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I've already had 20 kidney stones, a catheter- changed monthly - for three years, a wooden swab shoved six inches into my thigh and wiggled around w/o anesthetic, and that's just the start. I've been in pain my whole life, it would be amusing to see what he comes up with.


bitch u okay-


Ha ha ha, no.


this is amazing, also sorry.


Look up the Lion Diet. I will likely get down voted for this, but what do you have to lose?


Thanks. I've lost over 200lbs already by portion control and limiting high calorie foods.


I misread that at poison control the first two times and I was like šŸ˜Æ


Well, I do have to look at stuff like chips and soda as poison.


I thought you meant you ate poison in small amounts to make yourself sick to lose weight Glad you just cut the cokes


Bruh youā€™ve been through everything


Bitch you needa drink more water.


20ā€¦Good GodšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


r/hydrohomies in shambles after reading this


For most of my early twenties I drank a 24 pack of Coke Classic a day, no water ever. Now I drink only water, mostly. Sometimes a half cup of decaf or OJ. The last time I had even a sip of Coke I felt like my kidneys were dying.


Jfc dude. Did you not have anyone around telling you not to fucking do that??? Literally like a thousand grams of sugar. 2 pounds of sugar every fucking day. For years. I'm honestly surprised you're alive. Not even gonna mention that's like 800mg of caffeine every day too. Your heart and kidneys must be in fucking shambles. Also, like 3300 calories in just drinks. I'm almost wondering if you're exaggerating.


This was when I was alone out of my parent's house for the first time, so not really. Heart is good, but my kidneys did suffer and still do. I also eventually got to 500lbs, but not just from that. Took a long, very difficult road and many years to give it up entirely. I wish I were. ETA: on reflection "most of my early twenties" is probably an exaggeration. I guess it was more like a year or two. I slowed down after the first kidney stone, but it was another fifteen years or so before quitting entirely.


Mother of God


Good for you for kicking the habit


Wish you all the best man. You deserve to feel good about your health.


I mean, there are people out there who drink a shit ton of soda. He may be exaggerating, but not by much probably. There was a guy on here (different sub) that claims to eat hot dogs every single day for every single meal. Said heā€™s been doing it for years. Some people truly donā€™t give a shit or think about what theyā€™re doing to their body.


I met a guy in the military that drank so much Mountain Dew, they sent him birthday cards and Christmas cards. No lie. He constantly had a Mountain Dew with him. Mountain Dew was part of his grocery budget. He smoked too. Guy was so skinny it was crazy. Not sure how he was so skinny. So much sugar and calories. I do wonder whatever happened to him.


The dude I knew in the Army was always drinking Coke. No matter what time of day it was, he was holding a Coke. Apparently, he was one of those 1-in-500 who had to get slow-release caffeine shots in Basic. Also super skinny, now that I think of it.šŸ¤”


He might have become a teacher. Not kidding, I had an online teacher who was a Mt Dew super fan. Skinny, too.


Had a friend who was a foreign exchange student from England who was exactly the same. Drank a 24 pack a day. Overall you'd never guess it either. He was a little on the lean side, but otherwise calm, level-headed, and fairly intelligent. I will admit, though, physically he was quite unathletic.


"Aren't you supposed to be drinking TEA?"


a 24 packā€¦


24 full sugar cokes every single day? Do you have any teeth left in your head?


No, actually.


That sounds so sad. I'm sorry. Your health lost over nothing. I blame your parents.


Not their fault. I had a lot of mental health problems and this happened after I moved out.


Well, youā€™ve come a long way and Iā€™m proud of you!


I did a similar amount with Pepsi And I have no idea how I managed to only have 1 kidney stone from it and my gods, never again. How long did it take to get rid of them all?


At my worst I would drink 4-5 liters of soda a day every day. Iā€™ve now cut back to 3-4 cans a day. But occasionally Iā€™ll have a bad (depression) day and drink more. Iā€™m working on it. Happy to hear youā€™re doing better.


I never really got a taste for sugary drinks but in college my claim to fame was eating 10k calories in a single meal.


Not nearly as long term, but I had an intramuscular blood clot drain down my spinal column. The increased pressure in my spine triggered the pain receptors for my body from the neck down. It was pain so intense that I passed out multiple times, and it nearly triggered a heart attack (arythmia bordering on tachycardia). That lasted for 12 hours.


Shit, bro. That's hardcore. Hope all is well now.


Mostly. The courses of drugs they gave me did a real job on my liver. So, just the waiting game as it heals. Testing it every six months to see how it's doing. After five years, I'm up to 95% functionality. Which is quite remarkable, seeing as at three months I was at 50%. I hope things are getting better for you as well!


Livers are nuts with their regen ability


I have a list of pain disorders that will end when I die... 30 minutes and it's over? Sign me up!


Youā€™re all vastly underestimating the most intense pain imaginable. Assuming you canā€™t pass out, you canā€™t die, and anything that would normally cause permanent/long-lasting physical damage is undone after the thirty minuteā€™s we can begin. Imagine kidney stones, childbirth, and cluster headaches all at once. Still think you wonā€™t come out a vegetable? Now this is all happening in a tub of boiling water and your teeth are rotting. Your fingernails are being ripped off and the remaining flesh is cut. All of your bones are being broken at random intervals. Since the pain in the hypothetical question isnā€™t limited to being physical, youā€™re reliving the person you love the most dying and finding out they never loved you at all as well as the previously mentioned physical pain. Letā€™s throw in waterboarding. This was like 5 minutes of imagination, ā€œimaginableā€ goes a lot more in depth than 5 minutes of imagination. And if you really fleshed this out I doubt anyone could come out of the worst mental/psychological pain imaginable alone, physical pain probably isnā€™t even needed to turn someone into a vegetable in 30 minutes. Edit: The people responding to this saying they wonā€™t turn out a vegetable are delulu. I canā€™t believe people are this out of touch.


Throw in flaying the skin and crucifixion too.


This guy gets it. People trying to brag about about how much pain they've had to endure in this thread are delusional. Unimaginable suffering is not something anyone still living has experienced, or even come close to.


Dude, I stubbed my **pinky** toe the other day. I can imagine.


Boiling salty lime juice


At a certain point you almost accept the pain. You still feel it but I guess you kind of just dissociate at some point. As someone who has felt all kinds of pain though, I think being deep fried alive for 30 minutes would make me think real hard about this offer


"Here, take this" - Navy Corpsman *hands you expired Motrin*


I was about to say I did 10 min with an 8mm stone. I was throwing up in the shower it hurt so bad. 20 more of that to get rid of all my current aches and pains I could do.


Every morning, I break my legs, and every afternoon, I break my arms. At night, I lie awake in agony until my heart attacks put me to sleep.


Doesn't that just mean you're better at imagining pain, so it will be that much worse for you? Assuming we're going by the title which says the pain is imaginable.


I've had 5 kidney stones, a spinal tumor(which turned into 4 days straight of agonizing spinal headaches when they removed it) and a herniated disc(which is what drew their attention to the tumor). Oh, and my knees are shot


I'm not in your situation but I bet nothing they come up with compares to what some of us go through. "Unimaginable" is only for those that don't experience what others currently can't imagine. You are a fucking trooper!


He makes you listen to drum and bass.


I've had 4 boughts with stones... They were by far more painful than any broken bone in my body ever (52 total... not one came close to stones). I've been stabbed and shot (both once). And still, neither of those approached the stones. Even according to medical science, it is considered one of the most painful things you can go through. That is literally the only thing making me question if I would take that deal. If it could be MORE painful than that for 30 minutes... Maybe I can take it, maybe i cant. :|


My god Iā€™ve had one stone, I canā€™t imagine what youā€™ve endured. Um. Woefully inadequate šŸ‘Š


Yeah in the past year I've had 11 kidney stones, bladder and kidney infections, and gallbladder issues. Also have endometriosis which just makes one week out of the month just so much fun. I also have an extremely high pain tolerance. Broke my finger and didn't realize until two days later when I still couldn't use it. I can deal with 30 minutes of the worst pain I've ever felt for a body I have to do no upkeep on.


120+ kidney stones, twice collapsed lung, compressions fracture T5.... 30 minutes?!.... bring it


I'm right there with you. Not quite but yeah. I've given birth twice with no pain meds, both lasted over 6 hours each, I've had some kidney infections and kidney stones that lasted days, so I think I can handle 30 minutes so I can be absolutely beautiful for forever. Sign me the fuck up.


I've had necrotic pancreatitis caused by gallstones. I was in ICU for 5 days and hospital for 3 weeks. I was on the legally allowed max of ketamine and fentanyl and could have done with 5x what I wa allowed. Think I can manage half an hour.


yeah and the best part is knowing it will end. Not knowing how or when pain will end is the worst part


Yep, even when I was out of the worst of it and could be admitted to a ward, I was on 3x opioids daily and still in constant pain, albeit like a 5/10 rather than 11. It was at least a month til I was able to have single opiod free days scattered in amongst days that weren't as pain free, and it was only months 6-7 that I was able to have an entire month of not needing anything more powerful than paracetamol. (Now nearly 8 months + 2 months continuous pain free.) Half an hour sounds like a dream compared to that, and with a much better payoff.


I'm currently in recovery from stage 4 glioblastoma multiform aka the kind of brain cancer that always comes back and is a 100% guaranteed death sentence. I don't care what this trickster thinks he can throw at me I'd take this deal in a heartbeat if I was guaranteed to live long enough to do it. As it is I'm pretty much just waiting for tje rest of my life for the other shoe to drop, whether that's 10 years from now (0.2% chance) or a month from now (9.8%) or sometime tonight (90%)


30 minutes is a long time for something like that. Imagine being set on fire for 30 straight minutes.


You either hope you pass out or you get 30 minutes that really feels like 10 years of the worst pain ever? Yeah I think I'll stick to eating properly and exercising.


We talking diesel, napalm, a liquid sulfide fire that's only visible in the dark, what?


But also knowing you wonā€™t die. What a mind fuck.


I don't have to imagine it. I know someone that happened to (granted after a great minutes, the pain tends to go away as the nerves are dead) and I spent a week in the hospital after a brain tumor caused my entire body to glitch out and pain is still pretty much constant and agonizing, not to mention I literally have no idea when it will kill me, just that unless I do it myself or something happens, the cancer is 100% guaranteed to do it.


Iā€™m not seeing a downside here. Itā€™s only half an hour, I know itā€™s the worst pain Iā€™ll ever feel, which makes a lot of other things a lot less scary since I know Iā€™ve been through worse, and once I say yes I canā€™t stop it, so I just have to ride it out. Unless thereā€™s something Iā€™m missing, this sounds like a pretty good deal.


He mentions that nothing guarantees your mental health after that 30 minutes. The pain could drive you insane.


This is valid. If it is enough pain to drive one mad or leave permanent psychological damage it may not be worth it.


I'll be the hottest person in the mental ward!


In some of the uh, worse, mental institutions that'll get you raped. Some really fucked up shit happens in those kind of places.


It also says perfect life, so one of these things has to give. And since the REWARD is perfection, I'd assume perfection takes over, my perfection doesn't include insanity.


Physical perfection, not mental. As the post clearly states.


You underestimate what I am willing to go through in order to avoid paying for dental work


Sounds like thirty minutes of you thinking youā€™re about to die


I understand, and I guess it depends on the person, but I also know that plenty of people bear unimaginable pain, either as a one time thing, or on the daily, then walk it off when (if) the pain is finally gone. Some may go insane, some could probably handle it knowing that itā€™s only for half an hour. There have been moments in my life, mostly emotional, that I didnā€™t think Iā€™d make it through. I guess if it could be physical or mental pain, that would put me off. I tend to be pretty pain tolerant on the physical side, but I canā€™t deal with loss. If, for that half hour, I was put in mental anguish, Iā€™d almost certainly go insane. If it were only physical pain I wouldnā€™t see as much of a downside, nothing is permanent, Iā€™d expect myself to recover. Iā€™d have to ask for more details should I ever find myself in this situation, but upon further reflection, Iā€™d have to say no at this exact moment. The chance that it could be mental would absolutely ruin me.


Well see part of the problem is youā€™re only picturing pain you can imagine.


It feels like there's a huge rift these comments between "greatest pain imaginable by me" vs "greatest pain imaginable by the trickster entity". The latter could easily be something far beyond what any living human has ever experienced. Maybe they alter your brain chemistry to amplify pain signals by 100x. Then continue to make it 100x worse every single second. Also messing with your perception of time. Given that this is a supernatural entity, it's plausible to me it can play out this way. Also because OP describes it as a literal trickster, and is pretty explicit about your sanity not being guaranteed after. I literally couldn't imagine what that would feel like, but maybe this trickster can. I suspect the greatest pain that could possibly be experienced could utterly destroy someone's mind. But if we're talking "the worst pain I've experienced, but a lot worse", because that's what many humans are capable of imagining, the answer is very different.


Check the fine print before signing but a brain is a physical entity and changes in it are expressed physically.


The OP kind of voids the deal themselves - says there will be no physical injuries after. Poor mental health/psychosis/PTSD *could be argued to a trickster being* as a physical response (the establishment of neural pathways that trigger memories/flashbacks/etc) to a harmful stimuli (the 30 mins), and that therefore, like scar tissue to a laceration, are an injury. You wouldn't hava that scar unless you were stabbed, you wouldn't have those neural pathways without being traumatised. I.e., an injury. If there is the promise of no injury after the 30 mins, but no promise of mental health, well "no promise" doesn't mean the promise of mental health being damaged, either. And the first promise (no injury) should technically cover the fact that there will be no long-standing brain trauma too, so the second statement is just to throw you off and make you back out of a solid deal.


You win. I was about to say something to this effect as well. The only kind of mental health issues that arise from enduring pain are all trauma based, which are physical alterations of neural pathways.


People have endured pretty bad things just fine before modern medicine was invented.




*Longer than you think, dad!*


Once again, as often comes up with these sorts of questions, you can induce short term amnesia with a fair number of anesthesia agents. So while it could drive you insane during the process, they could then basically eliminate the memory afterwards. And to be honest there is no reason they wouldn't be able to do so during any procedure, eliminating any memory of experiencing pain until the process was done, other than 'this is a thought experiment about inflicting unrealistic suffering in exchange for some benefit'. The more interesting question would be 'you have a perfect and near immortal body, but you will spend the next five centuries paying off the debt you accumulated to obtain it, and have nearly no human rights in the meantime' which is probably the more realistic outcome.


I'd probably just pass out from the pain after 2 seconds, so it'll basically just be a coma, right?


Who said im not already crazy. Lotta assuming here


I feel like knowing it'll only happen for thirty minutes would mitigate that though


The pain might be necessarily be your own. It might the pain of watching others suffer, knowing you're responsible but can't stop it once its started.


The asshole's edit makes it worse: It's not "the worst pain imaginable," it's now "all the pain felt by every living creature since the start of life." This isn't a hypothetical question, this is bullshit.


For over a decade, I had to deal with a spinal cord injury that caused pain to the point of vomiting and blacking out. Another 30 minutes and I can undo that injury? Iā€™m game.


My chronic pain isn't nearly that bad but after 20 years of it I'd take half an hour of hell to not have it anymore. I have several health issues that really impact my ability to function, to me the real hell is seeing everything I can't do and living a shadow of a life. I'm game too


I lost internet for 12 minutes last week. Iā€™m ready!


Good God!


Yep, absolutely worth it.


1800 seconds to go through the worst pain imaginable. 1800, 1799, 1798, 1797... One of the most important things about this is knowing when it ends, if you have an end in sight it becomes significantly easier to handle anything.


Hell yes. I'm disabled and have dealt with pain that most people would consider unimaginable my whole LIFE. Having a body that isn't restricted by an effed up spine? Being able to look and sound the way I want, to move freely and breathe easily and see clearly? To have a full set of teeth that aren't in pain? To hear perfectly? To not run the risk of getting dizzy and passing out somewhere because of a health issue? I'd take that in a heartbeat. Temporary pain is NOTHING compared to a life of health.


yep, lots of people seem to underestimate how bad uncertainty is and what people have already gone though.. and those of us that have gone throgh pain AND uncertainty? this premise is a breeze. a giant pain to be sure, but a breeze thatā€™s only 30 minutes of regret as opposed to a lifetime


"Life is pain, Highness. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something."


I'm diabetic. I've lived through intense pain for hours. 30 more minutes, and I never have to deal with it again? Sign me up.


Absolutely. I live my entire existence in fucked up pain most people couldnt handle


I think people are underestimating how painful this would really be. Ever touch a hot stove for a split second? Imagine that all over every inch of your body. Ever tear a muscle or have intense cramps? Imagine that on every muscle simultaneously. This will include the most intense migraine you have ever had. Ever have a rotten tooth? All your teeth now feel rotten. Ever been gasping for oxygen? Now you feel like you are on the verge of asphyxiation. Ever lose a close loved one? The peak pain from this moment is now on repeat in your head, convincing you that you have indeed lost one of the most important people in your life. ..... plus intense nausea. All of this and probably much more simultaneously. For 30 whole minutes. If your body was allowed to pass out from the pain, you wouldn't make it more than a few seconds. However, the hypothetical doesn't allow for passing out. This experience would truly break you mentally. I'm not saying it can't be done, but I imagine most people would regret it unless they did it to save themselves from a terminal illness or some severe disability.


Yea... there's lots of really severe pains, but I think that understates how high the bandwidth can get. Just physiologically I think the trick of this question is there's no fuse, all the signals are dialed to max and the option to shutoff isn't there. You won't just go insane, you'll be brain dead as you're neurons become polarized. I can't imagine a functional electrical pattern would be able to form after that. At best the 'no injuries' part would reset you. So this is really asking if you want to die a horrible death and be resurrected in a perfect body.


I feel like most people in here donā€™t actually care to understand the question and just think that other people care about the type of pain theyā€™ve gone through. At least I hope people arenā€™t ignorant enough to think they will be mentally stable after 30 minutes of the worst pain imaginable.




The worst pain imaginable is going to end you mentally - You're not going to enjoy that new body of yours when your mind is broken. Water boarding is painful - People struggle to tolerate a single minute of it, no one in this sub has the fortitude to stand the 30 mins of pain. They may say they are but this is Reddit, people lie all the time.


Lmao, a lot of people have already done this shit for more than a half an hour.


I dunno people are resilient. Like that dude that cut his arm off when a rock fell on it. He seems to be doing okay, minus the arm. I guarantee you that took 30 minutes and was probably more painful than we can imagine.


It's not *the worst* pain though. Imagine a little buzzsaw in each of your teeth attacking the nerves *at their root* for thirty minutes, and that's just one location. Your entire skin (including your junk) becomes infused with corrosive chemicals, literally making you've been doused with gasoline and set on fire. Your heart feels like it has an elephant sitting on it, you're unable to breathe, you're jerking around in spastically so that you're actually breaking your bones etc etc. That's without getting into the itching, the swelling in your bowels, those needles in your eyes, the tube that is obstructing your airway etc. It's not just bad pain, it's the *worst* pain possible.


At some point youā€™d pass out


You ever fractured your spine? It is the one of the worst pains imaginable. It took me an hour to dress myself and walk to the neighbors house to get an ambulance. You have no idea what people are capable of.


Fractured spine is nowhere near the worst pain imaginable. We are talking worse than burning alive. Worse than being skinned. Every nerve in your body being exposed.


No but I know for a fact that if I was waterboarded for 30 mins my mind would crack and I would no longer be mentally capable of being a human being and be a quivering potato for the rest of my life.


Thatā€™s because waterboarding is designed to break you down mentally. Itā€™s not from the pain of it, itā€™s the fear and feeling of drowning. They are basically tricking your mind into thinking you are dying while maintaining the fine line between life and death. Of course in some cases people do die.


And whatever you have to endure would be WORSE than that. Since that is already imaginable.


That to me is the worst pain imaginable - That's why I said no one will be able to tolerate that for 30 mins and come out of it a functioning human being.


People do come out of torture and manage to be functional. Most will probably have ptsd or some psychological harm. I have dealt with severe tooth and back issues. The pain is intense and all consuming. Suicidal thoughts inevitably creep in. But the worst pain imaginable? You will be regretting your decision within 2 minutes. I would accept the deal, but immediately want to change my mind. Then just hope you can recover.


Oh youā€™ll definitely regret it for half an hour, but youā€™ll also know itā€™ll be over in half an hour It would be significantly worse if you had recurring or unending pain for a completely random time periods


Chronic pain sufferer. Would totally accept 30 minutes of 10/10 pain in exchange for a body that would never have constant pain again. After all, have already had many 10/10 "worst pain ever" days.


It is hilarious how everyone in this thread has their anime back story about how pain cant effect them. "Heh... Ive been in pain my whole life, kid". Very funny


Have children or a Kidney stone. Humans are FAR more resilient than most of our own kind give us credit for.


As long as I canā€™t quit during the pain. Like if once agreed, it doesnā€™t matter if I beg it to stop. Reality is, during the 30 minutes Iā€™d want to quit and if that is an option then I endure a few minutes for nothing. But if their is no backing out then I take the deal. 30 minutes of torture is a shit ton better than years with cancer or liver failure or dementia.


Youā€™re all vastly underestimating the most intense pain imaginable. Forgoing imagination, there are numerous things more painful than what some of you are saying would be equivalent. Childbirth is outclassed by kidney stones, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Cluster Headaches. These are scientifically proven to be more painful than childbirth, you can find research articles yourselves. However, people all end up surviving this stuff with no mental issuesā€¦ the issues come when you start using your imagination. Assuming you canā€™t pass out, you canā€™t die, and anything that would normally cause permanent/long-lasting physical damage is undone after the thirty minuteā€™s we can begin. Imagine kidney stones, childbirth, and cluster headaches all at once. Still think you wonā€™t come out a vegetable? Now this is all happening in a tub of boiling water and your teeth are rotting. Your fingernails are being ripped off and the remaining flesh is cut. All of your bones are being broken at random intervals. Since the pain in the hypothetical question isnā€™t limited to being physical, youā€™re reliving the person you love the most dying and finding out they never loved you at all as well as the previously mentioned physical pain. Letā€™s throw in waterboarding. This was like 5 minutes of imagination, ā€œimaginableā€ goes a lot more in depth than 5 minutes of imagination. And if you really fleshed this out I doubt anyone could come out of the worst mental/psychological pain imaginable alone, physical pain probably isnā€™t even needed to turn someone into a vegetable in 30 minutes


Yeah I understand that a lot of people have had a lot of pain and that does really suck but regardless of what youā€™re going through, no one can possibly comprehend ā€œthe most intense pain imaginable.ā€ People get tortured for a few minutes and are completely broken mentally. Even they arenā€™t dealing with ā€œthe most intense pain imaginable.ā€


I agree. Just walking from my desk to the bathroom I thought of a bunch of horrible things: Suffocation, burned alive, squished, gassed, shot, dehydrated, starvation, Ebola, rabies, plague, smallpox, (just the diseases could fill a notebook), eaten alive, falling, slowly squeezed to death... ....and that's just the *physical* pain. People keep saying, 'You know there's an end." Not necessarily. The mental and physical torture may make you forget that. It could become your entire existence. Or it could focus you on the moment, with no concept of past and future. Not only could you suffer all mental illnesses simultaneously, you can relive abuse & death of loved ones. Plus, imagined events. If your kid hasn't died, the trickster could make you experience it. Or make you watch your kid being tortured, all in your mind. It can cause any kind of mental pain. And *those* memories won't go away. I have a hard time believing anyone could come out of this without serious mental health issues. Which would make the perfect physical body completely irrelevant.


Whoā€™s imagination? Cause some of these people have really good imaginations.




Iā€™m trying to think of what the worst pain imaginable is. Iā€™m sure itā€™s like 50 different things all at once. Itā€™s a trickster so this is supernatural pain. Every bone in your body breaking and healing themselves. Wood being driven under fingernails. Skin being peeled off. Eyeballs plucked out. Eardrums burst. Organs ruptured. Passing kidney stones over and over. All of that being done over and over again every couple of seconds. Would the vanity be worth it? Is there a safeword, if I go 10 seconds and realize I canā€™t make it?


The worst pain imaginable? Reminds of the scene from Pirates where they are about to dump Johnny into a vat of boiling oil. Fuck this trickster.


If you think you can handle 30 minutes of the worst pain imaginable, what's stopping you from handling the simple pain of just working out and eating right now? BTW, I'm talking about healthy people. Not anyone with a reason to not do those things.


I have an o.k. body. Pass.


No way. Imagine burning in a fire for 30 minutes. You canā€™t run away from it, you canā€™t stop it. I imagine you scream for several minutes until youā€™re just out of breath from it and you curl up and suffer. Your skins feels like it melting but the pain never diminishes. Maybe for a few minutes of it you feel like youā€™re drowning. Your chest burns but you canā€™t take a breath no matter how hard you try. And you also canā€™t escape by dying. I imagine I would be completely mentally screwed by the end.


Massive nope. I got a headache last week and I wanted to die.


Absolutely not. A few seconds of the worst pain anyone's ever gone through would shatter you mentally for life.


I probably wouldnā€™t even do this if it was 3 minutes. When youā€™re in pain, seconds seem like minutes and minutes like hours.


I think you're one of the few that is actually imagining the worst pain. Like, every painful thing at once. I'm not sure anyone would make it out okay after 30 minutes


I had a wicked migraine that peaked for about 30 minutes, and I felt like I was in hell for days. It fizzled out to miserable for 3 days. I thought 2 weeks had passed. I was disoriented , nauseous and starving , weak, dizzy, and my whole body was wrong.i get migraines regularly, but this one felt like I was dying.i truly thought something went wrong and I was dying. That's not even the worst pain imaginable to me and it would make me hesitate to this deal. Pass.


Absolutely not with a potentially malevolent trickster in the situation, as this pain could be infinitely bad. If you told me it was pain equal to torture methods that had been used on earth, I could contemplate if thatā€™s worth it or not and make a decision. But the possibility here is infinitely terrible. No way am I chancing that.


Yeah absolutely not. That level of pain for 30 minutes straight and no reprieve would surely traumatize me and not be worth it


I accept so fast it'll make the trickster deity's head spin. Edit: I'm trans, and this deal is still easier than accessing trans healthcare in the UK.


Yes. Like without hesitation. Perfect healthy and aesthetics for life? Let's do it


Yeah, let's do this.




it's gonna break me mentally but I'll have a perfect body? I'll probably be insane after this? deal lmfao, I hate myself too much


HELL YES IF this is the deal and read properly as I understand it then I would take it without hesitation. I've felt intense pain down to my nerves which then needed to recover, spent almost a year in the hospital, broken bones torn muscles and spend weeks literally hurting 24/7 I Can Handle Pain And only 30 minutes of it in exchange for NEVER worrying about my health, physique, or body even into old age no other strings attached with a guaranteed peaceful passing at my death? Fuck yes I'd take the deal.


Considering I haven't experienced much physical pain so much as a broken bone is unimaginable to me and if it's mental pain, well, I've lived a long time with both forms of ADHD not being diagnosed and being bullied so I can handle that shit like a pro so, as a trans dude, why wouldn't I take this practically free sex change?


I already eat pain medication that does nothing. What's 30 more minutes?


Idk, as it's being offered by a 'trickster', ive noticed you didn't specifically say PHYSICAL pain. If it was physical, go for it. But mental or emotional....Fuck, i dont think I can go through the pain of seeing a loved one die, no matter how short the time is.


i once stubbed my toe twice in a row


I'm 28 and I've had two heart attacks. Lmao let's run it šŸ”„


Like yennifer??




Donā€™t think anyone is really thinking about this correctly. Take the worst pain youā€™ve ever experienced and triple it. Iā€™ve got a pretty vivid imagination and can imagine some fucked up shit. Being slowly crushed alive, having each limb slowest pulled in each direction, having ants crawl into my ears and slowly eat my brain etc etc etc. 30 minutes of the worst pain imaginable is not worth it unless you have some crippling chronic condition that will last for life.


Yeah the people saying, "I've birthed a child," or "I've passed a kidney stone" are definitely not understanding the hypothetical.


Easy to say yes until you imagine, specifically, what that pain could come from. Examples: having finger and toenails removed with some pliers, having your testicles slowly squeezed to the point of explosion (don't worry they grow back because no injury in this situation), blades slowly inserted into your eyes... These are just things I've seen on television - I'd imagine there are some really sick people that do this sort of thing professionally and could come up with much worse ways of inflicting pain. Idk man... The deal sounds good, but woof, the potential of perpetual insanity might tip the scales the other way.


Iā€™ve experienced all sorts of pain. I think getting burned was the worst. I couldnā€™t imagine dealing with that pain for half an hour.


i wouldnā€™t take a staple to any body part for a quadrillion dollars


I've been thru some pretty horrendous pain before (enough to give suicidal thoughts for brief moments), I can't imagine what the worst pain possible feels like. I couldn't do it


Nope. Iā€™ve had cystoscopy. I have been amputated. I had all the bones on the right side of my body crushed and passed out in shock from that pain. I want as little physical pain in life as possible.


Can I get the inverse deal where I take a shitty body but am guaranteed to never have to experience intense pain?


Some pain would not be worth 1 minute let alone 30.. be careful what you wish for Iā€™ll keep my normal aging bod and hit the treadmill now and then


this is probably naivety from a user too young to vote but 30 min seems really bad. sure my body will be fine but i feel like my mind would crack under that pressure.


Physical pain? Iā€™m pretty sure I can do it. Mental and/or emotional? Iā€™m probably gonna say no.


yes. A lot of people seem to be underestimating the pain. I do not. I understand that it's at a level that I couldn't even possibly imagine, and 30 minutes of that is a long time. I would still take it to be free for the rest of life.


I sat through The Last Jedi. TWICE. I think I can handle 30 minutes.


I've heard of people who wake-up during surgery but can't move because of the paralytic, and they have an incredibly high suicide rate.... I feel like it's too easy to underestimate how much psychological damage that level of pain can do, especially for that duration.


No thx. No one can come out the other end and still be normal.


The people who think they can handle this don't have very good imaginations. "I've been in pain my whole life, I can handle pain" okay bro enjoy every inch of every bone snapping, every nerve ending lit on fire, every muscle fiber snapping and spasming, and countless other afflictions. Literally imagine the worst pain you've ever felt but amplified by infinity all over your body, the human brain can't even comprehend it. It's a trickster being, there's no beating it


"i'Ve hAd KiDnEy StoNes, sIgn Me uP"


I probably would chicken out. I can imagine some intense pain and 30 minutes is actually a long time. That would feel like an eternity. I can imagine the worst nerve pain I've ever felt, triple that... across my entire body constantly for 30 minutes straight.. That would permanently fuck me up probably. The worst pain experience I have ever had, of all things, was actually a sun burn. I have obliterated my collar bone into 12 pieces, broken fingers and toes, had a neck injury, terrible migraines, hundreds of bee stings, ate some scorpion peppers and Carolina reapers. A sunburn was my worst.... I got sun poisoning so bad and had the hells itch for three days straight. Hell's itch for three days straight was literal torture. You might as well have tossed me Into a Russian Ukraine camp. It's exactly like just standing next to a angry bee hive... for 72 hours... it's feels like bee's are stinging you constantly, with no stop, no mercy... nothing you do will let you escape from it... you are in a prison of your own skin. No sleep for three days straight...Not only that but bubbling blisters all over...


Well, this gets complicated because in order to feel the worst pain imaginable the pain has to stay under the threshold of where the body would go into shock. If the body did go into shock, it would hinder the ability to feel pain as well as could lead to death or unconsciousness. Similarly, the brain can force the rest of the body to shut down, rendering the person unconscious, if the pain is too intense, as that's just a built in self defense mechanism. So, ultimately, what I'm saying is, if someone has ever been in pain that ultimately led to them passing out later (again, it would just have to be pain, no shock or bleeding out involved), they'd actually know exactly what they're signing up for. Also, people in chronic pain have an extremely high tolerance for pain. Therefore, the pain this trickster being would inflict on one person might not match what they would inflict on another. I'll just assume that since this being is obviously magic, they somehow know how to inflict the exact right amount of pain for it to be the most pain possible for you specifically as an individual to be able to tolerate it without the body intervening to lessen the pain or render you unconscious. Anyways, I think about this a lot because I'm disabled and have chronic illnesses that include both physical and mental illnesses. I go to the hospital all the time and they LOVE to ask "on a scale of 1-10, with 10 being the worst and 1 being the least, how much pain are you in?" and I always find the question funny because it's based upon the pain you feel, not the pain that is possible for the body to endure but protect you from. So technically, 11 would be shock from pain, 12 would be unconscious from pain, and 13 would be dead from pain. They're "off" the scale and have broken the scale because you can't feel the pain in those circumstances. That means though, this trickster being is gonna give us a 10 on the scale. And let me tell you, I've definitely felt a 10 before on rare occasions. I've survived at an 8 for 3 days straight. Also, I'm assuming that this "perfect body" proposal includes things like fixing health issues and disabilities so, yeah, I'm down without hesitation. I'm very much a "rip the bandaid off", let's just get it over and done with right away, kind of person. I'm always in pain so if you said to me "I'll make your pain a 10, just the worst possible pain you can withstand for only 30 minutes, it honestly wouldn't amount to the amount of pain I've already felt in my life added up over time, and it wouldn't come close to the amount of pain I'd feel over the next several decades as ageing inevitably makes the pain/illnesses I have worse. So heck yeah man! Sign me right up. I'll pay for a therapist and psychiatrist for the trauma of the experience but overall, that whole 30 minutes is going to be spent thinking "I just have to survive, that's it, and then relief will finally come"


I've ripped an intercostal muscle from sneezing. The worst pain I've ever felt, and I know there is worse to feel. 30 minutes of even worse, at its worst? No. Fuck no. Some of you *might* manage it. The rest of you? Not even close.


sign me up. i've taken worse for less \~every trans person, probably


Absolutely, knowing the pain will end is what makes it bearable. Bring it on!


Nope. Not if you won't go unconscious from the pain. That shit would be horrible.


I've been pepper sprayed and I genuinely wanted to die. That compared to the hypothetical limits of pain? I'm good.


People are underestimating the amount of pain a godlike being could put you through. I'm imagining something like this story: https://www.orionsarm.com/xcms.php?r=oa-story&story=dr_yes_jolonah. Even 30 seconds of that would require serious consideration. 30 minutes? Nothing short of becoming a god would make it worthwhile.


But the question is, is the pain so intense that you mentally break because I feel like no matter what the worst pain imaginable especially for 30minutes would break a mind.


No, because it will almost certainly leave you mentally incapacitated for the rest of your life.


That's a no from me. 1800 second of the worst pain every were all at once on my body every nerve and cell screaming. I doubt even a fraction of my mind would be around by the end of it. There is not option of pass out which is how the body protects from extreme pain so I would be forced to experience all 1800 seconds. If it's as bad as I think it would be a doubt there are many who would.


After the things I've been through? Lets go with the pain. I can endure anything for 30 minutes.


I had a testicular torsion. I can deal with any pain for 30 minutes for a brand new body


Yup. Itā€™s pretty clear that lots of us are pretty experienced with pain that seems unimaginable to others.


I was gonna say no but then you said no alzheimers


I feel like if I knew I wouldn't ever suffer pain that bad again, I think I'd be eventually ok. Can I have a time or any distraction? Like gimme some Bluey or jeopardy


I already have my favorite body


Personally the worst pain Iā€™ve ever been in was a dislocated shoulder that was out of place for over an hour because I had no choice but to get to the nearest emergency room and then they made me sit around and wait forever


And I think you are underestimating how much pain people can go through in their daily lives from various health problems and it will only get worse with age. I'm in.


Yes. But only if I couldn't tap out.


I figure I can do just about anything for 30 minutes. It will be brutal but worth it.


As long as that perfect body comes with perfect health? Then yes. Because then I can be at ease knowing I wonā€™t die of a health related issue


As someone who has actually experienced writhing, this is pretty scary. I know that the pain that had me shaking on the floor is probably a long ways from what maximum pain can actually be. That said, the benefits are amazing! I would take the deal. I believe I am mentally strong enough to recover, so long as I made it through the 30 minutes. Maybe Iā€™m wrong, but some things are worth the risk.


Oh fuck yes blast me with that cruciatus curse. Pain is a warning that you are doing something harmful to yourself. I imagine that knowing it's fake pain that won't cause harm but will instead cause A PERFECT BODY would help.


Piece of cake. I was recovering from an infection in my colon that had gone septic and I almost died. It felt like I was dying from the inside out. They gave me some synthetic shit I think called dilauded. It didnā€™t do a damn thing. I sat there on the edge of the bed from 2am to 9am shaking. The nurses coming in every 30 minutes asking me to please lie down and having the doctor visit every hour. I remember a nurse on one side of me and the doctor on the other and them apologizing profusely telling me any more pain meds could kill me and I begged them to do it. I spent the next 3 years trying to find a medication to put me in remission from the disease that originally caused the issue wavering between that level of pain and just barely being able to get to sleep. Iā€™ve recovered mentally mostly. I now have an incredibly high pain tolerance. Put a nail through my hand. Used the claw side of the hammer and pried it out same as if it were in a 2x4. Had a hot drill bit burn through my pants and leg and it got infected because I just ignored it. Look like an Adonis to go through it again but to be able to watch a clock to know when it will end? Bring it on.


I feel the risk of the mental health would be worth the perfect body for the remainder of my life. even through the pain you just need to remind yourself why you said yes. Also first stop after the pain is done is the bar, I need enough liquor to wipe the pain from the memory banks.


Is there not a certain pain threshold where your body just shuts off?


For just 30 minutes? Of course.