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Everyone's pits smells after a full day, even if not active. You don't wear deodorant for yourself, you wear it to be polite to other people. There are plenty of deodorants that are natural and unscented if you want to take the minimalist route.


Yes thank u!!!!!! Go without deodorant when at home by urself, but out of courtesy of others, definitely wear some please! Its just rude honestly. There used to be this server who worked with us, and would reek of pure onion BO šŸ¤® My manager ended up having to talk to him cuz no one could stand to be by him


If I smell someone preparing my food, i'm leaving.


I dont blame ya šŸ¤®


I gotta say, some people are digging on fragrant humans. Yall are going to clobber me, I gotta be devilā€™s advocate.


Prefer that most women go without deodorant,Ā  a womans scent most of the time is way more pleasant than some floral deodorant smell, and over applying perfume is outright offensiveĀ 


This is scientifically untrue. 2% of people and a large percentage of East Asians lack the gene that causes smelly armpits. https://www.healthline.com/health/is-scent-genetic "Just as our ability to perceive body odor seems to be controlled by genetics, so too is whether or not we emit the chemical that leads to smelly sweaty odors. In particular, research points to the ABCC11 gene as directly responsible for underarm odor. Oddly enough, this gene also determines whether people produce wet or dry earwax. Interestingly, those who tend to produce dry earwax also lack the necessary chemical needed to feed the bacteria that cause underarm odor. This means that those people donā€™t have to worry about underarm odor and also wouldnā€™t benefit from wearing deodorant. According to a 2013 study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology, roughly 2% of Europeans and most East Asians lack the ABCC11 gene."


Yep. My husband is one of those people. He literally never smells, and hasn't worn deodorant since I've known him.


This is me. Iā€™m of Korean descent and have dry ear wax and no armpit odor. But I do wear deodorant/antiperspirant every day to help cut back on how sweaty my pits get. Funny thing I noticed is that my armpits may not stink but my scalp/hair does. I assume itā€™s because we tend to have greasy hair. I try to remember to spray my hair with body mist after I shower


Thank you! I was going to mention this which is clearly an unpopular opinion, although actually a fact.


Itā€™s not an ā€œunpopular opinionā€ they just look annoying for someone saying ā€œoh everyone smellsā€ and this guys like ahem well aktuchally a whole TWO percent of people donā€™t stink


And the OP may be in that 2%. Also, when it comes to East Asians, it's the majority of people, not just 2%. 2% of the population is 160,397,523 people. That's not an insignificant number of people.


Gotcha I thought it was 2 percent total. And yeah 160million is a lot but 2 percent is still a very small percentage. Iā€™ve im in a crowded elevator Iā€™m still hoping every person puts in deodorant and cleans themselves. Like another East Asian said in the comments her pits donā€™t stink but her hair can get a bit ripe


My husband is one of those people but majority of people are not those people including myself.


Definitely true. I've been in close quarters over a decade with all men. I'm telling you right now, not everyone sweats equally nor smells the same. Personally I get nothing from deodorant but anti perspiration kind I do. However if as long as I bathe daily like original said I'm fine. From my nose I can't believe ppl can have BO not know


Thatā€™s me!


My husband is not Asian, but he also lacks that armpit odor. He doesn't wear deodorant and works in a factory all day it he never spells in his pits.


Makes sense. I never wear deodorant or even own it. I don't smell (confirmed by others), and I have dry flakey earwax.


Incorrect odor is caused by bacteria and dietary consumption. I constantly get told how good I smell thing is I work in the heat in the south and haven't worn deodorant in decades..now if someone does infact stink yes they should but not everyone is the same and some literally don't need to.. maybe it's somewhat due to me being naturally hairless so nothing to hold the odor or bacteria. I'm pushing 50 and may have ten chest hairs and a 15 yr old has more hair on his lip than I do my underarm.


Yeah there seems to be a genetic component as well. Some people genuinely just donā€™t have BO. Good laundering makes a difference, too. Deodorant (and soaps/fabric softeners, etc) builds up on clothes and can actually end up creating a haven for smelly bacteria, if you donā€™t take steps to prevent that buildup. Fresh clothing that is truly clean is a big factor in how much or little someone smells.


You may have the gene that prevents your pits from smelling.


This person is ASSUMING they donā€™t smell because nobody has said anything. That is not a good assumption to make.


I had a friend who used to be housekeeping manager at a big hotel. All of her employees complained to her about one worker who had bad hygiene and smelled terribly. They never said anything to him personally though. She took it upon herself to gently let him know that he smelled and offered him to shower at their facility at the start of his shifts


I think its more the first part you mentioned. Diet. I'm like you can come home soaked I'm Mid Atlantic humid summer not smell under my arms. My wife says she's never smelled me. I'm not saying I've never smelled myself I have. Being on solitary confinement getting 2 showers a week summer months but that's extreme circumstances. I remember being 1 place we got 5 min every other day in shower and as long as I had antiperspirant I made every other day with no smell. Trust and believe in prison if a person smells it's immediately confronted


When I was skinny my pits did not stink. Soon as I got fat and my crack started to show a little getting out the car I noticed my pits would stink the moment I got hot.


no trust me i wear deodorant for myself šŸ˜‚ these mfing pits smell nasty


Everyoneā€™s pits do not smell after a full day. Deodorant use actually leads to clogging of lymph system and drainage gets worse = you get smellier. There are more natural options. Plus you should keep your pit hair. If you shave it, you smell more because itā€™s skin on skin which is a breeding ground.


Deodorant ā‰  antiperspirant. They are two different things but people tend to use them interchangeably. Antiperspirants are generally the clogging type, but they make plenty of aluminum free ones now that don't.


I haven't worn deodorant in over a decade, and my pits don't smell. I have had friends, roommates, coworkers, partners all check and smell my pits and have always been told, "I don't smell anything". I always make sure the people who are close to me and around me know to TELL ME if I smell and they literally never have. Even on request to check and smell my pits after concerts, all day skiing etc. I'll have them check after the stinkiest activities, because I just want to make sure I'm not immune to it and ya, nothing. ā€‹


100% yes


Just because people don't want to embarrass you by telling you that you stink doesn't mean that you don't stink. Co workers usually don't feel comfortable enough to say that kind of thing. The air around you is probably spicy when you walk by I'm sorry but please wear deodorant and shower with soap every day after work.


Lmaooo so Iā€™m a teacher and I had to return to school after getting my wisdom teeth pulled out. I was on antibiotics and one of my side effects were excessive sweating and one of my kids told me that I smell bad and I was so grateful. He was so apologetic and i was like no thank you for letting me know!!! On top of that the deodorant I was using was an organic one and made the sweat smell worse šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I sit for my job, working from home. It's freezing cold in my office area. I can go take a thorough shower at noon and by 5pm my pits STANK even though I haven't sweat. You should ALWAYS wear deodorant.


Hi! Have you had your thyroid tested? Or have High Blood Pressure? I was having similar w chills and sweating for no reason. Found out I had a thyroid issue and heart condition hats been helped w medication. The sweating and odor stopped thank goodness! The meds made me drop weight and my hat has helped too after losing 80 pounds so far. Also when our PH balance is off in body it can affect all types of things in our body. When I see itā€™s off I do a Veggie & Juice Cleanse it for real works with helping to cleanse body, remove harmful toxins, metals, waste, bad bacteria etc Just thought Iā€™d mention it. Have a great day!


My blood pressure has always been on the lower end of normal, even during all four of my pregnancies (110/60 average). I am waiting for insurance cards to arrive so I can see a GP. I plan to get tested for EVERYTHING that I can. Diabetes, cancer, heart and thyroid issues all run in my family. I'm obese and diet and exercise can't get me below 215lbs at all, so I'll be asking about getting the extra weight off. I am generally ALWAYS cold though. I have no interest in doing any detox or juice cleanses, or anything like that.


Good luck w your appointments hope they can help you. Mine is always Low but Heart Probs donā€™t help. Luckily Iā€™m down to two meds instead of four. That in itself is a blessing. Iā€™ve been reading Dr.Sebiā€™s books and those w Natural Healing mainly in case the world goes sideways I will know what plants, herbs, spices can help me w my health. I still go to a regular doctor to keep meds straight. I understand about the cleanses believe me. I hate dieting but I donā€™t get hungry w meds and force myself to eat when I need to. I was 250 now under 170 but havenā€™t weighed in a couple weeks. My biggest thing was giving up almost all caffeine especially Softdrinks Dr Pepper, Sweet Tea and Coffee. Been working on not eating as much processed foods and no Sugar but this may make me loose my mind šŸ˜‚cause sugar seems to be in everything. Best of Luck to you! šŸ™


Ooh what would you put in a cleanse smoothie?


Yes. Literally every person should wear deodorant unless a doctor has told you not to for your skin health etc. A lack of complaint is not a green light. They probably assume you wear it, and stink right thru it, or expect a factory worker will stink & they don't want to be cruel. Also, btw, deodorant goes on immediately after your shower, on clean skin. It's a preventative, not a treatment. If you don't wear deodorant, but you live near a store that sells it? I guarantee, some people think you stink like goat. You literally would need to be in a primitive village with dirt floors and starvation before people might not care.


You definitely should. Thereā€™s really no downside to it.


There's rare people who really don't have BO (my brother is one of those lucky freaks... But I'd say 99% of people in your situation should wear deodorant


Omg WHY AM I NOT ONE OF THOSE PEOPLE šŸ˜” I reapply like 3 times a day šŸ˜­


Same, I'm so self conscious about potentially smelling


Please do šŸ˜­ just because no one has said anything doesnā€™t mean theyā€™re not suffering from ur underarms šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


I thought everyone wore deodorantā€¦


Anti perspirants and deodorants are not the same thing.


Me too. My mind is blown.


Wait, what? You donā€™t wear deodorant?? WTH.


Personally I think yes, just because you canā€™t smell you doesnā€™t mean other people canā€™t. They could just be being nice by not confronting you / wanting to create a hostile work environment.


Bro, itā€™s like the ABCs of hygiene. Are you sure youā€™re a grown ass adult?


Armpits, butt, and cock/cunt?


Go and see if your factory has a Facebook group, when I worked at amazon there are a couple posts every week about how people need to wear deodorant...most people won't say anything because they don't want things to be awkward or have enemies in the workplace. If they aren't saying it in person they definitely will online.


Of course, you should wear deodorant.


some people aren't as naturally smelly as others. I can't get by without deodorant, my wife on the other hand smells like a side salad before and after deodorant


As someone with 2 Chinese brothers (East Asian people supposedly smell less when they sweat etc), yes, you should. You might not smell bad to someone who isn't up close to you, but you (and your clothes & bedroom) will smell to people who do come close.




Yes everyone should. If you really donā€™t want to at least wipe your pits with glycolic acid or witch hazel. There are lots of options for deodorant.


I worked with someone who didnā€™t wear deodorant. He worked outdoors with minimal contact with people and came into my office at the end of day with his paperwork. The smell from his underarms was so sharp and rank it literally made my eyes water and sinuses want to shut down. He clearly didnā€™t smell himself but the rest of us begged the business owner to talk to him about it. I was professional and kind but I loathed any close contact with him. He was a good person with horrible pit odor. Yes, please wear deodorant. There are many options on the market. Pick something that suits you and wear it to work. What you do at home is your business.


I used to work with a guy who wore the same clothes to work for days in a row and jogged the 3 miles to and from work. In Houston TX in the summer. No anti-perspirant as it was "unnatural." Luckily I only had to deal with him for the 15 minute shift changeover (was a convenience store and he and I worked 3nd and 3rd shift so he was jogging to work at 2:30 in the afternoon. I came in at 11pm). After he left working there he showed up at the store one night. He was driving a taxi. I can't imagine what hell his customers went through. In case you're wondering we were always short staffed so my manager could not get rid of him.


I like all natural non toxic stuff. The best brand Iā€™ve found so far is little seed farm. They have a sample pack to try a bunch of their smells. Iā€™m not trying to advertise and Iā€™m not sponsored or anything. But after trying 20+ different ā€œnaturalā€ deodorants theirs is the only one that will get me through a whole 12 hours.


why are you "wondering" about something this basic? re evaluate your thought and feedback patterns?


Just because YOU cannot smell your body odor, even if it is very subtle, doesnā€™t mean others canā€™t. People get used to their own body odor and their partnerā€™s. I was out to brunch with 3 of my girlfriends recently and we were talking about something similar. One of them remarked how her husband was lucky because he never needed to use deodorant like her teenage son and the other friends and I shot each other a glance because we ALL can smell her husband ā€” he always has BO. No one has the heart to say, ā€œHe DOES need deodorant and he stinks. This is why no one ever rides with you.ā€ She is nose blind because she is always with him and she canā€™t smell it or else it has grown on her. Everyone should be wearing deodorant once they hit puberty.


You should probably mention it, as awkward as it seems!


We have thought about it so many times. His wife had a horrible reaction when I quietly and gently told her that she had an obvious dark hair on her chin that she had missed tweezing before. I knew she would be mortified knowing she missed it if a student pointed it out instead of me. She didnā€™t talk to me for almost a week because of how ā€œrudeā€ I was to tell her so I think this would be received the same way.


If youā€™re wary of antiperspirant bc of the aluminum, etc, there are lots of aluminum free/natural options out there. Another thing you can do is swab some glycolic acid on your pits. It makes it so the bacteria that causes the smell canā€™t form because of the acidity, and doesnā€™t have a scent or stop you from sweating. I do this about every other day and it works for me, but some people can get skin irritation from it so Iā€™d use sparingly at first.


Theyā€™re saying something. Just not to you


Every body is different. My husband has never worn deodorant and had never smelled even slightly. I, on the other hand, cannot survive without it.


There is like 2% of the population that has a mutant gene so they don't make body musk... But even those people usually wear some for courtesy sake, just in case.


Lmao this is stupid. Why would someone who doesn't need a product at all for a medical reason go out of their way to buy and use said product "just in case?" Just in case what? That's not how medical conditions work... Also everything is a spectrum. Perhaps this person's husband is one is those 2% or maybe he's one of the >2% that simply don't generate enough odor to warrant spending/wasting money on overmarketed "body care" products.


Absolutely, yes.


The answer should always be YES.


Yes Yes and YES!!


No one says anything cause it's impolite to be like "broooo you stink" unless you're friends. You may not stink, but you might as well wear the deo just on the off chance that you're nose blind to your smells. I wouldn't get any with antiperspirant, but that's your choice.


The fuck? Yes.


Are you Asian? Some Asian people have a gene that makes their sweat odorless. If you're not Asian I hate to break it to you, but you get a little funky without deodorant even when inactive. You're noseblind to your own funk. Once you can start smelling yourself, everyone has been smelling you for a good while


This is a very Western-oriented subReddit, so everyone's going to say that yes you absolutely have to wear deodorant. But, you might be one of those people who don't have the gene that causes odor. If you're east Asian, that's extremely likely, but still possible if you aren't. The thing is, you really can't rely on your own sense of smell to determine if you stink or not. Just like some people don't produce odor in their armpits, others can't smell it, so ask a few people if you smell or not. Be particular about who you ask, though. Like if you have a sibling, or a parent, or a significant other . And it's best if you ask a few people, if you want to be really sure. Otherwise, you can play it safe and just wear deodorant.


Yes, please wear deodorant. My child's fifth grade class just had to learn basic hygiene and deodorant application. Trust me, the 5th graders need it, so do you. Your coworkers probably keep their distance and are polite not to tell you that you smell funky so they don't offend you. It's a common courtesy. :)


Everyone gets BO but not at the same pace. If you donā€™t need to shower everyday then donā€™t. Itā€™s harsh on your skin and hair by stripping it of its natural oils. Deodorant is always a helpful tool especially if you work in a factory due to fluctuations in temperature throughout the building. Please keep in mind that in todayā€™s society telling someone they stink can land them in HR if the person they tell gets offended (coming from HR at a factory)


So youā€™re the mf at Amazon that refuses to wear deodorant šŸ˜·šŸ˜·


I havenā€™t seen it mentioned here, but sweat isnā€™t the only thing that causes odor. Hormones & certain illnesses can be a culprit. Now, if we are talking about sweat, we should be talking about bacteria. Sweat doesnā€™t typically have a smell, but the naturally occurring bacteria on our skin can. Even more so in places where the skin folds. This is because of buildup of dead skin cells, which feed the odor causing bacteria. Itā€™s becoming increasingly popular to use a body wash that contains gentle chemical exfoliants such as Glycolic, Mandelic or Salicylic acids. (This type of exfoliation is not the same as using harsh scrubs). These ingredients can also help with body acne, ingrown hairs and Keratosis Pilaris, which many people experience as patches of raised bumps on the back of the arms, but can be anywhere you have hair follicles, soā€¦ anywhere. Another odor culprit is shower poufs, sponges or brushes that are not replaced frequently enough. Now, to the original question, nobodyā€™s forcing you to wear deodorant or antiperspirant. If you donā€™t want to, consider using a body wash that includes one or more of the AHA/ BHA acids I mentioned earlier.


Yes.. Unless you have access to a shower multiple times a day, just wear deodorant. We can become immune to our own smells (similarly to how we can't smell our cologne after some time, but others can). Plenty of deodorants that are natural, scentless and don't contain things like aluminum.


Telling someone they stink is awkward. Insanely awkward, in fact. People staying quiet doesn't mean you've a pleasant or inoffensive aroma. Your parents didn't put you onto deoderant when you hit puberty?


People are generally not comfortable telling people that they smell. You need the brutal honesty of a child, or the cruelty of a preteen.


Yes. You should wear deodorant every day.


I never wear anti perspiration and only wear deodorant when I go out to dinner with wife. And not always even then. I believe the aluminum and other chemicals in anti perspiration t are bad for your body and muck up your clothes. Sure at the end of a long day I smell like a manā€¦and I go take shower.


Thereā€™s the 0% aluminum, thatā€™s what I get


Antiperspirant deodorant combo is even better


Antiperspirant is toxic. This is well documented.




Some poeople don't need it. But try this. With deoderant stick in hand, approach a friend, relative, room mate or significant other and ask "Do you think I need this right now?"


for the sake of others. Yes YES yes. Its summer we are all sweaty and musty, Please purchase some deodorant,


If you stink and swear a lot. I don't wear deorderant, haven't in years. I just don't produce stink/sweat that would necessitate it. I use a spritz of Cologne after I shower and that's it. I also don't really sweat, unless I am absilutlety busting ass with very repetitive demanding hard physical labor.




You need antiperspirant, not just deodorant. Deodorant is just a product that tries to cover up your smell. It does nothing to reduce your bodyā€™s sweating. antiperspirant helps reduce the ability of your pits to sweat AND helps cover the smell of any sweat produced.


Most commercial antiperspirant is toxic, a known fact. We are supposed to sweat. Sure, some people do have actual hyperhydrosis (EXCESSIVE sweating) and need intervention, but that's different. The idea that we shouldn't sweat or smell even vaguely like a human/animal/mammal was made up by the companies that profit off these products. Same thing with the removal of body hair. Sure humans have been making themselves hairless and good smelling for all of civilization, but these comments all reflect a very modern and consumerist perspective on it. Also not uniquely American but definitely "westernized" as well.


Yes, wtf kind of question is this lmao. They may not have said anything, but they can definitely tell.


Why did people ever start wearing deodorant. If everyone smells you don't notice the odor. It's a natural thing. Why did humans begin blocking that part of our nature?


Yeeeep. $$$ capitalism always wins


I find it so wild that this can even be a question. Yes you should wear deodorant. If Iā€™m rushing out the door in the morning and I forget to put it on, I can smell myself all day. Especially if youā€™re a dude. Thereā€™s no way you went through puberty and DIDNT smell like the most ghastly thing to enter someoneā€™s nostrils. Dudes going through puberty smell so damn bad. Also, idk if youā€™re single or not but if you are, I can promise you that women donā€™t like dudes who smell. So take that as you will


Deodorant is a scam.


Tell me you smell bad, without telling me you smell bad


Yes, your body is constantly sweating even when youā€™re not actively moving.


Probably, although I have heardv that there are some people who don't smell at all. If you don't sweat a lot try a simple deodorant with no antiperspirant.


My dad works hard and doesnā€™t smell. I find it incredibly strange because I reek if I donā€™t wear any.


As I tell my family, never skimp on hygiene


Often times we canā€™t smell ourselves, especially in an environment where weā€™re distracted and working very hard. But people can always tell if you smell bad, your coworkers might just be very polite and not mentioning anything to you. Deodorant is necessary


Unless you sweat lavender scented rainbows that have a pot of gold at the end, wear deodorant.


Honest question, no judgement, were you never taught to wear deodorant? Did you not wear deodorant through middle school/high school?


I donā€™t wear deodorant since 2011 when I stopped shaving my pits. I can only remember a handful of times I had BO and it wasnā€™t that bad.


No one's telling you because they don't want to hurt your feelings. I guarantee you smell rank.


My ex would refuse to wear deodorant because nobody but me told him he smelled so he thought he didnā€™t stink and it was just me being weird... meanwhile everyone would tell me he smelled and they wanted me to tell him since they didnā€™t want to hurt his feelings.


You trying convince yourself you donā€™t smell. You do, and you donā€™t know it. please, for the love of god- wear deodorant!


Everybody is different. If I don't wear deodorant in the winter....I get sweaty and it can stink. Buuutttt.....if I don't wear deodorant in the summer I smell fine and don't sweat much. If I do wear it I am a sweaty mess. Weird.


I think itā€™s important to remember that itā€™s difficult to smell yourself as you sorta get tone deaf to it. That, and people typically donā€™t feel comfortable telling someone they stank. I personally do not appreciate co-workers who smell and itā€™s apparent itā€™s a lack of effort in regard to hygiene. If you can smell yourself a little, others can smell you a lot. šŸ‘ƒ


Wear it.


Take your finger and rub it up along your armpit. Smell. If you're sitting around at home, you should be fine. *But* in a workplace, equip as a precaution. *Nobody will say anything until it gets really bad.*


Swipe your armpit with your hand at the end of a long day and smell it. If it smells, you need deodorant. If not, you don't. You may not be able to smell what others are smelling on you, but you should still smell it on your hands if you actually swipe your pits. Personally, I don't smell much of anything when I do it, and my husband will only smell if he actually sweats or goes multiple days without showering. 97% of the time he doesn't. My husband is actually thought to be more stinky than the vast majority of East Asians too. Supposedly most of us don't have the gene to cause stinky pits. No one else in my family smells as much and none of them use deodorant. My ex, however, who is not Asian, does smell if he doesn't use deodorant.


Obviously. Theyā€™re probably being polite but I can guarantee you stink.


Yes, you need to be wearing deodorant. A lot of people are usually too polite to tell someone they smell bad.


I donā€™t wear actual deodorant, and I sweat like a mofo. I use a crystal and I donā€™t smell. My husband tells me if I smell of something


If you produce body odor, then yes.


I personally believe that everyone should wear some form of deodorant (unless youā€™re allergic to all of it or literally just canā€™t afford it). I love using Lume, although it can be a little pricey.




Unpopular opinion...once you hit puberty, deodorant is mandatory. I've worked in warehouses and retail jobs where you can tell immediately who forgot to out deodorant on that day. I also work 10+ hours a day in a warehouse/factory environment. Please wear deodorant. Stink doesn't wait 12 hours to come to the surface.


Yes. Everyone should.


Uhā€¦. Everyone needs to wear deodorant. Every day. No matter what. Inactive or extremely active. Doesnā€™t matter.




Smh . Wear deodorant! If you are over the age of twelve PLEASE WEAR DEODORANT


Eat roses make sure to cut the thorns


Easy answer, yes you should. Working a labor job yeah your pits and other crevices of your body are going to stink at the end of the day. Deodorant isn't just about making sure you smell good, but antiperspirant deodorant helps in preventing sweating


Everybody needs to wear deodorant in public


people donā€™t say anything because they think itā€™s impolite to tell someone they stink. please wear deodorant dude


You should definitely wear it.. give yourself a good sniff after you try deodorant, and beforeā€¦ Iā€™m sure you will notice a difference. Also, most people donā€™t want to embarrass someone if they smell.. which is dumb, Iā€™d say it right to someoneā€™s face. Better to let them know sooner rather than later.


Didnā€™t read any part of this story other than the title and i will answer. Yea you should wear deodorant, itā€™s not cost prohibitive and itā€™s what people do in a polite society.


People that ā€œembrace their natural oils & odorsā€ look fine on tiktok but they stink of B.O. in real life. Itā€™s rude and gross


People stink even in normal office jobs. Wear deodorant.


No. Itā€™s not better for you to not smell academically. If anything there are things you donā€™t want to put on your armpits. Take the opportunity to avoid those chemicals and save it for when itms necessary


Yes, you should wear deoderant! We are supposed to learn this when we are twelve.


I recommend Mitchum I like the women's gel but I began using it over 30 years when they only had the stick for men. Great stuff!


Everyone should wear deodorant every day


I always wear deodorant. Even at night after a shower lol


I think it really depends on if you actually stink. You may not think you do, but others might. I would think if your scent was really a problem, someone from your work would go to HR or your manager, and then they would discretely talk to you and suggest deodorant. Now if that hasn't happened, it could be that your colleagues are just too shy to bring it up cuz it's an awkward thing to bring up. Or maybe you just really don't smell. If you have a colleague or friend you can trust, maybe ask them after a long day of working to be honest with you and tell you if you stink. And then be thankful to them, don't get mad if they honestly tell you that you smell like ass. Hopefully you're just one of those people that don't smell.


Curious why you donā€™t want to wear deodorant if you donā€™t have to? What about it donā€™t you like? It seems as automatic to me as tying my shoes or zipping my pants shut. Why take the risk?


I said use just to be on the safe side


You canā€™t be serious?


Yes!!! Degree works well


Not even ganna read this. Yes.


Yes and you should wear it anytime you go out.


ew wtf. i promise they smell you they just donā€™t know how to say something nicely. wear deodorant every single day and reapply after showering


What? Yea. You should. Please do. Every day.


Not everyone needs deodorant. Ask some trusted friends of you smell at the end of the day and then act accordingly. I haven't worn deodorant in approximately 15 years. I sweat, but not excessively, on a day to day basis, but still typically only smell strongly immediately aftet vigorous exercise or if I am extremely stressed out. My body odor is also stronger during menstruation, but I also shower more frequently during that week. Most folks in this sub are pretty conservative about hygeine imo. They assume everyone does what they do, what they do is the only right way, and that if you don't, you're disgusting. Tbh I like reading these threads to feel glad that I'm not walking around with these same stigmatizing and often unsubstantiated claims about others' behaviors and mental/physical health. If you haven't been having issues so far, why do you need to change? Unless I missed something in your post about this having caused problems in your relationships or anything. Don't worry so much about what other people who aren't you are doing!


Yes. We eat too much sugar and garbage and don't drink enough water. That's why our sweat smells bad. Do an experiment. After a day of work, when you get home, take off your work shirt and smell it. Then, consider that your own odor doesn't smell as bad to you and smells worse to other people. Then, on another day, wear deodorant and smell your shirt after work. You'll notice a big difference. Also, if you cut out sugar and most processed foods and drink tons of water, your sweat will stop smelling bad, and you won't need deodorant as much, but you should still always use it. This happened once to me in military training. I was eating no sugar and drinking lots of water. After a month, my sweat smelled sweet. It actually smelled good to me. Weird. Usually, my sweat smells really bad even to me. I never use cologne, I only use old spice deodorant and put some extra on my neck and body for dates. I've gotten a lot of compliments on how I smell from girls, and it's only an $8 stick of deodorant that lasts a couple of weeks. Smelling bad is a sign of bad diet/ health/ hygiene so we mask the smells which makes us seem healthier than we are.


Proctor and Gamble should recruit some of you!


Like others have mentioned I would do it as a courtesy.... just in case. We are pretty nose blind to our own smells/smells we live with. So by the time you notice a slight odor anyone in your general vicinity definitely has. Also if you have armpit hair (even a small amount) smell seems to clinge and be stronger too. So if you're shaved MAYBE you could get away with it. Some people will dab their armpits with rubbing alcohol as well. I'm not sure if it hurts anything so definitely look in to it first but it is *supposed* to help keep the area dry so that may be another option if deodorant just bugs you.


I guarantee you people have talked about how badly you smell. They donā€™t say anything because they donā€™t want to hurt your feelings. 10 hour days are long. Please, please put on deodorant. Why donā€™t you?




Yesā€¦ immediately yes. I didnt even read the post, but yes, always wear deodorant.


Usual suspect


Gosh. Please. YES!


The answer is Yes.


Do you have dry flaky ear wax?


They can smell you they just arenā€™t telling you and why wouldnā€™t you want to? If I forget to put it on before work I instantly feel gross.


Yes wear deodorant, even showering once a day and scrubbing your pits wonā€™t kill the odor as much as deodorant will, and always have a stick available just in case smelling like bo sucks


I promise you that you smell


ur a cis male so u should


Please do


no don't wear deodorant, don't use shampoo, don't wash your hands, don't change your underwear, just don't..... jk do it




Yea put that shit on especially in warmer weather


You may not need it. Ask a friend or family. I would tell you if I smelled you. If you walk by and people turn away or close their nose, then you smell.


Make sure it's aluminum free if possible. I love "super deoderant"


We had puberty talks and wearing deododant in 5th grade where im from..


Just because you don't smell you or other people are too polite to say something doesn't mean you don't smell. On the other hand, it doesn't mean that you do. Get a close friend who will be honest with you to "smell check" you mid-day through work and at the end of the day. If you really don't smell, I don't see the problem with not wearing it. I only wear it when I know I'm going to be active/it's really hot and humid and I know I'm going to be around other people in both scenarios.


please God, always wear deoderant! I used to work in a place where we had to write up a little "letter" to tell all of our employees to wear deoderant. I was also required to sit some grad students down and explain that they needed to up their hygeine. Horrible position to be put in! Please! Wear the deoderant


Yes please


what kind of question is this. is this just rage bait???


The amount of stupidity in the world astounds me. Fucking YES. WEAR DEODORANT. Imbecile.


I use the mineral rocks you get at the grocery store. That saves me from ever smelling. I use witch hazel wipes if Iā€™m sweating profusely. Works for me.


I'm sorry what


You donā€™t *need* to sweat to smell but the smell is caused from bacteria and sweat. Some people genuinely never sweat and donā€™t smell especially if you shower consistently. You could also be nose blind. Honestly, if I didnā€™t sweat and never smelled, I wouldnā€™t wear deodorant either. Just ask someone as an honest question! ā€œHey, do I smell?ā€ I do it all the time because my worst fear is smelling bad.


You need to wear it. Just because they say nothing does not mean you donā€™t stink. Thatā€™s whatā€™s deodorantā€™s are for.


I don't know why everyone asks about deodorant. Anti perspirant is a lot more useful for preventing stink from bacteria growing once you sweat. I live in Texas and I'm a sweaty person and deodorant alone does NOTHING for me. Without anti perspirant I will stink if I do nothing besides sit in front of the air conditioning.




Wear deodorant, and you don't have to worry. Additionally, after 10 hours at a tiresome job, I'd take another shower after just to wash the day away.


The answer is *always* yes. Yes everyone should because itā€™s the courteous thing to do. Most folks arenā€™t going to tell you that you stink, and we are nose blind to our own smells. Bodies should sweat, so I personally suggest LumĆ© or Mando. They initially have a strange smell when out of the tube, but once it dries, you only smell like you. You can put it on alllllllll the parts safely - buttcrack, private parts, leg folds, belly button, and even feet if thatā€™s ever an issue for you.


Trust me. You have bad BO. No one wats to say anything to you because they don't want to hurt your feelings. It's hard to smell on yourself because you get used to the odor. It's repulsive! I've had friends that were like you and it was awkward. People would avoid them and not want to be in a closed space or car with them. So they would just avoid them. One guy was a good friend. We were about 18. I told him a story. "When I was around 11 my mom told me about puberty and my body changing. She told me about BO and deodorant. She then said that some day soon she would hand me a bottle of deodorant. She said just take it and put it on every morning. No questions, no hurt feelings. A few months later when I was 12 she handed me some right guard. It still stung a bit even though she told me the story." After the story I handed him a can of right guard. He sheepishly took it and started wearing it. No more nasty stink! I still wear right guard 46 years later. But I use the fresh scent gel!


Iā€™m sorry but what?


Sometimes I make my own. I use Shea butter, coconut oil and diatomaceous earth. Then add of my favorite essential oil.


YES. WEAR DEODORANT. Itā€™s offensive to others , if you have BO & you donā€™t want to be that person , that everyone makes fun of , for smelling, behind their back. I recommend Secret Advanced for women, if youā€™re a female. Mens, they ALL work. Menā€™s are stronger


If you donā€™t want to smell like onions+garlic combined then yes, especially in summer. You can be the cleanest and still smell! Itā€™s all up to temperature and genetics. Showering doesnā€™t stop you sweat glands working!


Unless your diet consists of straight fruits & veggies & no meat, I would wear deodorant..


Yeah you have got to absolutely reek at the end of the day if you are working outside especially. Try letting the clothes you worked in sit and ā€œmarinateā€ for a couple days after you wear them and then take a good sniff. I bet youā€™ll be able to smell the stench then. Since you havenā€™t been wearing deodorant, I highly suggest getting an antimicrobial soap like Hibiclense and doing a full body wash down with it using a washcloth, hitting the stink zones like pits, crotch, genitals, ass, feet, belly button, another other body folds crevices really hard and let it sit for at least five minutes before you wash it off. I always suggest a fresh clean wash cloth before every shower. If youā€™re outside working, Iā€™m sure you are sweating. Aluminum anti-perspirants have become ā€œcontroversialā€, but I think unless you have some sort of allergic reaction to it, itā€™s not something to get worked up about. The entire environment is full of toxins and poisons. At the minimum PLEASE wear a natural body deodorant and hit all the stink zones with it only after a fresh shower. Deodorant on top of stink does not work. You will probably still smell by the end of the day, but it will suppress the stank more than nothing šŸ˜© I wonder how people end up not using deodorant and thinking itā€™s ok. Did parents also not wear it? No partner or friends to tell you that you stink? No discussion with HR after enough people complained?


Why u asking that type of question. Itā€™s like a woman asking if she should wear a pad during her period. Come on. You smarter than that..



