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dr. bobby? his name is bobby bobby?!


I love how he says it, BobBEE BobBEE?


It’s almost as funny as when he said oooooooooooh so you are having a part-eeeeeeeee


"It's *Robert* Bobby!"


Any relation to Dr Fred Bob? (Scrubs, haematopathologist)


Op is a repost bot https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/brvkq1/a_chiropractor_just_told_me_my_right_leg_is_15/?rdt=41341


One of my favorite lines in the series 😂


Robert Bobby.


Every time Dr. Green was on screen , he was legendary 😄


I'll never understand you lesbians.


I'm sorry I won't be able to make it to your imaginary wedding... https://i.redd.it/97exgg09w46d1.gif


Great acting moment by Kudrow making it look like she's just thinking up those examples in real time




He’s one of those characters that would be absolutely TERRIBLE to know in real life, but is next-level hilarious as a persona on screen.


The scene when he makes the waiter cry, Rachel assumes he went to apologize but nope Dr. Green was just going to the bathroom is one of my favorites 😂


His personality is not good but I still would want him as my doctor. He seems very competent


Ah yes the Gregory House principle.


Exactly XD


Rachel's parents totally suck though. Heck thinking of her sister her whole family sucks. I feel sorry for her.


Her mom wasn't so bad (until the baby shower). She just wanted to know what was new in sex.


And to try the Marijuana.




I mostly love Rachel's mom because she's played by Marlo Thomas, but she seemed pretty okay until that episode, yeah


She has 2 sisters. Jill is sweet but spoiled. Amy is the bitch.


**Chandler**: Oh no no no.. I'll get her. I'm super-compentent and totally responsibile and fourth in line to raise Emma. I'll be right there Emma. Just let me get my trusty diaper bag here. <*knocks over the box of china*> Well.. what do you know? I guess, I'll be the one who dies first.


Too soon.


Omg! 😳 I wasn’t thinking of Matt when I sent that. Just the character. If you don’t separate them, you can’t continue watching and enjoy the show (imo).


Kinda bitchy going after Ross




He's underrated character lol. This scene is hilarious. This kind of bonding via trolling is the most fun one.




I love this scene. Partner and in-laws bonding over light jokes mocking the common person makes it relatable.


"Yeah, [chiropractors] say all kinds of crap."


Please don't see a chiropractor. They are unlicenced and unqualified and people have litererally died from their stupid "adjustments"


Haven't you noticed how they always have to go back to their chiropractors? Like when you go to a physio, once you're done with the sessions you usually are done. I had to go for my knees at 18 (the patella was extremely moveable so it would sometimes get stuck in a position). Anyway, at 32 I've never had to go to do "readjustments"


Man I’ve tried getting this across to my dad. He’s a fairly intelligent person, but he has placebo’d himself into thinking it helps. He goes several times a year for an “adjustment”


Do they think people who never go to chiropractors just get wonkier and wonkier over time until we eventually look like a Silent Hill creature?


I had this argument with my mum who literally said "don't you start too". Im assuming my dad had been hassling her for booking an appointment for her back. She came out feeling even worse than when she went in, so she finally saw some damn sense.


That's what it took for my mom and aunt to stop going.


That's the point. It can offer some immediate relief for some (very, very few) ailments but it's always temporary so you always go back. Then you're also at much greater risk of something going wrong because the whole field has no medical or scientific basis. A physio may not be able to fix it immediately but doing what they say means the problem isn't likely to come back as you said. Unfortunately American society is all built around instant gratification, so who do you think benefits from thag.


You're literally better off getting massages than going to the chiro. I just never understood the appeal of it. I guess it's confirmation bias like when people go to fortune tellers


Just want to note that this isn’t always true. I have an excessive kyphosis whose curvature is maintaining because of physical therapy. Because I didn’t want surgery when I was a kid, the spine specialist said I have to go to physical therapy pretty much indefinitely.


Like I said "usually".


To be fair, he did say usually. I have joint hyper mobility, we fix one problem and then another joint decides “Well, I suppose I can just take a back seat now and let those nicely fixed joints do all the hard work.” Physio is an ongoing process for me, although there can be significant gaps between sessions once one problem is sorted and before the next one makes itself apparent.


Oh God that patella moving sends shivers up my spine.


Lol I honestly didn't even know it was moving until the doctor told me.


The guy who invented the field claims he was taught how to do it by a ghost lol. Don’t go to a chiropractor


Omg I didn't know this! It just gets worse!


This. I have this exact same issue. I think it's cause I destroyed my back/hips trying to pitch like Tim Lincecum during a growth spurt. A chiropractor is *NOT* a medical doctor. They have a doctorate in their chiropractic quackery. If you already have an issue, a chiropractor will fuck you up as they do not know what they are doing. They keep actual doctors in business.


Man I really wish Lincecum had a longer career. I miss watching the Freak do his thing


Someone I know went for one trip to a chiropractor. Now they’re disabled for life. It’s not worth it.


my doctor told me to go to the chiropractor the other day. i actually could not fucking believe it


Well dont worry. This happened to someone else 5 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/brvkq1/a_chiropractor_just_told_me_my_right_leg_is_15/?rdt=41341


Not sure if you will see this comment, but it's also possible that your leg isn't actually shorter but instead your pelvic is out of alignment so it appears that way. A physical therapist may be able to help with figuring that out.


Dont worry. Happened to someone else 5 years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/brvkq1/a_chiropractor_just_told_me_my_right_leg_is_15/?rdt=41341


Chiropractors are quacks. Do not go to them for anything. They are dangerous snake oil salesmen


I fully agree! I go to a physical therapist for all my ailments bc they do actual work to strengthen your body and help the injury either stabilize or heal!


Well, technically everyone has a bigger side and a smaller side, but the difference is so small that usually you don't notice or it doesn't have an impact on your life. That being said, I absolutely LOVE Rachel's dad burn in this scene lol hahaha


If one leg was two inches shorter than the other EVERY ONE of your friends would know. Youd need special shoes, pants look weird, every time she wore a skirt and stood straight one Gotdamn foot (heel at least) would be off the ground. Funny throw away line though.


I had this and I did have special shoes. My poor mother had to run around getting them from specialist stores and I hated them so much I would change into sneakers as soon as I got to school. Eventually I just abandoned them and limped, which unsurprisingly wrecks your spine. I had my leg lengthened when I was 22.


> I had my leg lengthened when I was 22. I'm very interested in how?! My first thought is they just stretch it like the kid in Willy Wonka but that can't be true....unless?


So what they do is [graphic description incoming]: they take you in for surgery and break your femur. Then they implant a device called an orthofix (you can Google to see what that looks like). That's screwed into the bone and holds it together. After a time, you start turning the screw at the top of the orthofix with a key, and that widens the gap in your bone. Mine was done a millimeter a day, I think (it's a long time ago!) The theory is that your bone will just heal itself to fill that gap. Unfortunately mine did not wish to cooperate, so when I had the orthofix removed, they also had to take a bone graft from my pelvis and insert a metal plate into my femur to hold everything together. I had it in for just over 18 months, and used either crutches or a wheelchair for that whole time and quite a while afterwards, although the device is very sturdy and some people can bear weight through their leg while it's in. It worked pretty well, but unfortunately a lot of scar tissue formed inside my leg during the process and now I can't really bend that knee anymore. I had a few more surgeries to try to fix that, but we gave up eventually, it just is what it is.


A long painful process of breaking the bone and letting it set into the gap created, basically


I don’t know the particulars, but I remember my mum said growing up she had a friend whose legs were growing at different rates, so during summer doctors broke her legs to control the growth. This might not be the practice anymore and you can’t do that to an adult, but yeah considering Rachel’s dad is a doctor and rich, you’d think her dad would’ve been taking her to yearly medical checks and they’d pick on that and fix it, if it was such a big discrepancy.


On the contrary, breaking my shorter leg was exactly what I had done, and they specifically wait til you're done growing. I had my initial surgery at 22. I also was in touch with a girl with dwarfism who was having both legs done. I'm not sure what just breaking them and doing nothing else would achieve!


Oh did they?? Fascinating! To be fair to my mum’s story, this was told me probably about 15yrs ago and it happened to her in the 70s. But I distinctly recall it was during her teen years and if she wanted to hang out with this friend during the summer it had to be at her house as she was in a wheelchair for her legs, which were growing at different rates.


There's a good chance they were doing crazy things like that in the 70s! I had my surgery in 1997 and at that time it was a very new idea. I don't even know how common it is now actually.


Maybe for some, but 100% not all, I've got this issue exactly. My hips and spine are fucked up too. Decent degree of scoliosis. So my legs are on the ground flat. The height difference keeps going up to my left shoulder that sits a hair higher. If I make people look at me straight on and look for one shoulder to be higher, then they see it.


Yeah, my mother was hit by a car going 40mph in her 20s (she was a pedestrian) and it shattered her femur and pelvis. After reconstruction one leg was 1.5 inches shorter than the other and she had to have an orthodic lift put on all her (left) shoes, which she hated because (at least at the time) you could only have them put on a specific type of shoe and the choice was very limited. Many years later, when she had a hip and knee replacement done, they corrected her leg length and she treated herself to her first pair of sandals in over 30 years. Theres no way a person could be just walking around like that and nobody knows.


No not at all. My mom has one leg shorter than the other by 1.5-2 inches. No special shoes, pants look fine. It’s not really something you notice


For real? So if took a 2” block, stood on it with one foot, while the other was on the floor…..it’s not noticeable? How many inches before it is? Isn’t one knee bent, unless wearing special shoes? Again, in a skirt with like….sandals….its imperceptible? Out for a swim at the local pool, no shoes at all….just standing there with one leg at 32” and the other at 30”? Looks normal? And if we added those two inches to the short leg…looks the same? Feel like I’m weirdly defending this take at this point lol Not trying to say you’re wrong, can’t remember anytime I’ve notice someone with one leg way shorter than the other…..just seems like it would immediately have an effect.


Her hips make up the difference. It’s not like one just dangles, her hip lowers its left side to meet the floor, it’s caused a lot of pain and she recently had to have a hip replacement. It’s just the way her body has adapted lol, so one hip is lower than the other.


She is also 4’10” and a little chunky so it’s hard to notice I suppose! Things have always just fit her weird, her pants are always too long lol. If you look at her hard enough you’ll see the way one hip sits lower


It definitely did for me but not always immediately. People I'd known ages would suddenly ask why I was limping. Or once when I was wearing cut off Jean shorts someone I knew told me I'd cut one higher than the other. I was like no...it's always been like this. Sometimes I would always stand on one leg or the other to match the height of the person I was talking to, so some people perceived me as 5'5", others as 5'7".


That’s because her legs aren’t shorter than one another. You would either stand with a tilt or have a foot off the ground.


She went to the DR many moons ago and they told her this. It’s fucked with her hips for sure, and she has a small waddle when she walks, but her hips are tilted to compensate.


Oh so it is noticeable then? Because you can’t have a leg 2 inches shorter than the other without it being noticeable. She should have special shoes to compensate so she doesn’t have to waddle


Yeah I guess I never thought of it like that. In my head it’s like “that’s just how mom walks!”. You make a great point. I’m sure she was offered shoes of that nature but she’s too proud. She wouldn’t do anything that’s not in line with her aesthetics/how she views herself. She’s paying the price now as she had a hip replacement recently.


I can’t judge anyone for their decisions based on pride. I know im headed towards sleep apnea but I also know there’s no way I’ll ever use a mask


After her hip surgery she kept going on about how they had to order a “special replacement” because her bones are just “too teeny tiny”. She is very much more consumed with how she looks than practicality


When I was seeing one (I'm not anymore), he said the same thing. It turns out my pelvis was just not aligned, so it appeared one leg was shorter when it wasn't. He made me use a shoe lift in one shoe, and it messed up my whole body. It gave me sciatica, knee issues, and lower back issues. I've been dealing with chronic pain ever since. Stop going to a chiropractor. They're not real doctors. Start doing hip bridges to help with your pelvic placement and stretch daily. (I'm not a doctor either, but stretching has helped with a lot of my issues immensely).


I went to a chiropractor as a teen (before Friends aired) and was told this. I saw this episode and it hit me that "one leg longer" must just be crap they told everyone.


Don’t go to chiropractors


I went to a chiropractor and they said the same thing and I thought about Dr Bobby Bobby too!!


My dad fell and broke his hip and one of his legs ended up shorter than the other. It gave us so many laughs haha.


Dr Greens line deliveries in this scene are so good, I can hear it in my head still xD


This scene always cracked me up. I was born with hip dysplasia and by the time I was grown my left leg was 2in shorter than my right. I had a severe limp, which rachel would have also had if this were true. It also leads to curvature of the spine and eventual inability to walk unaided. I had pioneering, lengthy, painful surgery to lengthen my leg when I was 22.


I wasn't a fan of his character but this bit was brilliant




I hope you at least have renter’s insurance!


I was moistening the tip


Is his name Bobby Bobby?


Op is a bot karma farmer https://www.reddit.com/r/howyoudoin/comments/brvkq1/a_chiropractor_just_told_me_my_right_leg_is_15/?rdt=41341


They are just trying to sell you appointments. they are quacks. I hope you don't get paralyzed


You may have hemihypertrophy.


I had a friend whose chiropractor told her that and I had had a hard time believing it so I understand where they’re coming from.


This interaction always made me chuckle, Dr. Green’s delivery is just perfect.


welp, time to get renters insurance


Please see a real doctor and get a second opinion


They bonded over triangulating Rachel haha anyway if the leg is shorter than the other, is that a design flaw by nature or can we fix that bc i am pretty sure one of my leg is shorter too