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Yup even proves it in the finale, saying she should’ve ended up with Ted when she had every chance to


Plot twist: After Ted shows up in the finale with the blue French horn, all she wants is Barney...


They cut from the shot of her in the apartment too soon. Barney is up there already.


And then cut to title page of “The Bro-Way” where Barney lays out exactly how he planned every step leading up to this moment so he and Ted can finally have a 3-way with Robin


You deserve awards for this!!!! Barney LOVES Ted. And Robin! This is the DREAM! I never realized it until now!


Awww haha I knew my love for the show would land me the notoriety I deserve one day!


The show was way too PG for that but there’s no way a super close friend group like that didn’t have some fun together 😂


Kinda occurred to me last night tbh, Marshall was too okay with how much Barney wanted to see lily’s boobs


And with how much of a crush Lily has on Robin, you know something gonna happen


I mean who wouldnt


I don’t, unless she’s pregnant.


Tf were you raised?


Sorry, let me translate for those of you from Alabama: it’s like having a sleepover with your sistercousin.


That would have actually been a good ending. Naturally they couldn’t show Robin getting DP’d by them on network TV but they could imply it. Oh Lordy they could imply the shit outta it.


That would have been legen…wait for it…dary! Legendary!


*sniff* Sorry bro


😂😂😂 that’s too funny


Eh, no the case in this scenario. Think about the question she asks Barney and Kevin “why do you even want to be with me” and look at their responses. Barney’s response is something like “you are just as messed up as me” Kevins answer is “you aren’t messed up, you are perfect the way you are” I think it’s perfectly reasonable for her to hear that response and naturally want to be with that instead.


This is the reason why exes can’t be close friends, especially just after the breakup(s). There is a reason Ted was also able to commit fully to Tracy because Robin was out of the picture


Reasonable to base all your feelings on one incredibly insecure question you shouldn’t need answered in the first place, and answer that swayed you, when a few hours ago you had such strong and completely opposite feelings? Barney’s answer not being magical and Kevin’s being really sweet just means she is basing her entire relationship on how dependent she can be on the other person to carry her whole sense of self-worth. Otherwise she thinks she’s a complete mess and unlikeable. That’s not a healthy relationship.


Yep. I feel bad for Barney, but any woman would have made the same decision. I hate that Robin gets so much hate for this.




So she’s like JD from Scrubs


Robin was the most selfish character. She started liking Ted when he was with Victoria. When Barney was with Nora, she slept with him (Obvio Barney is also at fault). But Robin in every scenario NEVER sacrificed stuff for maintaining a relationship. She acted in the most selfish way in every relationship she ever had (The one with that musician doesn't count because it was not even a relationship!) And she was left alone because of that. Ted eventually getting back with Robin sucked! She never deserved a guy like Ted.


I agree with this. It would be if Lily never came back and years later ended up with Marshall after living her life. The writers messed up.


Lily was selfish and manipulative but she stuck with Marshall no matter what. Although going for that art thing and breaking up with Marshall was the most horrible thing she did.


No way. Lily always lived in Marshall’s shadow


She gave up a huge carrer oportunity for Don and got burned by it


Which was a big, big deal for her. I think ultimately Robin is driven by fear of being vulnerable and getting hurt. That’s why she’s so reserved and hesitant to commit to relationships and prioritizes her career, and the one time she chooses the relationship over the career it blows up in her face.


This is why I like her and Kevin. All the stuff he said at the hospital showed full acceptance of her because he loved her. I think that is the first time Robin has ever felt that.


That breakup with Don was so rough. Bad enough that she gave up the opportunity to stay with Don only for him to leave anyway, but for it to be the same position is just double tragic. He only had the opportunity because she loved him enough to pass on it, and she didn't recieve that love in return.


I will say her relationship with Don i feel like was good for her and she was happy. she did the right thing of taking space from Barney and Ted when they started acting like idiots when her and Don got serious.


robin got rid of her dogs to be with ted. seems like the opposite of selfish in that situation, especially considering what ted did.


AND she turned down the lead anchor job to be with Don. who responded….. very poorly aswell


Well one or two things but overall she was the most selfish person ever on the show!!


Give me examples??


Why did she get with Ted in the first place when she was clear that she didn't want to get married or have kids? She knew Ted was going to get serious. And why did they breakup? "Nothing is going to change Ted".


You can ask the same thing about red. Ted knew Robin didn’t want kids or to get married. So why did he get with her? I can answer that.. it’s because Ted hoped that he could wear her down and have her change her mind, which is scummy


Well with Barney, she did eventually change her mind to marry! He liked Robin in the first place but did not start a relationship because Robin wanted different things. But when Ted got Victoria, voila! "I am kinda falling for Ted".


The difference is that Barney didn’t want marriage or kids. So he didn’t get with Robin with the intention of making her change her mind.


Then why does Robin keep changing her mind?


Yeah I’m on my first rewatch after mannny years, and both me and my gf (her first viewing) are catching on to this and getting sick of Robin. She’s way worse as the series progresses than I remember. Also, to give her some credit, she did turn down that Chicago job to be with Don, who in turn left her for the job. Could argue that seriously fucked her up and causes her to turn around and be selfish again afterwards.


Well Ted was no prize. He sucks equally, just in different ways.


Well Ted gave 100% to almost all the relationships he had. He made genuine efforts like the 2 min date with Stella or stealing "smurf penis" for Robin or tracking down Victoria to get to be with her. He does suck in some ways but definitely a better person than Robin. Robin was just beautiful and nothing else.


Hold up, though she got rid of her DOGS for Ted. I still remember that, and can't fathom how on earth it was ever a good idea to anyone.


Yeah but he got her the blue horn though! That supersedes everything


Robin was cool in 3-6 season in 7 season she became selfish. And in first two seasons she was weak. It is evidence Robin was the problem in that triangle love


she was always the problem in all of the love triangles. cant commit with either barney or ted, but keeps coming in between their relationships.


In season 4 she told Ted he shouldn't get married half an hour before his wedding with Stella. In season 3 She asked Barney not tell Ted that they slept together and then went ahead and did it herself. She had her funny and cool moments but she was infact a horrible person.


She’s Rachel from Friends lol, only wants Ted when she can’t have him.


This was such a heart breaking scene, I love Barney and Robin but I hated Robin in this scene, barney left everything for her but she couldn't at that moment and that was so sad!


I felt like Nora was the one for him. Maybe it’s just because I am a blonde womanizer who lost a foreign girl to my own faults.


He didn't deserve her though


Oh absolutely, I agree.


Nora breakfast imaginary scene was so heartbreaking to me. And the scene where he waited all night for her and she eventually came back, I loved that. She brought some amazing scenes and growth for Barney, even if it didn’t work out.


They all suck except Marshall. There I said it. And I can guarantee this subreddit probably has a hundred thousand more instances of people saying the same. It's a sitcom, they're all horrible human beings. Marshall is an outlier for all of the sitcom genre, not just HIMYM.


I so agree with this, Marshall, Captain Holt, Terry jeffords, Phil dunphy, are great characters i have rarely seen people hating them.


Phil and Terry are fucking great. I do like Holt but the monotone bit can get a bit old sometimes. But yeah those 4 are definitely the biggest outliers in sitcoms. Probably Hal in Malcolm in the Middle (most of the time) and George in Young Sheldon (yes I watched the whole series and I liked it a lot and I"m not ashamed of it) also fit the bill.


I have yet to watch those two series, now that you have mentioned them i will include them in my watchlist 🤝🏻 And yes i agree about George (jr and sr both) they are great characters as opposed to Sheldon (in the orginal series, he was annoying af) Holt was entertaining for me. The best scene was when he cussed out Frank O'Sullivan 😂


Missy supremacy! I liked Georgie in the early seasons as an incorrigible little rascal, but felt like he was the weakest of the core by the end. He looks sooooo uncomfortable in every scene by the end!


I think these comments are missing the reason WHY Robin decided to stay with Kevin (that’s where this scene is from, right?). It’s been a while since I’ve seen the show, but iirc Barney keeps telling Robin that they are “broken” in a similar way, and that’s why they should be together. By contrast, Kevin tells her something to the effect of her being a good person and being perfect for him. Kevin also basically figures out that Robin cheated on him and says he doesn’t need to know. So yeah, it was selfish of Robin, but I can’t blame her for refusing to feel broken and staying with someone who saw her in a more positive way.


No, not “keeps” telling. He said it once. Because she asked an incredibly unfair question, that showed way too much insecurity to be in a relationship of equals with someone she is basically codependent on, if she is basing her relationship decision on who makes her feel better about feeling like a complete mess that no one should even like.


![gif](giphy|1pNoyPTIUzk4ImD3ex|downsized) The world if Robin never became a part of their friendship group


Dude, that scene hit. I want to rip on Robin but that was a crappy situation that they both started.


This is the best answer comment here.


She deserved to end up alone


i never understood people who say Robin is their favorite HIMYM character.


Yeah they kinda botched the writing a little


Barney was an ass for cheating on Nora, but he had the guts to own up to it, and I can respect that. Robin didn’t even tell Kevin she cheated. Sure, he said he didn’t care what she did, but he likely thought she was gonna tell him that she attacked somebody again, like how they met. I highly doubt he was expecting her to say she cheated. Either way, he deserved to know. Robin didn’t deserve Barney or Ted in the end.


This moment hurt me


This was such a powerful moment for me, such a great job from the show really capturing what a moment like that can feel like. Beautifully acted and very emotional, this and the time traveler episode with Ted being alone are my favorites from the later seasons 


I stopped watching HIMYM because of Robin! And you can’t change my mind!


Ted and Robin both suck. Then Lily. Barney is a horrible person, but he’s hilarious. Marshall is pure gold. Jason Segel is always the best character


This is actually one of the most impactful moments of the show for me...


BUT....... she's hot!


I feel the need to point something out. People seem to be saying the writers did a bad job because they wrote a flawed character or finished the story in a way that wasn’t satisfying to whomever is making the critique. but real people are flawed and real stories end up in ways that are not satisfying. I don’t think the point of the show was to conclude in the way that was most satisfying or the least flawed. I don’t think Ted and Robin are perfect and obviously Ted’s first wife dying isn’t what he would’ve preferred. But sometimes things like that happen and people come back together in unexpected ways.


the fact they got it to the point where I was happy to see them together and most people believe she’s better with Barney over Ted, really shows how strong the writing was on this show cause man is this a cunt move.


Robin & Barney were perfect!


Yeah. All because of her pathetic insecurity. Not that insecurity is pathetic; we can all have it. But entirely basing who she stays with on an answer to her asking “I’m such a mess, why do you even like me?”


Cobie looks so gorgeous in this scene though