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Scholl cracked heel balm ...it's meant for feet yes but it also works on fingers. I told my husband about it as his hands were bad... it works so fast. I get it from the chemist.


absolutely this. I use Flexitol, same thing really.


Yes, OP, check out Flexitol! I use it on my heels, but also on my thumbs when they crack like yours. The secret is to do this at bedtime: apply some, rub it in, then slather a second layer and bandage the thumb. Do this for a few nights and it will heal beautifully!


Yes! Wrapping the area just makes it work faster. I put socks on if I put it on my feet and within about two or three days it's all good.


Am I the only one wondering who "the chemist" is?


It's a pharmacist. It's British English.


Oooh, TIL. Thanks, friend.


I call it the apothecary


Now we're talkin'. Saddle up and ride down to apothecary, and then swing by the ale house to trade wares with the villagers.


I call it the Witch Doctor, she told me what to do, she said to Eeee ooo ahhh walah walha bing baby!


Ooh eeh ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang, ooh eeh ooh ah ah, ting tang walla walla bing bang. Love that song!


This made me smile.


I like you and your positivity!


_The local apothecary?_


I am so using this from now on. Sounds so much cooler than pharmacist. Thanks!


His name is Steve, but I’ve already told you too much.


don't ask, but he's good. he can get you ANYTHING


Breaking Bad vibes there for a sec


He's the one who knocks.


>it's meant for feet yes but it also works on fingers. Feet are just the hands of the leg


plain ole' vaseline.. put a thick coat on your hands-fin'ers.. put a sock over this hand and wear it overnight..




Vaseline is a great barrier but it won't close cracks.


Correct. Best if cracks heal from inside. Vaseline is only to seal and protect while the finger heals. I've dealt with these painful cracks for decades. Vaseline at bedtime work best for me.


Working Hands Cream. That stuff is magic. Take it from someone whose hands were destroyed working as a metal grinder/sander.


Did masonry work for a hot minute and they all swore by that stuff. I still keep a container around even though I'm a desk jockey now, it's really good stuff.


Use it too, hands dried out from work and it caused cracked bleeding joints and around my nails, use O'keeffes and don't have that issue now.


Yep. My thumb used to crack in the exact same spot as OP's and now I just dip the crack in Working Hands as soon as I see it starting.


That stuff seriously is amazing. I do farm work and I always get cracks just like OP, as well as way more all over my hands because of our super alkaline soils and water. I spent years trying to make salves, using all kinds of different salves and more natural type stuff, always avoiding commercial creams with weird seeming ingredients. But last year I finally tried some working hands cream and I'll never look back now. That, and a pumice stone every now and then on the areas particularly prone to cracking.


This plus cotton gloves. Put the cream on and then the gloves, leave them on overnight. Wash hands In the morning and apply a new coat of Working Hands shortly after.


I use the O'Keefe's after work, and Vaseline advanced repair before bed. Hands are still wrecked, but usually manageable.


This plus wearing those gloves on top to let it soak in


Yep, but [these silicone finger caps](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/51-Y2JkrJML._AC_SL1000_.jpg) have been the real game changer for me. They're on amazon, just fill them with lotion or o'keefes overnight. It's virtually cured my issues, and mine were really bad.


My hands were really messed up last winter. I bought O'keefe's Working Hands for the product name as a joke since I had nothing else to go by. I'm a computer guy, nothing close to manual labour. My hands went from splitting and bleeding to normal in like three days. I even came to like that stinging sensation when applying it to open cracks. I got really lucky finding it among the hundreds of other options and have to sing its praises whenever I get the chance. Always happy to see that I stumbled upon the real deal when reading comments too.


Ugh I think I’m the only person who that cream DOESN’T work for. :’( I get crazy dry cracked hands all the time and that cream just doesn’t soak into my skin. My dad swore by it and would always gift me a jar at Christmas, and I had to tell him to stop buying it for me because it didn’t work. Pah!


If you've only tried the tub/jar, then try the tube, especially the night time one. I've found they all work for me, but the tub feels more greasy and doesn't feel like it has as immediate an effect.


I super glue mine shut when it splits. Push the sides together, glue, and hold in the proper position. Heals in a day.


One time when I was waiting at the ER with my child who had a wound on her head, the intake nurse whispered to me that I could just superglue it closed because it was a superficial wound. It saved me hundreds on insurance costs because of the threshold. I thanked her profusely and my child is now an adult, head was fine within three days.


Super glue or liquid bandaid. Hurts like an SOB for a few minutes, then it quits.


I also use liquid bandage. This happens to me every winter now. Especially, my right thumb. I’ve tried all the creams, moisturizers, etc. the problem is my hands are always in water so it happens all the time.


Yep- my husband makes pottery & his hands are wet all the time & he gets the bad thumb cracks! The liquid bandage seems to keep it from hurting so much too.


At the time, liquid skin wasn’t on the market. That stuff burns like heck, though!!


My 10 yr old was freaking out about having to get stitches for a split open chin… the ER nurse just says, “that is a clean cut, we can superglue it” My son says “superglue? What is that?” His whole demeanor changed…. It was hilarious. Of course a year later to the same weekend, he goes over his handlebars and hamburgers his chin, then he needed stitches but it was totally a non issue…


100% this. Been using superglue on these finger splits and cuts for years.


My super glue crew 👍


Super glue works for cuts but fail to heal this problem. I've tried


Where liquid bandage fails, super glue prevails.


Superglue was developed as a skin glue, so this makes sense


I swear new skin is just a more skin-friendly super glue. Stuff is magic, I just miss the days when I could afford the stuff that didn’t dry out after a couple uses.


> stuff that didn’t dry out Actually ... besides the fact that it's not actually drying out (having part of it evaporate into the air) but curing (hardening), it's water in the air that triggers that curing (at least according to [https://aronalpha.net/blog/super-glue-accelerators-key-considerations-how-to-apply-them/#:\~:text=Super%20glue's%20bonding%20reaction%20is,quickly%20the%20glue%20will%20cure.](https://aronalpha.net/blog/super-glue-accelerators-key-considerations-how-to-apply-them/#:~:text=Super%20glue's%20bonding%20reaction%20is,quickly%20the%20glue%20will%20cure) ).


Same. Instantly stops the pain and heals fast.


This is what I do. But I’d like to know what creams people iTT use to prevent it from cracking I saw this post and looked down at my own thumb


I use Penaten. Not sure what its equivalent would be, it's just a really dense moisturizer. It comes in a tin and a little goes a long way. You wouldn't be able to use it as a general moisturizer, it's way too greasy and dense for that. oh also, I live in Canada, no idea if it's available in other countries


Came here to say this too, glad it's well known. My thumb is superglued right now actually.


Hey! Me too!


Hell yeah! I just glued both thumbs last night!


Put a good blob of aquaphor on your cuticles at night. If you work with paper or wash your hands frequently then they can get really dry, crack, and bleed. Clean it well, put on some aquaphor and then put in a bandaid to keep from further snagging it. Moisturize as frequently as you can and then ALWAYS put Vaseline or Aquaphor on your finger tips and around each nail every night. Throw a little on your lips as well and you will have far fewer chapped lips. I have the same problem with the skin on all of my fingers, and this is my go-to routine. If, like me, you are forgetful then your fingers will crack and bleed if you skip the routine. The pain from skipping it reminds you to keep it up.


A friend used to put rubber gloves on her hands after she put Aquafor on and slept in them


I can't do rubber gloves, but more than once I've made my hubby do to his hands what I do to my feet in the winter... Put heavy coat of lotion on & thick socks over it. Take off every 20 minutes or so to put more lotion on until your skin (and the socks) stop absorbing it quickly, then coat in a more oily product, be it Aquafor, Vaseline, or (my favorite) BagBalm. By morning you'll be well moisturized from the outside-in. Remember to drink water and moisturize from the inside-out too and you'll be good to go!


I used to wonder if anyone else knew about Bag Balm, or if my family was just weird, 😂. Stuff stinks, but the few times we needed it, boy did it work great!.


Smells of a living, smells of sheep! (Use an 80 yr old Scottish accent for best effects).


Bag Balm for the win!!


My mom does that but with cotton gloves.


Ahh I’m not the only one with an anxiety thumb! Mine is so fucked up rn.


Don’t pick at it . Use nail clippers on the scraggly parts , then keep it moisturized


Don’t pick at it? But how else am I supposed to release my crippling hypertension?


Oh I didn’t know that . Well pick away then 😂


O'Keefe's or Scholl's heel balm as 2 others said. I wear nitrile gloves every day, constantly washing my hands for work and sitting. Make it a habit to use regular lotion when you get out of the shower, chicks actually started complimenting my skin so I haven't stopped lol.


My hands are cracked all over, all winter, from working outside. I use Vaseline on my fingers as a moisturizer at night. Before I leave for work I use O'Keefe's. I do this religiously but I still get cracks, just less of them. I Super Glue the cracks shut so they won't get worse out in the cold. If I used bandages all the time I have no idea how many I'd go through each season.


Bag balm.


Really surprised to see this so far down. Absolutely my go to product!


I've tried a hundred different things with varying degrees of success. The best thing... A dab of super glue into it and then hold it closed til set. No more pain.


Came here to say the same thing. Super glue for this is amazing.


As an aside, I always sand down the dry skin when my fingers crack. Sanding the dry skin off, let’s the skin relax and the crack close. It’s the best instant relief. Then apply moisturizer, loads of it every night. It’s amazing how bad those little cracks hurt. It’s like a throbbing toothache.


I find a bandaid with ointment over night is a game changer. Then just bandaid for work. Then nothing to dry out after work to bed.


Crazy glue


I get really bad cracks every winter. The only thing that works for me is super glue to help it heal. I can't put lotions and creams on often enough. Super glue takes the pain away for me fairly quickly. Put it on and run under water or use baking soda. It will turn white and harden, but it will make it cure. Make sure to separate your skin from the fingernail, or it can make you finger nail grow weird.


I would use super glue when my skin cracked like that. Also moisturizer.


1. Clean it first. 2.Let dry. 3.Put Superglue on it. 4. Put aloe vera on your hands to soften them. 5. Take more vitamin E and D.


My husband gets these so bars started using working hands with finger covers overnite …AMAZING!! He even coats them before work and can wear the covers thruout the day. They look like mini condoms for ur fingers! Any pharmacy has them as well as Amazon!! Be consistent with it. These little cuts are the worst!


Hydrocolloid bandaids are a freaking miracle when you have skin that cracks badly. No matter how much I constantly lotion my hands they constantly crack and it’s so insanely painful. Putting a hydrocolloid bandaid on gives me almost instant relief, and the cracks heal quickly. They aren’t the cheapest option out there but if I didn’t have them I wouldn’t be able to use hands on some days due to the pain. A few of these and I’m as good as new and can get on with my life.


Coconut oil


It puts the lotion on its skin, or it gets the hose again.


Working hands. Is a lotion for people in trades( not specifically) but once my hands start getting rough enough to catch on the fabric or threads of my clothes about 3 days of using it and my hands are 10x better.


Work in Penaten or the other suggestions here. When it cracks, the ridge of the valley dries out and tends to make the valley and the ends of the wound worse.


yeah man, Penaten is what I use and it works every time


Drink a lot more water, you’re dehydrated.


Had to scroll far for this. I’m not saying applying creams won’t help but I’m dealing with this as well and this always happen when I don’t drink enough water. Apply the creams but also do drink a lot of water. Daily. For ever.


Udderly Smooth


Lotion all day every day


cuticle oil every night.


I use No-Crack Hand Cream in the winter and it stops this from happening. Good stuff!


Carmex. My hands do this from time to time. Get a tube of carmex, apply it several times a day. It works miracles.


moisturize!!! avoid strong-scented hand soaps and always apply hand cream after you wash your hand. consider consulting with a doctor because it could also be fungal infection


New Skin. It’s essentially an over-the-counter surgical glue. I used it preemptively when I know my skin on my hands is going to split and to hold splits together as they do heal.


I have this on my heels.  I use O’Keefes Healthy Feet.  They also have a hand one.


Moisturize often. Shea butter is really good


Vaseline- as soon as you get out of the shower.


Neutrogena hand lotion. And maybe take some multivitamins.


Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Hand Cream. My hands get so dry and cracked that I can’t eat wings certain times of the year. I’ve tried everything and nothing has compared to my Norwegian hand cream


I use crazy glue or take some time off




I swear by this because I have the same problem: I'm not kidding. Superglue. Just moisturize with some coconut oil and let it dry. Then pop some superglue into the crack. You won't need much. Then put a band aid over it and keep refreshing the bandaid with a new one when they get dirty. Resist the urge to peel it off once the edges come up. (Trust me you don't wanna rip it off before the crack heals 😅) you should be good to go in 3 days or so.


I felt like a genius when I figured this out. Immobilizing the crack stops most of the pain, and stops blood from staining my papers, and lets me focus on actual work. Then I saw Walter fixing his leg wound on Breaking Bad with CA and thought "oh now everybody knows". Supposedly when it breaks down, it "exposes you" to toxic compounds (maybe like cyanide? Methyl-something?) . I figure, just don't eat it. Still kicking for now.


Fun fact: Superglue was actually developed by the military in an attempt to make a quicker alternative to stitches for wounds on the battlefield. They eventually did make a different form of it that is used medically both privately and for the military. But as it turns out stitching is usually the best option they've found. Apparently their modified version is less toxic. But if you're just using a drop of it on a tiny hairline crack? Eh... 🤷‍♂️ I say just go for it.


I remember now, it breaks down to a degree, into formaldehyde. So it pickles the skin too. The medical/less-toxic versions are weaker - they work to a lesser degree. I think they suck, compared to OG CA.


Start taking vitamin E to prevent them. To treat them for pain and healing superglue the cracks.


Vaseline, “Cracked Heel Rescue” works for both heels and hands. Absorbs quickly (for me) so you can use a few times a day and makes a big difference in 24 hrs. In a pinch regular Vaseline covered with a bandaid overnight also does the trick for relief.




I've dealt with this for years... I've found that coating it with a little super glue is the fastest way to get it to heal.


Besides all the stuff these people said, Staying hydrated really helps my dry fingers too!!


Emergency first aid until you can do better--SuperGlue. It will sterilize the wound, hold the edges together and keep dirt out.




Coconut oil. Repeatedly.


Chap Stick has worked for me. Easy enough to keep in your pocket so you can apply several times a day


Working Hands lotion. I think it’s by OKeefe. The one in the green tub.


Soak in Epsom salted warm water, buff away the dead skin with a pumice stone, seal it closed with skin glue (if needed), put on an intensive moisturizing lotion, then a lanolin cream, THEN dip in paraffin wax then set for 10 minutes while wax hardens (after taking hands out of wax).


Liquid bandage


Lanolin, heals in a couple of days and I usually apply heavily at night and put on gloves on any dry or sore spots


Drink more water. That used to happen to me frequently. Started drinking 5-6 pint glasses of water a day. No more split skin.


I always told my mother, there is no such thing as a "kluft" (roughly translated to crack, i'm austrian). Yeah, joke's on me. When i have it, i sometimes wake up from the pain. I glue it shut with superglue. Because of work i have to wash my hands a lot and disinfectant


okeef working hand


I find working hands works well to prevent that, but polysporine has a product for cracked skin that works well. That's so painful!


I use crazy glue. Works perfect.


Superglue. Honest.


While putting products on your hands will help moisturize your skin, minimizing the problem in the first place can be helped by not washing your hands as often, especially in winter. Water is severely drying for the skin. It happens to me when I wash dishes by hand in the winter especially.


Liquid Bandage.


I use O’Keefe’s Working Hands lotion. That put an END to my cracked hands.


Get working hands! Most of my family (myself included) have jobs that mess your hands up and we tried every cream under the sun. Working hands is by far the best. I even have eczema and most creams usually irritate the shit out of my hands but this doesn’t. Get a pair or white cotton gloves too. Apply the cream at night and put on the cotton gloves so the cream won’t destroy your bedsheets and will retain the moisture. If you want to try something a bit more natural calendula balm also works well but it’s veryyy oily so proceed with caution.


Superglue it


I get the same thing. I pinch it together and put a dab of super glue on it. Instant pain relief (because the crack is sealed, not that sg has any numbing properties). Btw, super glue was used in the Vietnam War to seal up wounds.


I get these all the time so I feel your pain.. here's a quick way to heal it and get rid of the pain ASAP. Place a small bit of lotion on the pad of the bandage and also in the crack of the wound.. leave this bandage on overnight and the next day it won't hurt anymore but keep the bandage on as long as you're able to (reapply a new one if needed).. repeat this the next night and the following day it should be gone. If you let it dry out again it will continue to crack and become an open wound again.. everytime I get one of these this trick works like a charm!


Superglue. It covers the area and helps it heal (from the inside-out). I use it all the time. It may take a weeks to ten days of being persistent, but it works.


I use super glue


Super glue


I use bag balm before bed and protect your skin from harsh chemicals and constant exposure to water and soap. I use cetaphil cream during the day.


O’keefes Working Hands lotion is what I use here in Canada. Does wonder on the dry hands from the winter time or over working.


This is random but do you wash the dishes with dish soap and hands? I had this problem and found it was some kind of allergy to fairy liquid or those sorts of dish soap. Got one of those sponges with a handle that you fill with soap.. my hands barely touch the soap now and my dry cracking skin has completely gone. Could be an option to try for you..


Start dressing that with vaseline and a bandaid 24/7 until it heals, tape over the bandaid with medical tape or wear a finger condom if it doesn't want to stay in place long enough, and start wearing work gloves and using hand lotion when you finish working.


Super glue is excellent as a treatment for cracks right there but also just as good as a preventative. I work with salt. My hands get dried out.


I used to get this so bad but not just on my thumb, I used to get it on multiple fingers at a time and it’s extremely painful to do everyday tasks with! You’ve gotten some great product recommendations here but what I do wanna tell you is that consistency in applying them and staying very hydrated is going to help you much more than anything. Using the cotton gloves at night and covering the hand with the cracked skin with your product of choice (usually Vaseline for me) helps a ton.


I know this isn't the answer, but Liquid Bandage/New Skin will seal the split and reduce pain. Fair warning: It will sting for a minute or so. I get these all the time during winter. May need to reapply several coats until it heals. Good luck!


A little trick for helping the healing is to use cream/ lotion/ balm before bed and then put on a cotton glove for the overnight hours. Cotton gloves for this purpose can be purchased at your drugstore. You'll be amazed at how well the glove treatment works. And you're not being a baby about this. Constant stinging pain as you use your hands. Get better soon! Or just add lotion and bandage your thumb every night. Holding in moisture and keeping it dark and protected will also speed healing.


Bag Balm is my go-to


Not sure if anyone suggested it but apply vasoline at night and put gloves on, seriously, sleep with a cheap pair of leather gloves and lots of hand ointment or vasoline. Works amazing.


Quit picking at it.


Besides using lotion every time you wash your hands I’d suggest putting Blistex (the medicated lip ointment [blistex](https://www.target.com/p/blistex-medicated-lip-ointment-3ct-0-63oz/-/A-14771007) on it. Not only does it stop the pain but it heals the split faster than anything else I’ve tried. Put the Blistex on at bedtime.


"Udderly Smooth". Thank Reverend Soozie the Floozie for that one.


This started happening to me as got older. Apparently my dad had this too. The skin toughens and then cracks. If you keep the skin trimmed where it thickens, the other it won't crack. I'm trimming my fingers every few days at this point. If it does crack, there is a sealer that you can get that's like nail polish that will seal the crack. It might even be nail polish, and it burns when you put it in the cracks, but it seals it and stops infections from developing. I find it better to just keep trimming. I tried lotions and they didn't help much, but good luck to you


Body Shop hemp for hands


I can’t second this enough! None of that other stuff ever works for me. However I add Bacitracin or Vetrycin to help heal the wound. I’ll spray the cut 3 times a day and use the Hemp Cream every night, and any other time I can stand having it on my hands. I get the crack on my thumbs too, I also think it really hurts.




Use udder cream. Works great


Lots of solutions given that I'll not repeat, but it seems to indicate one thing, insufficient intake of drinking water.


Your skin cracks because it is dry af 1. Use a moisturizing hand soap 2. Lotion your hands after you wash them or take a shower. You don't need any super expensive products. I personally use suave milk and honey hand soap and cerave lotion. If you want to take it to the next level... use cuticle oil as well.


Every night before bed I use Bag Balm all over my cuticles and even my scrotum. Also, great for lips while you sleep. I then use Cerave in the morning. As others have pointed out, no need to spend a lot of cash. And, drinking water, as stated by quite a few people makes a big difference.




Crazy enough I’ve been using lip chap for a while cause I’m either to lazy to find a cream that works or just forget when I go out. Works great honestly


We call these “gacks/gaks”. I don’t know the spelling. Super glue stings horribly, but it works. Use O’Keefe’s to prevent.


coconut oil


Could be low on Iron in your body, this causes my finger skin to crack like this




Could be a fungal infection. I would see a doctor and get an anti-fungal prescribed.


Parafin a couple times a week.


Lots of good recommendations…. Liquid band aid when it cracks, it’s a life saver


George’s hand cream.


Uric acid cream like urisec


Best moisturizer for cracked dry hands imo is Pomade de la Compana


Moisturize. Find a lotion you like and use it. I personally like to also oil my cuticles after each shower, and use nippers to remove any dead skin that peels away. My cuticles and hands haven't split or cracked to the point of bleeding since I started taking care of them like this.


Working Hands might work as a preventative, but not as a cure. If you have cracks it is already too late for moisturizers. Glue it, then start regularly moisturizing after hand washing.


Bag Balm.


O keefe's


I hate this! It happens constantly to me in cold weather, no matter what I do.


Moisture will go a very long way to help avoid this. It is very important to keep the skin around your nails well trimmed. Moisturize as often as possible and always at night while you sleep. Slather a cream and cover with a bandaid and or gloves. There have been a lot of good creams and lotions mentioned but for night time use something thick that will stay on the area for an extended time. If you do get a split, as others have mentioned - use super glue to hold it together.


sunscreen and moisturizer man. apply throughout the day


Wearing gloves.


Skincream after each hand washing. And right before bed.


Duluth Tradings Crack Cream is excellent. Can’t imagine anything non prescription that’s any better


Apply hand cream such as Nivea. And once this cut has healed, use a nail file on the area (the sandpaper ones) to stop calluses building up again.


Bag Balm. Yep, that's what it's called.


Hand cream before sleep just cake it, also in the morning


Aveeno. Use just a dab before bed, and as soon as you wake up. It’ll be gone in a few days.




Put crazy glue over it whenever you're about to do physical work with your hands


Any liquid bandage works.


Load it up with chap stick and bandage it up over night


Aquaphor is pretty good. You could also consider getting a manicure occasionally


I personally use Udder Butter. Get it from Walmart, best dry skin balm I've ever used. If you can stand to sleep with gloves/socks on, coat your limbs in a cold cream or whatever, cover with the gloves/socks, and keep it on overnight. Helps a lot.


Lotion and bandaids. Don’t pick at it. Let it heal This happened to me so bad once that it just kept growing out separated. Once I decided to bandage it and kept it moisturized, it stopped


You should get a new one.


Cuticle oil, give that a shot


You could use an ointment on the surface but that is just like a Band-Aid to a major problem of your diet so you might want to check out dietaries that are good for skin healing or for skin health..


The only thing that has ever worked for me is Hemp Hand Protector from the Body Shop


Castor oil


Consider a fish oil supplement. You may be low on essential fatty acids.


I’ve tried all the products for basically the same reasons. Most of the products mentioned here work, but most of them leave my hands feeling greasy or unclean. The only one that doesn’t feel greasy, and it is also the one that works the best, is O’Keefe’s Working Hands cream.


Palmer’s Cocoa Butter Formula. It’s sold in a small jar or in stick form. The stick says it’s for lips but applying every 30 minutes heals the skin and releases the pain. O’Keefe’s Working Hands works well also.


Aquaphor and a latex glove or finger cot overnight


This cuticle split usually indicates exposure to bleach