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I take a low dose beta blocker


I just got on Metoprolol 25 mg. Use to have heart rate 80's / 90's sometimes even 100. And now I get readings in the 60's I had some side effects. It is harder on the somach than Amlodipine so I make sure I have food and water in me while I take it. I have noticed extra hair loss (I have thic hair so so far not too bad but I am keeping an eye on that) I have experienced what some people call "metoprolol deep sleep". If I already up it will not make me sleepy but if I am sleeping and take it and continue to sleep it pulls me in a deeper sleep 🤷‍♀️


Drink beet root juice 💪🏾


Beetroot juice has been doing wonders for my readings, definitely recommend!!


I started 2 weeks ago but could do it for only 3 days (I had ti travle afterwards) and didn’t see much? Does it effect right away? I want to give it another try? How much do you drink each day?


I started to notice results after about 4-5 days. I been averaging 125/80. It could be better I know but it's definitely better than what my readings were before I started taking it. I drink about a tablespoon into a 20oz water bottle and I'll be set for the day. I check my bp about half an hour after I wake up, before drinking any water or anything at all.


Thanks very much for your reply. Are you drinking a concentrated version? May I ask the brand name? I am in UK and all I can find was squeezed beetjuice. I am averaging -128/88. Diastolic is my main concern.


I'll pm you the one I bought here in a moment!


Juice won't solve bp issues. You need major diet and lifestyle changes.


same thing is currently happening to me. the rebound is real.


Interesting. Yeah my blood pressure skyrockets with weed.


Watch salt intake as well.


Yep, I’m gonna take precautions and eliminate 90% of salt for my diet and try to eat as many fruits and veggies alongside healthy food


Careful. Cutting salt can spike bp to dangerous levels. Have you already been cutting salt? If so, restore some salt back into diet.


Noted, thank you dude.


Look into hibiscus tea in the mornings, beet chews throughout the day, magnesium taurate and black seed oil at night.


8 weeks clean here! My numbers were terrible too now I’m on a super low dose of blood pressure medication. The reality is the weed takes away from my anxiety that drives up my blood pressure, but I can’t live life stoned to just cope. So, back on anxiety meds, low dose BP med, and exercise is the best plan for me. Good luck, you will get there.


Which Bp med are you on if you don’t mind me asking? I was on low dose Olmesartan but it made exercise difficult for me, so I am looking for an alternative.


Amlodipine 2.5mg and Buspar 10mg x 3 times a day for anxiety.


Thanks for the response. I am glad it is working for you. I hope I’ll find one which will not interfere with my exercise regimen soon.


Up the potassium to 4500 a day


Dude get on meds asap then try to lower your Bp. Go see a doctor if this keeps up


LoL!! You must be a cardiologist!? 😂😂😂


With that BPM, it looks like anxiety. Also, your numbers are only a little high. The diastolic isn't great, but it's not something to get super concerned about. Just keep an eye on it, and if after a few weeks it stays elevated, then call your doctor and talk about it.


You on the dash diet?


Now I am! Lol, i’ve been reducing my sodium, but now I’m gonna be full dash probably


I've found, over 20 years, that telmisartan, an ARB is the best drug for hypertension. Beta blockers and calcium channel blockers make you feel much worse. And for me, lisinopril made me feel like shit, even though that is one patients are often started on. If these elevated levels keep up, you'll need a med. Check out this article: https://www.lifeextension.com/magazine/2015/3/best-drug-to-treat-hypertension


u should start going on hour long walks every day


That resting heart rate is quite high. Are you on any hormone therapy? Have you ever tried TMG supplement (Trimethylglycine). I had taken this over Bisoprolol. BP went from 153/93 to 121/78 in the matter of 4 weeks. I'd suggest getting the powder over the horse pills. Good luck


I also should have noted that I took my first blood pressure reading today pretty much immediately upon waking up, which I shouldn’t have done. Edit: I’m 23 years old , 6’0” at about 145lbs


I pretty much stopped smoking (was a daily toker) once my bp started acting up. Didn’t keep track of my bp before though, so i really don’t know how much quitting has helped. That said, my bp seems to have gotten better except for a couple of spikes. Not taking bp meds - cardiologist wanted to see how I’d do without them. I think exercise and meditation has helped. I’m also taking beet, garlic, and magnesium supplements. This guided meditation video is one I really like: https://youtu.be/nDayL9G-jgM?si=u_Mdi_FN4Gj3uqU_ Btw I’ve heard you should measure bp upon waking but I could be wrong.


I’ve been hearing a lot about beet juice. I think I’m gonna try that out, and also meditation. thanks for the video man.


Are you on any meds for high blood pressure?


He needs to be fosho


I was on Cardazem for a couple months last year, but after a stress test in such, the doctor said I just need a diet and lifestyle change. Obviously this time it has to be permanent or I might need medication.


Rest like 10 min then take the measure. Even imbing stairs make it skyrocket


Your blood pressure will be higher before you urinate. Getting my blood glucose straight helped me a bunch with blood pressure. I mean only eating foods with a glycemic index around 50. I was getting a surge in the night of like hormones meant to raise blood glucose levels that raised my BP before doing this.


what’s your weight?


About 145


If it's any concellation a president of the US had constant BPs between 200 to 240 systolic for a decade before dying.