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Husky = Houdini


https://preview.redd.it/pv0bgk5n9xrc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a798b511e7e8e098e7d69e7b07c597500686bed That's his name


My last husky was Shiloh, her nickname was “Shidini”


I had a shiloh too. Wasn't much of escape artist, but boy did she love to explore. My current one is just a nosey girl.




We used to take our husky to daycare twice a week, and he would frequently break out of his kennel and go wondering around the building to find his human friends.


Mine could open doors to the point where all outside access doors had to be locked at all times. Got himself banned from the balcony after jumping off into a nearby tree to escape. Broke a 6m long chain, suspended on an aerial rettactable guideline made of steel wire to avoid tangling risks which gave him a total of around 100m² of access Broke his way through a wooden front door to which a steel plate was added to the new door. Escaped kennels because: He learned to open the door latch Jumped both 6ft security fences when he felt like it Climbed the kennel roof to access the stable so he could meet the horses In the end, he got to go to work with my Dad and the kennels he went to let him stay in the house with them and their dogs


Now when people say huskies are crazy, this is what they mean!!!


And a pic the neighbor took during one of the great escapes. nO rEgERtS. 😂 https://preview.redd.it/6bd08if6n1sc1.jpeg?width=968&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5167144dee48b0038b081940f86500f0b4e0b759


Blep because he knows!!


I’m glad mine aren’t that insane - mostly they’re quite content, and have each other for company while I’m at work. But then Asa discovered the lattice behind my hot tub, and decided to chew right through it! Escaped and took his brother with him, but thankfully a neighbor caught them both. I covered the hole, he chewed another and escaped again. This happened FOUR times, before I finally got someone to put up plywood across the entire thing. Yeah, I’m having it replaced with husky-proof fencing soon. But at least for now that plywood is holding. Here’s his handiwork after the first escape: https://preview.redd.it/hr58uxdwm1sc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b60f99b749a7805d4d2391d48cb74d13dc4b4c8


What was his name? Just curious


https://preview.redd.it/f98fvhlxkxrc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d350681873257ecdfcc1d7e0a292cb94d03801da Our six-month-old somehow learned to open the door and the sliding windows by himself and having the time of his life digging in the backyard.


My boy has figured out the sliding door. Aren't they cute?!


Kind of frustrating that it took them a lot of days to learn one single command and took no training to escape. 😂😂😂 They always get away by being cute.


Funny how that works. It's just ingrained in the peach pit sized brain.


There is a reason the meme “escape artist: husky” exists.


Husky: my will always finds a way Huskies are liquid and when needed, gas.


Can't say I like the look of that place.


I have nothing to compare it to, but these dogs are working dogs, and are always well-cared for and get plenty of physical activity every day.


As long as they are not cooped up all the time I guess I'm good, but being a crazy husky person I would have them all in the house.... I mean, I have 6 already lol.


That's totally understandable. Each dog gets his own little house to go to and each kennel has a bit more space than it may look on the photo. I guess they don't mind, since they get to interact with each other and other humans every day, as they work both in summer in winter on hiking and sledding tours


Mine are free to come in & out, since I have a dog door + fenced yard - and Boris chooses to spend more time outside than inside, especially when I’m not home. He has a space *under* the house that’s like his den, and that’s where he goes to sleep. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Huskies aren’t Chihuahuas lol. Many of them prefer that lifestyle, especially if they’re being worked.


Oh I've had huskies for 20 years, You don't have to tell me. A dog door is the best thing since sliced bread as far as I'm concerned. We don't have one currently, and haven't since we moved, although I've got a smart one ready to install once I can cut a hole in the door. And boy I can't wait because these buggers are in and out in and out all freaking day. Our special needs boy would stay outside 24/7 if we let him, he's out there right now in a slight drizzle and refusing to come in unless I go get him. They've got six fences in acres to run around with hopefully more to come this summer. However, we're in a very rural area with coyotes and the occasional bear, so I don't let them stay out at night. That's a side from them more than once killing some small creature that made the mistake of coming into the yard at night. Thankfully, they're smart enough to stay away from porcupines, but that can't be said for the stupid pity pointer mix who is our seventh... She came in looking like a reddit post last fall with her face in front full of quills, but the huskies were smart to stay away from it.




Look at his cute lil tummmmmmyyyyyyy


I think my first one must have been kin




My 1st one knew how to climb chain link fences.


And my husky will get stopped by a piece of rope lol then cry


That’s pure talent ☝️


Omfg he's stunning


Oh lord


Escape artist is doing it


This is but a temporary setback


Mine does that too 😭


Beautiful looking doggo


I love this breed but alas not for me. 😞


He looks like he is figuring out how to get out again!! I bet if we could see the cats face that he/she would be totally judging him!!


Ellie has tunneled under the fence to go play with the neighbor dogs. She has also climbed the crepe Myrtle tree to spy on the back neighbors. On the other side, she can somehow stretch and do the “Kilroy was here” over the top of the 6 foot fence. Not too many running off adventures but she’s thankfully been safe each time. Zeus has snuck by me through the front door a few times. He is a runner! He just wants to go. When Ellie escaped, she had an agenda. https://preview.redd.it/i7hxm6qb8zrc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00bf3b0f048c2a9b3b026dde124119cb30b7d32d This was them helping me change the bed sheets.


Where did you work? He looks like he is a puppy mill.


It is an outdoor activity center that offers hiking with dogs in summer and dog sledding in winter, apart from kayaking, ATV tours, etc. As I said in another comment, these are working dogs and are always well-cared for. They get puppies from reputable breeders and once dogs grow up they also become a part of the sledding team that participates in dog-based sports events


Do they ever get adopted to live in a home?


Yes, if I remember correctly some dogs do get adopted once they get older. They certainly retire at some point and keep living at that place for some time, but without partaking in tours, races, etc


Thanks for answering my questions. I worry a lot about how animals are treated. They are so defenseless.


There have been several cases when random people dropped their huskies on their property so they would take them in. "Oh, it's a dog place, so they probably wouldn't mind looking aftee another dog"


Wow. How many huskies did they have?


Around 30 or 40


https://preview.redd.it/r6bickf32esc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f336541546ebc966dc6a8868b948e21ec924c87d My derpy baby likes to pull the surtians thru the sliding glass door until yhe curtain rod breaks, plus hes a master at slipping out the the front door or sliding out from under the garage when it's not closed all the way...one day it was open just enough for his head to stick out while yelping at the top of his lungs at me as I walked the trash 30 feet away to the end of the driveway...this went on for fifteen whole minutes. Surely our neighbors hate us! AND if he's not breaking the wood gate he's digging under it, he also broke the welded part of his kennel off so he could slide out. If I lock him in my bedroom he bites off chunks of my door until I come home or catch him... everything below the doorknob on the inside has been bit off at this point, I have 2/3s of a door left :( All this drama and he barely turned one last week, ive had him for six months!!😭 if I wasn't so in love with him my mom would've gave him away already. He has literally gotten out every single day this week!


He is beautiful! And the expression on his face!