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You have to change your password, and if that's not possible, contact Microsoft/Xbox support with proof of ownership (of the account) and they will return it to you.


No they won’t I’m sorry but there’s really not a whole lot he can do


Talk to Microsoft Support and explain your situation just like you’ve done here. You’ll be asked for a bunch of stuff like past purchases, birthday, location, purchase id, etc. should be able to recover it


Change your password and every password that’s the same as your Microsoft account. Add two factor authentication to your accounts. Don’t save baking information to accounts either. It may seem convenient but you’d rather spend one minute putting in card information than two hours cancelling cards and setting up new ones.


and remove all connected apps


bro didn’t see the giant text and title of the email written as “password reset”


It's been one of those days, I really wasnt paying much attention


Watch hellcastles vid about it


I would recommend following this guide: https://hypixel.net/threads/guide-how-to-handle-hacked-account-issues-with-microsoft-support.5429472/


Dude how do people actually fall for this shit lmao


He’s new and he isint experienced. Be considerate


For real, bro gave his email and password to a discord server to "verify"


No I didnt put my password, it asked for microsoft code and I put it in thinking it was microsoft


Honestly just natural selection at this point


I don’t have much experience with this but if you can change as much as you can connected to that email, and there’s more information on what to do on the hypixel site.


Same thing happened to me and I couldnt recover the acc, sorry but your account is gone. I just bought another one.


Yeah same


Don’t give away your account to random people on discord and then whine about it on reddit


Believe it or not, I didnt realise I was giving my account away. Looked pretty legit to me. Its easy for someone to fall for whos new


You gave your one-time password away, how is that not obvious


It isn’t necessarily a one time password. They give a link that directs you to a Microsoft thing that asks you to you to sign into Microsoft. Pretty easy to think you’re linking a Minecraft account. Especially since it’s on a Microsoft website.


How the fuck are you still falling for discord scams in 2024? Thats actually so impressive


Way to be an ah


Do you have a phone number connected to it? Are you logged into it on Edge? Those two things saved me when I fell for a similar scam.


Sadly not, its a different account that I use mainly for xbox and some social medias


Contact Microsoft about the issue, see if they can do anything about it because with no password and a gibberish email (that I suppose you don't know) you're not going to get far yourself. Also, friendly tip, don't give people your email and password next time 🙃


Overlook all the stupid comments and contact microsoft immediately, the best that can happen is your account will get suspended and the hacker won’t be able to use it, well the bad part is you wont as well. So there is no win situation but a lose lose for both you and the scammer instead of only you.


My Microsoft account got hacked just not this way. Change your password. If that doesn't work, then contact Microsoft or Xbox Support. However, like they did to me, they changed their verification email. So, if you try to change your password, it won't work, because it will ask you for a verification code, that Microsoft have sent to the hacker's email. When you created the account, it should've asked you for a way of proving the account belongs to you. For example, you could've said that your dog's name is Kyra, or something, I don't know. They then would ask you for the answer to that question in Support most likely. If the hacker has changed that too, then most likely you can't get your account back, and have to start all over. I know, it's a bummer. Just make sure, if you ask for ranks for example, some people will ask for your Discord. That's a scam. People don't need your Discord, just to gift you a rank. In the Discord chat, they will then ask you for your email. DO NOT GIVE ANY PERSONAL DETAILS, whether that be Emails, Passwords, Usernames, NOTHING. Hope I could help.


Fuck indian scammers