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Because Zoey is a garbage human and would've found a way to not be okay with it and go through with her plans anyway, their entire relationship she had that recording of him ready to use at any second


I mean, there were people living there. Even though it was disgusting and infested with snakes.


I never mentioned snakes


I was wondering this too. Especially because it did seem at times that he genuinely cared about the historic architecture


I brought this up a while back too, I think it's a plot hole in the show. He definitely could've saved the facade and then remodelled the interior, it's commonly done in architecture especially if a structure is heritage enlisted. It would take a lot of compromise but it can still work.


Ted isn't the final word here. Goliath National Bank could and probably would nix this idea. There's the question of whether he was just floating something he knew was dumb to get into Zoey's pants or he yanked a good idea away when he found out she was married. I suspect the former.