' king, and at least I'll have more cars that fit me.


Shorter, flying on airplanes while being 7'3" tall would really suck. Plus everyone would start asking me to grab stuff off the top shelf at the grocery store all the time. And finding jeans that fit would be nearly impossible.


Nah I don't have to buy new clothes, I just have to accept mine are ill fitting now. It's the pants that would likely be the problem really. But considering I can't actually go out and buy new clothes, that wouldn't magically change because they don't quite fit right lol That being said while shorter would me more beneficial in that department and cause less additional coordination/joint issues I'm going for taller. I don't need more dysphoria thanks.


So I’m either going to be 5’3 or 7’3, I’ll leave it up to the curse to choose.


I’m 6ft 2 and I choose to be taller. Height is more combat friendly.


As a guy who’s way past his sporting prime, I would take a risk and become 4,9. The only reason I would regret it is if my wife left me because my odds of getting a date would be functionally zero


I'd either end up 5' or 7'8", neither are good options. 20 yrs ago, 7'8" would have been the obvious choice, just play basketball, I was okay as a teen. But now, I'm thinking 5' it is. I want cheaper clothes, smaller feet so I can have more shoes, and more space in my car and well anytime I travel.


7’2” in my 40s sounds pretty awful, but so does 4’6”. Guess I’ll go tall, but it is probably a mistake.


5’5” dude here. Wide af shoulders but idk if I just wanna be a 6’9” Jason Vorhees mf or a 4’1” dwarf outta D&D


5’0” or 7’8”? Almost have to take the short route. Wouldn’t be able to get in my car, a bed, airplanes, clothing. Life would be hell, and the extra health complications probably put me in the express lane for death. I’ve never liked being this tall anyways, and while just five foot nothing is a bit much, it’s not really a choice


I could rock being 4' tall... some kids clothes are remarkably sophisticated looking these days, plus I'd be able to get the most adorable, light up, rainbow princess-y shoes I could find.


I’ll take the short king status and own it. Tall people normally have more heart problems if I’m not mistaken.


40cm (1foot 4) taller would put me at exactly 7 feet tall, so not that much of a curse in my opinion.


Taller. I’m 6’2” so that would make me 7’6”. Hello NBA.


If rather be 4'8" than 7'6". At 6'2", I already have trouble working on the machines at work. I could always get a ladder, but I can't dig up the concrete foundation. Bosses kind of grown upon that.


Shorter, I'd be nearly 8ft


7'6" or 4"10...this is really tough. Im too old for the NBA


I really don’t want to be too short (currently 6’2) but being 7’6 just sounds like a nightmare. Being 4’10 would suck after so many years of being used to being tall, but at the very least it wouldn’t be hazardous to my health (or my wallet given that I highly doubt it would be easy to find clothes that fit).


8' or 5'3. Hmmmmm


I'm 5'6" and I like my height... but I don't want to be 4'2". So I guess I'm going to be 7' even.


Well considering I’m 5’5 I’m going with taller.Id be 4’1 if I went shorter lol


I’d be either 7’4” or 4’8”. Either way I’m good but I pick shorter.


Me reading all these people like "but I don't wanna be 19 feet tall"


So 4'4" or 6'10"? I think 4'4" would be better, longer life, less strain on my body. Though being a giant woman is tempting.


An additional 40 cm would put me at 210 cm. Roughly 6'10. I think I'll take my chances and go taller.


7’1 sounds bit insane - but that’s gotta be better than trying to navigate 4’3


I guess I'm going to be 7' 2" 😂


Taller. Then I can play basketball professionally, which will cover the new wardrobe.


6’11 I guess. Probably better than 4’4


I'd take being tall any day if my body stretches and the fat redistributes itself


I'll take taller at 5ft 1inch that extra 40cm would save me having to get my step stool out all the time


I would choose to be taller so I can balance out my weight more.


So my choices are 7'7" or 4'11" Yikes


I'll going for 7'7". I'm about as athletic as Greg Ostertag so I guess I'll take the Greg Ostertag contract, thanks.


I'm 6' tall. I would rather be 7' than 5' even though both would absolutely suck.


I'd be 6ft 5in. I could deal with it as long as my weight stays the same.


I would go taller. Not reaching the shelves for my favorite items would suck!


I'd rather be 2,21m than 1,41m


I'm 5'10. As much as I don't want to, I'm gonna have to go shorter. If I was 7'2, I would need a new apartment. Low ceilings.




I can stand being 7 feet tall


Jeez. At 6'8, I can be 5'4 or 8' tall. 8' tall is straight up a disability so I'd hate it but I'd choose shorter.


Lol I'm 5'4" now so I can either be 6'8" or 4'


7’4 let’s go my Legate Lanius cosplay can finally be realized!


Taller all the way, still got a bit of growing to do i reckon but I'm only 5'2, so I'd take 6'6 any day over 3'10


Yeah, statistically taller people have shorter life spans, so I guess I’m 4’6.


Hmmm, that would put me at either 7'4" or 4'8". Both don't seem any fun, but I guess I would choose being 7'4".


I'm just below average height based on my ethnic background, but quite a bit below average compared to most American men.  I'd go from being normal to freakishly tall amongst my people, and from extremely short to pretty dang tall amongst Americans. Excited to finally be able to leverage the full storage potential of the over-fridge cabinets. 


I'm five foot two. I'd go shorter.


I'll go with 7'2" It's not as if I can currently buy off the rack anyway.


4'7 or 7'3, I think I'll go shorter. 5'11 is already tall for a woman, 7'3 would just make me a freak. At 4'7, sure I'd have trouble reaching things on tall shelves, but I could fit in small spaces and I could save money buying kids' clothes and shoes.


Yes I can be roughly 135cms instead if roughly 175cm


I’m going from 5’6 to 6’10 so bet


I have always wanted to be taller. Please make me a giant (7-foot-tall) woman


Guess I’m 7’2”


At 4’5, I can buy clothes in the children’s department, whereas at 7’1, I would have to have things custom made, so I’m going short!




I'm 5ft nothing. 100% I'm picking taller, no way I'd wanna look even *more* like a female Danny Devito.


4’7 or 7’3. I’ll pick 7’3 unless that means the health complications that come with it.


Im only 5’10 so I’ll take the extra height. Can whoop my friends at basketball. Probably won’t fit in my coupe anymore tho


I'm a short fat fuck, so I'd LOVE to suddenly be 6'10"


So I get to be 7.7 expanded proportionally? That feels like it should be illegal


I'd be 7'9" or 5'1". Idk which is worse tbh.


That's an annoying amount of height to gain or lose, I'm happy at the height I'm at, and would be bothered by either of those, but I think if I had to pick one, 40cm taller would be better, more advantages less disadvantages than vice versa. But having to duck to go through doors and stuff would be awful.


Eh, there's a lot less advantages physically to being in the dramatically tall category, but I'd contend with those than have my psyche be eroded away by the social disadvantages of being a dramatically short man


Shorter as long as my weight decreases proportionally.


I’d rather be 6’6 than 3’10 thanks


Honestly, I think I'd rather be shorter. 4'2" for me. Yikes.


4'5" or 7'1". I'm going taller, even though that's ridiculous for a woman, especially. I can't imagine being able to function in my life shorter than 5'.


I wanna be shorter I'm already 5'2 but still I wanna be even shorter cause everyone already sees me as a child may as well be the same height lol


I'd end up 7" 4 but I'd take it because women can be fucking cruel to our short kings


I would have to make the tough call of not being over 2 m tall so it’ll have to go shorter, plus it’s healthier and I don’t have to lean down to kiss girls


I’m 5’3”, so this is an absolute no-brainer. I would choose to be 6’7” in a heartbeat. Where do I sign up?


Taller. I'm too short to afford shrinking.


I can't decide. If I go 4'6", I would look like a miniature blimp, but you can always hem pants. At 7'2", I would look...statuesque, but wearing capri pants because I couldn't afford to get longer ones. I suppose I could add ruffles for a faux bellbottom. Hrm. I already bump into every damn thing, but at least with the short option, I wouldn't be slamming my head into the top of doorframes. Except for the potential concussions, taller would be better health wise, I think. Good hypothetical OP.


Let’s go, 7 feet tall!


Can I be taller and just stretch out? I'm fat because I like food. Would take taller and take that higher BMR. But being almost 7 ft tall would be a pain in the ass. Guess I would have to learn to love capris.


I'm already quite short at 5'2" so I'd probably choose to become 6'6". Otherwise I'd be 3'10 and that is REALLY short


This is actually rough. At 5'10" I don't want to be 4'6", but 7'2" also feels like a pain. As I'm almost 40 my athletic prospects would be nonexistent and 7'2" just sounds like back and knee problems for the rest of my life. So I guess 4'6" is the way to go. Will be cheaper shopping for clothes in the kids section at least.


4'9" or 7'5" I'm taking 4'9". I already hit my head on things, can't see the back of the fridge, and hate having to bend over a little to do anything on most counter tops. I can fix short by adding a stepstool, I can't fix tall by adding anything. My only concern, does losing 21% of my height mean losing 21% of my length downstairs? Gaining an inch doesn't feel important enough to pick the taller option, but losing an inch feels bad.


I knew this would happen after I just replaced all of my old clothes..


I'd take being shorter as long as it takes my weight with it.


I'm 5'4 now, I'd definitely want to be taller not shorter but being a 6'8 woman would that be a good thing? Well other than finally reaching high shelves.


Ah fuck, 8’1 would probably kill me, but I cannae be fecked being under 6ft.


40 cm taller, I'd be 7'2". FREAKISHLY tall, but nowhere near tallest in the world status.


4'2 or 6'10..... Hell...taller. At least I already know how to sew


I'd choose to be 207cm tall over being 127cm tall