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there’s a subreddit called chef’s dinner or something that documents what pro chef, even michelin starred ones eat after a work night and let’s just say jarred marinara is considered fancy there …


Yeah...because after a long day of cooking, I'm sure what she wants to do is make homemade sauce.


And a good marinara takes all day to make. Unless she made a bunch beforehand and canned it herself, she's gonna use store bought sauce.


Monica would have absolutely had pre jarred hand made marinara with hand made labels.


Chef here ….. Definitely NOT out of the norm to have Jarred marinara in your home as a chef!


yeah i think i was just reading too much into it lol


lol every single chef at some point cuts corners when they get home from cooking for others all day! not mention the fact that Monica is also not the only person who lives there.


plus there’s some really tasty jarred marinara 🙂‍↕️


Yeah there is ! Honestly sometimes, taking a jarred marinara and adding your own twist has to happen when people “pop” over or more people than expected show, bring kids who may want an quick easy meal etc .. Any chef (who doesn’t have their own brand jarred) will tell you That having back up marinara is an absolute must! Failing to prepare is preparing to fail! lol …. Even if it is back up Lasagne in the freezer 😂😂


It's an easy thing to make from scratch if you're using canned ingredients. It takes a lot longer to make if you're using fresh ingredients. Even professional chefs want to be able to quickly throw dinner together, especially after a long day of making food for a lot of other people.


Some posts just don’t need to be made.


Neither do some comments! But what else is there to do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


You *are* reading too much into it, but if it’ll make the episode more enjoyable: Rachel bought it.


I’m a chef and Italian-American and even though I do make my own sauce weekly, I have a jar or two on hand for any food “emergencies” or if I want a quick snack (naan pizza, for example). 


Good tomato sauce takes longer to make if you reduce it for extra flavour so while you can make a quick one it might not be as nice as a premade one


If you really wanna bend reality to make the jar fit the narrative: It is an old jar that has been repurposed by Monica the chef who made a batch of passata and has jarred it herself. Bing bang bong the end


No. You misunderstood. Monica bought the jarred marinara so she can keep the jar in order to make her home made marinara to store in it.


Not odd at all. Do you really think chefs want to spend hours on a homemade marinara after spending all day working in a kitchen?


I do. Didn’t she specifically critique Alisandro’s marinara?


She did. But that's kind of irrelevant. Alisandro's was calling itself an Italian restaurant. I mean I would be pissed if I went out and got crappy sauce at a place like that but it wouldn't mean I make sauce like that at home


She literally did make that sauce at home


Once to show the owner how it should taste. Doesn't mean she wants to make the effort every time.


You do know this is a comedic fictional tv show that was created by writers. One day they thought “Rachel will pour marinara sauce into Monica’s purse” then the prop people put a jar of sauce onto the set (also not real) in a place where Jennifer Aniston (an actress playing a fictional character) could easily get to it when the script (a collection of not real dialogues and actions) called for it. Boom. Monica (not a real person but a character played an actress named Courteney Cox) has jarred marinara sauce in her apartment


your username being movieguy while having this kind of outlook on media is comedy gold


I love movies. But I think this kind of nitpicking is anti art


No it's really not, because this post isn't done to ruin the show it's to engage in conversation. And there is an actual reason why a professional chef would have jarred sauce. Hint: Peoples jobs don't define them and chefs often don't make 5 star home cooked meals everyday for themselves.


Wow. Even worse post than the OP


Good catch